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I, hereby declare that the project entitled “TO STUDY THE PRODUCTION PROCESS OF DRILL BITS &
CONSUMPTION” written and submitted by me to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune as partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the award of degree of MBA under the guidance of Prof. Mr. Rahul Deore, is my original
work and the conclusion drawn therein are based on the material collected by myself.

I also declare that this work has not been submitted anywhere else for award of any other degree.

Sameer Barve



Signature of student:


I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Pradip Joshi, Operation’s manager, Advance
manufacturing, chiplun., For his keen interest, invaluable pains taking and excellent
guidance, patience, endurance, encouragement and thoughtful advice for the project work.
He has been instrumental in making me understand the various procedures and policies of
Advance Manufacturing. His kind support and guidance throughout the course of this project
has helped me to complete my work effectively and efficiently.
I am grateful to Dr. Rakesh Dholakiya, Director, DYPIMR, Pune for providing us with an
opportunity to go beyond the classroom and have a glimpse of the corporate world.
My sincere thanks to my project guide Prof. Rahul Deore for guiding me right from the
inception till the successful completion of the project. I sincerely acknowledge him for
extending his valuable guidance, support for literature, critical reviews of the project. I thank
him for much needed timely advice and suggestions that he has provided.
I thank my family members for their moral support and help with they provided me during th
course of project work. I am also thankful to my friends who gave me continuous inspiration
to complete this project successfully.

Sameer Barve.


Chapter Particulars Page no.



1 Introduction 5

2 Objectives , scope 6 -7

3 Company profile 8-15

4 Review of literature 16-20

Research Methodology
5 21-25

Data Presentation, Analysis & Interpretation

6 26-41

Improvements, Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion

7 42-46

8 47


The project starts with a brief introduction specifying the need for the study and reasons for
choosing the topic. I have done research on the topic “To study the production process of drill
bits and to determine its material cost with the help of actual material consumption”. The
main objective of the study is to study the production process and to study actual material
consumption in each stage. Project involved primary data which was collected by observation
and secondary data which is collected by viewing company’s data and other reports.

Project report then contains the whole production process carried in Advance manufacturing
as well as the total consumption of HSS straight shank stub drills, Rolled forged drills-Jobber
series, HSS straight shank long drills, Masonry drills-standard. A proper charts depicting the
cost for materials consumption. Project report then contains the interpretations which shows
the difference in the cost in different drill bits followed by the analysis data. Improvement in
the material consumption is suggested by reusing some materials and a brief description is
given on ways of improving Inventory. From the analysis of overall study findings and
suggestions have been provided.


In nutshell, drill bits are specialized cutting tools that are used to create cylindrical holes in
various materials. Drilling holes in woods is the most common use for drills bits, but various
other materials may be drilled such as metal, plastic, composite, masonry and more.

Advance manufacturing is place in Chiplun MIDC. They produce drill bits. In this project I
am studying the production process in advance manufacturing as well as actual material
consumption in the company.

Drill bits fit inside what is known as chuck on a drill. When the drills is powered on, the
chuck spins around, creating torque and the axial speed needed to cut the hole.

Various companies in India manufacture drill bits. In this industry in India top manufacturer
company is Neeson tools international.

Advance manufacturing is provide their drill bits to the J.K Files India Chiplun.

Advance manufacturing have over 60 workers works in three shifts.

In this company I learned about all Operational related works.


1. To study the production process in “Advance manufacturing”.

2. To study actual material consumption in production process.
3. To analys the overall consumption to find out the total material cost of ‘drill bits.
4. To suggest improvement in consumption of material.

To implement start to use industry so latest technology to control more consumption
of material like Data Analysis, Data Analysis etc. but it need well trained employee.


