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Psychoneuroendocrinology (2006) 31, 642–652

Gender differences in hypothalamic–pituitary–

adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity
Magdalena Uharta, Rachel Y. Chonga, Lynn Oswaldb,
Ping-I Linc, Gary S. Wanda,b,*
Department of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 720 Rutland Avenue,
Room 863, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Department of Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 550 North Broadway,
Suite 506, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Section of Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine, Center for Human Genetics, Duke University,
595 LaSalle Street, Durham, NC 27710, USA

Received 5 May 2005; received in revised form 12 December 2005; accepted 8 February 2006

KEYWORDS Summary The present study was designed to determine whether there are
Gender; gender differences in hormonal response patterns to HPA axis activation. To this end,
Cortisol; two methods of activating the HPA axis were employed: a standardized psychological
Adrenocorticotropin stress test and a pharmacological challenge.
(ACTH); Healthy subjects (mean age 23.4 years, SD 7.0 years) completed a naloxone
Hypothalamic–pitu- challenge and/or the modified Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). For the naloxone
itary–adrenal (HPA) challenge, two baseline blood samples were obtained. Placebo was then
axis; administered (0 min), followed by increasing doses of intravenous naloxone (50,
Trier social stress test; 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) at 30-min intervals. Post-placebo blood samples were
Naloxone challenge collected at 15-min intervals for 180 min. The TSST consisted of 5 min of public
speaking followed by 5 min of mental arithmetic exercises. Three baseline and five
post-TSST blood samples were drawn.
Eighty subjects (53 male, 27 female) underwent the TSST. Following the
psychological stressor, adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and cortisol responses were
significantly greater in male subjects compared to female subjects (zZK2.34, pZ
0.019 and zZK2.12, pZ0.034, respectively). Seventy-two subjects (52 male, 20
female) underwent HPA axis activation induced by naloxone. In contrast to the TSST,
cortisol responses to the naloxone challenge were significantly greater in female
subjects compared to male subjects (zZ4.11, p!0.001). Forty-one subjects (25
male, 16 female) completed both the TSST and naloxone challenge. In this subset,
ACTH and cortisol responses to the TSST did not differ significantly by gender,
although the effect size was moderate to large. Adrenocorticotropin and cortisol

* Corresponding author. Address: Division of Endocrinology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Ross Research Building,
Room 863, 720 Rutland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. Tel.: C1 410 955 7225; fax: C1 410 955 0841.
E-mail address: (G.S. Wand).

0306-4530/$ - see front matter Q 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gender and HPA axis hormonal response 643

responses to the naloxone challenge were significantly greater in female subjects

compared to male subjects (zZ2.29, pZ0.022 and zZ4.34, p!0.001, respectively).
In summary, male subjects had greater HPA axis responses to a psychological
stressor than female subjects, and females had greater hormonal reactivity than
males to pharmacological stimulation with naloxone. Such differences are of interest
as potential contributors to gender differences in health risks.
Q 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In response to psychological stressors in young

