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6, JUNE 2016 3475

Scale Effect in Indirect Measurement

of Leaf Area Index
Guangjian Yan, Ronghai Hu, Yiting Wang, Huazhong Ren, Wanjuan Song, Jianbo Qi, and Ling Chen

Abstract—Scale effect, which is caused by a combination of trieval suffers from self-inconsistency at different spatial scales
model nonlinearity and surface heterogeneity, has been of interest when using the same model [1]–[8].
to the remote sensing community for decades. However, there is Scale effect in remote sensing and other fields of geography
no current analysis of scale effect in the ground-based indirect
measurement of leaf area index (LAI), where model nonlinearity is caused by a combination of model nonlinearity and surface
and surface heterogeneity also exist. This paper examines the scale heterogeneity [9]–[11]. A model is created for a specific scale
effect on the indirect measurement of LAI. We built multiscale and thus has its own assumptions and appropriate application
data sets based on realistic scenes and field measurements. We scale [12], [13]. When applied to different scales, the surface
then implemented five representative methods of indirect LAI characteristics will change and deviate from the original as-
measurement at scales (segment lengths) that range from meters to
hundreds of meters. The results show varying degrees of deviation sumption that the model is developed, particularly in hetero-
and fluctuation that exist in all five methods when the segment geneous areas [14]–[17]. This mismatch between the modeling
length is shorter than 20 m. The retrieved LAI from either Beer’s scale and application scale is the essential reason that scale
law or the gap-size distribution method shows a decreasing trend effect exists.
with increasing segment lengths. The length at which the LAI
The indirect measurement of leaf area index (LAI), which
values begin to stabilize is about a full period of row in row
crops and 100 m in broadleaf or coniferous forests. The impacts provides estimates of LAI on the field scale efficiently through
of segment length on the finite-length averaging method, the com- portable optical instruments, is commonly adopted to measure
bination of gap-size distribution and finite-length methods, and the LAI at ground and validate remote sensing products [18]–[22].
path-length distribution method are relatively small. These three Various methods have been developed based on Beer’s law
methods stabilize at the segment scale longer than 20 m in all
for indirect LAI measurement, including the finite-length av-
scenes. We also find that computing the average LAI of all of the
short segment lengths, which is commonly done, is not as good as eraging method [23], gap-size distribution method [24], [25],
merging these short segments into a longer one and computing the combination of gap-size distribution method and finite-length
LAI value of the merged one. averaging method [26], and path-length distribution method
Index Terms—Beer’s law, gap probability, indirect measure- [27]. The inputs of Beer’s law and all aforementioned methods
ment, leaf area index (LAI), scale effect, segment length. are the gap information of canopies. Optical instruments such
as LAI-2000, Tracing Radiation and Architecture of Canopies
I. I NTRODUCTION (TRAC; Third Wave Engineering, ON, Canada), and HemiView
are used to measure gap information that the light passes
S CALE effect has attracted wide attention in the remote
sensing community for decades because remote sensing re- through the canopies. Then, LAI is retrieved by using these
Beer law-based methods.
Manuscript received November 18, 2015; revised December 31, 2015; The two factors causing scale effect, model nonlinearity and
accepted January 7, 2016. Date of publication February 5, 2016; date of current surface heterogeneity, also exist in indirect LAI measurements.
version April 27, 2016. This work was supported in part by the National Basic
Research Program of China under Grant 2013CB733402, by the key program
First, the theoretical basis of indirect LAI measurement, Beer’s
of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant law, is basically an exponential form and is therefore nonlinear.
41331171, and by the NSFC under Grant 41301357. (Corresponding author: The scale effect of Beer’s law has already been reported at
Ronghai Hu.)
G. Yan, R. Hu, W. Song, and J. Qi are with the State Key Laboratory
pixel scale [28]. Second, most of the vegetation canopies show
of Remote Sensing Science, Beijing Key Laboratory for Remote Sensing obvious heterogeneity and put great difficulty upon indirect LAI
of Environment and Digital Cities, School of Geography, Beijing Normal measurement [29]. Field experiments show that the heterogene-
University, Beijing 100875, China (e-mail:; sea@mail.bnu.;;
ity of the surface may cause a 30%–70% underestimation of
Y. Wang is with the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, School LAI using Beer’s law [24], [30], [31]. As a result, we believe
of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China, and also that the scale effect also exists in indirect LAI measurement.
with the National Marine Data and Information Service, Tianjin 300171, China
(e-mail: The importance of variances and covariance of gap fraction
H. Ren is with the Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information in indirect LAI measurement is reported, and the required
System, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing number of LAI-2000 or digital hemispheric image observations
100871, China (e-mail:
L. Chen is with the Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of is analyzed [32]. It is generally recognized that a longer transect
Ministry of Education, School of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing length will carry more information and represent the sample
100083, China (e-mail: plot better. When the transect length is determined, however,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at the influence of the segment length is still overlooked. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2016.2519098 scale effect of segment length, which is essential for indirect
0196-2892 © 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution
requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

