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1. Page 2 & 3: General Errors

2. Page 4: One of +
3. Page 5-7: Other, Another etc
4. Page 8: Success, Discipline, Responsibility
5. Page 9&10: Make +
6. Page 11: Depend, Mean, Agree

General Errors
Use words from the box to correct
errors in the passage below.

person Germany on career weaknesses job

amount number batchelor’s a lot of

When I was younger, I went to work in German after I

got my batchelor degree in Engineering. Every people I

met was very helpful. Each jobs I did, I was given much

help. The number of money I made was very good, and

I was able to buy a amount of houses in Jakarta. In the

other hand, there were some strengths and weakness in

my training which did not help my carrier.

General Errors

Common Errors from Indonesian Students 2

Use words from the box to correct errors in the passage below.

in nowadays besides that Switzerland

grow customers many

Beside that, I had a good life and I decided to further

my studies in Swiss. Then I returned to Jakarta to grow

up my own businesses and to get a lot of costumers. On

conclusion, nowadays, there are much opportunities to

become successful in Jakarta if you are willing to work


One of + Determiner + Plural + Verb

One of my your
Each of his her its our noun plural Singular verb
Either of their the e.g. friends ___________

____________ _____________ _____________
Two of my your Plural verb
A few of his her its our noun plural
Many of their the e.g. friends
Several of

Correct the incorrect sentences.

1. One of my friend is a footballer.

2. A few of my friend are scientists.
3. Either of your choices is OK.
4. Several of my colleagues are stupid.
5. Two of friends are dead.
6. One of you colleagues is a woman.
7. Many of my cars are French.
8. Some of my best jokes are about dogs.
9. Two of friends are drunk.
10. One of my dogs are an Alsatian.
Other, Another, The Other, The Others, Others

Other is used with plural or uncountable nouns:


Other people buy hamburgers at KFC.
Other intelligence suggests that we are wrong.

Another is used with singular countable nouns:


Another student told me he was sick.

The other refers to a specific object, idea or person but the noun is not used:


One dog was sick; the other dog was well.

Two people in the room are Asian; the other is French.

The others refers to specific people or objects but the noun is not used.

Many people died in the car plane crash; the others survived.

Others is used when the noun is implied but not used. It is not specific.


Some people like to play football; others like to watch.

A) another, the other, other, others, the others

Directions: Complete the sentences below with the correct form of ‘other’ using one of
the choices above.

1. There’s no ____________________ way to do it.

2. Some people like to rest in their free time. ____________________ like to travel.
3. This cake is delicious! Can I have ____________________ slice, please?
4. Where are ____________________ boys?
5. The supermarket is on ____________________ side of the street.
6. There were three books on the table. One is here. Where are _____________________ ?

7. Some of the speakers went straight to the conference room. ________________ speakers are
still hanging around.
8. This is not the only answer to the question. There are _____________________ .
9. Please give me ______________________ chance.
10. He was a wonderful teacher. Everyone agreed it would be hard to find ________________
like him.

B) another, the other, other, others, other’s, the others

Directions: Complete the sentences below with the correct form of ‘other’
using one of the choices above.
1. You take the new ones and I’ll take _____________________ .
2. They gazed into each _____________________ eyes.
3. I’d like _____________________ cup of tea, please.
4. They love one _____________________ - they’re such a happy family.
5. The _____________________ people were shocked.
6. Many ____________________ people have said the same.
7. I’ve told Pablo, but I haven’t told the ________________ yet. I’ll tell them when I
see them.
8. I won’t let them do that to me _________________________ time.
9. One person’s junk is _____________________ person’s treasure.
10. I saw her _____________________ day.
11. I took the _______________________ book back to the library.
12. Some _____________________ people have taken it.
13. I go there every ____________________ day.

C) another, other, others, the others, the other

Directions: Complete the sentences below with the correct form of ‘other’ using
one of the choices above.
1. There are ten pieces of fruit in my basket. One is an orange, one is a grape and
____________________ is an apple.
2. I have two pencils. One is black, ____________________ is blue.
3. There are four girls in my apartment. Two are called Casey and Amber.
_______________ are Joanne and Lindsey.
4. There are several holidays in Brazil. One is Independence Day and
__________________ are Children’s Day and Teachers’ Day.
5. My friend has two cars. One is black and ____________________ is red.

