Differentiation Via Digital Delivery 4.0 - Tool + Service Solution

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Differentiation via Digital Delivery 4.

0 – Tool + Service = Solution

Communication among machines, communication among machines and
“things”, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, decision-
supporting systems and personalized mass production are the technology
 Big data and cloud computing would allow us to analyze a great
amount of data, then to optimize workflows according to that.
 Making data accessible to stakeholders in a transparent way, and
afterwards, we can visualize it in order to support their decisions.
 With artificial intelligence, we decentralize decision-making, thus
taking some of the burden off main decision-makers.

Using central repositories of information such as those generated by computational design workflows in
combination with wireless technology there is the potential to create systems that allow computer-
based algorithms to control or monitor buildings and infrastructure will become the norm.

Rather than mono-directional coordination of information confined within spreadsheets or PDFs - cyber-
physical systems present us with bi-directional information that can be used to monitor the
performance of assets in real-time and alert us to problems before they arise in the physical

Our clients have an ever-increasing acceptance of how accurate digital data and technology can be used
to improve how they design, build and maintain assets. The conversation has developed from
information modelling to information management and analysis, with technologies such as wireless
sensors, real-time tracking software and data fusion.

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