Mark 1: 16 - "A Fisherman Into A Modern Sea"

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Lark Murry

Theme: A Fisherman into a Modern Sea

Mark 1:16-20 (ESV)

16 Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon

casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 17 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I
will make you become fishers of men.” 18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
19 And going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who

were in their boat mending the nets. 20 And immediately he called them, and they left their
father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him.

A story was told to the children. It goes like this. Once there was a little girl who was longing to
see her father for long time. She was so enthusiastic to see and to go with her father. One a.m.
she was excited for being with her friends playing around and having lots of fun. We all know
that children love funs. And while they were having fun, she saw her father coming towards her
and just a moment she fled to her father. Her heart was overwhelmed with joy, and she forgot
everything she was doing even her friends, because she knew that her father was so much to her
and everything to her more than anything.

Theme: A Fisherman into a Modern Sea

Here we will be meditating gospel according to Mark chapter 1:16 follows till 20. When we
study the previous text, we see that Jesus Christ was on mission. Jesus Christ had already arrived
in Galilee to proclaim the kingdom of God (1:14). To make us more crystal in our meditation, I
put three categories via, (a). In the midst of Audition, (b). No doubt on Him, and (c). What
would you leave? We will be dealing a bit details.

a. In the midst of Audition (v.16)

The Sea of Galilee; was in the northern of Palestine. It was also called “Sea of Tiberias” (John
6:1). In the era of Old Testament they called it Sea of Chinnereth (Number 34:22, Joshua 12:3).
The Sea of Galilee was a mountainous region that extended from the Lake of Galilee north to the
Lebenon Ranges. The Sea of Galilee is an oval long and six broads. It is 60 miles of North
Jerusalem and 27 east of the Mediterranean Sea. The initial ministry of Jesus Christ began from
Galilee and He spent maximum time in Galilee Seashore proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

Simon and Andrew; as Jesus Christ was passing the Sea of Galilee proclaiming the Kingdom of
God He saw Simon and Andrew. Who were these two brothers? Both of them were so busied in
their business. The word of God says that they were casting their net, which means they were so
passionate for their work. They were very careful even in little things and that why they were
mending net, because they were fishermen in profession. Both of them were so unique in their

Simon; Simon was also called Peter or Cephas which means “the Rock” (John 1:42). He was a
man of no halt or in other word a man with no second thought. He was quite different from the
other disciples. He spoke whatever it comes in his mouth without any left and for that we see
him in many occasions with Jesus Christ (Matt 16:23; Mark 9:5; John 6:68, 13:19). But on the
other hand he realized himself that he was a sinner man, unworthy “Depart from me, for I am a
sinful man, O Lord” (Luke 5:8).

Andrew; he was very good in bringing people to Jesus. Being a fisherman he knew how, where,
and when to throw the net, so do he knew whom to bring to Jesus. We see him in three junctures
where he took big responsibilities. After he met Jesus Christ he did not stop there for himself
saying that am done since I have already met the Messiah. But rather, he rushed himself to called
his brother Simon Peter “we have found the Messiah” (John 1:41). When Jesus and the crowd
were on the mountain Andrew brought a little boy to Jesus Christ “there is a boy here who has
five barley loaves and two fish” (John 6:9). Andrew also brought some Greeks who wishes to see
Jesus Christ (John 12:20-22).

You are so unique and different from others because that what God made you with His purpose.
You may be calm or harsh person, but I want you to know that God wants to motivate and equip
you of being who you are.

b. No Doubt on Him (V. 17-18)

Jesus Christ saw these two brothers casting net into the sea and the moment He saw them, He
knew their hearts. He understood their heartbeat so He called them saying “follow me and I will
make you fishers of men”. Jesus came to Galilee to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and when He
saw them Jesus didn‟t ask them to listen or repent, but Jesus already understood their
willingness. Both the brothers were not like an ordinary people or fishermen, so Jesus called
them to fallow Him. If we read the text we don‟t see Jesus telling them to reach a particularly
destiny to reach there. He just said “and I will make you fishers of men”, and immediately the
brothers followed Him.

