Operation Node B With Hyper Terminal PDF

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Operation Node b with

hyper terminal
RAN workshop internal

 Operation with hyper terminal
 Physical connection
 Basic command
 Load firmware to CBU nodeB
 Backup firmware of CBU nodeB

 Plan Time
 Presentation: 20 Minutes
 Question/ Answer: 10 Minutes

RAN workshop internal | 2011-01-18 | Page 2

Physical connection
 RS232 connection to CPP node
Hyper RS232

OSE shell (COLI)

TELNET (23) / SSH (22)

HTTP (80)
Ethernet TCP/IP FTP (21) / SFTP (22) File system
CM (Configuration Mgmt)
IIOP (56834) MIB
/ FM (Fault Mgmt)
SSL IOP (56836)

PM (Performance Mgmt)

 The following O&M services can be accessed in the node by RS-232:

 OSE shell (COLI): provides a set of commands on each individual board. Mainly
geared towards trouble-shooting, not intended for configuration. When IP connectivity is
not available, the OSE shell can be accessed via the serial port on the central MP
 File service: for transfer of files between to/from the node (SW files, log files,….)
RAN workshop internal | 2011-01-18 | Page 3
Physical connection
 CPP functional structure

W CDMA T D -S D M A CD M A2000 MGW LTE S im u la to rs :

R N C /R B S R N C /R B S B S C /R B S RBS c o rb e n ,3 g s im
e r n c s im ,m g w s im

( M T P 2 , M T P 3 , M 3 U A , S C C P , ...)

IP T r a n s p o r t A T M T ra n s p o rt
( E t h ., IP , U D P , R L P , S C T P ...) (A T M , T D M , S D H , P D H , A A L , S A A L )

In t e r n a l T r a n s p o r t
( N e tw o r k s y n c h , A t m s w itc h , E t h e r n e t s w it c h )

C o n tro l
( E q u ip m e n t m g m t , S W lo a d in g , S y s t e m u p g r a d e , O & M , T r a c in g ,
R e s t a r t s , F ile s y s t e m , O p e r a t in g S y s t e m , ...)

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Physical connection
 RS-232 Serial cable

6 3
9 Front 4

RS-232 Serial cable

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Physical connection
 Configuration Hyper Terminal software
 Use hyper terminal - RS 232 from PC to Node B, port ‘Test’ of
 Press ‘Enter’ and you should see ‘$’ appearing, if not check the
cable connections!

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Basic command
1. Check current ip address of Node
$ ifconfig
Interface: le0
2. Reload node B
* To put GPB in back up mode, Note IP address, subnetmast all will be lost
$ reload --
OSE Delta PowerPC krn-750/R2.1.2
Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.3.
Stop due to remain in backup set

* To put GPB in nomal mode

$ reload
OSE Delta PowerPC krn-750/R2.1.2
Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.3.
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Basic command
3. Ip nodeB config
Should not see previous IP setting as all is lost when in backup mode - need to define

$ ifconfig le0 netmask broadcast

Interface configuration never made for le0
IP address must be set via command:
Usage: ifconfig <ifname> [<address>] [netmask <mask>] [broadcast <address>]

4. Set user &password node

Enter new password: rbs //(rbs will hide when type on window)
Re-enter new password: rbs //(rbs will hide when type on window)

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Basic command
5. Check capacity hard disk
Should see /d and /c2 volumes (/c2 indicates that it’s the backup)
$ vols
volume total used free frw device unit
/ 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FR-
/null 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FRW
/d 292M 47M 16% 245M 84% FRW idedd 0 <4-599999>
/c2 781M 107M 14% 673M 86% FRW idedd 0 <600000-2199999>

6. Scratch hard disk

Scratch hard disk - sector d
$ formathd /d
All data on volume will be destroyed. Continue? y/n (n) :y
Scratch hard disk - sector c2
$ formathd /c2
All data on volume will be destroyed. Continue? y/n (n) :y

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Basic command
7. Check all current CV on node B
$ cv ls
Please wait for list....
Name: OPER_Manual
Date: Thu Jan 1 06:57:45 197
Id: 1
Type: other
Package upgrade: CXP9012959/1_R9AF03
Operator: ephupha
Comment: IUB_finish

8. Check CV startable
$ cv cu
Startable: rbs_basic_cv
Loaded: rbs_basic_cv
Rollback status: Rollback is on
Rollback init timer: 30
Rollback init counter: 5
Rollback counter: 3
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Basic command
9. Read current clock for nodeB

$ readclock
Date: 2011-01-18 Time: 10:00:29. Tuesday

10. Set clock to nodeB

$ setclock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

$ setclock 2011-01-18 09:59:00
Date and time set ok

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Basic command
11. Check load module for nodeB

$ pglist
Program Information:
Handle : 1
Status : run
Resident : True
Name : CXC1320785_R10M%1
Argv :
………………… to …………………..
Handle : 37
Status : run
Resident : True
Name : CXC1321395%2_R2A01
Argv :

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Basic command
12. Make new CV
$ cv mk <CV_name>
$ cv mk IuB_Config_CV
Please wait while database is writing to disk.
Writing the database file can take minutes...

