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My No: SLAGMLT/Gen/2020 (10)

Date: 2020.03.14

Mrs. BadraniJayathilake
Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine
Colombo 10

Essentials for the Medical Laboratories of COVID 19 Patients Handling Hospitals

As per our information CMLS.SL has provided an comprehensive proposal regarding establishing safe
medical Laboratory set up in 20 hospitals where COVID 19 infected patients are treated. I would like
to draw your attention to this proposal in the letter of CMLSSL/Gen/2020 (03) dated on 03.02.2020.

Unfortunately still Ministry of Health has not paid attention regarding these basic requirements and the
process of establishing safer laboratory set up in these identified 20 hospitals where the investigations
related to COVID 19 infected patient management are carried out.

We do believe it is important to provide safe work environment for the healthcare workers and it is
predictable that COVID 19 infected patient number will be increased during next few weeks. With this
situation it is important to pay your prior attention on these basic laboratory requirements for safe
handling specimens of COVID 19 infected patients in order to ensure uninterrupted laboratory service
and prevent the risk of spreading out the disease. We would highlight that it cannot be satisfied with
the available basic laboratory facilities in most of these laboratories at all.

Hence, we would summarize the minimum laboratory requirements to be provided for the 20 hospitals
where COVID 19 infected patients are handled in order to provide safe work environment preventing
spread of the disease.
I. Fully Automated Biochemistry Point of Care Testing Analyzer Processing with Whole
II. Point of Care Full Blood Count Analyzer with Close Processing System (Analyzer with
CRP testing is the ideal requirement)
III. Class II Safety Cabinet
IV. Portable Air Sterilizer
V. Required Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) Laboratory masks, Overcoats and

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VI. Separate room facilities or partition the lab premises to handle COVID 19 patient’s
VII. Rapid Test kits for screen COVID 19
We would kindly request you to arrange a discussion with laboratory professionals including
CMLS.SL, SLAGMLT and other relevant parties to discuss this matter immediately.

Thank you
Yours Faithfully

Ravi Kumudesh

1. His Excellency the President Gotabaya Rajapakshe
2. Hon Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine
3. Director General of Health Services
4. Deputy Director General (Laboratory Services)
5. Deputy Director General (Medical Services)
6. Relevant Instituonal Heads
7. Relevant Sup. MLTT and CMLTT

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