subjects, certain studies have shown higher cortisol
Activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal and ACTH responses in male subjects compared to
(HPA) axis is an essential adaptive mechanism that females (Kirschbaum et al., 1992, 1995a,b). Never-
enables the human body to maintain physiological theless, other studies have suggested that there are
stability in response to stressful stimuli (Herman no significant gender differences in young subjects
and Cullinan, 1997; Chrousos 1998; Tsigos and in response to stress (Collins and Frankenhaeuser,
Chrousos, 2002). Following the perception of stress, 1978; Frankenhaeuser et al., 1978). In a study of
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons in healthy young adults, Kirschbaum et al. (1999)
the hypothalamus receive regulatory impulses from showed that ACTH responses were elevated in men
several major neurotransmitter systems, including compared to women and that free cortisol
direct and indirect inhibitory signals from responses were similar between men and women
b-endorphin-producing neurons (Jackson et al., in the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle whereas
1990; Calogero, 1995; Jessop, 1999). CRH release women in the follicular phase or taking oral
stimulates the synthesis and release of adreno- contraceptives showed lower free cortisol
corticotropin (ACTH) by the anterior pituitary, responses compared to males. The same gender
which in turn stimulates the synthesis and release effect was demonstrated in elderly subjects, with
of cortisol by the adrenal cortex. There is evidence higher ACTH and cortisol responses in male subjects
that healthy individuals react differently to stress- compared to females (Kudielka et al., 1998;
ful stimuli (Berger et al., 1987; Kirschbaum et al., Traustadottir et al., 2003). Conversely, higher
1995a), and that both enhanced and attenuated HPA axis hormonal responses to stress in elderly
hormonal responses to stress are maladaptive. females compared to males have also been
Chronic HPA axis dysregulation is associated with reported (Seeman et al., 1995, 2001). Thus, the
the development of mood and anxiety disorders,
impact of gender on the HPA axis hormonal
such as depression (Sapolsky, 2000; Gold and
response to stressful events remains inconclusive.
Chrousos, 2002; Sherwood Brown et al., 2004).
Activation of the HPA axis can be evoked by
Moreover, excess cortisol exposure is related to a
numerous methods that act at different levels of
variety of medical conditions including hyperten-
the HPA system. Removing the endogenous inhibi-
sion, atherosclerosis, obesity, insulin resistance,
tory opioid tone on CRH neurons using naloxone, a
dyslipidemia, bone demineralization, and impaired
immunity (McEwen, 1998; Tsigos and Chrousos, non-selective opioid receptor antagonist, induces a
2002). Likewise, it contributes to the development rise in ACTH and cortisol (Volavka et al., 1979;
and maintenance of substance use disorders, such Morley et al., 1980; Wand et al., 1998) and thus
as alcohol dependence (Gianoulakis, 1998). Inter- provides an assessment strategy for the functional
estingly, pronounced differences in the prevalence evaluation of the hypothalamic opioid tone.
of several of these disorders have been shown Although several studies have evaluated effects of
between men and women (Boyd and Weissman, opioid blockade on the HPA axis (Cohen et al., 1983;
1981; Grant et al., 2004). Kreek, 1996; Wand et al., 1999, 2001), little
Previous studies suggest that gender influences research has addressed gender differences in the
the HPA axis hormonal responses to stress. In opioid–HPA axis interactions in healthy subjects.
preclinical models, ACTH and corticosterone levels The aim of the present study was to determine
in response to stress have been shown to be whether there are gender differences in HPA axis
consistently greater in females compared with hormonal response patterns to two different
males (Kitay, 1961; Handa et al., 1994; Armario methods of HPA axis activation: a standardized
et al., 1995). However, in human studies, no such psychological stress test and a pharmacological
clear-cut gender differences have been established. challenge with naloxone.
644 M. Uhart et al.

