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Which one of the following statement are true? the fourth generation of
remote control system for low speed main engines made by New Sulzer
Diesel or MAN B&W.

What is this? this is the Emergency Control El-box used for informing the
operator about safety actions and direction of rotation as well as for cancelling
shut-downs and emergency stop.

Try to place the different units beside their correct description.</txt>

=This is the Bridge-panel which enables the operator to carry out

Operations and gives information about different status in system.
The panel is also used for commissioning.

= This is the Engine Control Room-panel, which is a

display and
control panel It enables the operator to carry out certain
operations and gives information about different status in the
system .The panel is also used for commissioning /txt>

Place the different Units in their correct position.</txt>

From where does Autochief 4 takes RPM command information? bridge

telegraph lever.
How does the bridge unit transfer command to ECR unit? serial

What component is installed at all three locations in AC4 remote control

unit? order printer unit

Pneumatic Valve Cabinet controls? starting of Main Engine

The pick-up for measuring RPM is located ........... in the Control Room

In AC4 remote control system; manoeuvering of ME can be carried out

from? bridge

What are the functions of “Cancel” buttons? all the three functions

Name the field that contains “Rough Sea Mode” function? other functions

If you are maneuvering from Engine Control Room, will the telegraph
order be recorded at the Bridge OPU? yes

Digital Governor Unit receives speed command through? ECR Telegraph

System Warning &amp; System Fail indication will be activated when

………..the RPM Detector system has failed

The reversing of Main Engine is done through a set of

………….Pneumatic valves

During normal operation from Bridge the Main Engine can be stopped
by……………Bridge Telegraph

Slow turning Diode will be illuminated when Engine has been stopped
for …………….more than 30 minutes

The bridge panel is subdivided into how many fields? 11

Engine Room Panel is subdivided into how many fields? 11

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