6. My mom speaks three languages. One is English and _________________ one is
7. There are eight pets in my house. Six are cats and ______________________ are dogs.
There are 50 states in the USA. One is North Carolina and
8. ______________________ are Virginia and Kentucky.
9. My neighbor has four kids. One of them is a boy and _____________________ are girls.
10. There are three books in my backpack. One is a maths book and __________________
is a chemistry book.

Answer Key
A1-other, 2-others, 3-another, 4-the other, 5-the other, 6-the others, 7-other, 8-others,

9-another, 10-another.

B1-the others, 2-others, 3-another, 4-another, 5-other, 6-other, 7-others, 8-another,

9-another, 10-the other, 11-other, 12-other, 13-other.

C1-another, 2-the other, 3-others, 4-the others, 5-the other, 6-another, 7-the others,

8-others, 9-the others, 10-another.

Success, Discipline, Responsible
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Succeed Success Successful Successfully
Discipline Discipline Disciplined
Responsibility Responsible Responsibly

Common Errors
• I am a success person. X I am a successful person. √
• I am success. X I am a success.√ or I am successful.√
• I am discipline. X I am disciplined√
• It is my responsible. X It is my responsibility√

Fill in the missing word.

1. I have to ____________ myself to succeed.

2. He is ____________ for your problems.

3. I want to be a __________

4. He is ___________ in his job.

5. He is very __________ in his study.

6. The disaster was my _________________.

7. She is a ______________ person, so she is rich.

8. He has _______________ fought against cancer.

9. _______________ is very important in the army.

10. Judges should behave ___________ at all times.

Divide the sentences below into three groups:

1. Your face makes it clear that you are not happy.

2. Government regulations make it difficult to invest in this country.
3. The extreme violence makes his crime more horrific.
4. That makes it easy for me to feel confident.
5. Every delay makes the movie more expensive.
6. The Director made her responsible for South East Asia.
7. Eddy hit Yasmin, which made her cry.
8. The bad temper of Rudi makes him ruthless.
9. That attitude makes me want to scream.
10. I’m allergic to pineapple; it makes me ill.
11. His hairdo certainly makes him noticeable in a crowd.

Group one-

Group two-

Group three-


Subject + +
He/ She/ It MAKE + + VERB 1 (without
They/Noun makes me/ him/you want to …
make me/ us etc. feel …
go …
look like …
They/Noun makes me/ him/you Frightened.
make me/ us etc. confused
You make it difficult to …
They/Noun makes it easy to

1. It makes me happy.________
2. It makes me feel alive.________
3. It makes me furious.________
4. It makes me run faster.________
5. It makes me angry when people brake suddenly in front of my car.______
6. It makes me really happy to know that my presents were popular.____
7. It makes me frightened to think that someone is following me._____
8. Oh my god! You made me jump!_______
9. That smell makes me think of the sea._______
10. That song always makes me sad.________
11. It makes me smile whenever I see our wedding photos._______
12. There are no lights on, and that makes me worry._______
13. This device will make it possible to drive longer._______
14. Don’t scratch! You’ll only make it worse._______
15. You made it completely clear that you didn’t love me anymore._____
16. Please God, make me rich._______
17. If I can make you smile, I need nothing more to make me happy.______
18. The sound of that engine doesn’t make me feel safe.______
19. My mother is determined to make me come home._______
20. The question made me look like a fool._______


1. ………………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………………
5. ………………………………………………………………………………
6. ………………………………………………………………………………

Depend, mean and agree

Students commonly write its depend, its mean and I am agree.These are
wrong. The correct forms are it depends, it means and I agree. Depend,
mean and agree are verbs, not adjectives.

Correct the incorrect sentences.

1. It depends on whether I am teaching that day.


2. Its depend on how cold the day is.

3. Its mean I cannot visit you next week.
4. It means I have to go to the market twice.
5. I am agree with what you are doing.
6. I agree with the sale of guns to adults.


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