2. Methods month, (g) positive urine toxicology screen, (h) or,

for females, pregnancy or lack of effective non-
2.1. Subjects hormonal methods of birth control. Menstrual cycle
phase was determined by measurements of estra-
One hundred and eleven healthy subjects between diol and progesterone levels on the day of the
the ages of 18 and 50 (mean age 23.4 years, SD 7.0 challenge (Table 1). Subjects with progesterone
years) from the Baltimore area were recruited by levels greater than or equal to 3 ng/mL were
newspaper advertisements and posted fliers. Per- categorized as being in the luteal phase of their
sons who appeared to qualify for research partici- menstrual cycle (Yen et al., 1999).
pation based on a telephone screen were invited to Eighty subjects underwent the TSST and 72
the laboratory for an interview. After being given subjects completed the naloxone challenge. Of
complete description of the study, volunteers these, 41 subjects completed both sessions. Thus,
provided written informed consent for the protocol there were 111 subjects in all. In the TSST group,
approved by the Johns Hopkins Medicine Insti- there were 53 male subjects and 27 female
tutional Review Board. Subject assessment subjects. Based on progesterone levels, all female
included a medical history and physical exam subjects completed the TSST during the follicular
performed by a physician, a complete blood phase of their menstrual cycle. In the naloxone
count, comprehensive metabolic panel (including group, there were 52 male subjects and 20 female
renal and hepatic function tests), electrocardio- subjects. Based on progesterone values, all female
gram, urinalysis, alcohol breathalyzer test and subjects underwent the naloxone challenge during
urine toxicology screen. A urine pregnancy test the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle.
was obtained on female subjects. The semi-
structured assessment for the genetics of alcohol- 2.2. General procedure
ism (SSAGA) (Bucholz et al., 1994) was administered
by a master’s degree-level interviewer to identify Following the initial assessment interview, subjects
DSM-IV axis I psychiatric diagnoses. reported to the Johns Hopkins Hospital Outpatient
Exclusion criteria were as follows: (a) presence General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) to com-
of a serious medical condition, (b) presence of a plete either the naloxone challenge and/or the
DSM-IV axis I disorder, including alcohol/drug abuse Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). For the subset of
or dependence, (c) use of any psychoactive subjects who completed both challenges, one
medications within the past 30 days, (d) treatment challenge was completed on one day, and the
in the last 6 months with any medication that may other challenge on a separate day. The time
affect opioid or HPA axis function, including between the administrations of both challenges
antidepressants, neuroleptics, sedative hypnotics, was 7–14 days, and the order in which the
glucocorticoids, appetite suppressants, estrogens challenges were completed was randomized. Sub-
(including anti-contraceptive pills), opiates, or jects were instructed to get adequate sleep the
dopamine medications, (e) presence of a seizure night prior to the challenges and to report any
disorder or history of closed head trauma, (f) stressful situations that may have occurred during
consumption of more than 30 alcoholic drinks per the previous week. They were also instructed to

Table 1 Demographic characteristics by gender.

TSST, nZ80a Naloxone challenge, nZ72a
Male Female Male Female
Sample size 53 27 52 20
Age, mean (SD), (years) 26.7 (10.1) 22.6 (5.3) 21.4 (2.5) 20.9 (2.6)
Race, no. (%)
Caucasian 40 (75.5) 17 (63.0) 43 (82.7) 12 (60.0)
African–American 8 (15.1) 10 (37.0) 5 (9.6) 7 (35.0)
Asian 5 (9.4) 0 (0.0) 4 (7.7) 1 (5.0)
BMI, mean (SD), (kg/m2) 25.2 (3.5) 23.9 (3.9) 24.3 (3.0) 24.9 (3.5)
Estradiol, mean (SE), (pg/mL) 46.3 (8.0) 49.7 (14.1)
Progesterone, mean (SE), (ng/mL) 0.5 (0.1) 0.7 (0.1)
Eighty subjects underwent the TSST and 72 subjects completed the naloxone challenge. Of these, 41 subjects completed both
sessions. Thus, there were 111 subjects in all.
Gender and HPA axis hormonal response 645

