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• September 15 (Saturday) – Long Quiz #2

• Coverage:
• Newton’s Laws of Motion;
• Freefall Motion;
• Projectile Motion;
• Momentum and Impulse
• Law of Conservation of Momentum

• September 20 (Thursday) – PETA #2 Minute-to-Win-It



•When an object falls
under the influence of
gravity alone, it is in a
state of free fall
•In the absence of air
resistance, all objects
falling near the earth’s g = acceleration due to gravity
= - 9.8 m/s2
surface fall with a velocity of a falling object = g x time
constant acceleration
Dropped from Thrown vertically Thrown upward at an angle
rest upward to the horizontal

➢ Freely falling objects

Acceleration due to Gravity (g)
• g = (-) 9.80 m/s²
• g is always directed
downward, toward the center
of the earth
• Ignoring air resistance and
assuming g doesn’t vary with
altitude over short vertical
distances, free fall is
constantly accelerated motion
Which is safer to catch……..?

a stone dropped from a stone dropped from

the main building? the BGPOP?
(for uniformly accelerated motion*)
d = displacement
t = time interval
vi = initial velocity
vf = final velocity
a = uniform / constant acceleration

* constant acceleration and constant


d = displacement
t = time interval
vi = initial velocity
vf = final velocity
g = acceleration due to gravity
Important to Remember

•An object in free fall experiences an acceleration of -9.8


•If an object is merely

dropped from an
elevated height, then
the initial velocity is 0
Important to Remember

•If an object is thrown upwards

in a perfectly vertical direction,
then it will slow down as it rises

•The instant at which it reaches

the peak of its trajectory, its final
velocity is 0 m/s
1. Candidate number 2 Princess Khim Santillan
dropped her false teeth while she is introducing
herself, and it hit the ground after 2.3 seconds. What
was the velocity of the teeth before it hit the
Given: Vi = 0 m/s
t = 2.3 s
g = 9.8 m/s2
Vf = ?
Formula: Vf = Vi - gt

Vf = 0 m/s – [(9.8 m/s2) (2.3 s)]

= - 22.54 m/s
2. Marco threw his cap after the graduation
ceremony with a speed of 6.30 m/s. Compute its
velocity at 5.01 s?
Given: Vi = 6.30 m/s
t = 5.01 s
g = 9.8 m/s2
Vf = ?
Formula: Vf = Vi - gt

Vf = 6.30 m/s – [(9.8 m/s2) (5.01 s)]

= -42. 80 m/s
3. A body falls freely from
rest, from a height of 25 m.
Find: a) the velocity with
which it struck the ground;
b) the time it took to reach
the ground.
4. Princess Thea dropped
her cellphone from the
11th floor of the BGPOP
bldg. It reached the
ground after 8 seconds.
Compute for the velocity
before hitting the ground
and the vertical distance.
What will happen if there is no air resistance?
• A raindrop falling from an
altitude of 1000 m would
acquire a velocity of about
140 m/s by the time it
reaches the ground level.

• The impact of this on a

person would be great
enough to cause physical
Motion and Forces in Two Dimensions:

Projectile Motion
• the motion of object in two dimensions
(horizontal and vertical components)
- an object following a projectile motion is
called a projectile
• Gravity is the only force acting on a projectile
• the path that a projectile follows is called its
- trajectory of a projectile results in a
parabola (since it moves both along
the horizontal and vertical directions)
• Since a projectile
moves in two
therefore it has two

✓Horizontal velocity
✓Vertical velocity
Projectile Motion
Horizontal Velocity (Vx)
▪NEVER changes → covers
equal displacements in equal
time periods
▪Initial horizontal velocity =
final horizontal velocity

▪Horizontal velocity is
CONSTANT, because gravity
DOES NOT work horizontally to
➢ Consistent with Newton’s First increase or decrease the
Law (Law of Inertia) velocity
Vertical Velocity (Vy) Component

▪ CHANGES (due to gravity) → DOES NOT cover equal displacements in equal time periods
▪ Both the magnitude and direction change:
▪ If direction is UPWARD, magnitude DECREASES
▪ If direction is DOWNWARD, magnitude INCREASES (because of gravity)
Combining the 2 components:
▪Together, these
produce a
trajectory or path
(characteristic of
all projectiles)

Component Magnitude Direction

Horizontal Constant Constant
Vertical Changes Changes
Horizontally Launched Projectiles

Horizontal velocity is unchanging. Vertical velocity is changing due to

gravitational acceleration.
Horizontally Launched Projectiles
Vertically Launched Projectiles

The horizontal velocity component remains the same throughout the entire
motion of the cannonball.
Vertically Launched Projectiles
Projectiles launched at different angles.
Vi sinθ – gt
Initial Vertical velocity: Vyi = Vi sinθ
Time to reach maximum height:
x = horizontal distance
y = vertical distance
Vi = initial velocity
Vx = horizontal velocity
Vy = vertical velocity
Vxi = initial horizontal velocity
Vyi = initial vertical velocity
R = horizontal range
h = maximum height Vi2 sin 2θ
t = time g
1. A pep squad flyer was basket tossed to the other base with an
initial velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal.
Determine the peak height of the pep squad flyer, the total time of
flight, horizontal displacement (range), the horizontal velocity, and the
vertical velocity at 2 s.
Given: Vi = 25 m/s
𝞱 = 45°

H = Vi2 sin2 θ t = 2Vi sin θ R = Vi2 sin 2θ

2g g g

Vx = Vxi = Vi cos θ Vy = Vi sin θ – gt

2. A cannon ball on the ground is fired at 35o with an initial velocity of 250
a) How long will it take to hit the ground,
b) how far from the cannon ball will it hit the ground, and
c) compute for the maximum height to be reached by the cannon ball.
Given: Vi = 250 m/s
𝞱 = 35°
2 2
a b
2 c i
ii i
3. A soccer ball was hit and moved upward at a 50 degree
angle with an initial velocity of 40 m/s.

a) Find the total time of flight

b) What is the horizontal distance reached by the soccer
c) What is the maximum vertical distance reached by the
soccer ball?
d) Compute for the horizontal velocity
e) Compute for the vertical velocity at 2.5 seconds

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