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FOUR THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION 41 ANTIDIFFERENTIATION 41 Definition A function F is ealed an antiervutice of function f on an lateral Lif P'(2)= f(e) ‘every value of xin I If x dncootinuoun, we require the enesded derivatives of F 10 the cnesided limits of 7 Se Exereise 36 4.1.3 Theomen IF F i partelanantidvvative of f on an interval then every antidervatve of fon ‘given by F(2) +6, whee C is an arbitmey enustart, aad all atidervatives of f can ‘obtained ftom Pla)-+C by ascing particslar values to C- "The syd [ devotes the eprration of naidiferentaton, That [Pes [ erey= reso 1, (1) states that when we antdiferentate the deivative of a function, we obtain fsnetion plus an arbitrary constant, We have the following formas for antiiferentaton, setae foseva “LOT i fs and fe dened cathe ae intra then Juntos stance = | te) de+ f rsterae ALT Mon If fy Su fied othe ae neva, yo fy a ona, Jlanesete)esenf(eilde=e] Ae) denen | hfe) dette.) 6) ‘When applying Theorems 41.6 and 1.1.7, we use only one arbitrary constant. ‘To find the antideivative of a product cx quotient we may replace the given func by a equivalent sum and then uae Theotem 4.1.7 aillntated fn Exercise 28. allowing “seme atticffeentnton orm season 41,8 Theoeem If # -1 fs aratlonal number, fraatiec pac st Soh gb tio ie i mapa hy ral 1a tienen fine den mores “Lin There [erode min 46 110 Then facede sn e2 112 them fated -enete 112 Thee focronsienoe sc 110th [ee est te= nee ‘Graphic Sapport Assign a value to the constant C and plot its numerical derivative in the same window at ‘rgieal Tencon to sey Une ape Haen Ezerivs bt In Brercses 1-90, perform the antdificentiaton. n Burcises 1-8 and 24-28, check by finding the Gavative your anne, In Exercnee 0-12, 28 and 80, aupport your answer graphically 1 fartarnafetecnierac 2, freee sles 41 ANTIDIFPERENTIATION 277 We apply Thewern 4.15 sod ‘heorens 4.1.6 [eaca[rtacstereasec i Rg =g+e=-}rt+c The Pi)=-Roar#=3 BecosseF() the given neti, we ave shows tha Fi) an antiervative ofthe given fonction Sel da 5-204 6 JuvFeen [ean vp soneeMse gees [arterer pts cnse sc co We apply These 41.8 aad Theorem 41.8 witha = =. net ayn afr iPay=: +o tyie epniletantipareornes ay Let Di6/5+0)=D,6y'? +) wee (ot -atyinna| tesa ot na sef-2ttec apt bt way? ayty= fav? ay hey = Pte e—2yue Wemmltply ard thes apiy Theorems 4.7 and 1.8. q [ete-24e= (Ss*—2")de=5-42° be" s0= 2°. ‘De gue sows «ot ofy = 29 ~ 2") and y=NDER(2*~ 1"). ‘i (tot 44a — 62? ta s)de a feb 4 ot 2e 298 45 4 (0432 —aP de = 2243-Jo 8x4 40m 2 P25 6 file +Dide= [iP seas =e Bee vi =y0hec = [oP at =o ae 40 (e-4+d)ee: +0=3+}¢ Babee acm (celal ade nde eA J ane atl wal 4 + ‘278 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION om, [ost We seduce adil with factional expats then divide and apply Theorem 4.1, i a Ce mB Hl 98 esnee a. [(Yex gehen [ce rete ntl at? 2c ma [pha = feet —near= dafand}s ert) gear gan a [osce-teona 0, [Gem x—tsin aie We apply Theorem 4.7 and then Theor 41.0 and 110 [lereee-Asinske5 oo zde—t[sinzde—Sanetseas+C ws [stg aes [bg hydra [unsecrtemaeeee mm [ome de= [ote gh den [oot race de= cw +6 ar [(ececnertednde= toe rata 28, [9 o2Ft=5 we ttan tt ‘> We apply Theorem 41.7 and then Thorens 41.12 and 413 face Senet tan pée=3 feuds ats [anc thanrdt— teat to B.e 14+ C (este ssc Nas 29, | eeen—8 tanto} = (oe =1) = e000 — 1) EH2eot 8-3 8+1+C so, faiaesectemt ay af ing ata ing an 3a ned tA fen 9 4b = 3100 —Aan + a Beesley 81 30, the graph of = fonstion in geo, Sketch auerivative Fy continues svrrywheee hi the given values aL is Fons » 0 4.1 ANTIDIEERENTIATION 279, or Fo)=0 2) gives? Bae y= |e —s)de; y= 2-30 +6, Sabatcing (oy) Thos anequnon ofthe ave hy = = Se 42 Bea sya ys [3 aen3.fe +0.226940. sutettuting (0) (94) ies 422-09 | C=544C, C=-50, Tho a ogiton ofthe curves y =25"!