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Clasa/nr. ore pe săpt.: a V-a A,B- 2 ore/săpt.

Manualul: Snapshot Starter

Units planning 2012/2013

Unit Abilities Structures H Wee Notes

ou k
1. Starting the first 1. Greetings 8 1-2-
term 2. Child about himself 3-4
3. School/class and the specific objects
4. Family
5. Daily activities
6. Colours
7. Animals, insects
8. Parts of the body

1.1 Copilul despre sine (Child about himself)

2. It’s great to be here 1.2 Talk about personal details 3 5-6
! 2.1 Greet people and exchange names.Ask someone’s age.
2.3 Verb to be singular.Question words:What?,How
2.4 (old)?,Who?.Demonstrative pronouns:this / that.Indefinite articles:a /
3.2 an.Possessive adjectives:my,your.
4.2 Common objects and furniture.Numbers 1-20.

1.1 Introduce people.Great people you know.Ask where people and things 6-7-
3. Who’s Em ? 1.2 are. 4 8
2.1 Verb to be singular.Question word:Where ?Possessive
2.2 adjectives:my,your,his,her,its.Genitive apostrophe s
2.3 ( *s).Prepositions:in,on,at.Definite article:the Including a
2.4 Common adjctives:right,wrong,big,small,hot,cold,hungry,thirsty,tired. test paper
3.1 Titles:Mr.,Mrs.,Miss.,Ms.

Fast rewind Revision
5 I’m French- 1.1 Talk about your nationality and say where you are from ? 2 8-9
Canadian. 1.2 Plurals of nouns.Verb to be plural.
2.1 Countries and nationalities.

Can you spell that, 1.1 Ask for and give telephone numbers.Ask for and give names and 4 9- Including a
6. please ? 1.2 adresses. 10- test paper
2.2 Verb can (request).Question word:When? Prepositon on with days of the 11
2.3 week.
2.4 Greetings through the day. Numbers 20-100. The alphabet. Days of the
3.1 week.
Fast rewind Revision
8 From one country 1.2 Consolidation of skills 2 11-
to another 3.2 12
Project 1: Snapshot 4.2
of me
I’ve got two sisters 1.1 Talk about your family.Talk about people’s appearance. 3 12-
1.2 Possessive adjectives:our,your,their.Genitive apostrophe 13
2.2 s:singular(’s),plural ( s’).Verb have/has got.Some and any .Question
2.3 words:How many ?,Why?.Linker:because.
2.4 Family members.Personal appearance.

Do you like heavy 1.2 Talk about likes and dislikes. 14

9 metal ? 2.3 Present Simple.Adverbs of degree:very much,a lot,at all.Object 2
2.4 pronouns:me,you,him,her,it,us,them.
3.1 Types of music.

Starting the second

Revision Exercises 2 15 Emphasis on
present simple
Can I come too ? 1.2 Ask for permission.Ask and say the time.Buy things in shops. 3 16-
12. 2.3 Present Simple with fixed times.Question words:How long ?,How much 17
2.4 ?Preposition of time:at.Verb can (permission).
3.2 Clock times.Fast food and drinks.English money.

13. Welcome to 1.2 Ask and say where places are.Ask and talk about places and 3 17-
Brighton. 2.3 facilities.Make suggestions with let’s. 18
2.4 Prepositions of place:in/on( a road ),next to,near,behind,in front of,in
3.1 the center of,on the corner of,opposite, is and there
3.2 are.Indefinite pronoun:one.Verb want + infinitive.
4.2 Places in town.Leisure activities.

Six of a kind 1.2 Consolidation of language and skills 1 19

15. 2.3
16. I never go straight 1.1 Ask and talk about daily routines. 1 19
home. 1.2 Present Simple for routines.Linkers:first,then after that.Adverbs of
2.3 frequency:always,usually,often,sometimes,never.
2.4 Daily activities.


17. Can you scuba 1.1 Ask and talk about things you can do.Ask and talk about dates. 4 20- Including a
dive? 1.2 How often?with adverbials phrases of frequency.Verb can 21 test paper
2.3 (ability).Gerund (-ing form) after like,love,hate.Prepositions in and on
2.4 with dates.
4.1 Sports and activities.Months ans seasons of the year.Ordinal numbers
4.2 with dates.
Fast rewind Revision
19. What’s Daniel 1.2 Describe what’s happening now.Give orders. 3 22-
doing? 2.3 Present Continous.Positive and negative imperatives. 23
2.4 Rooms and parts of the house.