The two brothers didn‟t know where they would be going. They were blind, no notion at all for
their journey but they followed Him. The two brothers were fishermen by profession and they
were casting net, because that was their job. Here we see a beautiful thing. When Jesus called
them, Jesus didn‟t ask them to forget their profession as fishermen or Jesus didn‟t tell them that
He will make them ministers, or to make them rich. But Jesus Christ told the two brothers that
He will make them “fishers of man” because Jesus knew their task, and immediately the two
brothers left their nets and followed Him. Jesus Christ just called the two brothers as they were.
The two brothers didn‟t ask why they should follow Him leaving their profession. I believe they
met for the first time, but without any question or doubt they followed Him as He called.

God knows the hearts of the people and He calls according to that. God calls you as who you are.
I don‟t think that God would call only those who are well educated. He doesn‟t only looks for the
qualification in academic, but He is also looking at your level. The only thing He seeks is
commitment, willing hearts like Simon and Andrew, not qualification. I don‟t say that
qualification is not important, it is very important but more that commitment and willing heart is
much important to be fishers of men.

If you are educated and God is calling you to be a fishers of men be glad and like Simon and
Andrew follow Him willingly without any question. And if you are not like person who is
educated don‟t think that God will not call you, am pretty much that He will surely call you and
calling you. Are you willing to follow Him? Don‟t budded whither you are educated or not He
just want you to be committed to Him. Simon and Andrew were fishermen but God used them
mightily and the same God can use you if you are willing to follow. Follow Him when He‟s
calling you.

c. What Would You Leave? (V. 19-20)

Now, the two brothers were with Jesus walking alongside of the seashore and going little further
Jesus saw another two brothers i.e. James and John the sons of Zebedee. These brothers were
also fishermen by profession. And being fishermen, they were in their boat mending their nets
with their father Zebedee like Simon and Andrew (1:16). We often see them with Jesus (Mark
9:2, 10:35). These two brothers were also quite unique. They were also called „Boanerges‟ which
means “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17). They were brave men, or in other words they were full of
fire. They wanted to repay hand to hand without any excuse “___they said, “Lord, do you want
us to tell fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” But Jesus turned and rebuked
them” (Luke 9:54-55).

By the moment He saw them, He knew all about their hearts and attitude of what they will be.
Jesus knew their incontrollable hearts, but still He called them. And when they were called,
immediately they followed Jesus Christ leaving behind their boat and father with the hired
servants. They left everything they had, their prestige or their richness. I believe Zebedee was
well known, respectful people by the society that why we see his name throughout the book or
entire Gospel (Mark 1:19-20, 3:17, 10: 35; Matt 26: 37; John 21:2). It‟s ok to left behind their
boat and servants or their status, but leaving behind their father would be difficult. I believe the
relationship between the sons and the father was pretty good and that why they were working
together, but here we see gigantic changes took place. The two brothers didn‟t worry about their
status. Of course! Father was so tectonic for them but they were not worried for that. They
believed in their calling and the moment they heard Jesus calls they left behind everything and
followed Him.

You may be rich or well known by people, but the question is what would you leave behind for
the sake of Christ? Come out from your comfort zoon, if God is calling you to be fishers of men.
For John and James their father and reputation was so much for them, but for the sake of Christ
they left behind and followed Him with gladness in their hearts. They understood who was
calling them and by once they followed Christ to be fishers of men.

You may love your family so much more than anything in this world, or you might have good
reputation, however the question is who is greater, God! or family or reputation? John and James
understood that God was greater than anything else, so do; you should understand who is greater
to you.

People of God, God don‟t look for good-looking or good reputation, or education, or richness.
He is looking just one thing i.e. commitment and willing heart to follow Him to be fishers of
men. You don‟t need to be like others. You can follow Him just as you are. And God is calling
you to be “fishermen in this generation”, so be like Simon, Andrew, John and James. Like the
little girl, know and understand who is more important to you. In our scenario, people like you
are needed who is willing to follow Christ and to throw the net.

May the Spirit of God help us to understand in following Him. Amen..

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