Signals and Sytems - TA2 - Laplace Transform

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Assessment: 2

Course: Signals and Systems (ENT- 312)

Semester: Vth Session 2019-20

1. Consider the signals given below:
A. x ( t )=−e−t u(−t)
B. x ( t )=ea t u(−t)

Find out the Laplace transform for both of the signals and sketch the associated ROC for each signal.

2. Verify the properties of Laplace transform mentioned below:

A. Time-shifting
B. Time differentiation
C. Time Convolution
3. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the given s-domain signal,
s2 +2 s +5
X ( s )= 2
(s +3)(s +5)
4. Using the differentiation property find the inverse Laplace transform of,
X ( s )= 2
(s +a)
where ℜ( s)>−a.
5. Using the Laplace transform, find out the output response of the system defined as input
response x (t)=eαt u (−t) and impulse response h ( t )=e−αt u(t).
6. Show that
A. x ¿
B. lim
x ( t )=lim s X (s)
s →0
7. Using the various Laplace transform properties, find out the Laplace transform of the following
A. e−at cos ω0 t u(t)
B. t u (t)
8. Sketch the ROC for each signal given below,
A. e−a|t|

B. ∑ δ (t−kT )
2 s+ 4
9. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the X ( s )= 2 , where −3 ≤ ℜ ( s ) ≤−1.
s + 4 s +3
10. The output y (t) of a continuous time LTI system is found to be 2 e−3 t u(t), when the input
x ( t )=u (t).
A. Find the impulse response h(t) of the system.
B. Find the output y ( t ) , when the input x ( t )=e−t u (t).
11. Find the frequency response of the RC circuit shown in Figure below. Plot the magnitude and
phase response for RC=1

12. Verify the following properties of Fourier transform,

A. Parseval’s relation
B. Frequency convolution
C. X ( ω )= X (−ω)
13. Find out the Fourier transform of Gaussian pulse signal x ( t )=e−a t for a> 0.
14. Find the Fourier transform of the signal using Duality property
sin at
x ( t )=
15. Find the inverse Fourier transform of the signal given below and also draw the time response of
the system
sin 2 3 ω cos 2 ω
H ( ω) =

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