What are you going 1.2 Comment and clothes.Make plans. 23-
20. to wear ? 2.3 Verb going to for future plans and intentions .Too + 4 24-
2.4 adjective.Demonstrative adjectives:these / those. 25
3.1 Clothes.Colours.
Fast rewind Revision
21 Born in China, 1.2 Consolidation of language and skills. 1 25
made in Brazil 2.4
22 Were you out last 1.2 Offer,accept and refuse with would like.Ask about past events. 3 26- Between the
night ? 1.3 Verb to be past simple. 27 26th and the
2.4 Vocabulary:Past time adverbials:last night,yesterday evening.Drinks. 27th week –
3.1 the project

3.2 „Other kind of
4.2 school”

23 Did you talk about 1.2 Talk about the past.Express opinions. 5 27- Including a
me ? 2.3 Past simple of regular verbs.Past simple questions with did. 28- test paper
2.4 Daily activities.Adjectives of quality.Activities to describe personality. 29
Fast rewind Revision
24 It was a warm 1.2 Ask and talk about the weather.Talk about past events.Narrate past 4 30-
evening. 2.3 events. 31
2.4 Special phrases:What’s Past simple of irregular verbs.
3.2 Weather words.
4.2 Listen to a telephone conversation about a holiday.Read an article about
a storm.Write a summary.
25 My jok’s funnier. 1.2 Make comparisons. 5 32-
2.3 Comparative and superlative of short adjective.Comparative and 33-
2.4 superlative of good and bad.Question word:which ? 34
3.1 The natural environment.

26 Canada in focus Consolidation of language and skills 1 34

27 Final revision exercises 4 35-

Clasa/nr. ore pe săpt.: a V-a A,B- 2 ore/săpt.

Manualul: Snapshot Elementary

Units planning 2012/2013

Unit Abilities Structures H Week Notes

1. Starting the first Exercises 3 1-2 Initial test
term paper
1.2 Copilul despre sine (Child about himself)
2. Nice to meet you 2.2 Talk about personal details 3 2-3
all. 3.1 Present simple
4.1 Countries and nationalities, Family members, Types of music
1.1 Timp liber ( Leisure) 4-5-6
3. You mustn’t play 2.1 Talk about rules 5
loud music. 2.2 there is/ there are with some and any; Verb must/ mustn’t; can/ can’t;
3.1 Prepositions of place: in, on, under,in front of,behind, above,next to,
3.2 opposite, on the left/ right ( of),betwwen,in the corner ( of ), near Including a
4.2 Parts of a room; Furniture and objects; Patterns and colours test paper
Fast rewind Revision
1.2 Timp liber ( Leisure) 6-7-8
4. I always have 2.1 Talk about routines 4
coffee. 2.3 Adverbs/ Phrases of frequency; Present simple for routines; Present
3.1 continuous; Present simple and continuous in contrast
4.1 Clock times; Periods of time, Free-time activities
5 Would you like a 1.3 Timp liber ( Leisure) 5 8-9-
sandwich? 2.2 Offer food and drink with would like 10
3.1 Countable and uncountable nouns; Verb have got with some and any;
3.2 Going to future Including a
4.1 Food and drink test paper
Fast rewind Revision
Wide angle:Radio 1.3 2 11
6. Days 2.1 Cultură şi civilizaţie (Culture and civilization)
Project 1: Snapshot 2.2 Consolidation of language and skills
of where I live 3.2

Take a break 4.2
7 Who are they 1.1 Make polite requests with could. 3 12-13
playing ? 1.2 Present continous as future.Gerund (-ing form ) after verbs like,hate,
2.1 (don’t )mind,prefer.Defining relative clauses with who,wich,where.
2.2 Months and dates.Sports.Sports locations.

8 A Liverpool ghost 1.2 Şcoala (School) 3 13-14

story 2.1 Ask and talk about past events
2.3 Past simple of regular verbs; Past simple of the verb to be; Possessive
3.1 pronouns; Question word: Whose?
4.1 Common adjectives; School subjects
Starting the second Exercises 2 15
1.2 Cultură şi civilizaţie / Cumpărături ( Culture and civilization/ Shopping) 16-17
9 Girls screamed and 2.1 Give biographical details; 3
wept. 2.2 Buy things in shops; Ask for and give directions
3.1 Past simple of irregular verbs
4.1 English money; Places in towns
10. What is it doing? 1.2 Animale ( Animals) 5 17- Including a
2.2 Describe past events 18-19 test paper
3.1 Past continuous; Time clauses with when/ while
3.3 Animals; Rooms and parts of the house
Fast rewind 5.1 Revision
11. Wide angle: Into 2.1 Cultură şi civilizaţie ( Culture and civilization) 2 20
the jaws of danger 2.2 Consolidation of language and skills
Project 2: Snapshot 3.2

of a famous life 4.2
2.1 Prietenie ( Friendship) 5 21-
12. I’ve lost my 2.2 Ask about and describe objects; Describe people 22-23
rucksack. 3.1 Present perfect simple; Prepositions: with,on,in
Lost friends 4.1 Materials and personal possessions; Clothes; Physical description