refrain from any alcohol, illicit drugs, or over-the- assay coefficients of variance for all assays was less
counter medications for 48 h prior to participating than 10%.
in the study protocol. Urine toxicology screens were
completed before each session. On the day of each
challenge, subjects fasted from 1000 h until testing
2.6. Statistical analysis
was completed.
Preliminary analyses included evaluation of gender
group differences in demographic characteristics
2.3. Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) with t-tests for continuous variables (age and body
mass index) and c 2 analyses for categorical
The TSST consists of 5 min of public speaking variables (race). The major outcomes of interest
followed by 5 min of a mental arithmetic task and were hormonal measurements of ACTH and corti-
was completed as previously described in detail sol. All hormonal measurements were transformed
(Kirschbaum et al., 1993; Uhart et al., 2004). Upon to the logarithmic scale due to non-normality. The
arrival at the GCRC, an intravenous catheter was mean baseline for each variable was calculated by
inserted into a forearm vein at 1200 h. Baseline taking the average of the baseline measurements
blood samples for cortisol and ACTH were obtained (K30, K15, and 0 min time points for the pre-TSST
at 1300, 1315, and 1330 h. Subjects then partici- measurements and K15 and 0 min time points for
pated in the TSST. Immediately following com- the pre-naloxone challenge measurements). The
pletion of the TSST and at 15-min intervals, five mean baseline differences in hormonal levels
additional blood specimens were drawn for ACTH between gender groups were also analyzed with
and cortisol. t-tests.
We then carried out four different sets of
analyses to assess the effect of gender on
2.4. Naloxone challenge
hormone responses in each of the two challenge
groups, and in the subset of subjects who
For the naloxone challenge, subjects received five
completed both challenges. For each analysis,
doses of naloxone according to the 1 day, single-
age and race were incorporated into the model
session protocol reported by Mangold et al.
for the TSST data whereas age, race, baseline
(2000). Upon arrival at the GCRC, subjects had
hormones and BMI were incorporated into the
an intravenous catheter inserted into a forearm
model for the naloxone data set. Baseline
vein at 1200 h. One hour later, a bolus of 0.9%
hormone values were added because baseline
saline was administered as a placebo; this was
hormone values differed by gender for the
designated as time 0 min. Subsequently, incre-
naloxone challenge group only; BMI was added
mental doses of naloxone dissolved in 0.9% saline
because a pharmacological agent was adminis-
were administered at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. In
tered. First, we performed longitudinal data
all, a total of five increasing doses of naloxone
analysis. Each hormone measurement at each
were administered (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/
time point was treated as the outcome in the
kg). Baseline blood samples for cortisol and ACTH
generalized linear model using generalized esti-
were obtained 15 min before and immediately
mating equations (GEE) to take into account the
prior to placebo administration. Post-placebo
within-individual correlation residuals arising from
blood samples for cortisol and ACTH were drawn
repeated measurements for each individual (Zeger
at 15-min intervals for 180 min.
and Liang, 1986). The model included a contrast
for gender difference as a major covariate of
2.5. Hormone assays interest, time, and time squared to adjust for
non-linear time trend. Second, we conducted
Hormones were assayed as previously described post-hoc regression analyses to evaluate gender
(Blevins et al., 1994). Plasma concentrations of effect on hormone differences at each time point.
ACTH were assayed by a two-site IRMA (Nichols Third, we compared gender differences in peak
immunoradiometric assay). Plasma concentrations hormone responses to the TSST and naloxone
of cortisol were measured by radioimmunoassay challenge. Peak hormone level was defined as the
(Diagnostic Products Corporation, Inc., Los highest level reached during each of the chal-
Angeles, CA, USA). Plasma concentrations of lenges. We treated the peak hormone response as
estradiol and progesterone were measured in the outcome variable and gender as the major
female subjects (Diagnostic Products Corporation, covariate of interest in the generalized linear
Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA). Intra-assay and inter- model. Fourth, we carried out area under the
646 M. Uhart et al.

generalized linear model. Lastly, we calculated

the effect size of the hormonal responses in each
of the two challenge groups, and in the subset of
subjects who completed both challenges. Effect
size was calculated as the difference between the
mean peak hormone response values of the male
group and female group divided by the standard
deviation of the overall sample (Cohen, 1988).
The analyses were two sided with a 0.05
significance level and were performed by using
the software STATA 8.0. Finally, we plotted the
unadjusted means of ACTH and cortisol response
concentrations to the two challenges against time
by gender.

3. Results

3.1. Demographics

Demographic characteristics for the subjects

undergoing the TSST (nZ80) and the naloxone
challenge (nZ72) are in Table 1. Subjects were
healthy and predominantly Caucasian, and all
subjects were non-smokers. The groups differed in
racial composition (TSST, c2Z6.76, pZ0.034;
naloxone, c2Z6.70, pZ0.035), and race was
adjusted for in our statistical models. There were
Figure 1 (a) Plasma ACTH response to TSST by gender. no statistically significant differences between
Values reflect unadjusted means (SE). *Plasma ACTH gender groups in terms of age and BMI. In the
levels differed significantly by gender at the following TSST group, males were 18–50 years (mean 26.7
time points: 25 min, pZ0.007; 40 min, pZ0.021. (b) years, SD 10.1 years) and females were 18–42 years
Plasma cortisol response to TSST by gender. Values (mean 22.6 years, SD 5.3 years). In the naloxone
reflect unadjusted means (SE). *Plasma cortisol levels group, males were 18–32 years (mean 21.4 years, SD
differed significantly by gender at the following time 2.5 years) and females were 18–27 years (mean 20.9
points: 25 min, pZ0.027; 85 min, pZ0.006. years, SD 2.6 years).