Advance manufacturing was established in the year April 2019. Advance manufacturing is
placed at Chiplun Mumbai Goa highway & easily reachable via Mumbai by Rail & bus from
Pune by bus or private vehicle. Advance manufacturing produce(files) drill bits. Advance
manufacturing gets raw material from J K Files India Ltd Chiplun. & they give their product
after packing to J K Files India Ltd Chiplun. In advance manufacturing 60 workers &
employees are working in three shifts. Advance manufacturing produce drill bits (files) in
many size.

Product Specification:-

 Easy to transport
 Available in many sizes
 Easy to manufacture.
 Non corrosive

Application & Area of Use:-

 To drill in walls.
 To drill in Woods
 In civil constructions


 Maximizing profit
 High internal and external customer satisfaction.

 Quality product
 On time delivery
 Low wastage

 Creating a strong market

 Developing new market

 Fitness of the product for the cutomer


 Maximize performance
People Management  Maximizing job satisfaction

Finance  Fiting expenses in budget

Purchasing  Cheaper rates but with no compromise in quality

 Taking care of office facilities


 Low rates with high refillable service


 New product development

R& D  Making product stronger for use


HSS Straight Shank Stub


forged Advance Manufacturing Straight
long drills.

Masonry drills- standard

Fig:- product profile

Raw Materials used

M2 high speed steel

Length:- 8 feet Diameter:- 105-500mm

Thickness:- 80-500mm Width:- 210-2000mm


I. HSS Straight Shank Stub Drills.

Standard straight shank ground flute drill, recommended for use with hand drilling
machines in drilling thin sections, sheet metal, car and bus bodies and for similar
applications. Also, they are used for automatic and capstan lathes. They are
Ground flute up to 13mm and Milled flute above 13mm. They are designed as per
the IS5100/DIN 1897/BS328 standards.

Key features of HSS straight shank stub drills:-

 Stub drills have a shorter overall length than jobber for rigidity and longer
tool life.

2 Rolled forged drills- jobber series.

Rolled forged drills bits are twisted when forged in the manufacturing process. This cause the
molecular structure of steel to follow the flute giving good durability. Diameter range is
about 2.70mm to 13.00mm. Suitable for drilling on Mild steel, Plastic, stainless steel with
point of enhancement (130 degree) and wood drilling operations.

3. HSS shank long drills

Straight shank drill with increased flute length for drilling deep and inaccessible holes
or for use in conjunction with drill bushings They are designed as per the IS5102/
DIN 340/BS 328 standards.

4. Masonry drills.

Masonry drill bits are designed for drilling into tough materials such as stone, block or
concrete. The feature of masonry drills is long life.


Review of literature forms an integral as well as an essential part of modern research studies.
No research study is considered complete unless an extensive literature review is made by the
researcher. The basic purpose of undertaking this exercise is to find the research gap between,
studies conducted so far or literature available, and also to finalize precisely the topic of
research and to get insight the research topic selected for study. In this exercise becomes a
sort of exploratory research.

Research paper 1:-

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET) by Amarnath R. Mundhekar, Subhash R. Jadhav

Volume February 2015

ISSN: 2321-96533 Issue II

Abstract— Drilling is one of the widely used machining processes for various purposes. Now
a days it is frequently used in
automotive, aircraft and aerospace and dies or mold industries, home appliances, medical and
electrical equipment
industries. Thus, it needs to be cost effective along with the assurance of the quality
specifications within the experimental
limit. In today’s rapidly changing circumstances in manufacturing industries, applications of
optimization techniques in
metal cutting processes is essential for a manufacturing unit to respond efficiently to severe
competitiveness and the
increasing demand of quality product in the market. Optimization methods in metal cutting
processes, considered being a
very important tool for continual improvement of output quality in products & processes [13].
This paper reviews the various
literatures on the optimization of drilling process by studying the influence of various drilling
parameters (spindle speed,
feed rate, drill diameter, drill point angle, etc.) on the performance parameters (surface
roughness, material removal rate,
thrust force, etc) during drilling process.

Research paper 2 :-

Journal name :-International journal of mechanic al engineering and robotics research.