13. Remove or delete CV

$ cv rm <CV_name>
$ cv rm IuB_Config_CV

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Basic command
14. Get trace and error log on CBU
$ te log read
[1970-01-01 00:01:26.884] Osa_sysmgr_proc log_mgr.c:3917 INFO:Node event IN_SERV-01 00:00:41.680] Osa_upgrade
Control_proc upgrade_control_server.c:1409-01 00:00ICE-OPERATIONAL sent to AVLI /vobs/cpp/struct/design/CEL
[1970-01-01 00:01:26.884] Osa_sysmgr_proc log_mgr.c:2449 INFO:Write Node event c-01 00:00:41.680] Ipom_vls_backend
_proc vls_proc.c:1084 INFO:AAQ server INFO:REG
onfirm, sequence=6CONFIG: ownState=N
[1970-01-01 00:01:26.884] Phy_equipment_proc eqmtfro.c:6910 INFO:PIU oper state be allowed

15. Clear all log trace and error

$ te log clear

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Basic command
16. Checking O&M transport
$ Ping <IP add terminal>
$ ping
* / is alive

17. Restart node

$ restartObj me [<restartRank>] <restartReason> [<restartInfo>]
$ restartObj me warm 1

restartRank: has to be warm, refresh, cold or coldwtest.

restartReason: has to be one of the following integer or string values
0 - reconfiguration
1 - external_problems
2 - upgrade_problems
3 - O_and_M_problems
4 - cyclic_recovery
5 - locked_resources
6 - perform_HW_test
7 - call_processing_degradation
8 - low_coverage
9 - board_upgrade
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Basic command
18. Checking LED status on board
$ Vii
----- VII SERVER INFO -----
registered clients:

LED State

19. Remote to Board

$ lhsh 00xx00
$ lhsh 000200
Welcome to OSE Shell ose5.3.

* Note: 00xx00: xx is slot position

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Basic command
20. Exit to directory
> exit
$ lhsh 000200
Welcome to OSE Shell ose5.3.
000200> ls
Directory '/'
000200> exit

21. Check status license key of nodeB

$ license lkf
License Key File Status : 2 (LKF_ERROR)
Additional Info : Faulty fingerprint in the license key file.

RAN workshop internal | 2011-01-18 | Page 17

Basic command
22. Check list loadmodule loaded
$ listloaded
Load module id: CXC1720957%1_R40D01
Load module path: @(#)/vobs/rbs/hw/cbd_common/generic/build cbd_rn_
rbs.ppc ppc eraasli
Load module version: @(#)CXC1720957/1 R40D01
2009-03-03 16:27:48 GMT
Install handle: CXC1720957%1_R40D01
Entry point: 2d63133c
Base address of the text region: 2d610000
Size of the text region (bytes): 00051000
Base address of the data region: 26890000
Size of the data region (bytes): 00002000
Number of sections in the load module: 19

RAN workshop internal | 2011-01-18 | Page 18

load firmware to CBU nodeB
 Step by step
1. Reload node with backup mode
2. Format 2 hard disk d & c2
3. Configuration IP node
4. Configuration new User name & Password node
5. Used LAN cable connect to node via Eth port
6. Running Total Commander software
7. Make new connection to nodeB
8. Transfer data 2 hard disk d & c2 from PC to nodeB
9. Reload node with normal mode
10. Set startable INITIAL_CV and restart node.

RAN workshop internal | 2011-01-18 | Page 19

load firmware to CBU nodeB
1. Reload node with backup mode
$ reload --
OSE Delta PowerPC/OSE4.4.3 2.8.3
Stop due to remain in basic/backup set
Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.4.1.
2. Format 2 hard disk d & c2
$ formathd /d
All data on volume will be destroyed. Continue? y/n (n):y
Formating Hard Disk...
$ formathd /c2
All data on volume will be destroyed. Continue? y/n (n):y
Formating Hard Disk...
$ vols
volume total used free frw device unit
/ 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FR-
/null 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FRW
/d 292M 0M 0% 292M 100% FRW idedd 0 <4-599999>
/c2 706M 0M 0% 705M 100% FRW idedd 0 <600000-2046239>

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load firmware to CBU nodeB
3. Configuration IP node
$ ifconfig le0 netmask broadcast

4. Configuration new User name & Password node

$ passwd
Enter new password: rbs //(rbs will hide when type on window)
Re-enter new password:rbs //(rbs will hide when type on window)

5. Used LAN cable connect to node via Eth port

Use Emily-LAN cable connect to PC and Eth port
on CBU board
Set IP for PC: IP:, Subnet:

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load firmware to CBU nodeB
6. Running Total Commander software

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load firmware to CBU nodeB
7. Make new connection to nodeB

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load firmware to CBU nodeB
8. Transfer data 2 hard disk d & c2 from PC to nodeB

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load firmware to CBU nodeB
8. Transfer data 2 hard disk d & c2 from PC to nodeB
When transfer completed

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load firmware to CBU nodeB
9. Reload node with operation mode
$ reload
OSE Delta PowerPC/OSE4.4.3 2.8.3
Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.4.1.
$ Start of @(#)CXC1321445 R7C01 2004-11-09 09:15:23 MET 868add0c-0923391b-2c5b

10. Set startable INITIAL_CV and restart node.

$ cv set INITIAL_CV
$ restartObj me warm 1
OSE Delta PowerPC/OSE4.4.3 2.8.3
Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.4.1.
$ cv cu
Startable: INITIAL_CV
Executing: INITIAL_CV
Last created: rbs_baseline_revB
Rollback status: Rollback is on
Rollback init timer: 30
Rollback init counter: 2
Rollback counter: 0

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Backup firmware CBU nodeB
 Step by step
1. Reload node with backup mode
2. Configuration IP node
3. Configuration User name & Password node
4. Used LAN cable connect to node via Eth port
5. Running Total Commander software
6. Make new connection to nodeB
7. Transfer data 2 hard disk d & c2 from nodeB to PC
8. Reload node with operation mode
9. Check CV startable and operation status nodeB

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Questions & Comments??
Thank you for listening!


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