curve (AUC) analysis. ACTH and cortisol AUC 3.2. Trier social stress test (TSST)
values by gender were computed by using the
trapezoid algorithm and the effect of gender on There were no mean baseline differences in plasma
differences in the AUC was assessed by using the ACTH and cortisol levels by gender (tZ1.49, pZ

Table 2 Adjusted mean hormonal values for the TSST and naloxone challenge by gender.
Hormone/measure TSST, nZ80 Naloxone challenge, nZ72
Male Female p Value Male Female p Value
Sample size 53 27 52 20
AUC, mean (SE) 232.2 (7.5) 209.2 (8.7) zZK1.93, pZ0.054 517.1(8.5) 546.4 (15.0) zZ1.63, pZ0.103
Peak, mean (SE) 29.1 (1.1) 19. 5 (1.1) zZK2.42, pZ0.016 32.1(1.0) 44.7(1.1) zZ2.68, pZ0.007
AUC, mean (SE) 201.2 (5.4) 185.7 (7.9) zZK1.59, pZ0.111 458.8 (5.5) 500.5 (8.7) zZ3.99, p!0.001
Peak, mean (SE) 17.9 (1.0) 13.7 (1.1) zZK2.15, pZ0.031 20.4(1.0) 27.9(1.0) zZ5.06, p!0.001
ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; AUC, area under the curve.
Gender and HPA axis hormonal response 647

0.139 and tZ1.70, pZ0.092, respectively). 3.3. Naloxone challenge

Following the psychological stressor, ACTH and
cortisol responses to the TSST were significantly There were no mean baseline differences in plasma
greater in male subjects compared to female cortisol levels by gender (tZ1.09, pZ0.281).
subjects (zZK2.34, pZ0.019 and zZK2.12, pZ However, ACTH baseline levels differed by gender
0.034, respectively) (Fig. 1a and b). Male subjects (tZ2.57, pZ0.012) and baseline hormonal levels
also had greater peak ACTH and cortisol responses were used as a covariate in the analysis. Cortisol
compared to female subjects (zZK2.42, pZ0.016 responses to the naloxone challenge were signifi-
and zZK2.15, pZ0.031, respectively). In addition, cantly greater in female subjects compared to male
ACTH area under the curve responses were margin- subjects (zZ4.11, p!0.001). In addition, ACTH
ally greater in males as compared to females responses were marginally greater in female
(zZK1.93, pZ0.054) (Table 2). subjects compared to male subjects (zZ1.70,
pZ0.089) (Fig. 2a and b). Female subjects also
had statistically significantly greater peak ACTH and
cortisol responses compared to male subjects (zZ
2.68, pZ0.007 and zZ5.06, p!0.001, respect-
ively). In addition, female subjects had greater
cortisol area under the curve response compared to
males (zZ3.99, p!0.001) (Table 2).

3.4. Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) and

naloxone challenge

Forty-one subjects completed both the TSST and

the naloxone challenge. Demographic character-
istics are presented in Table 3. There were no
statistically significant differences between gender
groups in terms of age, race and BMI.
Adrenocorticotropin and cortisol responses to
the TSST did not differ significantly by gender
(Fig. 3a and b, and Table 4). Given the small sample
size and lack of significance, effect sizes were
calculated showing Cohen’s dZ0.58 and 0.77 for
ACTH and cortisol, respectively.
However, ACTH and cortisol responses to the
naloxone challenge were significantly greater in

