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Music 5 (D)

Col la borat i on Grade 5|Visual & Performing Arts|Huron Valley District|2014-2015

Friday, August 15, 2014, 5:27PM
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Questions and Essential/Focus
Unit Abstract Content Expectations Key Concepts
Enduring Questions
Perform How will Students will apply skills GLCE: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, & Theater, 5th Grade How can I sing Recorder
students apply and vocabulary learned in , Arts Education-Music and play with Staff
(Week 1, 39 skills and previous grades with PERFORM Standard 1: Apply skills and knowledge to appropriate Solo
Weeks) knowledge to independence. They will perform in the arts. dynamics, Dynamic
perform music be able to read, sing, and phrasing, and markings
appropriate for play instruments using ART.M.I.5.1 Sing and play independently with interpretation? Tempo
grade level? standard music notation. accurate rhythm, pitch, intonation, with How can I use markings
appropriate timbre, technique, and tempo within conductor cues Standard
Students will use the various musical contexts. to perform in a notation
recorder in more advanced ART.M.I.5.2 Sing from memory and play a small group or symbols
ways to enhance their varied repertoire of music representing genres ensemble?
musical learning. As an and styles from diverse cultures. How can I read
extension of classroom ART.M.I.5.3 Sing expressively with appropriate various notes
learning, they will dynamics, phrasing, and interpretation. and rests to
participate in a formal ART.M.I.2.4 Sing an ostinato. perform
musical performance. ART.M.I.5.5 Demonstrate ensemble increasingly
techniques by blending timbre, matching complex music?
dynamic levels, and responding to the cues of How can I
the conductor. perform an
ART.M.I.5.6 Demonstrate technical skills on independent
rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic instruments. instrumental part
ART.M.I.5.7 Perform rhythmic and melodic with a group?
patterns when presented aurally.
ART.M.I.5.8 Perform independent instrumental
parts while other students sing or play
contrasting parts.
ART.M.I.5.9 Use a system to read rhythmic
notation in various meters.
ART.M.I.5.10 Use a system to read pitch
notation in various tonalities.
ART.M.I.5.11 Recognize the basic expressive
markings of music and demonstrate their
understanding through performance.
Questions and Essential/Focus
Unit Abstract Content Expectations Key Concepts
Enduring Questions
Create How can I apply Students will compose GLCE: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, & Theater, 5th Grade How can I use Standard
skills and music more independently , Arts Education-Music my recorder to notation
(Week 1, 39 knowledge to using standard notation. CREATE Standard 2: Apply skills and knowledge to create music? symbols
Weeks) create in music? Additionally, they will create in the arts. How can I Arrange
create ostinati and structure/arrange Theme
variations using voice and ART.M.II.5.1 Create through exploration, music for a group Variation
instruments (i.e. recorder). improvisation, and composition, rhythmic and performance?
melodic ostinati accompaniments. How can I create
ART.M.II.5.2 Create through exploration, embellishments
improvisation, and composition, answers in the and variations on
same style to given rhythmic and melodic familiar
phrases. melodies?
ART.M.II.5.3 Create through exploration, How can I
improvisation, and composition, simple rhythmic improvise using
variations and simple melodic embellishments the recorder?
on familiar melodies.
ART.M.II.5.4 Create and arrange songs and
instrumental pieces within specified guidelines.
ART.M.II.5.5 Use a variety of traditional and
non-traditional sound sources and electronic
media when composing, arranging, and
ART.M.II.5.6 Create and arrange music to
accompany readings, dramatizations, or visual
Questions and Essential/Focus
Unit Abstract Content Expectations Key Concepts
Enduring Questions
Analyze How can I Students will broaden their GLCE: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, & Theater, 5th Grade How can I Transcribe
analyze, knowledge and vocabulary , Arts Education-Music identify musical Time
(Week 1, 39 describe, and for analyzing music. They ANALYZE Standard 3: Analyze, describe, and evaluate forms when Signature
Weeks) evaluate music? will identify previously works of art. presented Theme and
taught forms when aurally? Variations
presented aurally as well ART.M.III.5.1 Identify music forms when How can I use
as sounds of various presented aurally. invented and
instruments and ART.M.III.5.2 Use invented or standard standard notation
ensembles. They will also notation to transcribe music. to transcribe
use invented or standard ART.M.III.5.3 Understand and respect that music?
notation to transcribe there are different responses to specific art How can I
music. works in a global community. identify the
ART.M.III.5.4 Use music vocabulary to sounds of
analyze, describe, and evaluate music. various
ART.M.III.5.5 Identify and describe a variety of instruments and
sound sources, including orchestral, band, ensembles?
electronic, world instruments, and voices.
ART.M.III.5.7 Explain, using music vocabulary,
personal aesthetic response to music.
Questions and Essential/Focus
Unit Abstract Content Expectations Key Concepts
Enduring Questions
Analyze in How can I Students will demonstrate GLCE: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, & Theater, 5th Grade How can I Style
Context understand, appropriate audience , Arts Education-Music demonstrate Culture
analyze, and behavior. They will ANALYZE IN CONTEXT Standard 4: Understand, appropriate
(Week 1, 39 describe music describe, compare, and analyze, and describe the arts in their historical, social, audience
Weeks) in various contrast the music of and cultural contexts. behavior?
historical, social, various cultures and time How can I
and cultural periods using appropriate ART.M.IV.5.1 Describe distinguishing compare,
contexts? terminology. characteristics of representative music genres contrast, and
and styles from various historic periods and describe
cultures. elements of
ART.M.IV.5.2 Describe how elements of music music from
are used in examples from world cultures. various cultures
ART.M.IV.5.3 Demonstrate audience and time
appropriate behavior for the context and style of periods?
music performed.

Analyze and How can I Students will analyze GLCE: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, & Theater, 5th Grade How can I relate Folk song
Make recognize music and make , Arts Education-Music social studies
Connections connections connections. They will ANALYZE AND MAKE CONNECTIONS Standard 5: learning to
between music discuss ways in which Recognize, analyze, and describe connections among experiences in
(Week 1, 39 and daily music is used in everyday the arts; between the arts and other disciplines; the music
Weeks) experiences? life. They will make between the arts and everyday life. classroom?
connections to other
disciplines such as ART.M.V.5.1 Observe and identify similarities
reading, math, social and differences in the meanings of common
studies, and science. vocabulary used in the various arts.
Specifically, students will ART.M.V.5.2 Observe and identify cross-
learn about the historical curricular connections.
context of American folk ART.M.V.5.3 Discuss the various rationales for
music. using music in daily experiences.

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