B Inggris PTS Kelas 8

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 06 Maret 2019

Kelas : VIII (delapan) Waktu : 90 menit

Read the text

Simping Island is the world smallest island. It is less than 5000 m 2. It is located in Mak Jantun
Bay, Singkawang, West Kalimantan. This very small island has beautiful views of the beach and
surrounding hills. Although the isladnd is very small, it is always full of visitor. To go to the
island, you do not need to take a boat because there is a bridge from the bay to the island.


1. Simping Island is . . . island in the world.

A. The biggest
B. The smallest
C. The most crowded
D. The most populated
2. Simping Island is located in . . .
A. East Kalimantan
B. Weast Kalimantan
C. North Kalimantan
D. Central Kalimantan
3. Simping Island has . . .
A. Beautiful mountains
B. Beautiful people
C. Beautiful forests
D. Beautiful views
4. Visitors usually go to this island . . .
A. By boat
B. By train
C. On foot
D. By car
5. We use the texts above to show . . .
A. Criticism
B. Apology
C. Appreciation
D. Regret
6. Ivan . . . goes to bed late. He always goes to bed at nine o’clock.
A. Never
B. Always
C. Usually
D. Sometimes
7. Rita has a dance course on Wednesdays.
It means that she has a dance course . . . a week.
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Four times
D. Three times
8. A deer has horns, but a dog . . .
A. Do
B. Does
C. Don’t
D. Doesn’t
9. I’m new here. I . . . know many people.
A. Am
B. Do
C. Do not
D. Am not
10. The sun . . . in the east and . . . in the west.
A. Rises – sets
B. Sets – rises
C. Rise – set
D. Set – rise
11. Frogs . . . give birth. They . . . eggs.
A. Do – lay
B. Don’t – lay
C. Does – lays
D. Doesn’t – lay
12. My father and I . . . now. We . . . for the next week festival.
A. Are dancing – are rehearsing
B. Is dancing – is rehearsing
C. Dancing – rehearsing
D. Dance – rehearsing
13. Yadi : Why . . . waving to us?
Rahma : Maybe he needs help.
A. Is the man
B. The man is
C. Are the man
D. The man are
14. The girl . . . about the new library in the school.
A. Are talking
B. Is talking
C. Talking
D. Talks
15. We have many books. We . . . the books now.
A. Are reading
B. Is reading
C. Reads
D. Read
16. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
A. Nona and Rafi is not travelling to Bangka-Belitung.
B. They is usually having dinner in this restaurant.
C. Elsa and Ana are not playing football right now.
D. Olaf is watching a horror movie now?
17. Your spicy ramen noodle is . . . than mine
A. Hot
B. Hotter
C. Hottest
D. More hot
18. The man treated his step children than animals.
A. Bad
B. Worst
C. Worse
D. Most bad
19. Krystal is as . . . as her sister.
A. More beautiful
B. Beautifully
C. Most beautiful
D. Beautiful
20. He has the . . . horse among all his friends.
A. Big
B. Bigger
C. More bigger
D. Biggest
21. I hope tomorrow will be . . . than today.
A. Best
B. Better
C. Good
D. Gooder
22. On my left hand I have cotton and on my right hand I have stone. They have the same size. I
can feel that the cotton is much ____ than the stone.
A. Heavier
B. Lighter
C. Fewer
D. The least
23. I can lift the bench. Elang cannot lift it. I’m ____ than Elang.
A. Stronger
B. Taller
C. Bigger
D. Smarter
24. Erlin and Ega bought notebooks. Erlin’s book has 56 pages and Ega’s has 48 pages. From the
sentence we can concloude that _____.
A. Erlin’s book is better than Ega’s
B. Ega’s book has fewer pages than Erlin’s
C. Ega’s book is as expensive as Erlin’s
D. Erlin’s book has as many pages as Ega’s
25. Many unique animal . . . this national park.
A. Inhabits
B. Inhabiting
C. Inhabit
D. Inhabits

Read the text

Ardi and Raina are students of an athlentics school. They start their day very early in the
morning. At 5 a.m., they have physical exercises. The exercises are often very hard and tiring.
They sometimes scream or cry, but they do not stop doing the exercises. They know that they
must work very hard to be good athletes. School begins at 8 a.m. and finishes at 12 p.m. Then
they usually rest for three hours before they have technique building exercises at 3 p.m. The
students of the school do not watch TV a lot. They never hang out at malls with their friends in
the evening because they still have night classes. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, they
have night classes from 7 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. They are usually very tired and go to bed right
after that.


26. What do Ardi and Raina do?

A. They are trainers.
B. They are athletes.
C. They are students.
D. They are teachers.
27. Which is true about Ardi and Raina?
A. They get up before 5 a.m.
B. They get up after 5 a.m.
C. They get up at 5 a.m.
D. They get up at 4 a.m.
28. Why do they sometimes scream or cry?
A. Because they miss their families.
B. Because they want to be good athletes.
C. Because they do not stop having exercises.
D. Because the exercises are often hard and tiring.
29. For how long do the students of the athletics school have classes in the morning?
A. Three hours.
B. Four hours.
C. Five hours.
D. Six hours.
30. What do they do after resting for three hours?
A. They watch TV.
B. They have night classes.
C. They do their homework.
D. They have technique building exercises.
31. How often do they have night classes?
A. Every day.
B. Every week.
C. Twice a week.
D. Three times a week.
32. For how long do they have night classes?
A. Two hours.
B. Three hours.
C. Two and a half hours.
D. Three and a half hours.
33. How often do they hang out at malls?
A. In the evening.
B. At weekends.
C. Sometimes.
D. Never.

Sisca Tomi
10 years old 12 years old
Height: 150 cm Height: 160 cm

Adi Anita
15 years old 14 years old
Height: 166 cm Height: 167cm


34. Tomi is . . . than Sisca

A. Younger
B. Shorter
C. Older
D. Old
35. Anita is . . . than Adi.
A. Shorter
B. Taller
C. Older
D. Tall
36. Adi is the . . . of all.
A. Youngest
B. Shortest
C. Eldest
D. Young
37. Sisca is the . . . of all.
A. Shortest
B. Tallest
C. Eldest
D. Short

Read the text

Ahmad is the best basketball player in his school. Although he is not the tallest, he is the most
energetic. He usually plays as the point guard and has excellent ball handing skills. He is a good
leader for his team.


38. Ahmad is a . . .
A. Volley player
B. Football player
C. Basketball player
D. Badminton player
39. He is the . . . player in his school.
A. Tallest
B. Shortest
C. Most popular
D. Most energetic
40. He has . . .
A. Good ball handing skills
B. A pair of good hands
C. Good shooting skills
D. A good ball

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