Table 3 Demographic characteristics by gender in

subjects who completed both the TSST and naloxone
TSST and naloxone challenge, nZ41
Male Female
Figure 2 (a) Plasma ACTH response to naloxone by Sample size 25 16
gender. Values reflect unadjusted means (SE). Pl denotes Age, mean (SD), (y) 20.8 (2.8) 20.5 (2.4)
time of placebo (saline) administration. N denotes times Race, no. (%)
of incremental naloxone administration. (b) Plasma Caucasian 20 (80) 11 (68.7)
African–American 2 (8) 5 (31.3)
cortisol response to naloxone by gender. Values reflect
Asian 3 (12) 0 (0)
unadjusted means (SE). Pl denotes time of placebo
BMI, mean (SD), 24.8 (3.3) 25.1 (3.6)
(saline) administration. N denotes times of incremental (kg/m2)
naloxone administration. *Plasma cortisol levels differed TSST Naloxone
significantly by gender at the following time points: Estradiol, mean (SE), 48.8 (11.1) 46.1 (16.6)
60 min, pZ0.050; 75 min, pZ0.009; 90 min, p!0.001; (pg/mL)
105 min, p!0.001; 120 min, p!0.001; 135 min, p! Progesterone, mean 0.5 (0.1) 0.7 (0.1)
0.001; 150 min, p!0.001; 165 min, p!0.001; 180 min, (SE), (ng/mL)
648 M. Uhart et al.

cortisol responses compared to male subjects (zZ

3.24, p!0.001 and zZ5.0, p!0.001, respectively).
In addition, female subjects had greater ACTH and
cortisol area under the curve response compared to
males (zZ2.30, pZ0.022 and zZ4.25, p!0.001)
(Table 4).

4. Discussion

In the present study, we observed that healthy male

subjects demonstrate a more robust ACTH and
cortisol response to a psychological stress
compared to females. In contrast, healthy females
had a higher cortisol and marginally higher ACTH
response to naloxone compared to males. Overall,
our findings were consistent whether our analysis
was conducted using a between-subject or within-
subject design.
Our findings in response to the TSST lend further
support to a number of studies that have shown
greater cortisol and ACTH responses in young and
elderly male subjects to a psychological challenge,
including public speaking and mental arithmetic
exercises, compared to females (Kirschbaum et al.,
1992, 1995a,b; Kudielka et al., 1998). The evidence
in human studies of the effect of gender on HPA axis
stress response, however, has been conflicting.
Certain studies have suggested higher HPA axis
Figure 3 (a) Plasma ACTH response to TSST by gender
in subjects who completed both the TSST and naloxone
responses in elderly females compared to elderly
challenge. Values reflect unadjusted means (SE). (b) males employing a driving simulation and a
Plasma cortisol response to TSST by gender in subjects cognitive paradigm challenge (Seeman et al.,
who completed both the TSST and naloxone challenge. 1995, 2001), and following lumbar puncture (Petrie
Values reflect unadjusted means (SE). et al., 1999). Still, other studies have reported no
significant gender difference in cortisol response to
examination stress and a cognitive-conflict task in
female subjects compared to male subjects (zZ young subjects (Collins and Frankenhaeuser, 1978;
2.29, pZ0.022 and zZ4.34, p!0.001, respect- Frankenhaeuser et al., 1978).
ively) (Fig. 4a and b). Female subjects also had Interestingly, in contrast to the findings after
statistically significantly greater peak ACTH and exposure to psychological stress, we observed

Table 4 Adjusted mean hormonal values for the TSST and naloxone challenge by gender in subjects who completed
both the TSST and naloxone challenge.
Hormone/ TSST, nZ41 Naloxone challenge, nZ41
Male Female p Value Male Female p Value
Sample size 25 16 25 16
AUC, mean (SE) 221.9 (9.7) 205.0 (11.3) zZK1.07, pZ0.284 512.3 (14.2) 563.9 (17.3) zZ2.30, pZ0.022
Peak, mean (SE) 27.9 (0.1) 19.8 (1.1) zZK1.53, pZ0.125 31.1 (1.0) 47.9 (3.0) zZ3.24, p!0.001
AUC, mean (SE) 197.3 (7.7) 181.6 (11.5) zZK1.08, pZ0.281 466.5 (9.3) 522.2 (9.1) zZ4.25, p!0.001
Peak, mean (SE) 17.6 (1.0) 13.4 (1.1) zZK1.54, pZ0.124 22.2 (1.0) 30.8 (1.0) zZ5.0, p!0.001

ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; AUC, area under the curve.