LAI measurement and clumping effect correction, has not been in a sample plot. The segment length is the length of segments
documented up to now. or units for performing the LAI retrieval.
The scale in this paper refers to the length of segments for We distinguish the segment length from the transect length
performing LAI calculation. We analyzed the scale effect in because different segment lengths will result in different results
indirect LAI measurement based on multiscale gap data sets. even with the determined transect length. In addition, field
We built the data sets by using both realistic scenes and field measurements are always performed on several segments. For
measurements. Then, five representative models for indirect example, in a 25 m × 25 m sample plot, a single measurement
LAI measurement were run and compared at different segment is generally conducted from one side of the sample plot to the
scales. The existence of scale effect in indirect LAI measure- other side, namely, 25 m. As one 25-m data is not sufficient
ment was illustrated and analyzed based on these realistic scene to represent the sample plot, eight parallel 25-m measurements
simulation and field measurements. This paper is organized are conducted. Then, the transect length is determined as 8 ×
as follows. Section II defines the scales in indirect LAI mea- 25 m = 200 m, while the segment length is still variable. If we
surement. Section III introduces the theoretical background perform LAI retrieval on eight 25-m data and average the eight
and five representative methods in indirect LAI measurement. results, the segment length is 25 m. If we combine the eight
Section IV describes the experiment design and multiscale data 25-m data to a 200-m data and then perform LAI retrieval on the
sets. Section V presents and analyzes the scale effect on indirect 200-m data, the segment length is 200 m. The aforementioned
LAI measurement at segment scales that range from meters example shows that segment length could be variable for a
to hundreds of meters. Section VI concludes the findings on determined transect length.
scale effect in indirect LAI measurement and discusses future Segment length is important because different segment
directions of research. lengths will result in different results, even with the same
amount of data in the same area. It is a typical scale problem
due to the model nonlinearity of Beer’s law and surface het-
II. D EFINITION OF S CALE IN I NDIRECT erogeneity. Therefore, it is important to know how the segment
LAI M EASUREMENT length affects the indirect LAI measurement and how long the
A. Scales in Measurements With Different Instruments appropriate segment length is to produce an accurate result. In
this paper, we keep the transect length determined and analyze
With instruments which observe canopies along transects, the influence of segment scale (segment length) in indirect LAI
scale is related to the length of a segment in data acquisition measurement.
and processing. The representative instrument is TRAC, which
is hand carried by a person walking at a steady pace to obtain
the gap profile along transects [26]. TRAC can provide detailed III. I NDIRECT LAI M EASUREMENT M ETHODS
gap information which is essential for clumping correction and
A. Beer’s Law and Clumping Index
thus is widely used in indirect LAI measurement, particularly
in forests [27], [33]–[37]. Beer’s law is the theoretical basis of indirect LAI mea-
With instruments that observe hemispheric information at surement. It was originally used to calculate the transmission
view points, such as LAI-2000 and digital hemispheric pho- of optical radiation in the atmosphere and particle medium
tographs (DHPs), the definition of scale is more complex. [39], [40] and was later extended to describe the radiative
Because there is no length or area property that can be related to transfer process in vegetation canopies [41], [42]. However,
the sample plot, the length of data will change with the change significant differences exist between atmospheric media and
of observation distance. Thus, only the numbers and azimuth vegetation elements. To compensate for the difference, some
angles of measurement are chosen to analyze the required additional information, such as leaf orientation, leaf projection,
amount of data in relative research works [32], [38]. and viewing angle, was introduced to modify the equation [30],
In this paper, we employ the transect data like TRAC to [43]–[45]
analyze the scale effect of indirect measurement as the TRAC
data have an explicit length property rather than an angle PAIe = − ln [P (θ)] · cos θ/G (1)
property of the hemispheric data whose observing area varies LAI = (1 − α) · PAIe · γE /ΩE (2)
with distances. The analysis of TRAC will also be a reference
for hemispheric instruments potentially, as they have the same where P (θ) is the gap fraction, G is the leaf projection co-
theoretical basis, Beer’s law. efficient that can be calculated from leaf angle distribution
(LAD), θ is the viewing zenith angle, PAIe is the effective
plant area index that can be used to get LAI if the clumping
B. Segment Scale
effect and woody components are removed, ΩE is the clumping
It is often the case that a transect might be composed of index defined by Chen and Cihlar [33], γE (needle-to-shoot
several segments. Certain amounts of observations are always area ratio) is introduced to convert shoot area to needle area in
needed to represent the sample plot, but it can hardly be finished coniferous forest, γE = 1 in broad-leaved forest, and α is the
at one time due to the restrictions of plot boundary, instrument, woody-to-total area ratio [35].
and so on. Thus, several observations might be taken in a plot to Several methods have been proposed to quantify the
get gap data. The transect length is the length of all the gap data clumping index (ΩE ) and calculate LAI based on Beer’s law.