Rajesh Verma2

ISSN 2278 – 0149

Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2015


Importance of drill bits is to making our work very easy without paying worker for small
work such as for hanging frame on the wall or for the drilling a hole into the wall for hanging
something else. Drill bits also used for the drilling in wood and many other things. Drill bits
are of various types and design and geometry, for a particular field application or drilling
practices. Due to different types the drill bit must be changed after a period of time during
which drilling operations must stop .Drill bits are of various size, ranging from 3.5 inches to
30 inches.

What is productivity?

Productivity describes various measures of the efficiency of production. A productivity

measures is expressed as the ratio of output to inputs used in a production process, i.e. output
per unit of input. Productivity is a crucial factor in production performance of firms and
nations. Increasing national productivity can rise living standards because more real income
improves people’s ability to purchase goods and services , enjoy leisure, improve housing &
education & contribute to social & environmental programs. Productivity growth also helps
businesses to be more profitable. There are many different definitions of productivity & the
choice among them depends on the productivity measurement and/or data productivity.

Production process:-

Production and Operations management (POM) is about the transformation of production and
operational inputs into “outputs” that, when distributed, meet the need of customers.


The process in above diagram is offer referred to as the “Conversion Process”. There are
several different methods of handling the conversion or production process i.e. Job, Flow &
Group .


There are many different ways of producing a product. Management must choose the best
process, or series of processes. They will consider:-

 Available capacity
 Available skills
 Type of production
 Layout of plant & equipment
 Safety
 Production costs
 Maintenance requirements

The production process in Advance manufacturing, which is given in stage wise is as follows:

1. Tram( parting machine)

2. Heat treatment
3. Washing
4. Tempring
5. Tumling
6. Rough centerless grinding
7. Fluting
8. Finish granding
9. Clearance granding
10. Point granding
11. Quality checking
12. Marking
13. Packing


Material management thus can be define as that function of business that responsible for the
coordination of planning, sourcing, purchasing, moving, storing and controlling materials in an
optimum manner so as to provide service to customer, at pre-decided level at minimum cost.

From the management point of view, the key objectives of Advance manufacturing are:-

 To buy the lowest price, consistent with desired quality and services.
 To maintain specific material quality level and a consistency of quality which permits
efficient effective operation.
 To develop reliable alternate source of supply to promote a competitive atmosphere in
performance and pricing.
 To minimize the overall cost of acquisition by improving the efficiency of operations and


Research is to see what everyday else has seen and to think what
nobody else has thought. Research means movement from known to unknown. It is
investigation of significant information on a specific subjects. It is actually a voyage
of discovery. Research is thus an original contribution to the existing study,
observation, comparison and experiment. In short the search for the knowledge
through objectives and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research.

According to Clarke and Clarke,

“Research is careful, systematic and objective investigation conducted to
obtain valid facts, draw conclusions and establish principles regarding an identifiable
problem in some field of knowledge”.

According to John W. Best,

“Research is systematic and objective analysis and recording of
controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalization, principles,
theories, resulting in prediction and possibly ultimate control of events.”

Research design
The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate
the different components of study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring
you will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for
collection, measurement, and analysis of data. It acts as blueprint for the whole

According to Green and Tull ,

“A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for
acquiring the information needed. It is the over-all operational pattern or framework
of the project that stipulates what information is to be collected from which source by
what procedures”.

According to David J Luck and Ronald S Rubin, “A research design is the

determination and statement of the general research approach or strategy adopted for
the particular project. It is the heart of planning”.

Types Of Research Design:-

Research Design

Exploratory Conclusive Research

Research Design design

Descriptive Research Casual Research

Cross-Sectional Research Longitudinal Research

Fig :-Type of research design


1. Primary data:-

The original sources from which the data is collected for the first time are termed as
primary sources and such data is called primary data. Such data is original in
character and is generated by a survey conducted by individuals or organizations for
enquiry or study purpose.

