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Class : 2 KBG 1 / 14
NIM : 1831310087

D. Comprehension
D.1. Check
1. What is the function of foundation?
- The function of foundation is carry the weight of the structure to the stratum of soil
on which it rests, called the foundation bed.
2. What is the best of foundation bed? Why?
- The best foundation bed is rock. Rock is usually preferred because it will support
bearing pressures up to 15 tons per square foot. Gravel will support loads of 4 tons
per square foot. Sand will support an equal weight if the lateral pressure can be held
back. Clay, if it can be kept dry, will support 2 tons per square foot
3. What weight will sand support?
- Sand will support an equal weight if the lateral pressure can be held back
4. What is a reinforced concrete?
- it is the other material which for making foundation. may be a single unit or a
separate unit
5. What if the foundation bed is not strong enough to support a structure?
- The building will collapse. Because foundation is the main structure in a bulding.
Usually the collapse of the building is market by cracks in the wall

D.2. Check whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE according to the text.
1. Foundation supports the load of a construction. (TRUE)
2. Foundation bed is the soil stratum where a construction rests. (TRUE)
3. Several types of foundation beds may be used for construction. (FALSE)
4. Locality is important to choose the type of foundation bed. (TRUE)
5. Sand and gravel do not support loads of the same weight. (FALSE)
6. Dry clay supports the least load. (TRUE)
7. Footings lie after the bed. (TRUE)
8. Piles and piers are solutions to weak soil. (TRUE)
9. Stronger substrata are usually deeper than the weak strata(TRUE)
10. Pre-cast type needs a mechanical hammer to drive it. (FALSE)

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