Representative methods include the finite-length averaging where Lp is the projected LAI and first taken as − ln[Fm (0, θ)]
method [23], gap-size distribution method [24], [25], combina- and Wp is the mean projected width of the foliage element.
tion of gap-size distribution method and finite-length averaging As the presence of large gaps is the main cause for the under-
method [26], and path-length distribution method [27]. estimation of LAI, the measured gaps appearing at probabilities
in excess of Fr (λ, θ) are then removed. After each round of
gap removal, a new gap-size accumulation function Fmr (λ, θ)
B. Finite-Length Averaging Method
is computed, and Lp is assigned a new value of − ln[Fmr (λ, θ)].
The finite-length averaging method (LX) is an algorithm The final Fmr (λ, θ) and Fmr (0, θ) are found after sev-
that addresses clumping effect. Lang and Xiang [23] proposed eral iterations until the new distribution closely overlaps
averaging the logarithms of gap probabilities of subsegments, Fr (λ, θ) [33].
with a characteristic width of ten times the leaf width. The
method is easy to use and can correct the nonrandomness
D. Combination of Gap-Size Distribution and Finite-Length
among subsegments.
Averaging Method
According to the finite-length averaging method, LAI can be
calculated using the gap probability at viewing direction θ To address the two problems of segment length in the finite-
length averaging method, Leblanc et al. [34] developed a new
ln (P (θ)) · cos θ
LAILX (θ) = − (3) method (CLX method) by combining CC and LX methods.
G Since the large segments might not be homogeneous, the CC
method is used within every segment to address the heterogene-
where ln[P (θ)] is the mean value of logarithmic gap fractions
ity within segments. The final LAI is then calculated over n
of all segments.
segments as
This method is based on two assumptions: 1) The leaves
within the finite length/subsegments are randomly distributed, ln [Pk (θ)] /ΩCCk (θ) · cos θ
and 2) each subsegment contains gaps. LAICLX (θ) = − k=1 (7)
When the subsegment does not contain any gap, the method
will fail because a logarithm of zero (no gaps) is undefined [34]. where ΩCCk (θ) is the clumping index within segment k using
At this time, a half pixel of gap will be assigned, and the LAI the CC method and Pk (θ) is the gap fraction of segment k.
of subsegments with no gaps was given by
0.5 E. Path-Length Distribution Method
LAImax (θ) = − ln · cos θ/G (4)
Npixel The path-length distribution method (PATH) was proposed
where Npixel is the number of pixels in a subsegment and high by Hu et al. [27] to address not only the clumping effect
LAI values that are too high are forced to the upper limit of 10 between canopies but also the crown-shape-induced nonran-
[26], [37]. domness within canopies. It was developed based on the path-
length distribution and a theoretical prototype of Beer’s law.
Path-length distribution theory can characterize and handle
C. Gap-Size Distribution Method nonrandomness within canopies, which may cause an underes-
The gap-size distribution method (CC) was proposed by timation of LAI of up to 25%. Previous algorithms cannot deal
Chen and Cihlar [33] to quantify the clumping effect in a forest with such a problem.
and was later corrected by Leblanc [25]. The method removes The final LAI can be expressed as
nonrandom gaps on the basis of gap-size distribution theory and 1
thereby can largely eliminate the large gaps between canopies LAIPATH = (FAVD · lmax ) · cos θ · lr · plr (lr)d(lr) (8)
[25], [33].
LAI in the total transect can be expressed as
ln [Fmr (0, θ)] · cos θ 1 − Fm (0, θ) where FAVD is the foliage area volume density, lmax is the
LAICC = − · . (5) maximum path length along the transect, and the intermediate
G 1 − Fmr (0, θ)
variables FAVD · lmax can be retrieved by (9) with root-finding
The measured gap-size accumulation function Fm (λ, θ), de- algorithms. The relative path length lr and the path-length
fined as the fraction of gaps larger than λ, can be obtained distribution function plr (lr) can be obtained from the measured
through an optical instrument, such as TRAC or DHP. gap transect or an ellipse section assumption [27]
Fm (0, θ) is the accumulated canopy gap fraction, and 1
Fmr (0, θ) is the reduced gap-size accumulation fraction after
P = e−G·(FAVD·lmax )·lr · plr (lr)d(lr) (9)
the removal of the large nonrandom gaps based on the gap-size
accumulation function of random canopy, Fr (λ, θ) 0
λ λ where P is the total gap probability along the transect. As all
Fr (λ, θ) = 1+Lp(θ) exp −Lp (θ) 1+
Wp (θ) Wp (θ) other quantities are known in (9), FAVD · lmax can be retrieved,
(6) and the final LAI is then obtained.


