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Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth-Century America

American gained its liberty after signing the treaty of Paris in1783 (Gordon 690), the

nation realized the freedom whereby everyone was on their own. As a result, there was the

formation of well-defined constitutions that governed the issue of slavery among others. So, this

was done because slavery was known as an enormous issue in the states and it was fond of

causing differences among the countries in the state's leading to civil war. Therefore, this paper

dwells more on the freedom, growth, and development of America that exists to date.

Outcomes of the 3/5ths Compromise

Disproportionate influence on the presidency

3/5ths Compromise affected the election of the president and other leaders in American

society. In this case, the popular voting was banned for both presidential post and other leaders

such as governors. Both were to undergo college elections other than the direct election to help

in balancing the interest of both high and low population states. On the same note, this balancing

of interest resulted because the American citizens in the vast continents lacked adequate

information on choosing directly among the leading presidential candidates. However, this

brought more confusion in the 1800 election whereby Thomas Jefferson was elected president

and Aaron Burr vice president since the republican electors lacked a well-defined formal way to
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elect the president and the vice (Gordon 690).In the real sense, they needed Burr to be the

president and Jefferson the vice president, not vice versa.

3/5ths Compromise led to Americans having an equal number of Free states as the slave states

As a result of 3/5ths Compromise made Americans possess the same number of Free states

as the slave states; this helps in balancing the interest of both high and low population. Under

this category, three out of every five slaves were counted as the people who would help in this

process. However, the purpose of this compromise was to give the Southern States third more

seats and a third more electoral votes than if the slaves were ignored but fewer in the cases where

slaves and free people are equally counted (Piar 857).

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Admission of Missouri into the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state

Missouri Compromise led to the admission of Missouri into a union as a slave state and

Maine as a free state. According to (Kass). This admission was opposed by many people since it

would ruin the balance that is present between slave and Free states in the union. On the same

note, Missouri would have gotten the opportunity to choose if they needed to be a slave state

since it was an original state. The compromise was to be replaced by the Kansas-Nebraska Act in

1854 since the American proved the compromise unconstitutional.

It led to civil war

Missouri compromise of 1820 led to the development of civil war because it causes

disagreement between the north and South America. The named areas disagreed due to the

slavery matter and the discrepancy between the two sides made the issue more controversial.

Both the two areas never wanted to be slave states and this causes a quarrel between them and as

a result, the civil war began.

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Compromise of 1850

It led to the formation of Utah and New Mexico states

The compromise above contains a variety of bills that were destined to stop the political

differences between free and slave states. The bills promoted the development of Utah and New

Mexico states to decide for themselves between slave state and Free State.

It forced federal judicial authorities to return fugitive slaves to the slave states

Compromise of 1850 forced the American judicial authorities to return the slaves who

had escaped to the slave states since it banned the issue of the slave trade in the Columbia

District. However, this was against the law which allowed the slaves in that particular place

Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

The Act repealed the Missouri Act of 1820

The Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 put to an end the Missouri act of 1820 (Piar 780).

Because it banned slavery in the northern side hence interfering with Missouri act that promoted

slavery in those areas. As a result, the Missouri act was repealed.

It led to the "bleeding Kansas' phenomena

Under this category, the formation of the Kansa-Nebraska act led to the formation of two

distinct opposing legislatures in Kansas territory. As a result, war erupted with the anti-slavery

forces; this war led to the death of a large number of individuals leading to the nickname

bleeding- Kansas to the territory.

The Dred Scott Decision

Led to the development of civil war

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According to the Dred Scotts decision, the Free State slaves were entitled to freedom

since black Americans could not be American citizens. This made the African American society

angry hence leading to the tension of civil war.

It led to the victory of Abraham Lincoln

The American Supreme Court ruled out in Dred Scott's verses Sand Ford case that black people

will never be chosen to power (Kass). So, this promoted tension between the south and north

hence creating an issue between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas contesting for the senate

seat (Kass). Therefore, since Douglas won the senate seat, Lincoln was automatically nominated

to the presidential seat.

The Three reasons why slavery was, and is, incompatible with the American political and

economic system

Slavery was incompatible with the American political and economic system because it

never respected human rights as required by the law of the United States of America.

Also, slavery could not support politics because it is not transparent and was full of

injustice, lie, and suffering which are not supported by the American political constitution.

Slavery cannot be compatible with the American political and economic system since it

led to a crisis in the constitution whereby many issues were left unattended. On the other hand, it

was bad for the economy since it made the States dependent on forced human labor.

List three to five (3-5) driving forces that led to the Civil War

The nomination of Abraham Lincoln to power created tension between the north and

south America hence leading to civil war

American state never respected the rights of the African- American this fueled

disagreement between the two hence civil war

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Slave trade causes wrangles between the people who wanted it destroyed and the ones

who wanted it to be conserved hence leading to civil war

Slavery also causes the difference between the slave-free states and the slave states

thereby leading to civil war.

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Work Cited

Gordon, Sarah Barringer. "Blasphemy and the Law of Religious Liberty in Nineteenth-Century

America." American Quarterly 52.4 (2012): 682-719.

Kass, Leon. Life, liberty and the defense of dignity: the challenge for bioethics. Encounter books,


Piar, Daniel F. "Majority Rights, Minority Freedoms: Protestant Culture, Personal Autonomy,

and Civil Liberties in Nineteenth-Century America." Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 14 (2015):


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