*—50, Spa Ymr tery! = [a tepde Pate? Gy y= [te 2P +G deny = 2B eC 4G Stititing (0) = (0.2 gies 2= 04 Cy Cy =2, coy = 2? po + Gyr +2Subwleting (e,9)= (-1,9) vee 8 = (1 H-1P +C-1) 425, =}. hn, an ogeton ofthe corveie y= a? J 4 fe 42 ‘Ag equation ofthe tangeat lin toa curve at the pois: (1,8) is y=2+2. If at any point (z.y) on the eure, ay fde) = 62, find an equation of the curve Udy/dz y/ then 28y/de! = ey ds. Thertore, we are given that % Anion vbw y= [evienae vc Sena y= 49 an conf he es ie oc he i (13), espe SESS a Re Seca T=340 280 ‘THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION in Ba, @). Tham, (a —2thde; f= 232+ C). At (ily he spe of the tangent line i Jee-Je-bes Sting =i wher #2 ive 12 +6, 6 =} Tha ped pate Cy, Sobsitting (9) = (1,1) gies T= FCs An equation of the curve ny = je? je" fo + ao pratistn [aaentes, ene (3 ait fiton 10) =0=246,-6 Yiare-2. y= | (te—2 22 224C, ll) =-2= 14 Cy Gp =—byl = PB Jee-te-thee Jo-2?-24Cy yl): $46, 0, 24 =f -P 249 MY O'(e) = 407 +82 +4, and O10) ofa) = [sat +82 +e P+ 4e 442+ K. Became C(O) =I K-26, Threore Ca) =a! +42 + Ar 6. 4M. A company has determined thatthe margsal cot faction for the production of particular commodity ie rent OG)~ 12s despot where CC) dllare ie she tatl at of prvacng + unit of the commodity If tbe overhead cot i $256, what isthe cot of producing 15 eta? fp Tue coo fonction is the anficeivativn of the marginal est that is che fuser pane fos a onl ested conch ate eB OT a ee (18) 1258) +22) + yh +20 = 394 Te cont olin 15 a 5 br de = 3:7 + K. Because C12) =20, then 20= 3(27 +K; K=8. 32748 (b) C{0) = 8. Thus the overhead cos is $800. ae, Re)= [02-Sede~ te —}-+C RO any, C=B Re) = et a {A Rijs) = 15 —te, RE2) = [19 —4ayas = 15-2? 4K. Mecawse RIO) ~ 0, OK. (=) R(=)= 152 —22 (b) Because R(2)= ps then 9x = 1bz—2s" so that 9 = 15~ 25 48. "The afency of a factory worker is expresed as a percent, Fer instance, if the worker's eficieney at a peiclar tee i glven as 7D pererty tian thy wenter ix pecfring at 7D pereent of her full potential pout that E peeent isa facry workers efceney 1 hours afer begning work, snd the rate at which peetine (30-80) percent pot hour the workers offeieney is 81 pereont afer werking 3 br, find dienes afer working (a) #hrand (0) 8 » Webave eK Be Because B 35-88 Jos-spares-a?ve 1 when t=, then 41 ANTIDIPFERENTIATION 281, Substituting for Cin Ey (1), we have Bl) =S5¢— ar 12 4) =39(0)- 4 or = 98 (8) 8%) + 12= 96 “The ettciony ie) Wh perce after dhe and (4) 26 pvent after 8h. “The volume of water i a tank in Vin? when th depth a the water ink meer BL uit in 4.9 ¥ = [ 4+ i 9h, = AP 48849) 4C, Brae then C= 0,10 V= x(t? + 62° +58). When B= 3, ¥ = L170 the volume is L173 Bases 100450, v= [e+ 10s soe = 267 +52 50e+0, Vio) =1000 2°77 45 50¢+1000, V4) = 2-47? 45-42 50-44 1000 = 144, The punting is worth S124 foainnna Gh Uispeine(ee UEst (0) = lim, ()=0 then P“0). = el Because #(0) = ig (2) =0 and Tle Fanaa ff (-20 42): tet Uis)=[9 £42. Show that U dis ot have an aatderative on (-20, 420) O(-1)0 Ae C1) 21 ands tenes Oa tt U dn ate he vate fn (~The nermeste Vac tcon fi deivaiver (Beaoe 14.86) imps tht eae U dos aot ety the lates Proven, ten I banca acre say faction nt iy O aceon sac le) =1 forall x9 (1, Terre fe) =O forall xin Hah ae) ofr HES (2) =0 if 2 is in (1,1) and 240, g{(0) does not exist because ¢ is discontinuous at 0, Hence g is not Stevaati on (si) sod or Thvrs 41 or co ply fie a itas0. wey mteim{c* $289.) Deane PM) He) fr al Fis ota antarain f SOME TPCHNIQUES OF ANTIDIFFERENTIATION Ye pgm Ly bt lec net ean ob ana Spe ani zit Bagh a ncn dettd col an that Fis onesie foe Tee fe) Jraensterateriten so of Subetten To apply Theres 42.1 wena et = ls} 1 filo hats = ge) de [ateits(e de]= { 40) dua 0) +0= F(a) +6 shee Bay sai Wf. yc th eh ry be aren Jristenis'e aa} frteyete)=Ftaten +6 loc Argument In pra, fe) = x + then dum ed and0 [rezone [ g0)-hou= fre) ee= An impatant sil eae when fe) 422 Theor If gis direstible function sed n 1 eran sub, Joorve ay +c mer te [Note the use of bracs{) t signal an implicit substitution. 282 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION xen Ut in Bares I= id the sda 1, Check your answer o suport raph 1 [ yim = Aa) (-tay) = Ah aoc = fata 2. [vamie for atPiaan af Ne-oiPac-far-o%se 2 [=F 8ar =| feet 2ede) =1te 9814 0= Bet Ot 4C 4 [rot sihae > We apply Theorem 4.2.2 with n= Jresenter={ferrittarey =| 2M sco pers itac 8 fete = nae 4fP—1PEetae) = shhte? 140 = aye? EC 6 [seven de. Let w= 4-29, Then ay Beene di22? +1) =e da then dzjede= Ju evi den) [dna fea A PRC 1. [gti A c-atrteP an leo at] +e =f ia b Let u=3e+ 1. Then du 66 de, 04 atta Se a forse sahaen [te 27Paen [ee-2PPae— Hee o,f var =Bde = Bf se 91 Mrsette) = 4 Fs —57"* +0 = Ra 5? 46 un, [evi Bde, ta wae 42. Then dade aad 2 = 02. Thos aVEFEde = | (w—2Vidu = [ (2? -261hds = 27 -$8!