Fig. 1. Overview of the cylindrical row canopy scene. Disk-shaped leaves

with a radius of 0.05 m are colored green, soil ground is colored brown, and
observing angles are represented by pink planes.

Fig. 2. Overview of (a) discrete cylindrical and (b) spherical tree canopy

To examine the scale effect, we ran and analyzed the five

aforementioned representative methods for indirect LAI mea-
surement at segment scales that range from meters to hundreds
of meters. First, we conducted gap information measurements
in two realistic structural scenes and two field sites. Second,
we generated multiscale gap data sets from the gap informa-
tion obtained earlier. Third, we applied the five representative
methods for indirect LAI measurement using the multiscale gap
data sets. Finally, we analyzed the results at multiple scales and
compared among five methods.
Fig. 3. Two coniferous forest sites (a) L5 and (b) L6 located in the Genhe
forestry reserve of Hulunbeier League, Inner Mongolia, China.

A. Realistic Structural Scenes

Two kinds of realistic structural scenes, including cylindrical S CENE C HARACTERISTICS OF T WO C ONIFEROUS F OREST S ITES
row crop scenes and discrete broadleaf forest scenes, were
simulated using the data sets from the third and fourth radiation
transfer model intercomparison exercises [46]–[48]. Each scene
is exclusively composed of disk-shaped leaves with a radius of
0.05 m so that the true LAI can be precisely calculated. The
LAD is also known, so the error caused by the leaf projection
coefficient G is avoided. All observations were performed at a
57.3◦ zenith angle, where G is close to 0.5 for all LADs.
As the size of each leaf is known, the true LAIs can be
calculated as

LAItrue = (10)
B. Field Experiments
where Ai is the total area of each leaf and As is the area of the LAI measurements were performed in the Genhe forest
horizontal ground surface. No approximations or assumptions reserve of Hulunbeier League, Inner Mongolia, China. The
are made in calculating the true LAIs. forest is mainly composed of Larix gmelinii. Measurements
Cylindrical row canopy scenes (25 m × 25 m) were gen- of the TRAC and Multispectral Canopy Imager (MCI) were
erated to represent row crop scenes. Leaves are randomly carried out in two 45 m × 45 m coniferous sites (see Fig. 3)
distributed in cylinders with different periods, radii, and LAIs with different densities (see Table II).
(see Fig. 1 and Table I). TRAC measurements were conducted on August 19, 2013,
Discrete broadleaf forest scenes (270 m × 270 m) were and MCI measurements were conducted on August 10, 2013.
generated to represent natural forests (see Fig. 2), containing A 200-m TRAC transect was employed at each site, where
a series of nonoverlapped cylindrical or spherical volumes. The markers were set every 10 m. The TRAC transects can provide
LAIs of the scenes range from 1.19 to 6.35, covering the vast detailed photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and gap-
majority of forests in the world. probability data for scale-effect research. The gap probability