According to W.A. Neiswanger,

“A primary source is a publication in which the primary data are published
by the same authority which gather and analyse them”.

2. Secondary data:-
The sources containing data which have already been collected and complied
for another purpose are called secondary sources. The secondary sources contain
readily available compendia and already complied statistical statements and reports
whose data can be used by others.

According to W.A. Neiswanger,

“A secondary sources is publication, reporting the data which have been gathered by
other authorities and for which others are responsible.”


Descriptive Research
The descriptive research involves a systematic study and fact findings for different
situations. In this project consumption of materials are studied in detail and also charts
are prepared for the same.

Primary data
Primary data is that data which is collected a fresh and for the first time. In this
project, the primary data collected is the flow of materials under each stage to know
their consumption. The variations in the process for different types of components are
also captured. The methods used for collecting primary data include:-

-Observation of employee activities.

- Studying the whole production process.

Secondary Data
Secondary data is that data which is already collected by someone for some their
purpose. For this project, the secondary data collected is the different concepts and
definitions used in the organization.
The method used for collecting secondary data include:-
-Company records


Objective of the project.

i. To study the production process in Advance manufacturing.

ii. To study the actual material consumption in each stage of production process.
iii. To analyse the overall material consumption to find out the total material cost
of drill bits.
iv. To suggest improvement in consumption of materials.

Production process in Advance Manufacturing-

1. Parting:-

The first stage of production of drill bits is parting of M2 High speed steel by using parting
machine. In this stage according to need of length of the order steel rods are cut in various

Fig:- Parting

2. Heat Treatment:-

Next stage of drill bits production is heat treatment. In this process firstly pre-heat treatment
is done 860 Degree C. Then high heat treatment is give at 1210 Degree C. Then drill rods
temperature is reduced by penching i.e. kept this heated rods in salt and then temperature is
comes to 540 Degree C.

3. Washing:-
The next stage is washing. In this stage cut steel rods are wash.

4. Tempering:-
After washing tempering is done. In this stage initial tempering is done on the steel rods. This
process is done for 2 hrs. for 3 times.

5. Rough center leth grinding:-

This process is done through the rough center leth machine.

Fig :- Rough center leth grinding

6. Fluting:-

Next stage after the rough center leth Fluting is done in to the fluting machine.

7. Finish Grinding:-

After fluting is done then finish grinding is the next stage in drill bits production process.
This stage is done for the get finishing to the drill bits.

Fig: Finish Grinding

8. Clearance Grinding:-

Once finish grinding is done next stage is clearance grinding. In this stage clearance grinding
is done in grinding machine. Then quality is checked by workers and quality department.
Then drill bits go to point grinding machine.

Fig:- . Clearance Grinding

9. Quality Checking:-

In this stage quality is checked by the quality department. In this stage diameter, length,
strength is checked.

10. Marking:-

In this stage drill bits are marked as per their length and their type.

11. Packing;-

This is the last stage of drill bits production in Advance manufacturing. In this process drill
bits are packed according to various types and length. Firstly Drill bits are kept in plastic

pouches, then they are kept in plastic tubes. And finally this tubes are kept in boxes for

Final product packing ready to dispatch for J.K Files.


For HSS straight shank stub drills.

Sr. Material Quantity Unit Price(Rs) Amount(Rs)

No. Description Required
200 kg 800 1,60,000
1 M2 high speed steel
50 Lit 268 13,400
2 DWX 32 oil
26 Pairs 200 5,200
3 Gloves pairs
10 Kg 32 320
4 Cotton waste
30 Units 200 6,000
5 Goggle
30 Units 30 900
6 Nose Masks
20 Units 150 3,000
7 LED bulbs
30 Pairs 30 900
8 Cotton Hand gloves
10 Lit 240 2,400
9 Cooling agent

10 Units 30 300
10 cello tape
10 Units 20 200
11 Markers
Packing material 500 Units 10 5,000
12 (plastic tubes)
20 Units 30 600
13 Boxes for packing

Rolled forged drills-Jobber series.