* wos Td han 08 The Itig= [aR Ee fogs sf te fomanafurihaandeh aioe Fiera? ooo He+2f Yor aac 8 A dm ek carr eave fot fo recat ar ™ oP sekla ewesitivte don sere te Je-nercdene Jew e pram fe yptton gee ene 442 SOME TECHNIQUES OF ANTIDIFFERENTIATION 283 bf VS=R ade, bet ua tte Then 2 = [G—1) and de =f Th Vint a de Jur ae-0es Bf Get 62+ we = Hw Bul a8) 4 0 = 5 20) 249 26)°7* B20)" HO b feta eas Because (2.4/4 at de = (243)! dh we Wt P23 mem 3be dm Then Jems sere fier +a Pyeraey= [ulu—ang an = neo) fe ecm geet 9P! farsa +e co 9 8 = 3 con (Aa) = Jin + inf de = fin ees) ~ 3000 fe) 40 ~ Bon fe + 62 in? dem 2 [an 2430 ae) = tease? [0 Gat wy Hoa de Het a, Then dus 841,501 4t = fu and Jieeteuan= actin de = hf secbe(6éo) = fan be +C oct 19 e8 =} fea 2248) = feos 8+ yee By cov sy? dy =f fen yet By dy} = hase y+ set Bde I t ' E ' : ee ne nulbaibs ifn edez aes Ca faut ve atin Pane [ulten dha fora ore Asin = aca eon a) Af sine de) HO temas eee pate Geese} \iedSureisia PEG =-a[ earn wh rom ir gyree wes eben ft Then d= dyad Jasin = ivwer te be Josmae-eonattae rn 2evi=emte te =i fem 20)H9(0 sim te de) =] C2 — con 2n}V2 4.6 = K2 ~ con 224 Aen te pide date 24 ‘THE DEPINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION own tdt tat scan = odin ta, [etn ata [ten He 40= fore 4 m, feat oesoa + Leto sin 0, Then dum coe 0 dP, and Jo? em eae Joseptrcntuntose 2%, foun aesenantie~ [andes seated [leche =i) 2 Die 2 fice setae mua te—fe2e4€ oda ae ni a IM a tet w= BE Th du ae and $= fe Ts etl a= Jucugen % [HE enter etaentee stn eee = afer spl csiVeaea eC Bf He? $1VER IIIA de Let w 24-2224 Then d= (42 40 da = —Aefe + Ide, Ths =eenet Caen ovire ef 2elde | vie? yee} = 3] tee = 145202 Yao? 226 a, [OEE tat wa dy. Then y=3— wand dy = ae A SMy _ (6 WH) _ Fyn _gyat 1 sgul8402 40-9)! nD (oi (=i) = fut oe2ya = lil 4.62 4-9! 188-9)! 8 [ VEFE (6 +1) dom [flo -3)41F Quan) 2 fot nia den 2/ (vate aety ae =U fie pec=foenh fare Herre CO a eg nde fettn, (OEM os futdan fer ee a ye. 9 [OSE Lael [ERB as fomnprecanereatec wo. (4) Baha sit wate den(ind)ar -Bplar Jey Sptan [or menrse Sega (208 caveevematan-ymanmen |g 6 | ign [Zep Meet tin tat tan ctede [Pig SP hdu a aa 48014 (tsa aa Are ne VP go cide = Jet Jee PP 2c 2 2 4, [in esinlcorz)de. Tet w=core; dus mn ee, a eslenate=— [ined sien sC=rndens) 46 42 SOME TECHNIQUES OF ANTIDIFFERENTIATION 285 foce tan coon 2)ds Eis cratinannaslnisdhe Jovstecmsie seen [ovedeosirec sfoeveriterateeeavton eee 2) Cle) = (52+ 4)? and C(O) Beaune O(0) = 10,10=42) 4K K=P. Thas Cle) = fYae TT (2) =3/IEFT and C0) =0. Here Ce) =2[ te + ae =3-}jie +4 += eM ak Decause (0) = 0, then 0= 4°/?+K s0 K = —8 and the total cont function is C2) = (22+ 4)?—8,, Re) 44 2 +5)"% Therdore Re) = [4+ Lole+5)~Mee~ te We, Besse R(0)= 0, 0= 0-FB-4C; Cm2, Hence Ris) = de ~ 0g Its une are demande when p lle pri per ni then p~ R(c). Thos pom dn M42 pele 45) =4024 20610420 $10; pon +5) = Ue? +28 He 49 ‘Toe marginal revenue funtion fora partislas article is given by R'(z)= ols + 8)~*—e. Find (a) the total efenue function Rand (®) an equation involieg p aad = (dhe demand equation) whete 2 unit are cemanted orien pdollam isthe price per amit (Rte) = fjebee+ 0)? a b=, Hence seen fnction Is R=) (0 Beato Re) = yaa 0 aif6)"" and 0 ‘coulomb isthe charg feet a cea Breaseq = 0 when tf, then 0 == dpa 30e = =Jp+ C=. Tosh gan eonons hs d+ dyad Bence te gratet charg in calonds, ‘qcvalombe ithe charge of electicity at tse and = Hf = 4 cos 104. a= [coe 1204 dt= sin 12H +C. Because q= Owhes {= 6, then 0 =. The @ =Jysin 20¢< $y eae the peatest hares fy coulmbs, V allam is the value of the machine fe yer, and $= ~BK¢+ 1)" vm J -s0oe + 1)-ae a 00(44 19"! +. ecmse ¥ = 700 when ¢= 0, shen 700 = G00-+ Ci C= 20% Tass Vie) = 500(1+ 1)°74200, and V(S) = 500(8)~! +200 = 325, Hace ater 8 yeats the val of the machivary 16 $025. Sn 60: dt =~ fy os UC. | “The volume of water in a tan iV cube pte when the depth of the eater is ters the cate of change of V with respect to his gives by A=a(2h-13)4 nd the volome of water in the tank when the eat 3. Bae sahs vay= [rea-rayen Beaute d2h-+3) =2 0, then Vei)= bef kPa) = fot +0 Because V = 0 whet A=, then o=}:0)'+C fev and ths V(i)= [Oh fer Ved) foto?) fem atte ‘The volume of ate inthe tank when the depths 3m i IT wade 286. ‘THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL 53. ICV pan? i the vole ofthe ll ays va [(@—4-2a1- (3-97 Dee Vad when #53. then 3 B10 GC= 19. ‘Thus V= (1271424. On December 8 t=7, V=5"4 29 Sl, and the volume. pn se venta he ven ofthe talon a seconds thn SL = TFT V= [CH ge = HU+ 1442 +6 secause V=39 wen ¢= 9, then 39 = 9H Cem Bh (eV =Ye any SP HEA 0) VO) = F997 44-48 4 64, The volume eter? 5. fire syPae (a) [caesar fee srnete er de FAP 4a 424 C, Gola antestidentée, [ter Pde =H[ dte= ht +c.