Fig. 4. Validations of the retrieved LAIs at multiple segment scales in cylindrical row canopy scenes with different cylindrical radii and periods, using the gap-size
distribution method (LAI_CC), finite-length averaging method (LAI_LX), and path-length distribution method based on gap data (LAI_PATH).

of each segment was obtained using the integration approach In cylindrical row crop scenes (25 m×25 m), 12 parallel 25-m
described in the TRAC manual [26], which is able to ensure that transects were employed and combined into a uniform 300-m
the gap probability equals the mean beam transmittance. LX transect for each scene. The 12 transects are perpendicular to
and PATH methods were done using PPFD raw data measured the row and are equispaced to represent the whole scene. The
by TRAC. The CC method and Beer’s law [effective LAI long transect was then partitioned into 300 × 1 m, 150 × 2 m,
(LAIe)] were done using TRACwin software. A conversion 100 × 3 m, 75 × 4 m, 60 × 5 m, 50 × 6 m, 30 × 10 m, 25 ×
from PPFD data to gap-size distribution data is required for the 12 m, 20 × 15 m, 15 × 20 m, 10 × 30 m, 5 × 60 m, 2 × 150 m,
CC and CLX methods. The CLX method was not done here and 1 × 300 m multiscale gap data sets.
because it is not fully supported by TRACwin. A needle-to- In discrete broadleaf forest scenes (270 m × 270 m),
shoot area ratio of 1.27 for Larix gmelinii [49] was used for 12 parallel 250-m transects were employed and combined into
converting shoot area to needle area. a uniform 3000-m transect for each scene. The 12 transects are
The MCI is a device developed for woody-to-total area equispaced to represent the whole scene. The long transect was
ratio determination from multispectral images, based on the then partitioned into 600 × 5 m, 300 × 10 m, 150 × 20 m,
characteristics of strong absorbance in a visible band and high 60 × 50 m, 30 × 100 m, 15 × 200 m, 5 × 600 m, and 1 × 3000 m
scattering in the near-infrared band for canopies [35], [50]. We multiscale gap data sets.
employed it to eliminate the effect of woody components that In coniferous forests (45 m × 45 m), one 200-m TRAC
account for a large proportion of coniferous forests. transect was employed for each scene. The 200-m long transect
was partitioned into 40 × 5 m, 20 × 10 m, 10 × 20 m, 4 × 50 m,
C. Multiscale Gap Data Sets 2 × 100 m, and 1 × 200 m multiscale gap data sets.

Gap information is the input for indirect LAI measurement.

To analyze the scale effect in the indirect LAI measurement, V. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
multiscale gap data were generated from the aforementioned
A. Impact of Segment Scale in Cylindrical Row
scenes. First, an identical long transect was used in each scene
Canopy Scenes
for further segmentation, guaranteeing that the total amount of
information was the same in the multiscale data set. Second, LAI values were retrieved in four row canopy scenes with
the long transects were partitioned into several segments. The different cylindrical radii, periods (see Fig. 4), and LAIs (see
segmentation process was then repeated with different segment Fig. 5). The deviation and fluctuation were significant when the
scales, after which the multiscale gap data sets were built. segment scale was shorter than 10 m for all of the five indirect

Fig. 5. Validations of the retrieved LAIs at multiple segment scales in cylindrical row canopy scenes with different LAIs.