Gender and HPA axis hormonal response 649

et al., 1994; Born et al., 1995). However, following

a CRH challenge, other studies have reported no
significant gender difference in hormonal response
(Hermus et al., 1984).
The possible role of sex steroids such as estrogen
on the gender differences in response to the TSST
observed in our study is suggested by several lines of
evidence. In animal studies, estrogens enhance HPA
axis activity (Viau and Meaney, 1991; Burgess and
Handa, 1992) and, in response to stress females
have consistently shown greater increases in ACTH
and corticosterone compared with males (Kitay,
1961; Handa et al., 1994; Armario et al., 1995). In
humans, sex steroids seem to modulate the HPA
axis stress response as suggested by the observation
that cortisol responses to stress were similar in
males compared to females in the luteal phase of
the menstrual cycle whereas in the follicular phase
females had blunted response compared to males
(Kirschbaum et al., 1999). However, the direct
impact of estrogens on HPA axis regulation in
humans remains contradictory. Whereas in one
study a short-term estradiol application enhanced
cortisol responsivity to stress in males (Kirschbaum
et al., 1996), other studies show that the effect of
estrogen on stress reactivity is, if anything
reversed. For example, a 2-week estradiol treat-
ment in postmenopausal women did not modify
stress-induced HPA axis responses and feedback
Figure 4 (a) Plasma ACTH response to naloxone by sensitivity seemed to be increased resulting in a
gender in subjects who completed both the TSST and blunted cortisol response to dexamethasone-CRH
naloxone challenge. Values reflect unadjusted means test (Kudielka et al., 1999).
(SE). Pl denotes time of placebo (saline) administration. It is plausible that sex steroids may also influence
N denotes times of incremental naloxone administration. opioid regulation of HPA axis activation and con-
*Plasma ACTH levels differed significantly by gender at tribute to explain the gender differences in response
the following time points: 45 min, pZ0.013; 75 min, p!
to naloxone observed in our study. The hypothalamic
0.001; 90 min, pZ0.008; 150 min, pZ0.021; 180 min, pZ
CRH neurons receive direct inhibitory input from
0.040. (b) Plasma cortisol response to naloxone by gender
in subjects who completed both the TSST and naloxone b-endorphin-producing neurons located in the arc-
challenge. Values reflect unadjusted means (SE). Pl uate nucleus via the m-opioid receptor (Tsagarakis
denotes time of placebo (saline) administration. N et al., 1990). In addition, b-endorphin-producing
denotes times of incremental naloxone administration. neurons inhibit norepinephrine neurons, which
*Plasma cortisol levels differed significantly by gender at provide direct stimulatory input to hypothalamic
the following time points: 45 min, pZ0.015; 60 min, pZ CRH neurons (Jackson et al., 1990). There is prior
0.007; 75 min, pZ0.003; 90 min, p!0.001; 105 min, p! evidence that expression of m-opioid receptors is
0.001; 120 min, p!0.001; 135 min, pZ0.001; 150 min, modulated by gonadal steroid hormones in rat brain
pZ0.001; 165 min, pZ0.001; 180 min, p!0.001. (Hammer et al., 1994), as shown by increased
receptor binding to naloxone in hypothalamic
higher cortisol response in female subjects to regions following exposure to estradiol (Brown
naloxone compared to males. These results are in et al., 1996). Furthermore, the regional brain
agreement with HPA axis hormonal response to content of opioid peptides is modulated by gonadal
other pharmacological challenges, including admin- steroid hormones; for example, in rodents estrogen
istration of CRH alone or combined with dexa- induces the expression and seems to stimulate the
methasone or arginine-vasopressin, which have release of endogenous opioid peptides that activate
shown elevated HPA axis responsivity and opioid receptors in the limbic system and hypothala-
decreased feedback sensitivity in female subjects mus (Hammer et al., 1994; Priest et al., 1995;
compared to males (Gallucci et al., 1993; Heuser Eckersell et al., 1998). It is plausible that if opioid
650 M. Uhart et al.

