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Patrick Arnold

Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Unit Big Idea
Everyone Is Different, And That Is Okay
Lesson Rationale
The lesson will provide students with the ability to read a text, draw conclusion, and then
support their conclusions with evidence from the text. This will help build the students cognitive
processing and better teach them how to make predictions based on what they have read.
I. Goals/Objectives/Standards
A. Goal(s): Students will be able to site the text when making an analysis over what
they have read.
B. Objectives(s):
i. Students will read a text and use it to cite evidence about how it is okay to
be different.
ii. Students will look at descriptive words and definitions from a text then
draw a picture to help them remember the word
C. Standard(s): 7.RL.2.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis
of what a text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
II. Management Plan
A. Time
i. 45-minute class period
1. Anticipatory Set- 3-4 Minutes
2. First Rotation- 20 Minutes
3. Second Rotation- 20 Minutes
4. Wrap Up- 1-2 Minutes
B. Use of Space
i. Student will be at their seats for the beginning and the end of the lesson
ii. The Guided-Reading Station will be in the back of the room at a table.
While the word station will be at the front of the room at a table.
C. Materials
i. Yo Soy Mulsim by Mark Gonzales (x3)
ii. Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o (x4)
iii. Pencils for students
iv. Word station hand-out
D. Expectations
i. Students are expected to be on task and use their classroom voice
throughout this lesson.
ii. Students are expected to participate in the lesson and have input on the
iii. There will be two group one group with 2 students and the other with 3. I
will stay with my station the entire time so that I can guide the discussion
as needed.
III. Anticipatory Set
A. “We have been talking about how differences are a big part of the world around
us and that each person is different than the person sitting next to them. I am
going to show you a picture of me and my friends and I want you to talk with
your table partner or partners about the differences you see.” Give the students 1-
2 minutes to talk together then have 1-2 students share with the whole class.
“Today we are going to be reading some short books that show people who may
be different from us and make an analysis about the book.”
IV. Purpose
A. “Reading a text and making and making analysis’ about it is important because it
can help you when you are reading a summary of a game to see if you will like it.
It can also help you when you are trying to figure out what will happen next in a
book you are extremely into”
Plan for Instruction
V. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners
A. During the anticipatory set students will be able to share with fellow classmates,
before sharing with the whole class. This allows for those who may need more
time to process the information hear ideas from others. It also gives students who
may not want to share with the whole class still get their ideas heard.
B. Between students will get up and move from one station to the next allowing the
students to be active and not sitting in one spot the whole lesson.
C. Flexible seating will be provided if students wish to sit in different types of chair
or even stand.
D. Each guided reading group will be focused on making inferences and providing
textual evidence to support those inferences. However, each group will be reading
a different book. One group will be reading Sulwe, which is a little bit harder to
understand, and the other group will be reading Yo Soy Muslim.
VI. Lesson Presentation
A. Students will be split into two groups and take turns going to the two different
stations. There are only five students in the class so the groups will be split 2 and
3. While one group is at the Guided Reading Station with me, my aide will be
leading the other station. At that station students will be looking at different words
from their assigned text, that relate to the main idea, and the definition of that
word. The students will then brainstorm with the teacher to come up with unique
ways they can draw a picture to help them remember those confusing words.
Small Group Lesson #1- Finding the Main Idea in Sulwe by Lupita Nyongo’o
Introduction to Text/Builds Background
 “I am going to read the inside cover of the Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o to
you and based on that I then want you to tell me what you believe the
book is going to be about” Read inside cover of the book to the students
and then give them a chance to respond
 Today we are going to be reading this book together. While we are
reading, I want you to be thinking about what the Main Idea of this book
is. Another way you can think of main idea is what the story is all about.
Teacher Plan for Monitoring
 Students will read the book to themselves with aid if needed. Stop reading
halfway through the book at the turning point of the book when Sulwe is
thinking about how she can be a star if her skin is so dark.
 Students will be asked to think about the story so far and what the main
idea could be.
 Continue reading the rest of the story and at the end discuss what the
whole story was about.
 If students talk during the reading, I will redirect their focus on the book.
Student Plan for Reading
 Each student will receive a copy of the book.
 Each student will read through half of the book and stop where a post-it
note is.
 After students are finished reading the book, we will have a discussion.
Explicit Teaching Point/Questions Included:
 “Before reading the book I asked you to be thinking about what the
storyline of the whole book could be about, also called a Main Idea. When
reading a story, it is important to have an understanding of what the story
is about because it can help you better understand the events taking place.
I had you stop reading half way through the book and then finish reading
so that you could see that if you do not look at the story all together, when
trying to figure out the main idea, you may not be able to figure out the
correct answer. When reading Sulwe I thought the main idea was every
person no matter what their skin color is, is beautiful. One piece of
evidence that showed me this was when the star said that “we need them
both, on their sunniest day and their darkest night, and every shade in
 “Now I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer
them to the best of your ability.”
 Question 1- Looking at this book do you think that different people might
come up with different main ideas?
 Question 2- Does the main idea need to be supported by evidence from the
book? If so, why?
 “Now that I have given you a piece of evidence that supports our main
idea. I want you to go back in the text and find at least one more piece of
 Have students share their evidence
 “As you continue to read books and different texts in the future. Always
remember to be looking for a main idea that can help tie the story together
and make it make more sense.”
Small Group Lesson #2- Finding the Main Idea in Yo Soy Muslim Mark Gonzales
Introduction to Text/Builds Background
 “I am going to read the inside cover of the Yo Soy Muslim by Mark
Gonzales to you and based on that I then want you to tell me what you
believe the book is going to be about” Read inside cover of the book to the
students and then give them a chance to respond
 Today we are going to be reading this book together. While we are
reading, I want you to be thinking about what the Main Idea of this book
is. Another way you can think of main idea is what the story is all about.
Teacher Plan for Monitoring
 Students will read the book to themselves with aid if needed. Stop reading
halfway through the book at the turning point of the book when the little
girl is telling the reader about how people look at her weird because she is
 Students will be asked to think about the story so far and what the main
idea could be.
 Continue reading the rest of the story and at the end discuss what the
whole story was about.
 If students talk during the reading, I will redirect their focus on the book.
Student Plan for Reading
 Each student will receive a copy of the book.
 Each student will read through half of the book and stop where a post-it
note is.
 After students are finished reading the book, we will have a discussion.
Explicit Teaching Point/Questions Included:
 “Before reading the book I asked you to be thinking about what the
storyline of the whole book could be about, also called a Main Idea. When
reading a story, it is important to have an understanding of what the story
is about because it can help you better understand the events taking place.
I had you stop reading half way through the book and then finish reading
so that you could see that if you do not look at the story all together, when
trying to figure out the main idea, you may not be able to figure out the
correct answer. When reading Yo Soy Muslim I thought the main idea was
differences should be seen as good and not looked down upon. One piece
of evidence that showed me this was when the little girl said that “No
matter what they say, know you are wonderous.”
 “Now I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer
them to the best of your ability.”
 Question 1- When reading did you find a different main idea than I did?
 Question 2- Why do you think we can come up with different main ideas?