LAI measurement methods. The retrieved LAI then tended to The results of the LX, CLX, and PATH methods are less
stabilize when the segment scale was longer than approximately sensitive to segment scale since each of them contains a
20 m. The convergence scale was highly related to the period of segmentation process itself [23], [27], [34]. Nevertheless, a
row canopy, rather than cylindrical radius and LAI. larger segment scale improves their stability. Employing these
The LAIe decreased when the segment scale increased from three methods at different scales has little impact on the fi-
1 m to a full period of row canopy, and then, it began to nal result, particularly when the segment scale of data is an
converge (see Fig. 4). The decrease of LAIe was caused by integer multiple of the segmentation size of the algorithm.
the heterogeneity inside the segments, which can lead to an Both LX and CLX methods dip at the scale equal to a
underestimation of Beer’s law. This was consistent with pre- full period of row canopy. This is because the segment pat-
vious findings that the longer the segment is, the greater the tern is the same in all periods and the underestimation will
heterogeneity in each segment and the more serious the under- accumulate.
estimation [23]. From Fig. 4, we can find that LAIe reaches a LAI_LX showed overestimation or underestimation in the
stable low value when the segment scale is longer than a row four scenes with different LAIs (see Fig. 5). The emergence
period. We can infer that the heterogeneity inside a full period of gapless subsegments resulted in the overall deviation in
of row canopy reaches its maximum. We can also find that the dense scenes [27]. For the LX method, a maximum LAI is
results of the LAIe and LX methods are close to each other assigned when gapless subsegments are observed because the
when the segment scale is short. This is understandable since logarithm of zero is not defined. There is not a universal
calculating LAIe in segments is exactly the LX method, which maximum LAI value that is optimal for all of the situations.
calculates LAIs on subsegments and averages the results [23]. Both overall overestimation and underestimation are possible
The trends of LAI_CC and LAIe were similar, decreasing in scenes with different densities. Erroneous results caused by
when the segment scale increases from 1 m to a full period numerous gapless segments have also been found in previous
of row canopy and then beginning to converge. Overestimation studies [27], [34], [51].
was observed in LAI_CC when the segment scale was less than LAI_CLX had the same trend as LAI_LX, but it had larger
a full period of row canopy. Because the CC method needs values. The relative magnitudes of the CLX, LX, and CC
detailed gap information to perform the algorithms, when it is methods have also been observed in previous studies [34],
performed at a short segment scale, great fluctuations will exist [52]. The CLX method and the LX method have the same
in the gap-size distribution. As a result, more gaps will then subsegments and produce the same trend. In addition, the CLX
be removed in the gap removal process, which results in the method applies the CC method to deal with the heterogeneity
overestimation. inside the subsegments. However, due to the overestimation

Fig. 6. Validations of the retrieved LAIs at multiple segment scales in discrete broadleaf forest scenes.

of the CC method at a short segment scale, the CLX method LAI_LX, LAI_CLX, and LAI_PATH were less sensitive to
generally overestimates LAI in sparse scenes. the segment scale for their segmentation process and began
The LAI_PATH was the least sensitive to segment scale and to converge when the segment scale was longer than 20 m
was almost fully consistent with the true LAI in three scenes in all scenes. LAI_CC had a long process of decreasing and
(LAI = 1, 2, 3). It performed better because it can charac- began to converge when the segment scale was longer than
terize crown-shape-induced nonrandomness within canopies. approximately 100 m.
It resulted in some underestimation in dense scenes (LAI = The relative magnitudes of all methods in broadleaf forests
4), which was almost fully consistent with LAI_LX at large were consistent with row canopy scenes. LAI_CC was un-
segment scales. This was because the scene was too dense derestimated at large segment scales. This was because the
and few gaps were observed; thus, the gap information was heterogeneity inside canopies dominated the gap data and few
inadequate for path-length distribution calculation. large gaps could be observed at a 57.3◦ zenith angle. The
CC method can mostly eliminate the effect of large gaps be-
tween canopies, but it still underestimates the heterogeneity
B. Impact of Segment Scale in Discrete Broadleaf inside canopies. LAI_LX was overestimated in low LAI scenes
Forest Scenes and underestimated in high LAI scenes. This was caused by the
LAI values were retrieved in five discrete broadleaf forest emergence of gapless subsegments. LAI_CLX was larger than
scenes with true LAI values of 1.19, 4.23, 6.35, 2.12, and LAI_LX overall, but it was significantly overestimated in low
4.14, respectively (see Fig. 6). The scale trends were somewhat LAI scenes. LAI_PATH was closest to the true LAIs at all of
similar to that of the four cylindrical canopy scenes. For Beer’s the scales for all the five scenes.
law and CC methods, the retrieved LAI began to converge when
the segment scale was longer than about 100 m in broadleaf
C. Impact of Segment Scale in Coniferous Forest Scenes
forest scenes.
The trends for all the indirect LAI measurement methods LAI values were retrieved in two coniferous forest sites with
here were quite smooth and showed continuous derivatives. different densities (see Fig. 7) based on TRAC data. The overall
One reason for this was that none of these segment scales was trends were consistent with the trend in discrete broadleaf
shorter than 5 m, and they provided enough gap information for forest scenes, particularly in those scenes with near density [see
the algorithms. Another reason might be that the canopies were Fig. 6(a) and (d)]. LAI_LX and LAI_PATH were not sensitive
randomly distributed in discrete broadleaf forest scenes, unlike to segment scale. LAI_CC began to converge when the segment
the periodic pattern of row canopies. scale was longer than approximately 100 m.

