Letter of Transmittal: Subject: Report On Child Labor Act of Athithi Appayan Hotel and Restaurant

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March 30, 2017

Sheikh Ali Zulfikar
Department of Business administration
Faculty of CBA
International university of business agriculture and technology

Subject: Report On child labor act of Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant.

Dear Sir,

With great pleasure we are submitting this report on child labor act of Athithi appayan

hotel and restaurant. This report contains the. This report may do not reflect the whole
picture of child labor act of Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant. But it may reflect the main
scenarios of this hotel.

We are really grateful to you for giving us such an important assignment which helped us to
understand inventory activities of a garments as well as it will be helpful for our careers. This
report is authentically based on our true effort.

You’re sincerely,
Group members- saidul islam,sanjida islam rina,rasel darji,manfusa asad
keya,israfil hasan, and md mohhabot ali
Saidul Islam 14302129
Rina Akter 14302152
Israfil Hasan 14302172
Manfusa Asad Keya 14302055
Rasel Darzi 12102121
Md.Mohabbat Ali 13102567

All praises and pride are for the almighty Allah who has given us the strength to complete this
report successfully. We would like to thank and express our sincere gratitude to all those people
who are directly or indirectly helped us and contributed to the completion of this report.

We would like to express the sincere gratitude to Sheikh Ali Zulfikar

, college of Business Administration Department of International University of business
agriculture and technology
For his valuable suggestion and support that helped us to complete this report.

We are thankful and like to show our sincere gratitude to our friends, class mates and well-
wishers for their support during our research and by the time of making this report.

Finally we are grateful to our group members for giving us support and encouragement which
helps us a lot to do our work properly.

We are doing one report on child labor act of Bangladesh to show that some organization and
other restaurants are not following this and we suggested them to proper use child labor act and
we visited Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant there are some under 12 below worker and they
was child and also uneducated so we visited here for know about their system and how they treat
with their child worker. Child labor act are sometime maintain on there restaurant or sometime
not for the reason we visited here for know about this child labor how they work and which work
owner use them.

Objectives of the study are given below –

 To know about child labor act of Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant .
 To get idea about their child labor use.
 To analyze which act they are using from child labor act Bangladesh.
 To take an over view of their child labor acts.
About Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant

Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant is situated in savar,Dhaka,bangladesh.this restaurant

started their business in 2005 in savar .
They have only one branch here.in this hotel working everyday 25 workers there are many sector
of working serving and cooking and washing and manager who take bills. There are also 5 child
labor. Their monthly earn is around 50000 tk and yearly 600000 tk .
Everyday more than 50 customer they receive and they are arrange three time food 1st breakfast
2nd lunch and 3rd in night dinner in the other hand they have kabab and halim.
This hotel so good to look from outside and also inside and their workers behavior also very
Child labor act of Bangladesh
(a) The fundamental rights of the citizens including the children are spelled out in the
Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Articles 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20,
constituting the fundamental principles of state policy of the Constitution have laid emphasis on
ensuring compulsory primary education for the children as well as adopting special measures for
the children who are physically and mentally challenged. The Constitution has guaranteed the
fundamental rights of citizens in Articles 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41. Particularly,
forced labor is completely prohibited and access to legal remedy is assured in case of violation of
fundamental rights.

(b) After independence, Bangladesh enacted the Children Act 1974 (Act XXXIX of 1974) for the
protection of the children and their rights. It 4 appears from the title of the Act that it focuses
mainly on the children. The Act clearly delineates the definition of a child, his or her age, scope
of the child’s rights, childhood, guardianship, protection of child‟s property, provision of
protection for children in civil and criminal proceedings and legal custody. This act is a
remarkable milestone to establish the rights of children.

(c) The definition of child and the adolescent is further elaborated in the Labor Act 2006 (Act
XLII of 2006). Sections 34-44 in Chapter 3 of the Act have dealt with employment of children
and adolescents as worker. The Act prohibits appointment of any children in formal sector. The
Act also envisages that government from time to time through gazette notification would publish
the list of hazardous occupations and the list would come within the ambit of the prohibitory
clause. However, it provides provision for engaging a child or an adolescent in light work under
special circumstances for specific working hours subject to the certification by a physician.

(d) Birth and Death Registration Act 2004 (Act XXIX of 2004) is a major safeguard for the
protection of rights of children. This Act has made it compulsory to register the birth of a child
which would resolve the future complexity relating to the determination of the age of a child.

(e) The National Children Policy 1994 focuses on the attainment and protection of rights of
children, definition of child, age of the child, the extent of his or her rights, childhood,
guardianship, protection of the child’s property, provision of protection for children in civil and
criminal proceedings and in legal custody. The initiatives and efforts towards the elimination of
child labor of Bangladesh have also been acknowledged and appreciated by the international
communities. The Government of Bangladesh has ratified 33 Conventions related to labor issues
including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and ILO
Convention No. 182(Worst forms of Child Labor). Along with the mentioned legal provisions it
is important that these Acts be appropriately and systematically enforced.
Education and Recreation
As education and recreation is fundamental right of children, the employer or owner must
provide opportunity for a break of at least 30 minutes to one hour after the stipulated working
five hours;
Irrespective of the nature of work performed by a child, the employer or owner must ensure
adequate educational and recreational facilities after the stipulated working hour.

Healthcare Services
If a child falls sick or faces any accident while working, the employer or owner should bear all
expenses of his or her medical treatment and rehabilitation required.

Opportunity of Meeting with the Family Members

Children working as domestic workers must have opportunities to meet with their parents,
family members and relatives regularly.

Working Environment
The working environment must be conducive to the working children’s physical and mental
health and wellbeing.
Working Environment of Working Children
 works for more than 5 hours per day;
 performs such work that creates undue pressure on his/her physical and psychological
health and social status;
 works in an insecure and unhealthy environment;
 works without wage or with irregular payment or for low wages;
 carries out duties disproportionate to his or her capacity;
 works in such a condition that hinders his or her education;
 Is compelled to do such work which demean human dignity;
 becomes the victim of physical and/or mental torture and sexual exploitation;
 and gets no opportunity of leisure or recreation

Non-hazardous Work According to Child’s Capability

Employing children according to the age determined by the Acts and not to employ children
below 14 years as a regular employee.
Ensuring the children at domestic work not to perform any hazardous work and providing them
with proper food and accommodation, education, recreation since they work full time.
Practice of child labor act of Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant
They do use some child labor act Bangladesh .they just use one thing that ensure safe workplace
for worker and full day they work here and at night they leave it .And they get very good food
from restaurants and they all are uneducated and but physically they are fit .
Some labor photo that we visited.
Finding of Athithi appayan hotel and restaurant
They don’t use to much child labor act they just use that can help worker to work they give more pressure
to worker to work whole day and give them proper money and weather is good where they sitting and
mainly they are not educated to what they get they think that they are getting best .
In the other hand they need to be more concern about child labor .in a hotel we can see all are boys will
be now under 14 years old so they need to concern about their health and education
 They need to concern about labor health and education.
 They need to improve their food quality that workers eat.
 They need to impose a rest facility on work time.
 They need to set work time 8 or 9 hour per day.
 They need to give extra money or overtime money to worker.
 If they want vacation need to give me.
Child is a future of our county we need to utilizes them and if they get proper education our
county can get more success in future so if u give space in child labor you should follow child
labor act Bangladesh that is important for all labor and owner.

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