=[te4i 46 Beet +2034 2k? ar EC = Bele EHEC {@ The anewes to pats (0) asd (b) are the sare with C= 9+ Ge ce ae [oes ay sete) Ex ( 2-42) and math re (0) et v 1242 (6) Faplain the teeare in appearance ef the answes obtained in (2) and (0). -@ [ote entac= facet eset ante [lat ete rsnnien ett 42st ch (Q) If waa? 42 then de (2 +2}(242) JeQen=W rear earees Math Gat 12s? +6) 4 Cy a fot eat eae rd ( Tue anowers to parts (a) asd (b) ate the sare with C= $+ Cy a1. (9 [EGE ane [en2el™ a neritden [eons Veen fetes elt oc, (e=ut (pees yemnden fie, [OE cen a[ bund Cyn VEA 9G aye se 8elt=1) 4 C= RP nett 4 (6) The anoezs in (a) aad (0) ate esate with C, = —$4+Cy 8. (If de and 2) stm [VERT des [ yes uPann [eaten = foemamerewmaccten stem ahem yore nian WP ate Me (ites YeTT then 2a vs Land dem am a0 [YFAT Paes fan wor eatsnryen te ete Bec he nef i oe HP ve 1, then 240, 4c, a [asnscorece (jin aman situnimete [tsnscentent [ot wate -1 4G ehuaineinara-aecte [tuesomtan mca] esee Aityn teats (6) [2sin com ede Jone de = — Joos 30-+C,——H1 = 2sinte) + Cy aint —]+Cy (a) The ansere in (0), (b) std (0) are the same with C, =O, +1 and Cy =C; +} Go, Evataate [eae cot 2 de by two methods: (a) Let w= cat s; () lt » = Ge 2. (6) Pxplain the diference fppeaiance of the szswers brained in (8) a4) (a) am eat 2 then a (0) tenet don ots drt [aeeoc ott (0) The tecece beeen the soutons is Has ~ cts) +6, Cy 4.3 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND RECTILINEAR MOTION 287 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND RECTILINEAR MOTION ya dfs. A Sitferntaleqiation ‘The following ope ars wee o Gnd o ction of fnionder diferetial equation I we a ate the variables 1, Seperate he variables ‘Tat is, wit the difcental equation inthe form Ho) dy = Saha 2, Antdiferentiate on both side of the deere equ oy)= Fete wae Gy) =s6y), F'@)=f(2), and ¢ Is an atbteary consant. ‘This equation alld the complete Toletion a the fiferatal eatin. 4. intial conditions are sven (Uhl iy replaceient for & andy are given aubiete the given valu ie the complete luton, wae Fors and subuttate this value fr ¢ inte compe seluton. This rte fa {he pertilerwlstion of the diffrent equation. eb, the equation shold be solve fry. I the diferetisl equation bas the simole form dyfdz = f(z). step is ot necessary. The steps for Gadieg the complete solution are ilustated fs Hsercies 4 and 8, aad the the for fading the particu slsion sz iotrated in Exercise 18 "A seconborder diferential equation in = and y 8 an equation involving =,» dy/ts, atd ds/dy? ‘The This resi in an equation ofthe frm ition af =. There wil be two "The step for fading the solution are ilestmted i Exercise 12, and the steps (or Finding the pocticule solution are strated i cn. Ta partie moves in stnight ine and ite dimectd distance from the origin is units of ditance at of time, the the ita of west © and the mite of aeceliestion © ar gives 0 ft ® daed ° ‘We use Fyuatins (1) and (2) when we ate sven the aceleraion and with to find the tie, distance, and a ilustated in Exercises 24 gad 28. We tse Bq. (8) when ve are nol iatereed in ime, ae illstated in 432. Ie the inal velocity yp we wolee Bq (9) in Exetee 48 to fod tht. tar Fao? If the only force acing ob a patile le the force of gravity, then the socrration i eonstant, and is insely 32 fat 1-14 find te comple sletion of the ditfecetal sunt = one eu norco aan Fit, wesepaate the variables, Note that for any value of, Eq, (1) elds sC79)-SS a4 “Tie Be. (i) the complete ection of he intl eustion 8 fi tet fesean [yt eal eae pode 6 BS rena cones ot —nrrm [capa 8? = P= PP ato Vie yittpcman- [eterna aafron ase” Wee atic We aepraethe vsable and hen entire om oth ie, Pay Pade [tar fevemee Because d(z?-3} = 32" dz, then praf[e-n'oe en age 274, aKa? 430, Replacing 3Cy by C sce Cs any constant, we Base Faye-Fac y= Ge acp? sich is the genent sation. 