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WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1155

13 fEB 2008
Ref: 06-F-1532

Mr. David Barstow

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Dear Mr. Barstow :

Enclosed is an interim rele ase of response to your April 28, 2006
Freedom of Information Act request, as modified by your letter date d February 13, 2007 .

The Office of the Assistant ecretary of Defense, Public Affairs (OAS D CPA)),
has pro vided the enclo ed documents as responsive to your request. Th ese 620 pages of
OASD (PA) e-mails have been 'Bates Stamped ' from 3 154 to 3777 to as i t you in
reviewing this respon e. Pu rsuant to a recent agreement b tween the Department of
Defense (DoD and the ew York Times this offi ce continues to process the e-mail
account of one OA D (PA) employee and twel e e-mail accounts from the Office of the
ecretariat. Responsi e e-mails, if any will e pro ided to you upo n completion of our
rev iew .

Ms. Allison Barber, an Initial Denial Authority for the OASD (PA), ha
determ ined that some of the redacted in formation is exem pt from release because it
pertains to internal matters of a relatively tri ial nature tha t do not shed significant light
on an agency personnel rule or prac tice. In this instance, the redacted informat ion
cons ists of non-public DoD telephone and room numbers. Addition ally, portions of the
withheld information arc spec ifically exempted by 10 U.S.C. § 130b, which applies to
personally identifiable information of personnel in overseas, sens itive or routinely
deployable positions. Oth r deleted informatio n exempt from release pertains to certain
inter- or intra-agen y comm unications protected by the atto rney-client privilege . Finally
some information is withheld because rele ase would cons titute a clearly un warranted
invasion of the personal pri vacy of individuals . The redacted information under this
exemption co nsists primarily of home/e-mail addresses social security numb ers and
pers onally identifying information of DoD p rsonnel. It has be n DoD po licy to
withho ld lists of names and other personally identifying informatio n of DoD personnel
since the Pre ident declared a national em rgency following th terrorist attacks on the
United tates in 200 1. Consequently, this information is den ied pursuant to 5 .S.C. §
552(b)(2)(low), (b)(3) (b)(5) and (b)(6).
Please note that Bates numbers 3250 through 3253 were not used in this release.
As you requested, we are providing the information to you in hard copy and on the
enclosed compact disk.


Will Kammer

As stated

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