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Sto Niño De Novaliches School Inc.

#36 Buenamar Subd. Novaliches Proper Nova Q.C



Submitted By:

Frentz Baron A De Vera

August 9,2019


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For this research I want to introduce the issues/problems that is affecting our Earth’s

This topics are the Effects of the Climate Change, Air pollution
Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and normal weather patterns in a
place. This could refer to a particular location or the planet as a whole. This is the result
of global warming happening on Earth. It is an increase of the overall temperature on the
planet due to the burning of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, oil, and coal. These materials
releases certain gases into Earth’s atmosphere while the gases trap the heat from the Sun’s
rays inside the atmosphere that causing Earth’s average temperature to rise. Climate is
measured over a long period of time whereas weather can vary daily, or from year to year.
The effects of climate change make average temperatures and weather patterns more
Air pollution is the presence of undesirable substances in the air. It is the mixture of
solid particles and gases in the air. The effect of the large air pollution is enough to produce
harmful or deleterious effects on human health, vegetation, materials and visibility. The causes
of air pollution is the sulfur dioxide emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels, like coal,
petroleum and other factory combustibles.
Overpopulation is also one of the causes in air pollution and climate change. Due to the
overpopulation many peoples use too much of electricity. Overpopulation also affects us
because it is pressing many environmental issues like the consumption of finite natural
resources, such as water, arable land and fossil fuels. There are many people die every hours,
day, months and years, but the births is higher than the deaths of the peoples.
Each country are facing so many problems in this year and the past year, yet many
people is still doing something, such as throwing garbage anywhere and other that can cause
of problems to their own country and to the Earth. Improper waste disposal has many negative
side effects to our community and Earth. It can cause serious problems like other waste will
eventually rot that causes a bad smell, but not all of waste rot. Some of negative impacts of
improper waste disposal are the bad impacts to human health, soil, water and soil
contamination, impacts on animals life in land and marine, and disease-carrying pests.

The Climate Change in the Southwest of United States is affecting everything in there
such as water. Due to the increased of heat, drought, and insect outbreaks the wildfires also
increased. The Climate Change could revive Medieval Megadroughts in Southwest, but the
scientists can’t understand why there is a clustering of megadroughts happened in the past. If
the scientists know, it can help us better to predict whether, how, and where it might happen
in the future. The Southwest of the United States is the hottest and driest region. The changes
in rain and snowpack sends many effects throughout the region’s critical agriculture sector. It
is affecting lives and economies of 56 millions of people. The number and percent of the
population that the scientists expect will increase 68% by 2050, to 94 million. The region’s
populous coastal cities is facing the rising of sea levels, extreme high tides, and storm surges.
Climate change in Southwest will increase stress on the region’s rich diversity of plant and
animal species.
China is the biggest polluter among the country’s on the Earth. Due to the 152 coal-fired
power plants in Hebei Province caused the 75% or 1.2 millions of premature deaths in China.
In the study of air pollution, if the coal continues to be the major energy source Air pollution
will remain a serious problem in China. Their Air pollution affects the whole environmental
growth. China is the most populated country, but also inside the China there is the most
populated city. It is Xingtai this is an industrial city in China that has a total of population
around 7.1 million on its metropolitan area. A large population in China cause the pollutions,
because of it all or some city in China’s streets are filled with more vehicles that emits so many
carbon dioxide. The province of Hebei is the China’s center of pollution. The other four cities in
China that is also part of most populated cities are the Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Handaan and
Henshui. China is fighting the pollution they are making efforts to combat the pollution.
Overpopulation is causing the Earth to be extinct because of the humans. Due to the
overpopulation many peoples using too much of electricity that causes the climate change and
global warming to out earth.

Climate Change Could Revive Medieval Megadroughts In US Southwest

(Foreign News 1)

What is the first comprehensive theory for why there were megadroughts in the
American Southwest. There is an author who found out that ocean temperature conditions plus
the high radiative forcing. If the Earth absorbs more sunlight than it radiates back into space is
the important roles in triggering megadroughts. The study suggests an increasing risk of future
megadroughts in the American Southwest due to climate change. This study is not just only for
the people who are in the Southwest, it is a study for everyone to be aware on what the
Climate Change do to other country’s.
Air Pollution in China that causes Premature Deaths
(Foreign News 2)