9, Ba 2S ps tantydy scot Joneses = [nce tn yy stan 46 10. $2296 Resin ede scones [sin ae = fee 20 ds hoon de = pan tere Ba one nay tarde [as [ee-tn y= Ba fe res ce for [ageeereuinensetrlescr4 {1.3 DIFFERENTIAL FQUATIONS AND RECTILINEAR MOTION 289 Sa lEHa Te y= dy/ite, Ten yea? = o dy faz and we bave “ woes [Arie Became (22 ~8)=2 de, then Jee-3y"+c, ‘We ansditeentinie asin get. g=ffce-aP are, [ee ea ayeoe2c Spf =a rete! Heo arpenseacge cn eset; f= Joiner 30 (Jems sin a+ 6; je= (eos H+ $ an St+C, Jats 9 =f sin St —f eos t+ t+ Cy y= ff mun even’ [an yeotvas] shuns c= joc, whee, =6-) t= [queers ees fuanee gee Execs 15-20, Gnd the particaas sation ofthe difentileqtion erring by the Batent [dye [taae-idnye |e A kere Because y =-6 when 223, -6= 9-9-1246; C= 6, Therefor, y fo —2? te 46 Ba e+ tet 2h y= F when & conditions, ya [tsteaneretettense © Pi eh yi acer 2 wy 1) Sa feoP ea 1-926, cig Cy 8 By 1, mba th prt wen tite Sas Jay ar= fonteen tem rece Pipa ca json fom it = tin i+. Deas 62 when tap th S22en fe +0214 C;C=2 sin jt =2. Join Se Because y = J when Heo [eony = fain e+ Fpeonty mar 4997 m0 ry 25 oma OE Ge Thom AOA EPH EG, “Beane! 2 when #1, —2=4(-) +0 C, =2. Theor, fea nd 5 2 4442; a= [0084 el stv ede eset sa 42082040, ‘Because w= -1 wien S-442-2405 ©, = 0, Thereire, w= Sot 404204 2¥. 200 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND EVTEGRATION a Shae y= fant oot vs > y/= dof, thmn dds = @y/ta?, mad we hove and yefetategt tn Brecses 21-34, a patel is moving on aloe; at secands «fet ie Gnected distance fom the a (Rend ite wlocey, and a feet per second por second is its aceeration. In Fxerise 29-32, Tele wands nn va dhn VIFE c=} [240872 doh a = att 09? =. acouee 4 = O when (= 0, 0= HA? +6, Caf Thereonw, «= fre at -§ mm vattad een [a Aidt =4t-H2 +0. Bomiin twins tego ner feat Toerefece # = 4t={ -6 Ban b=2h; v= Band e=O when E=°. & das aude = 6-208 Jes-2nee “Theron, -P4Cy, Beans v=2 when (= 0,2= Cy Jose +2 =f 40 42+ 0 when 16 we bia Cy =O. Their «=2¢4 48 3° when = 0. Expres ands in ter of we ae given Jrreeese, seca = on = hn 8a ha 0 wien ¢=0, then e~0, and ye te Fgyntions (2) and (2); w and «ae xproed in terme of Because 43 DIFFERENTIAL BQUATIONS AND RECTILINEAR MOTIOX 291 a= 02; 8= when f= and 4-3 when t=? Sr tere en [Ces 20Us Hayes e + nies [PsP +c) tt +P +e +c, Decoane 4 = 1 whom #0, C1 Denne 9-2 when f= 2, -2-= $4 9420) 415, = =A Therein, o= Ait 440 —4t stand o =] 44 shea gaa 8 es [ar ata JP —30 + Gy Heeatse oJ when $= 4 FF |H Oy =H [2 Seat = 18 — het 4p. Beaase = nben t= 11 dads C= iV/2 cou 2t~ Jn}iv = Band #=1 when tyBcoetts— Jr» ~-2V8 fete Jeet) = -2VFein(ae—- J) 1-6, 1 22 -2Vfbsinl-Jp) 4G 2 = WHI + C4 p= aE sine — fn) = ~V3 | in Jo)(2dd) = VE aslte- He) + Cy YE co) + C51 = W842) + yi C= 0. Ths = WFconet— Ie) 4 when £6 Expeene wand ain tens of dod, we ae given Thus, ¢, ‘Because v= ded, then se 3 ut = -24in 34.6 Benue #4 when £0, then Cy 4. Thus sis exprnsed in toms of by atin ead um fp= eds deena [rde = $00 [aes 3? 400) ~ 8006: © ~ "600. Therefore = 09 — = 5m = 44, wd sn; [sae = 800d? = 06 +c. Boas 24, Theor fo? = 005 ~ 1000 400 (orthisd? -Siame}o,toatswee +840; C212 Theos, ? Find 22 equation involving vand & 08+. Betause += 20 when 1008 = 241200, when 3 200) = 25004, ee ) 202 THE DEFINITE INTOGRAL AND INTEGRATION Jreo= [eeetures piaFeec Brean 92 whan 4 ham pteraiic Hones C= and oe VTE In Baers 35-43, che only foreeconsfered is tha: du vo the acceleration of ravty, which we tke ns 32 ff or 08 tafe? ia the dowayrd diction, See 2.7 for exact wales of tho wine nd coin = feat) () 08) = 40 - emo) =f VB) 03824; 0) 428) = wef) (o) a4 Bla com ee fy) = G16 ~ V5) = 0.6508; 4) (72) = Hd ~conz22 Deon fot: «= [Deon rt = Sein ot 4G, Becouse «= 0 when #= 0, 0=C. Hence = fin rt (a) 6) 4 singe —20-+ V5) = 1.001 (6) «(25) = dai fe = 2/9 —n008 (6) (48) ~Sin(ae = 3p) = Lyi DV ~ 12109 (4) o(1.2) =$.intte — jx) = 38. At (one tf be the divest distance ofthe al fi the growed set v fn hte ‘loc. The postive direction is tpward: We have «table of boundary conditions where Ts Shiau vajoerem the imesad wlocy hes the ball ler in grand and Tene and Sf te the time and distance when the tone reachm it highest point. The acceleration of te ball that due to groity. Therefore 2 —32. Thar Gant, [ov=-s0feev-—m04.6, tease = 0 whe set J, we obtain Cy = 20, Hesee 10 4200+ Cy Sace #= 0 when t= 0, C3 = 6 Thue er 