Fig. 7. Validations of the retrieved LAIs at multiple segment scales in coniferous forest scenes.

The relative magnitudes of all methods in coniferous for- Once the transect length, namely, the input data, is deter-
est sites were substantially consistent with those in broadleaf mined, the results of indirect LAI measurement are still change-
forest scenes. LAI_LX was larger than LAI_PATH since both able with different segment lengths. To obtain the reliable
coniferous forest sites were not very dense. The LAI_CC was and stable results, enough gap data are always necessary to
larger than the others when the segment scale was small but represent the plot. We also recommend using no less than a
tended to be smaller with the increase of the segment scale at 20-m segment length for calculation in indirect LAI mea-
the L5 site. LAI_CC was larger than the others at the L6 site. surement. Larger segment scales are preferred for all of the
This might be because more large gaps between canopies were methods. A large segment scale (approximately 100 m) is
observed at this site since the site was quite sparse. Although particularly helpful for the CC method to perform stably in
true LAIs were hard to obtain in coniferous forests, the trends forests. Computing the average LAI of all of the short segments,
of all methods at multiple scales were analyzed and proved to which is commonly done, is not as good as merging these short
be consistent with those in row canopy scenes and broadleaf segments into a longer one and computing the LAI value for the
forest scenes. merged one.
The specification of the segment scale should be paid more
VI. C ONCLUSION attention in indirect LAI measurements. In addition, other
heterogeneous factors such as LAD and the amount of woody
The scale effect in indirect LAI measurements was analyzed components will make this problem more serious. Failing to
using multiscale gap data sets. We performed several represen- consider these factors may lead to large uncertainties in indirect
tative methods at different segment scales based on realistic measurements of LAI which cannot be solved by improving the
scenes and field measurements. We confirmed the existence of instruments only.
scale effect in indirect LAI measurements and found varying
degrees of scale effect in these methods.
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[31] A. Cutini, G. Matteucci, and G. S. Mugnozza, “Estimation of leaf area He is currently a Professor with the State Key
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[32] T. Nilson, A. Kuusk, M. Lang, J. Pisek, and A. Kodar, “Sim- has published more than 160 papers. His main re-
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Jul. 2011. effect, and scale correction of remote sensing.

Ronghai Hu is currently working toward the Ph.D. Wanjuan Song is currently working toward the
degree at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Ph.D. degree at Beijing Normal University, Beijing,
His research interests include the indirect leaf- China.
area-index measurement and retrieval of vegetation Her current research interests focus on remote
parameters, LiDAR, and scale effect on remote sensing modeling and fractional vegetation cover
sensing. retrieval.

Yiting Wang is currently working toward the Ph.D.

degree at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Jianbo Qi is currently working toward the Ph.D.
Her research interests include the scale effects degree at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
in remote sensing of vegetation parameters and the His research interests include 3-D radiative trans-
spatial and temporal expansion of remote sensing fer modeling, realistic forest scene simulation, and
products. vegetation parameter retrieval.

Huazhong Ren received the Ph.D. degree from

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, and
from Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, Ling Chen received the Ph.D. degree in cartography
in 2013. and geographic information systems from Beijing
He is currently an Assistant Professor in the In- Normal University, Beijing, China, in 2012.
stitute of Remote Sensing and GIS, School of Earth She is currently an Assistant Professor with
and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing. His Beijing Forestry University, Beijing. Her research
current research interests focus on the retrieval of interests include the estimation of surface solar ra-
land surface temperature/emissivity and angular ef- diation and forest structural parameters based on
fect correction. He has also devoted his efforts to the satellite images.
spectral calibration of broad-band images for air- and
spaceborne instruments.

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