China is the most polluted country, but even they are they use everything that they had
to lessen the air pollution. But still their pollution is still increasing because of the large
population on each cities in China. Some people in China doesn’t care about the pollution of
their own country, not only in China. Others still do what ever they wants even it can affect
their country and also the Earth. This study is not just only for the residence of China, but to
all of us.
Philippines Ranks Third in Air Pollution Deaths. Here’s What Needs to Be Done
(Local News 1)

Manila, Philippines: Just thinking about going anywhere in the Metro Manila area gives me a
headache; imagining how to deal with the heat, getting enveloped in black exhaust smoke and
feeling the dirt slapping me in the face when a car zooms past me – it all just turns me off.
Sometimes when I give in to the urge and walk to the nearest coffee shop for a fix, I end up
looking and smelling like I’ve been living out in the streets for days. It’s why I’d rather relish
my cup a’ java at home where I can strip off the city grime from my hair, skin and the insides
of my nose and drink contently without having to worry about breathing in polluted air.
We can live without nourishment for maybe a month but a few minutes without oxygen can
send us to our graves. But what happens when the air we need to sustain us is dirty?
Here in the Philippines, there are high levels of pollutants in our air, and when you walk
around the city, it’s quite common to see people wearing face masks to avoid air pollution.
Now a well-rested, average adult breathes in about eight litres of air per minute which is
roughly 11,000 litres of air per day. There’s a lot of contaminants in those 11,000 litres. The
poor air quality isn’t just impacting adult health either, it’s affecting kids too. Children are
increasingly developing respiratory and immune system problems.
Air pollution also causes deaths through diseases such as lung cancer, stroke, pulmonary
disease and acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia.
There are more than two million vehicles registered in the national capital region. That’s just
the registered ones. So if you combine this number with the total of all the other preexisting
and unregistered transportation operating in the region including motorbikes and jeepneys,
that equals a whole lotta traffic, a whole lotta vehicle emissions and a whole lotta pollution.
(Local News 2)

Too many people. Too little space.The Philippines has one of the fastest growing
populations in Southeast Asia. From having fifty million inhabitants in 1980, the Philippines
today is home to around ninty million people with 11 million living in Manila only. Living place
is becoming increasingly satuarated. This overcrowding is causing a range of problems such as
lack of education, lack of healthcare, unemployment and general poverty. Photojournalist Mads
Nisssen visited some of these overcrowded areas in Manila and poses the question how will it
be in thirty years time when the Philippine population is expected to have doubled to over 180
million inhabitants.With every passing second, there are more and more of us. By the year
2050, the global population is expected to pass nine billion people, a significant increase from
the six-and-a-half billion today. In the Philippines, they are already running out of space. The
capital of Manila is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world.
In a corner of the Northern cemetery, Venanjo Sison is standing on top of a coffin and taking a
bath. Like many other of Manila’s residents, he is forced to live wherever he can. His home is
made of wooden planks and scrap pieces of plastic. The Philippine capital is one of the most
overpopulated places on earth. There are few other areas where so many people live so
closely together: On average there are 41,282 people per square kilometre, but in some slum
regions there are as many as 88,000 people living per square kilometre.
The worlds overpopulation is a growing and complex problem.

Today’s generation most of the Filipino’s have no discipline in putting the garbage in the
right place, some of them will just recklessly throw anywhere even others can see or not.
Because of this many of the Filipino’s will have sick or disease, such as heart and lung disease
that other humans might die. This study is not only for the country of Philippines to avoid, but
also for the other country’s to avoid the improper waste disposal that cause a problem to out

We must stop burning fossil fuel, dry leaves, lessen the smoke that came out from the
factories and the other things that is affecting the Climate Change. People must follow
everything to lessen the issues or problems that is affecting all of us and also the Earth.
China’s air pollution must decreased because as times goes by the other country that is
near in China will also be affected if the pollution will continue in increasing. People not only in
China must lessen the use of electricity, fuels, and transportation too avoid the increase of
pollution on our planet that can cause life on Earth will be extinct.
We also need to stop the overpopulation because it contributes too much problems to
our Earth. To reduce the population growth to each country’s the tax of the parents that has
too many children must be higher, use of contraception, abstinence. Throwing anywhere must
stop because it is one of the causes of air pollution, floods, and other that is affected. I
suggest that anywhere must put a garbage bin that separates the biodegradable and non-
biodegradable. We must save the earth not to ruin it if all of these issues will continue we will
probably be extinct in the years that will come.

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