13. It’s the highest in 1.2 Călătorii ( Travels) 5 23- Including a

the world. 2.2 Ask and talk about experiences; Make comparisons 24-25 test paper
The ultimate thrill 3.1 Present perfect simple with never and ever; Comparative and superlative
4.1 of short and long adjectives; Question word: How?+ adjective
4.2 Adjectives of measurement: fast, heavy, high, long, wide
Fast rewind 5.1 Revision
2.1 Timp liber/ Prietenie (Leisure/ Friendship) 26-27 Between the
14. You shouldn’t move 2.2 Talk about injuries; Make decisions; Give advice 4 26th and the
it. 3.1 Verb will/won’t for predictions and decisions; Verb should/ shouldn’t 27th week –
3.2 for advice and obligation the project
4.1 Parts of the body „Other kind
of school”
Do I have to? 2.1 Timp liber ( Leisure) 5 28-
15. Parents vs. children 2.3 Talk about jobs 29-30
3.2 Verb have to ( present and past simple)
Fast rewind 4.2 Household jobs, Occupations
5.1 Revision
16. Wide angle:Too old 1.2 Cultură şi civilizaţie/ Cumpărături (Culture and civilization/ Shopping) 2 30-31
at fourteen? 2.1 Consolidation of language skills
Project 3: Snapshot 2.2
of my experiences 3.1
Take a break 4.1
17. What would you 1.2 Timp liber 3 31-32
like to do? 2.1 Ask for and make suggestions

2.2 The imperative for instructions and advice
3.1 Leisure activities
18. If you complain any 1.2 Prietenie/ Timp liber ( Friendship/ Leisure) 3 33-34 Including a
more,... 2.1 Apologise with a reason and respond test paper
Children of the 2.2 First conditional: if clause + ll’( will)/ (won’t);Adverb formation
street 2.3 Adjectives and adverbs
Fast rewind 4.2 Revision
19. The scenes are 1.2 Timp liber/ Călătorii/ Cultură şi civilizaţie (Leisure/ Travels/ Culture 2 34-35
filmed here. 2.2 and civilization)
They were sold as 2.3 Remind and reassure people with will/ won’t
slaves 3.1 The passive: present simple vs. past simple
The Statue of 3.3 Jobs in the media; Types of films
Liberty 5.1
20. Final revision Exercises 3

Manualul: Snapshot Pre-Intermediate

Units planning 2012/2013

Unit Abilities Structures H Week Notes

1. Starting the first Exercises 3 1-2 Initial test
semester paper

I’m here to work. 1.1. noun formation with –er, -r, -or; jobs and ocupations
2. 1.2. give personal information, show interest or surprise 3 2-3
2.3 Present Simple and Continuous, echo questions, infinitive of purpose
Over three hours 1.2 Past time adverbials: yesterday, last..., ... ago, this(morning) 4-5-6
3. late. 2.2 talking about past journeys, means of transport 5
2.3 Past Tense Simple, Conjunctions so and because, linkers: first(of all),
3.4 then, before..., after that, later, yhe next day, in the end
4.2 Including a
Fast rewind 4.5 Revision test paper
4 A place which 1.1 the natural environment 5 7-8-9
attracts tourists. 2.1 talking about future, give and respond to invitations
2.3 Relative clauses with who, which, where; Future with going to or
3.3 Present Continuous
4.1, 4.2
5 How long have you 1.2 adjectives with negative prefixes; un-, in-, im- 5 9-10- Including a
been here? 2.2 asking and talking about experiences; making comparisons 11 test paper
3.4 Present Perfect Simple ( for & since); comparison of adjectives;
4.2 intensifier much + comparative adjectives; comparison with (not)
Fast rewind 4.5 Revision
6 Wide angle: South Consolidation of language and skills 3 12-13
Project 1: Snapshot
of a beautiful place
7 The car was 1.2 verbs of movement: dive, jump, leap, so on ... 3 13-14
sinking. 2.1 talking about past incidents, asking for and giving directions
2.3 Past Simple and Continuous; time markers- while, as, when;
3.3 prepositions of motion: across, along, from, towards, through, past,
4.1 into, over, under, up, down
Starting the second