 “Now that I have given you a piece of evidence that supports our main
idea. I want you to go back in the text and find at least one more piece of
 Have students share their evidence
 “As you continue to read books and different texts in the future. Always
remember to be looking for a main idea that can help tie the story together
and make it make more sense.”

VII. Check for Understanding

A. I will know how well students learned by their responses and discussions during
the guided reading station.
B. If students are still not understanding how to find main ideas in a book, I would
reteach it using different materials. For example, I would pick different books and
change how much I break down the information. I would still teach it in small
group settings.
VIII. Review Learning Outcomes/Closure
A. “With our last few minutes, we are going to come back together as class so can
everyone please return to your seats. Today we all learned about main idea and
read some books that helped teach us the main idea. Can someone please tell me
what main idea means?” Wait for response “Very good now can someone tell me
why people may find different main ideas after reading the same book?”
Plan for Assessment
 I will know that students have met lesson objectives through observation and questioning.
Since I am not having the students fill out any worksheets, I will have to make sure each
student is asked a question and that I watch them carefully throughout the lesson.

Reflection and Post-Lesson Analysis

 How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
 What are my strengths and weaknesses?
 How should I alter this lesson?
 How would I pace it differently?
 Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
 Is it okay for one group to learn the words in the book before actually having a chance to
read it?
 Should I include an exit slip to have some concrete evidence of students’ learning?
Yo Soy Muslim Word Station Name:__________________

Word Definition Picture

Main Idea




Sulwe Word Station Name:_____________________

Word Definition Picture

Main Idea



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