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Corporate Credit Card Charge Authorisation Form

Plus500AU Pty Ltd understands that a corporate/company credit card was used to deposit and/or withdraw funds on
your personal Plus500 trading account. Accordingly, you are required to arrange for a duly authorised representative
of that Company to complete and sign this authorisation form. Once the form is completed, please return it along
with legible copies of the documents required.

Corporate Credit Card Charge Authorisation Form

I/We, __________________________________________________________________________,
[Full name and position held at Company]
of _____________________________________Business Registration Number_______________________,
[Name of Company/Business Name]

hereby authorise previous payment(s) made to Plus500AU Pty Ltd from the company/business account

I/We, understand that the payments were for ________________________________________________.

[Type of Charge – e.g. Personal Expense]

I/We affirm that, as authorised representatives of the above mentioned company/business, I/We
am/are legally authorised to grant the use of the credit card account number specified below.

Card Number: _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ Expiry Date: _ _ / _ _

Cardholder’s Full Name: _____________________________

I/We understand and agree that the charges are irrevocable and may not be charged-back at any time
in the future.

Date: _________________ SIGNATURE(S): ___________________________________________

Required Attachments

Copy of government issued photo identification card of company signatories (e.g. passport);
Copy of credit card used (front and back).

With this document, the Company authorises the use of the credit card in question on the Plus500
trading platform. Payments from this card will no longer be accepted. However, we are obligated
to send funds to their source of remittance.

Plus500AU Pty Ltd. is registered in Australia (ACN 153301681) and is authorised to provide services to Australian residents under Australian Financial
Services Licence No. 417727, to New Zealand customers under Derivatives Issuer Licence in New Zealand, FSP No. 486026 and as an Authorised
Financial Services Provider #47546 in South Africa. You do not own or have any rights to the underlying assets. Please consider our Risk Disclosure and
Product Disclosure Statement (see our website) before making a decision to acquire or continue to hold our products. Trading with us involves risks.
Australia - | New Zealand - | South Africa -

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