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When you take a taxi or Uber do you tend to talk to the driver?
Uber has launched a quiet ride service which means that passengers can request that
a driver refrain from talking to them during their trip. Do you think it is a good idea?
Read the first part of the article and find out what the journalist thinks of the new service.

The Guardian June 2019

their trip. that nuisance or bother is

If you’re reading this an undesirable aspect to our
thinking, “Great, now rich lives, that everything must be
people have even less reason faster, smoother, quieter. It’s
to talk to people outside their a warning that we are falling
bubble of wealth,” then you’re victims to convenience.
not alone. Uber passengers We are not to be
will be exposed to even fewer interrupted, or embarrassed,
diverse experiences, and will or disturbed. The child crying
stop hearing stories that reach on a flight? An outrage. A
Uber’s quiet ride option is into their hearts and knock on crappy Netflix suggestion?
a warning: we are falling the door of their empathy. Abhorrent. The overly chatty
victims to convenience And I hate this. Not just shop assistant? Daft! Now,
Uber has launched a quiet because we need to hear believe me, I judge not. I am as
ride service in the US, which stories and talk to people irritated and wound up as the
means that passengers can from diverse backgrounds, rest of them. Convenience is
request that a driver refrain but because it’s a signal that addictive, it leaves me craving
from talking to them during we’ve fallen prey to the idea more and more simplicity.

What are the benefits of hearing stories and talking to people from diverse backgrounds?
In what ways do you think we are falling vicitims to convenience?
The journalist goes on to say that we can outsource pretty much every aspect of irritation
in our lives. What examples of that do you think she gives? Read the next part of the
article and check your ideas.

or pain. Like a dystopian sci- internet.

fi plotline, we are allowing Think about that for a
Silicon Valley to make our lives moment – all the things we
as convenient and seamless are rarely or no longer doing.
as possible. We are in the Soon we will not be driving
process of bidding farewell in traffic, or waiting for a
to dragging toddlers around bus, we will not search for
a speciality shop in search of a parking spot, we will not
a particular item; these days pace up and down the aisles
a mindless nudge of a button of a supermarket, we will not
You can outsource pretty brings it to our door in record wait in the checkout queue.
much every aspect of time, swathed in protective It’s a wonderful dream, not
irritation in your lives. But you foam, products birthed from having to do all of these
can’t outsource loneliness, the algorithmic womb of the mundane, boring things. We

are exceptional individuals, frustration. These are bad real connection. Except that,
profoundly busy ones. Our things, we’re told. What could well, it’s not.
time is of utmost importance, possibly come of being bored
so it’s best if we’re not and frustrated? And why on
wasting it finding the right Earth should we have to deal
light bulb. Convenience, with people that we don’t
suddenly, is a commodity in know? We hate small talk.
and of itself. A mechanism It’s meaningless, futile. It’s
to avoid other people and an expression of intellectual
boredom and annoyance and mediocrity and an absence of

The journalist says: Small talk is an expression of intellectual mediocrity and an absence
of real connection. Except that, well, it’s not. Why do you think she says it isn’t?
Read the next part of the article and find out.

we might think there’s no waiting for the bus. The little

point waiting around at our white earbuds, and their more
local coffee shop when you aggressive, noise-cancelling
can pre-order your flat white cousins, are shielding us from
on an app, studies prove us this terrible outside world.
wrong. Baristas, cashiers, And we are lonelier than
yoga teachers – these are all ever. Our communities are
people that might recognise disintegrating, whether it’s
you, and people that are the corner store bought by
Studies have shown that worth talking to, even if it’s a billionaire developer or
regular interactions with just a quick nod of the head. churches being replaced by
weak ties, or acquaintances, But there’s an app for Instagram or the fact that I
can drastically improve your everything now, which means have never met or even seen
mental health and feelings no more phone calls to the my nextdoor neighbour. We
of connectedness. So while pizza shop, no chit-chat while are at a crisis point.

Do you think we are lonelier than ever and at a crisis point?

Read the final part of the article and summarise in your own words what the journalist
says we need and what we should do.