activity differs among genders, then HPA axis play a role in the observed gender differences in
activity would also differ as a function of gender the development and maintenance of substance use
following naloxone administration. disorders such as alcohol dependence (Grant et al.,
The observation that acute psychological stres- 2004; Oswald and Wand, 2004).
sors on one hand and pharmacological stimulation The present study has several weaknesses.
tests on the other hand seem to result in different Although the sample size for the naloxone challenge
gender-specific patterns of HPA axis responsivity is and TSST was ample, it would have been ideal if the
intriguing. Reported gender differences could sample size was larger for the subgroup of subjects
possibly be attributed to differences in the applied that completed both the naloxone and TSST. The
HPA axis stimulation procedures. In this regard moderate to large effect size suggests that this
Stroud et al. (2002) observed that men and women would have resulted in finding significant gender
show different adrenocortical response to different differences to the TSST. Second, it also needs to be
stressors; in their study, men showed greater acknowledged that there are potential confounding
cortisol responses to achievement challenges, but differences for participants in the between-subject
women showed greater cortisol responses to a versus the within-subject portions of the study. For
social rejection challenge. Thus, it appears that the within-subject design, participants underwent
different mechanisms of HPA axis activation stimu- two challenges which activated the HPA axis. It is
late the HPA axis in a singular way and are under plausible that a certain degree of desensitization
different neurochemical regulation. However, in occurred between the first and second challenge as
our study, the HPA axis stimulation procedures also subjects become accustomed to the stress of a
differed in their duration. For example, the novel environment and intravenous line placement.
psychological stressor was administered over a 10- However, the wash out period between studies
min period and, differently, the naloxone challenge should have minimized any significant desensitiza-
was administered over a 2-h period. Thus, it is tion. Third, although race could have been a
possible that the gender differences observed in confounder as previously described (Yanovski
response to naloxone administration could be et al., 2000), adjusting for race and other
related to other mechanisms such as variation in
demographic characteristics in our statistical
feedback regulation. In this regard, there is
models likely mitigated bias induced by baseline
evidence in preclinical models that estradiol
group differences. In addition, one should be
modulates mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorti-
cautious about generalizing the pattern of
coid (GR) receptors and thus modifies cortisol
responses seen in artificial settings to real-life
negative feedback within the HPA axis (Peiffer
situations. Furthermore, whether gender would
et al., 1991; Burgess and Handa, 1992; Handa et al.,
predict hormonal responses to other types of HPA
1994). Specifically, in estrogen treated rats, an
axis activators needs to be investigated. Further
increase in the magnitude and the duration of the
research is needed to replicate the findings
corticosterone response to stress has been shown,
reported here and to extend our understanding of
suggesting an impairment of the GR-mediated
negative feedback (Burgess and Handa, 1992). the underlying mechanisms for any gender differ-
Thus, the possibility that decreased cortisol ences in HPA axis hormonal response to challenge.
negative feedback in females as compared to In summary, male subjects demonstrate a more
males could contribute to the increased hormonal robust HPA axis hormonal response to a psychologi-
response observed following naloxone adminis- cal stressor compared to females and, in contrast,
tration cannot be ruled out. This observation may females had greater hormonal reactivity to phar-
reflect that, in addition to the nature of HPA axis macological stimulation with naloxone compared to
activation, the duration of the activation should males. Such gender differences are of interest as
also be considered in future studies. potential contributors to gender differences in
There is interest in investigating gender differ- health risks.
ences in HPA axis activation in response to
challenges as it may contribute to explain gender
differences in the prevalence of diseases associated
with HPA axis dysregulation. For example, gender Acknowledgements
differences in HPA axis responses to stress may be
one mechanism underlying gender differences in This work was supported by NIH grants AA 10158
prevalence of depression (Boyd and Weissman, (GSW), AA 12303 (GSW) and AA 12837 (MEM), and a
1981; Stroud et al., 2002). Similarly, gender gift from the Kenneth A. Lattman Foundation
differences in endogenous opioid activity could (GSW).
Gender and HPA axis hormonal response 651

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