Environmet Global Warming 832020

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Writing task 2: (Environment)

Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is
facing today. What are the consequences of global warming and what
measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?
It is irrefutable that in this day and age, global climate change has
emerged as a public concern that is one of the most problematic
mission toward government all over the world as a whole. This
phenomenon is attributable to many predominant factors, and steps
can be taken to alleviate this alarming issue.

Looking more closely into the matter, it is understandable why the

global warming’s consequence has unfavourable impact on the
ecosystem as well as the daily life. Firstly, melting-ice in North Pole
owning to the rising temperature has been an upsurging problem in a
few years recently and it can lead to inevitable aftermaths. For example
it is not only the result toward the disappearance of the region
dedicated to North Pole fauna, but also a rise of sea level and tide by
degree causing a huge damage for fishermen due to lack of sea
creatures. Furthermore, weather extreme conditions in all over the
world have turned to be an alarming level, associated with adverse
repercussion to global citizens. As an illustration for this can be seen
that summer temperature in some countries could reach a point about
60 degree, which poses a serious threat to dwellers’s heath.
Following aforementioned consequences , an increasingly abundant
number of resolutions should be proposed to tackle the global heating.
One effective measure to this is to alleviate the emissions from engine
vehicles which is a useful protection to air environment . The authority
should propagate the public campaigns in terms of the alternative
means of transportation that are environmentally friendly and time-
saving for citizens and do not require fossil fuels to operate. In addition,
the restriction of exploiting forests could be an appropriate method to
prevent the planet from further destruction. Stricter punishments
should be imposed for loggers, as well as the inhabitants should be
encouraged to increase the green cover in the surrounding./ constrain
In conclusion, there are some negative results stemming from
atmospheric warming, accompanied with several resolutions have
mentioned above.

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