Sr. Material Quantity Unit Price(Rs) Amount(Rs)

No. Description Required

1 M2 high speed steel 250 kg 800 2,00,000

2 DWX 32 oil 50 lit 268 13,400

3 Gloves pairs 26 pairs 200 5,200

4 Cotton waste 10 kg 32 320

5 Goggle 30 pairs 200 6,000

6 Nose Masks 30 units 30 900

7 LED bulbs 20 units 150 3,000

8 Cotton Hand gloves 30 pairs 30 900

9 Cooling agent 10 lit 240 2,400

10 Cello tape 10 units 30 300

11 Markers 10 units 20 200

12 Packing material 800 units 10 8,000

(plastic tubes)

13 Boxes for packing 25 units 30 750

HSS Straight Shank Long Drills

Sr. Quantity
No. Material Required Unit Price(Rs) Amount(Rs)

1 M2 high speed 200 kg 800 1,60,000


2 DWX32 oil 45 lit 268 12,060

3 Gloves pairs 26 units 200 5,200

4 Cotton waste 10 kg 32 320

5 Goggles 30 units 200 6,000

6 Nose mask 20 units 30 900

7 LED bulbs 20 units 150 3,000

8 Cotton Hand gloves 30 units 30 900

9 Cooling agent 10 lit 240 2,400

10 Cello tape 10 units 30 300

11 Markers 10 units 20 200

Packing material
12 (Plastic tubes) 450 units 10 4,500

13 Boxes for packing 15 units 30 450

Masonry Drills-standard

Sr. Material Description Quantity Unit Price(Rs) Amount(Rs)

No. Required

1 M2 high speed steel 200 kg 800 1,60,000

2 DWX 32 oil 50 lit 268 13,400

3 Gloves pairs 26 units 200 5,200

4 Cotton waste 10 kg 32 320

5 Goggle 30 units 200 6,000

6 Nose Masks 20 units 30 900

7 LED bulbs 20 units 150 3,000

8 Cotton Hand gloves 30 units 30 900

9 Cooling agent lit 240 2,400


10 Cello tape 10 units 30 300

11 Markers 10 units 20 200

12 Packing material 500 units 10 5,000

(plastic tubes)

13 Boxes for packing 20 units 30 600


HSS straight shank stub drills.

Rolled Forged Drills –Jobber Series

HSS Straight Shank Long Drills

Masonry drills-Standard


 It has been found that Rolled forged drills steel is more in quantity so it increase
value by Rs40,000 a compare to HSS straight shank drills, HSS straight shank long
drills and masonry drills.
 HSS straight shank long drills have comparatively length wise long than HSS
straight shank drills, rolled forged drills, masonry drills so it need less DWX32 oil
and decrease the value of DWX32 oil by Rs 1,340.
 Packing material i.e. plastic tubes are used for rolled forged drills are high because of
quantity of pieces of drills are increase as compare to HSS straight shank as well as
masonry drills. Rolled forged drills are required Rs3,500 more than HSS straight
shank long drills for plastic tubes for packing.
 For Rolled forged drills requires more no. of boxes for packing as compare to HSS
straight shank stub drills as well as HSS straight shank long drill. Rolled forged
packing required Rs150 more than HSS straight Drills and masonry drills and
required Rs300 more than HSS straight shank long Drills.


Reusing some materials can help reduction of materials, so as the cost.
Materials such as Gloves, Nose masks can be used for many weeks instead of using
them for just few days and throwing them.

Sometimes company over-to-order the amount of materials required to fulfill the
order & then some materials, especially in the make-to-order environment. The true
costs of excess inventory levels should be analyzed carefully before the company
orders excess raw materials.

Given below are some of the ways of improving Inventory management:

1. Track Inventory accurately:

It is important to accurately track your inventory in order to make sure that you have
to correct inventory level at all of your storage location. An inventory management
system has tool to help your company ensure that stock is ordered on time, use reports
reduce overstocks and stock shortages, create purchase orders, and make sure items
are picked and shipped. Automating your inventory processes with an inventory
system will reduce errors when tracking your inventory.