8 You’re Nicola, 1.1 clothes and parts of clothes; humour 2 15
aren’t you? 1.2 checking information
2.3 question tags; Present Perfect Simple with time adverbials just, already,
3.1 yet; Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple
Fast rewind 3.2, 4.5 Revision
9 You ought to try 1.2 food and cooking 5 17-
them. 2.1 giving advice, talking about obligations; making requests with reasons 18-19
3.3 verbs should and ought to, have to and must/mustn’t, would you mind +
4.2 gerund
10 They’ve been nouns and adjectives of emotions 5 20- Including a
bullying me. offering, accepting and refusing help; talking about past events which 21-22 test paper
continue to the present
would you like me to...?, shall I...?, Present Perfect Continuous with for
Fast rewind and since
11 Wide angle: Consolidation of language and skills 1 22
Project 2: Snapshot
of a television
12 Unless I get to 1.2 Verb get, parts of the body 23-24
bed, ... 2.2 Talking about future possibility, showing surprise 4
3.1 Verbs will/won’t, may or might for predictions. First conditional:
4.1 if/unless clause + ’ll (will)/won’t. Negative questions
13 They were 1.1 adjectives describing behaviour 4 25-26 Between the
delivered today. 2.1 describing process; complain, request and apologise 26th and the
2.3 The Passive- Present and Past Simple 27th week –
Fast rewind 3.1, 4.2 Revision the project
„Other kind
of school”
14 If I had the 1.2 Personality adjectives: sensitive, aggressive, and so on 4 27-28

money, ... 2.2 talking about imaginary situation in the future; asking for and giving
3.2 advice
4.2 Pronouns: some-, any-, no-, every- + thing, one, where; 2nd conditional:
4.1 if clause + ’d (would)/would’t
15 Someone had 1.2 types of music 4 29-30 Including a
dropped it. 2.2 talking about events before other events in the past; expressing pleasure test paper
3.1 and thanks
3.2 Past Perfect Simple too many, too much, not enough; Reported requests
4.1 and commands (verb + object + infinitive)
Fast rewind 4.2
16 Wide angle: A Consolidation of language and skills 31
circus with a 1
Project 3: Snapshot
of food and drink
17 They used to hide 1.2 words building from different parts of speech 2 31-32
here. 2.1 talking about past habits; buying tickets
3.2 verb used to; so and such a/an + adjective + noun for exclamation;
4.2 so/such with a clause of result

18 He said he’d been 1.2 noun formation with endings: -ment, -ion, -er, -ance 3 32-33
away. 2.2 reporting what people said; using the telephone
3.1 Reported statements
Fast rewind 4.1 Revision
19 `The birds` 1.1 phrases of approximate time and quantity: a few (minutes ago), about, a 2 34
1.2 couple of, several, lots of (people), and so on
2.2 reporting what people asked; asking permission with do you mind/is it
3.1 all right if I...?
4.2 reported questions
20 He’s too good to 1.2 neutral and strong adjectives 1 35
fall. 2.2 Saying the right thing

3.1 too + adjective/adverb + to; (not) + adjective/adverb + enough to; verb
4.1 + infinitive/gerund
21 The boy who was Consolidation of language and skills 1 35
taught to talk by
22 Final revision exercises 2 36

Clasa/nr. ore pe săpt.: a VIII-a A,B- 2 ore/săpt.

Manualul: Snapshot Intermediate

Units planning 2012/2013

Unit Abilities Structures H We Notes

ou ek
1. Starting the first Exercises 3 1-2 Initial test paper
Families 1.1 Vocabulary: phrasal verbs with get; family members; relationships
2. 2.2 Function: start and maintain a conversation, informal letters 3 2-3
2.3 Structure: Present simple and continuous; Present perfect simple with
3.2 for and since; Verbs not normally used in the continuous tenses
Nepal trek 1.2 Vocabulary: phrasal verbs with go; travel 4-
3. 2.3 Function: ask, give or refuse permission 5 5-6
3.1 Structure: Past simple and present perfect simple; the definite article and
4.1 zero article
. Including a test
Fast rewind Revision paper