4201 Prom (0) wh 2420: T= o Te bat wil be gol uprazd ef, Prom (2) with , we hai $= 16-29. () Tel wl ec lh of From 2) wth += and t= (0) Tent i wi tke me rte bat ke he rot rm (1) wth ¢= fad e= 8 we bave v= -226) 420-22 (0 Therefore be bal late the ground ih pr 20 /e 136. Att sc let s tbe the directed distance af the ball om the grouad, ad let vf/se be ite ‘locity, The postive divecton is upward. We have table of boundary conditions where € ste tad aad » fore ae the time and veloly when the ball stkes the greand and Tsec and S ft [Se the time and distance whea the stone sachets highewe point. The acelraton of ue ball [that due wo gravity. Therefive a= ~82 Thus 2, [do = 22 fats w= 244 C;, Beene v= 5 ven t= 0, we cbiain Cy we have ~ 1624 207 = 0) —A4(H—5) = OFF = fa-s0e4 5: [eem [eam sone 162 4514.0, Since s =O whee = Cy 0. Thus aioe 45 From (1) with and {=T, webave )= 327 +5: TS, (a) The ball will be going upwacd fr fc. 4.3 DIFFERENTIAL BQUATIONS AND HECT From (2) with ¢= jp and 9S, we obtain = 10> By+ 20-3 =H (The ball wil reach a height of MF ram (2) with (Therefore it wil take sc forthe ballto strike te round From (1) with t= {and » = wehaven = 0268) +5 =. (@) Teteore te ball will ste she ground with spend of 3 /, At tse let aft be he dicted dinase of the bl fos the tp ofthe Washington Monument and tf, we have = 1622-451 <0 106? — ‘tnd let + fer be is velocity. The pute direcion i upward. We havea table ofboundary fs © ‘conditions where fs and 8 f/oe are the time and velocity when the ball strikes the ground. @ 0.0 1-558 ‘Toe sceratin ofthe Ul hl dint pavity. Tse =m; [or=—mfave 2120 Branee¥=Owhen = Othen C= 0, Here enna: Mt $35 Dee = Owen 1 = 555; =: above the grouad sod i ling tw tse te 1Gt = ro sg= 10 BIE 89. = When (P+ Hl 8) = 10 9Y— Th fd (= “Tae ball :akes(a) I scond to ach te Erne aed (Bi he rena pew 9 see AC sce let be the dicted datatceof the bieais fom the round anklet vfYsee, tg ‘pita voit. The pote deetion is upwards We have a table ef boundatyconions where 0 150 Tine and fie re the ine end veloc when the binoas sie the gow The no 23 dpa; [ae = 24: Breniee y= 1D when =D, Cy = 10. Therefore & I y= 180 ‘Thus #=—162 + 10¢+ 19, Wah #= 0 and {= 7 ne have ~ 167 + 101+ 190 6:2 = fil = VF 34 (a) I wit tae {14+ VHF) 4 sector he Binwelas to aie the ows. Ta (1) le t= §{1-+ VA) and += 0, We have v= —1001 + VF) +10-= -10V9F 98.5 (0) Ths the sped ofthe biocalason imac is IOV AT 3 85 Pe. Fa coin wy ja i big bi 00 abode pnd wie a TD ao. anyone (a) How Dong wl i ke the von (ofeach ite gett highs (0) wha he geton belgh? {O) Hew tong wil ia the sone te pete top ofthe hone en ha way de, ond (@) wha ev Shatin? (2) How lag wl i cake the stone te srk the ground and (9 nth what sly doe she the gon?” ‘seconds after the tone vas thowa, let tet te te vane oft see shove he gonad ‘et per second beth veloc of he sone Borer the prio divin eon ai pnd shannon‘ terete ef the 294 ‘THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION de, fen te fata meg Becatoe = 40 whan t=, that c, 40 and (920+ 40) de—= Because the top of the howe is #0 f above te ground, then += 60 when t= 0. Thus ¢, = 60 and +10 C0 = 261 °-f+ Gy + 60+25 ~ —26(t- f+ 8 “Thexefore(a the stone taker Jee to each its rst eight and (0) tne Neh 16 9 (Qiks sone pases the top of he Reuse on my dawn shen 960. Tes oo= 14? +004 00 tayo “The only postive slution i itsmay 2own (@) Replacing t by $in Be, (1), me have -s()+10= 40 “Thos, th velocity ofthe sone ie ~H0 f/f he stant Ht pati the top ofthe Bouse a a may own, speed is the same as when it was thrown (@) Tae stone strikes the ground whee (2-162 00460 =o ee ee ef _ 52 VB. asy eae the soe tl abel 3.5 st site tbe pound. Pam He (1), 3S) +40 =-8y5 = -738 (0 The seocity of the tone is sbout ~T5.8 ae wheat ste te groan, 4 abowe yo head andi ling at» se We B24 tp 88, #16 gt Ag = 1624290, «=O when ~I8e +200 = 0; =H t= HVE GV) = ~80V3, (0) Yor have about 3.34 scons to actor (h) the boser sks at about 118.4 sre 4 Act aeelet ft be he dnd itace ofthe balls the tring pont and lt + foe bits velocity. The positive dition ie upard. We hove a tble of boundary conditions o ere /se isthe velit of the hall when 36 above te ground (ot equivalently 16M above tr staring pint). The celeraton ofthe bln that duet gravy, ence anv dem a2; [vae= a2 [én = -s0040, (@) Became» = 40 when «= 0, me ge C; ~800. There f= 600. Tat 6=16 ane v=). Beet the bal is ring F> O. We have =? = —64(16) +1600 (0) the veloc of te ll i 24 fae whee it 30 fom the ground nd rng 168 s4084C, $ we eanclude that it tas the stone see to pase the top of the house 2. From Ba (2) we obtain AB. Att ae the boulder ba 43 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND RECTI = -B.8L4 tp = O84 180 (a) 8 = 407 bgt ag = 497 + 1900-42 (0) a2) oN 2.4 highs 4.07 16004 9 —500, 492-1501 408 0; fy = ATS UTS 4 TOS). (ee wl be 900 fk ap ater about 3.73 sec going sp ad une + eyt4 4g = 10 se coming dows. 1190)? 