I climbed into the back seat conversation didn’t change my

of an Uber, ready to listen to life, but when I arrived home
a podcast in peace on my ride I felt light, happy. I smiled and
home. To my frustration, the laughed with my driver. The
driver got talking. He wanted small talk reminded me of
to practise his English on generosity and graciousness
me. I relaxed and engaged, that exists in humanity, and
and we had a pleasant that is something worth being
15-minute conversation reminded of.
A few days ago, earphones about rental prices, Germany I would argue that
already locked into my ears, and gentrification. This we actually need to be

inconvenienced, frequently. we check our never-ending it. Walk to the train station
We know we need to connect stream of DMs and emails without distraction, taking
with other human beings and WhatsApps. in the smells and sounds of
instead of shouting into the So, instead of plugging in your town. And for goodness
echo chamber of Facebook your AirPods and listening to sake, have a chat to your Uber
and Twitter, but do we know a podcast on how to better driver. You never know, you
that strangers fall into this connect with your loved might even enjoy it.
category? We need the ones, or how to market
fleeting intimacy and bad your startup, or how to be
jokes and exaggerated smiles as productive as humanly
that come with conversing possible, try something new.
with an Uber driver much Make small talk. Make eye
more than the promise of contact. Perhaps give a non-
a silent chauffeur, whizzing creepy smile to someone
us through the city while that looks like they need

Do you agree with the journalist?

Choose the correct word to complete the expressions in these extracts from the article:
1 If you’re reading this thinking, “Great, now rich people have even less reason to talk
to people outside their globe / bubble / balloon of wealth,” then you’re not alone.
2 …it’s a signal that we’ve fallen pray / prey / pay to the idea that nuisance or bother
is an undesirable aspect…
3 It’s a warning that we are becoming / tripping / falling victims to convenience.
4 We are in the process of bidding / giving / showing farewell to dragging toddlers
around a special / specially / speciality shop in search of a particular item…
5 We hate little / tiny / small talk.
6 …a podcast on how to better connect with your lovely / love / loved ones…
7 And for goodness / good / goodly sake, have a chat to your Uber driver.
Complete these sentences with the expressions.
1 I don’t mind __________________________. I am happy to talk about the weather and
how my day is going with a taxi driver or shop assistant.
2 Most politicians are not connected to the average person on the street and live in a
___________________ political priviledge.
3 It is difficult not to ___________________________ modern marketing. It is pervasive
and very convincing.
4 _________________________________, please tidy up in here. It’s a total mess.
5 After the tsunami, people searched for their ________________ who had gone missing.
6 The player ___________________________ to the fans after his last game for the club.
7 “I need a needle for my record player.” “You’ll have to go to a ______________________
for that. You won’t find one in a general store.”

Write sentences of your own with the expressions.

e.g. I fell prey to online fraudsters and my bank account was hacked.

What does the highlighted expression in this extract from the article mean?

The Guardian June 2019

And why on Earth should we have to deal with people that we don’t know?

There are other expressions with Earth in English. What do you think these mean?
1 heaven on Earth
2 bring (someone) down to Earth
3 disappear off the face of the Earth
4 the four corners of the Earth
5 hell on Earth
6 promise the Earth
7 the salt of the earth
8 move heaven and Earth
Match the expressions to the definitions below.
__ genuine, unpretentious, and morally sound
__ do everything that one can to make something happen
__ something that is very enjoyable, pleasurable, etc.
__ cause someone who is being overly optimistic to remember or consider reality
__ an awful or extremely unpleasant situation or circumstance
__ very unique or distinctive; very untidy or very unattractive
__ promise something that is not feasible or cannot be done
__ vanish completely and without a trace
__ everywhere; all parts of the world
Complete these sentences with the expressions:
1 Has anyone talked to Nina lately? It’s like she ___
2 Jemima’s cookies are delicious. They’re ________
3 I had to ________________________________ to get
a flight home at Christmastime.
4 Politicians _______________________________ and
then deliver nothing.
5 Even with all his success, Robert is still ______________________________________.
6 Athletes came from ________________________________ to compete in the Olympics.
7 This place has been ____________________ ever since the new manager took over.
He is horrible.
8 I hate to be the one to ___________ you _____________________, but things aren’t as
good as you think.

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