4 Lucky day? 1.3 Vocabulary: word building from verbs of emotions; phrasal verbs with 3 6-7
narrative 2.2 give
composition 2.3 Function: announce and respond to good and bad news,
3.1 Structure: Past simple, past continuous; time clauses with: when, while,
4.1 as, as soon as, before, after
5 Fancy seeing you 1.2 Vocabulary: adjectives and prepositions 4 8-9 Including a test
again! 2.2 Function: give, accept or refuse invitations paper
3.1 Structure: Future with will/won’t, may/might, going to or present
4.2 continuous
Fast rewind 4.3 Revision
6 `The thirty-nine Consolidation of language and skills 2 10
steps” by John
7 Edinburgh 1.2 Vocabulary: special uncountable nouns, places in towns, clothes 3 11-
2.2 Function: shop for clothes 12
description of a 3.2 Structure: clauses and linkers of contrast: although, however, , in spite
place 3.3 of, despite + gerund (-ing)
8 Mind how you go! 1.2 Vocabulary: motorbikes and cas; phrasal verbs with look 5 12-
1.3 Function: give, accept and question or refuse advice 13-
2.1 Structure: Verbs: should(n’t), ought(not), had better (not); comparison 14
2.2 aof adjectives and adverbs; comparatives with: much, a lot, for;
3.2 comparative phrase the...the...; obligation and prohibition with verbs
3.3 must, have (got) to, needn’t
Fast rewind 4.3 Revision
Starting the second
9 Ready for lift-off 1.2 Vocabulary: personality adjectives; jobs and ocupations 4 15-
2.1 Function: agree and disagree 16
semi-formal letters 3.2 Structure: 1st conditional if/unless clause + will/won’t; 1st conditional

4.2 imperative clause with conjunctionn or; time clauses in yhe future with
4.1 when/as soon as
10 Star quality 1.2 Vocabulary: adjective formation with endings –y, -ive, -ful, -ent, -ant, - 17- Including a test
2.1 (i)bus, -ic; phrasal verbs with take; types of films 4 18 paper
3.2 Structure: Relative clauses with who(m), which, that, where, whose;
3.3 present perfect simple and continuous
4.2 Function: Ask and give positive and negative opinion
Fast rewind 4.3 Revision
11 `The horse Consolidation of language and skills 1 19
whisperer` by
Nicholas Evans
12 I wish... 1.2 Vocabulary: electrical equipment; phrasal verbs with turn 3 19-
2.1 Function: reports faults and request action; respond 20
discursive 2.2 Structure: causative have ( have something done) 2nd conditional
composition 3.2 if/unless clause + `d ( would/wouln’t); I wish/ if only + past tense; verb
3.3 need + gerund (-ing form) + passive infinitive
13 Regrets 1.2 Phrasal verbs and expressions with make 21- Including a test
2.2 Function: criticise and make excuses; apologise and accept apologies 4 22 paper
3.1 Structure: verbs should have/ ought to have; verbs make, let and be
4.2 allowed to
Fast rewind 4.3 Revision
14 Guess who? 1.1 Vocabulary: psysical appearance; personality and mood adjectives 3 23-
2.2 Function: ask and talk about personality and mood 24
descriptive 3.3 Structure: verbs must/can’t for drawing conclusions; adjective word
composition 3.2 order; verbs seem, look, sound + adjective or like/as if
15 Thet emigrated to 1.2 Vocabulary: noun formation with endings –ing, -ion, -ment, -abce, 4 24-
the USA 2.1 -ence, -ness 25-

3.2 Function: make polite requests, agree or refuse with reasons 26
4.1 Structure: verbs used to/be used to; clauses of purpose with to/ in order
4.2 (not) to, so that
Fast rewind Revision
16 `Heat and Dust` by Consolidation of language and skills 2 26 Between the
Ruth Prawer 26th and the
Jhabvala 27th week –the
project „Other
kind of school”
17 Struggle for 1.1 Vocabulary: the environment; phrasal verbs and expressions with do 4 27-
survival 1.2 Function: ask for and make suggestions, agree and disagree 28
2.3 Structure: the passive: all tenses with modals, gerunds annd infinitives
letters for 2.4
application 3.2
18 Don’t panic! 1.2 Vocabulary: phrasal verbs and expressions with keep; sports and 5 29-
2.1 locations; sports terms, verbs and people 30-
2.3 Function: express regrets about the past; make helpful suggestions 31
2.4 Structure: I wish/if only + past perfect; 3 rd conditional: if clause + `d
3.2 (would)/need/could have
Fast rewind 4.1
4.2 Revision
19 I don’t believe it! 1.2 Vocabulary: verbs of speaking: say, speak, talk, tell 3 31-
1.3 Function: speculate about the past, agree and disagree; reports 32
2.2 Structure: verbs must have, might have, can’t have for drawing
2.4 conclusions; reported speech statements and questions; verbs of
3.2 reporting: various structures
20 Caught in the Net 1.2 Vocabulary: computer technology; phrasal verbs with run 3 33-
2.3 Function: express and accept thanks 34
3.3 Structure: future continuous; future perfect; short answers with verb +
4.1 so/not

Fast rewind 4.3 Revision
21 `Harry ` by Consolidation of language and skills 1 34
22 Final revision exercises 2 35 The 8th grade
finishes school
with one week


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