980 m 90) 1 -+Cy, Berse 9=0 when 0 when 1. Became » = 1209 tan 2, ons? 6 hen t= 8,2 =, The sh Ji-oe+20at =a 4200+, Beene 90 when £200 Cy = -SE +20 The bal ope wher 1B. then s= ~3¢9)*+ 20€8) = MP. Tae bal wil oll 1 fer bon the 3s) gph ook. 000 Hie — Ho fe Sede = Fs 100 P= 10D A she = Goi the satng pl atte pion af he stomebde when te yey HA one ving ae 0 cn 35 age wine [otarenteecy tee 20 in t= 61-220, MaCee= et [At tae, lets meters be ite tance from the staring point, atd let v fare beite velocity. 0 IE atthe paitive direction be the discon tn which the axtomobile i tenvaing. We bate » oe table of beunday conditions. Let A mee! be the ronsant celeron. 20, we have 0 19 22 when 6 = 20, we have 2004. The automobile should maintain «comsant acceleration of 1.62 m/s, Whot comlant ongative acieleraton wll enable driver to eres Uhe speed frm 190 /he to 60k for while traveling a distance o 100 meter? atthe divert treveling casts Lt s mare he iatance sath ofthe eign aconda air becking begin, land let vanter/sec be the velocity at thi tne. sy ma/ste i is stating velocity and » msc! is the constant (eesertion, Asin Esercive 32, we have anvfe isan fusca [ow te nan hs nw Ths, 196 ‘THE! DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION ‘Because 60 km/hr = $2mee. we ate given that » = $2 when 24200) = (FFF? ~ (PP = 25? ~ 4 The constant accleation is ~3 m/e, 148. Consider the stating poi tthe pston ofthe car when its vlc 100 BB = 32 (see Bxercie 47). Al t sec Jet simetes be th distance of te car from the staring point, ‘avd lel m/sec be ite velocity, Let the postive direton be the diction in whieh the ca is eavelng, isthe tao of Boundary colons Tse ste te asd » ter in te distoace ofthe ca fret the starting point when Uhecar comes toa stop, The accleration x ~ 8 m/sec [een tec, Reames =2P a 2, he G3 Theo, ie dea ae BB [arm [i-se Meg = APH P+ Cy Sees = whee t= 6 C= 0 Tae sonar 22 ncn ie We bave 02-8849 t= waa (0) Thenfore it wil ake 247 we fo he ct to ne a ep tn (2) tet "Thon s = 425)? +22 = RE 3 48.22 (0) Hee the ear wil tne! 4822 m before sopping. He oa fats eg tg = 2H 4t= -2 2+ Fl SL. From 2es = 2 — uy} we bave 2(-8)25 = 02 042, vg? = 400, rp = 20. Because ne = 20 Be 260025 LE ~ rH, he ret di 20 oe, 2 n/n 62. A Mook of ex sider dows hate with conan acelertion of 3/2 ‘The ebue i 36m ong and ‘NEPis hee to tech te bottom (0) What the nia selocy athe te? (9) Wat fs be sed ff fetter hastened tm) How og dort tab he st othe 2 > hes tn, stn ee date te ck cides down the cho an et mine be the ee of the ‘ect he scerton 3 fs, hen ies to foaeneg, “ Haxic, 298. The ball Hane $i Jae). Jecrepsepasouse, Breause 6=0 wien t=, thea Cy =0, Furthermore, when (= 4 then # =: 36, Subotituting thee values Bg, (2h we get wameecy — C=3 we replace the values of Cand Cin Equations (1) and (2), we have vaaee3 safe toe (3) Because » = 3-vhen (=O the initial wloct is 3 m/see (To tnd the time it tae fer the ice to travel 12, we let ¢=12 in Ba, (4) and solve for ¢, Thus, aeyesae d= Faas al 2Ne+4) ‘The only postive root is2, cit takes the ce 2 sec to go 12m. (G) Substituting #= 2 in Bq (0), we get v= 9,20 the sped ofthe ce i 9 m/sec after St has traveled 12m 443 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND RECTILINEAR NOTION 297 Exencies 88 and 3, nd the othgonal trajectory the family of cue, hats another fan of curves seh SL any pent (62) thve nour ofeach amy thcogh it sad the the tangent Test he to curve st poi ae perpadiai- “Te amy of parabons 2° = any, 2 ‘an ais, the slope of the tangent line tothe parabola ofthe given family through P is 2F w shat the dope of the tangent thr cre of he fay wens through Prot fe Thus an ftv dy =a de; pel ve “* 246; 40y? 6, a family of lige ‘Thefamily 2 +9? 