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Good Day, my excellent students of Industrial Engineering in LOB Course.

This is an Individual Assignment to be uploaded to designated Assignment Session.

To begin with,

You are required to read the Information Session, as the basis for your analysis and then


(Question #1,
You are able to proceed to answer the Question Session

Question #2 and Question # 3) by submitting the answer in

Professional Cover format, with your Name, NIM, my Code: D3676 Dr. Khristian Edi Nugroho
Soebandrija, BSIE, MM; course number, course name and Binus University Logo.

You need to answer all of questions in 100 % ENGLISH.

(Don’t worry about your English Grammar. The evaluation is
more into your systematical and logical answer as engineer).
Finally, please upload to Assignment Session as your Individual Session.

Thank you.


Dr. Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija, BSIE, MM.

Stay at Home. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy for our beloved family, country, global citizen.

Amin. Amin YRA.

I. Information Session
The purpose of this Individual Assignment is to be aligned with the Learning Outcomes in our LOB
course, from

 LO1 Explain individual behavior and process related to work performance (individual
behavior, perception and learning, work emotions and attitude, motivation)
 LO2 Demonstrate team process through project presentation
 LO3 Recognize contemporary views of best practice in organizations
 LO4 Explain organizational process (structure, culture, change)
 LO5 Criticize leadership and its effect to organizational functioning through case study

First, it equips you with comprehensive understanding on the LOB Theory.

Note: Please make sure you review and refresh the power point slides, as posted in Binusmaya, for topic
of Session 1 until Session 7, with 3 grand topics of: 1. Effective Managers Understand Organizational
Behavior; 2. Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior; and 3. Groups Behavior and
Interpersonal Influence.

Second, it trains you to have comprehensive view of Industrial Engineering, along with the
multidisciplinary within IE and/or across other engineering disciplinary. To some elaboration, your
comprehensive views relate to one of the following streams of Manufacturing (MFG), Service (SVC),
and/or Supply Chain Management (SCM).

Third, it expands your open mind toward industry of MFG, SVC or SCM; and its company name.
Ultimately, it embarks you to well preparation to your internship, final project ; and professional work or

Above all, to some extent this individual assignment is to prepare you

toward thinking framework to answer Mid Term Exam (Ujian Tengah
Semester) and/or Final Term Exam (Ujian Akhir Semester).
II. Question Session

In bigger perspective, this individual assignment refers to the representative of MFG, SVC and SCM.
Precisely, you need to proceed to the following website of
company-profiles-august-2019.pdf . You need to download the PDF file from the mentioned website.

After you download the PDF file, you need to go to one of the pages in Page XY


For this Individual Assignment you may choose ONLY 1 (ONE) from the following 3 (THREE) Industrial
Engineering Stream, which is either MFG, or, SVC, or SCM and its company name.

But, for the Mid Term Exam (Ujian Tengah Semester) you are
required to be ready to evaluate the following 3 companies ,
representing either MFG, or, SVC, or SCM and its company name of ASTRA, or BCA or UNILEVER:

For MFG: 4 ASII Astra International Tbk. [S] (Automotive And Components, Page 42)

For SVC: 5 BBCA Bank Central Asia Tbk. (Bank, Page 81)

For SCM: 43 UNVR Unilever Indonesia Tbk. [S] (Cosmetics And Household, Page 54)

To some extent, you have to have at least two other references from one of your chosen company’s
references, in term of:

a. Website and its Human Resources toward LOB Theory; and

b. Journal and/or textbooks that are published from 2015 until 2020. Thus they are not older than 2015.
You need to answer all of questions in 100 % ENGLISH.
(Don’t worry about your English Grammar. The evaluation is
more into your systematical and logical answer as engineer).
Before answering the following questions, please remember:

For this Individual Assignment you may choose ONLY 1 (ONE) from the following 3 (THREE) Industrial
Engineering Stream, which is either MFG, or, SVC, or SCM and its company name.

But, for the Mid Term Exam (Ujian Tengah Semester) you are
required to be ready to evaluate the following 3 companies ,
representing either MFG, or, SVC, or SCM and its company name of ASTRA, or BCA or UNILEVER:
SCOPE: Comprehensive understanding on the LOB Theory.

Question 1-1:

Choose one of sub topics to explore from either 3 grand topics of: 1. Effective Managers Understand
Organizational Behavior; 2. Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior; and 3. Groups Behavior
and Interpersonal Influence.

Question 1-2:

Elaborate that in at least 2 (two) paragraphs, using table and/or diagram as illustration.

Question 1-3:

Then, you need to analyze and discuss by referring to session of Human Resources and/or Corporate
Culture, in either page 42, or, 81 or 54 onward.

Note and Source: .

For MFG: 4 ASII Astra International Tbk. [S] (Automotive And Components, Page 42)

For SVC: 5 BBCA Bank Central Asia Tbk. (Bank, Page 81)

For SCM: 43 UNVR Unilever Indonesia Tbk. [S] (Cosmetics And Household, Page 54)
SCOPE: Comprehensive view of Industrial Engineering, along with the multidisciplinary within IE and/or
across other engineering disciplinary. To some elaboration, your comprehensive views relate to one of
the following streams of Manufacturing (MFG), Service (SVC), and/or Supply Chain Management (SCM).

Question 2-1:

You are now the President Director of this Company. Given the company profile in either page 42, or
81 or 54. What are your a. Strategic (Conceptual), b. Tactical (Human Interactions), and c. Operational
(Technical) approaches ?

Note and Source: .

Question 2-2:

Elaborate your answer of a, b and c. Then, prove your answer by rewriting one of paragraphs from
that company profile (Either profile of Astra, or, BCA or Unilever) that support your answer.

Question 2-3:

Then, elaborate the application from Industrial Engineering, in particular from Engineering Economy
and Deterministic Optimization.
SCOPE: industry of MFG, SVC or SCM; and its company name. Ultimately, it embarks you to well
preparation to your internship, final project ; and professional work or entrepreneurship.

Question 3-1:

You are now the President Director of this Company. Given the company profile in either page 42, or

a. Problem Definition, and b.

81 or 54. What are your conclusion about the

Background of the Problem.

Note and Source: .

Question 3-2:

Elaborate your answer of a, b and c. Then, prove your answer by providing sources from website of
either Astra, or, BCA or Unilever that support your answer.

Question 3-3:

Then, elaborate the application from Multidisciplinary Engineering, in particular from Environmental
Engineering and Sustainability Engineering, that relate to your problem definition in question 3-1.
Uploaded Assignment
Finally, please upload to Assignment Session as your Individual Session, in MS Word Format

in Professional Cover format, with your Name, NIM, my Code: D3676 Dr. Khristian Edi Nugroho
Soebandrija, BSIE, MM; course number, course name and Binus University Logo.

You need to answer all of questions in 100 % ENGLISH.

(Don’t worry about your English Grammar. The evaluation is
more into your systematical and logical answer as engineer).

Thank you. Good luck for your Mid Term Exam Preparation (Ujian Tengah Semester).


Dr. Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija, BSIE, MM.

Stay at Home. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy for our beloved family, country, global citizen.

Amin. Amin YRA.

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