2. Optimize your inventory:

Reports and past records can help you analyze past inventory levels. Analyzing your
stock levels can help you optimize how much inventory keep at your storage
locations. By optimize your inventory levels you will be able to reduce the amount of
stock you keep in your inventory and the costs of storing excess inventory.
Optimizing your inventory levels can decrease the amount of overstocks and stock
shortages your company experiences.

This will lower shipping costs, and the amount of obsolete stock that your company

3. Prioritize Your Needs:

When you are managing your inventory you need to make sure you are prioritize
your needs. Managing inventory is a difficult task, if you do not breakdown which
items are the most important you may feel overwhelmed and miss opportunities the
efficiency of items with the highest demand.

4. Using Inventory Management Software.

Excel spreadsheets are highly prone to error, data loss, and inaccurate inventory
management. Excel spreadsheet do not provide you with the tools you need for your
business to stay competitive. With the tools that are available today and the rise of e-
commerce, there is more emphasis on streamlining inventory process to ensure you
have accurate and quick deliveries. Inventory management systems are designed to
manage your stock.

5. Have a backup plan:

Whatever you have one hundred items in your inventory or you have one hundred
thousand, you need to make sure that your cloud-based inventory management system
creates back-up for you, or that your company is performing them regularly. Not
performing cloud result in extreme losses for your corporation or business depending
on size of your inventory.


From the analysis of the data I have found the following:

Skilled Workers:-
The industry faces the shortage of skilled workers. In most of units, it has been
observed that there are less experienced and trained workers and officers in required
number. Thus, with traditional approach and unskilled and untrained workers, the
development of the industry cannot be achieved.

Quality Control:-
The production process is one of the important aspect of this industry. Machines ,
tools, should be of good quality.

Negligence from workers:-

Negligence from the part of workers. Very small components are being wasted by the
workers due to their negligence as well as mishandling of tool are done.

Outdated Materials:-
It has been found that some materials which are in bulk gets expired at times which
results in loss.

Lack of Coordination:-
There is a lack of coordination between the workers and the engineers.


Esprit de corps:-
It is an important concept in administrative management theory. The proper
coordination between workers and engineers will help the workers in making less
mistakes on production line and thus result in overall productivity.

Proper Handling of Materials:-

The materials and tools should be handled properly so as to have a higher life span of
tools and so as the materials are in good condition.


1.From this project in “ Advance Manufacturing Chiplun“ conclude that industry use
production process for HSS straight shank stub drills , Rolled Forged Drills –Jobber Series,
HSS Straight Shank Long Drills, Masonry drills-Standard.

2 .Material consumption of HSS straight shank stub drills , Rolled Forged Drills –Jobber
Series, HSS Straight Shank Long Drills, Masonry drills-Standard. Mostly m2 high speed
steel type in production process. So need to proper inventory managemanet of m2 high
speed steel.

3. HSS Straight shank stub drill have low oil consumption consumable used so costing
for manufacturing production automatically reduce so, profitability increase
4. Improvement consumption of material we can implement some standard technique
like quality policy & quality related to operation managemanet.


1 Journal papers:- 1. Optimization of Drilling Process Parameters

Volume 3 Issue II, February 2015
ISSN: 2321-9653
by Amarnath R. Mundhekar#1, Subhash R. Jadhav*2
# *Mechanical Engineering Department, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil college of Engineering & Polytechnic, Satara.


ISSN 2278 – 0149

Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2015
© 2015 IJMERR. All Rights Reserved

2 Books:- 1 Operation management theory and practices by B.Mhadevan

2. Research Methodology by C.R. Kothari

3 websites:-
1. Advance Manufacturing website:-
3. Technology Information, Forecasting and assessment council. Website-
5 www.joernels.elsevier,com


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