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Importance of Regional Languages:


To understand his fellows and to be understood by them, men were impelled to the production of
language without which they could not communicate with each other. The desire of communication was
the main cause of language making. Nowhere has the old proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention”
received a better illustration than in the history of language; it was to satisfy the wants of daily life that
the faculty of speech was first exercised.

Its importance to the society lies in the following:

1. Easy Social Contact:

Firstly, it makes social contact easy. Society, as we have seen, is a web of social relationships which imply
development of social contacts among the individuals with language contacts become easy to be
established because men can easily exchange their ideas. 

2. Culture Carrier:

Language helps or hinders the spread of culture. Ideas require language. Sometimes an idea or concept
is hard to translate because the language has no words with which to express it. We are facing this
difficulty in our country because Hindi, our national language does not possess terms for a number of
English words used in sciences. The culture that exists at a given time and place has come from the past
and is the result of accumulation of things, attitudes, ideas, knowledge, error and prejudice. The animals
as we have seen are incapable of speech except for a few sounds and so incapable of having any culture
and civilization.

3. Easy Conveyance of Ideas:

Language gives a capacity for conveying ideas about a great variety of things. In times when there was
no language the ideas were transmitted by signs or cries which were not easy to interpret. Man felt
great difficulty in the clear expression of states of emotion. There was no uniformity of these signs or
cries. Some of these signs were quite complicated, for instance, ‘man’ was denoted- by extending the
forefinger, the rest of the hand being shut, and drawing a line with it from the pit of the stomach down
as far as can be conveniently reached.

Conclusion: In 2017, WB government made compulsory to learn three languages from class 1 to 10th.
This method would enable them to reach regional, national and international standards. It is being
noticed for some time that the current generation practically stays away from regional language and
literature. Those from English medium schools have poor knowledge of regional languages. This is
unfortunate and that’s why I think making regional language compulsory is necessary. It will not only
pass value of the core place but students will also know about their roots.

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