4 dept ody fv $a gh 5M 2% wence a ay pin 2) 0 om 2 Pan fa Hetero the tn inc f= Be jac fytin= [Pn de Giy—2= Cry, a family of hyperbole, AREA Dano fm ad ce integes wih m $m a Fs. fonction dtd forall ingen hen Erp 86m) + Hemet) HH 42) 40-4 Fle N+) “Tae gical proper sven bythe allowing heen should emoritd 446 Theoren — SP) F-1)]=Fln)-FO) a AAT Theorem If is 2 positive integer hen fb (ormua acetiae+) es opie (Gorman) nin + 1)(Q0-+ 1)n? 430 = sot Niet (oven 9 Kote, EG -mra orgies tle paras genrananra Base ‘Defaition Suppose thet the fastionf ie caninoas an the cloed interval (4) with f[=) > forall =o [a and that Rls the region bounded bythe curve y = (2) te £ ax sod the line 2 =a Sed £8, Disde the interval a. into subintervale rachof lengths Az = ()—a)/n. ad lt bea number im the ih subinterval lz; 7, Then the mesure of the area of the region Te siren by 3 wi Sos where f(¢) nthe aide of the ith rectangle Inthe mathod of sserbed rectangles, f(e) isthe “taolue iinimam fonction value on the ith subinteval, andj the method of arewmscribed ‘restangs f(c) ie the abvolte maximum fonction value’ oz the ith stbinteval- elu, the Tint the ante no matter whie cis the Hh terval 4m Becreues 1-20, fod the um, Use Theorems 442-047 when approprte. LE G@-a-3 8 i $1361 62-e-ten € Eoronsfe PU pre mogteur a £ e+, bee dae Eee A replace sucmsivey with 2, Tand a Thos Eesot csr ye orwrecernrsorrrerire cen? 9436-4594 66= 293 8 Eanore Senne be 6 Beene Be fw so eas Srboiedotet ebaty o Wit ce rcosive wih 3,45, 8 and al Ths Esta-atatata' ata taeo bb eek E aS sre PedePe@alelersotiss <9 we Boge be hed Bee Bios BME 820 28-0, ue Boutin Bor sey naka sok - 20) 40.22 - 109.00 as B tity cor 8 yecing Thom 146 wih FO) we Zest -10}) > We amiy Theorem 446 with F(3)= Sav — 10) = 10-10 st Elbe rhal=-Schr-Hl= fbr H-dM ine roe wt ra) Thaw, AAAREA 20 Biers ps2 Zee pasty sine) Esia+?) = Leer Fhe snertn en . 7 . Seu-a= Eur-ay=1Fe-0 F Herth g Meaney = Jon +1)an(n +1) ~ tn + 1) = fla + DRA S0~4) = nt In? fa Eyot-sty-att ry Breas (8-34? Suerte sao rence 1-20, es te method of hinseton tof the are, A sguare ants ofthe repens oe inside cided rcteagles an insted, For cach exereae draw fiat showing the gion and the Rh eta. Ta ‘2-28 ee Jon) a the neauce ofthe abtade of te ih eetatle, mhee m =H, +a) i he inf the th subir Erevan 2,22 and te egion bounded by 9 = 24. the x as and the ne Tmsiigd cectangles Let f(2) == Toe ced ater (0,2 vided inom pbinerae cach of lng Bends The ss sibnteral (ys); where f= 1.2, Boose sinceaing on (0,2) the sbolc ‘aati vale off 00 (2-yo2) Mya Slee) ~ (ei)? = OE NBA = = ae? = ae ‘we may apply Theorem 4.46 with P(E) = (3*— 3-47. Thos, An tin, E senar= lin £, + Thhearen of the repoa i$ aquare waits. pe mangle eto) = 2 Telok nied tat nitrate ‘Th Bntae Jin increasing o [0,2 the abyoite Sle) = (2)? =(a2? =H a2)*=4 A MANOA an Grados + There of thereon ef ase it ep fo) he atin. an ith r= m= Heit) = A= tm Exempae fg Heyes gn aft2toso=§ 300. THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION tn Bxeste 29, 2 and 35, the eon above the = axis ad othe ight the ine x= 1 bounded by the Geter ent; tel Ge curyy ane? Lak (GQ) 242° Th ced incl [1,2 side nto msubierva of leapt ‘Bow dThe th ebinteral a gga where 29, inscibed rectangles Bese & dazeasing ow the bole minis value AF om etd He). fis) = F088) = A(t am tip, £ sevare vin, £6 wut a bd, = ino-(+D)-Ke ‘The aren ofthe region is square units. 2, cicansrbednectagie, Let f(z) =4~- 2. Beete J is dereasng 00 18 ard Sop Sea= 1046 asda Aste) = ~(4é A= ln Eirepae alin, EG atk S01) on [BA xa ian 9) yes sipds—(C+.)2-Kered) ed] “Therfre he aen of therein i uate wit 35. midpiee m= He, +4,,) =$0-+4 Aa) (14 (—1)82)]=hle+ (2) =e BEL fim) =4—(4 2) tig Go Astin Emacs tin So oa 1,31] = 3-Day dy MIAN 3 MOD] ~(1edjed-Yirdfe-b)-¥l+4)-s, ote) b- feeder deed) Er eeatedea cick Oo ke vanunnr winners Sree terns 1%, circumscribed rectangles. Let (2) =4—2. We wish to find the area of the region bounded by the Perrier ae nt Pe a es at Iida lial rg ier Sone terre gore soem rcest renee n meee erga cs lea LES Soper bets : lg recone de etme erie 44 AREA 301 ~ pig [IG-MOEDg, MOEA) i foi 8) sft Be Dee at Ay aunt wits be the are of the region unde bythe curve y = J(2). the axis they ais, snd the line #1U1 The aed intra 1] ve ito m subintervals cach of length Ae =f The th subatenal wie) en ‘ecae Jie decowing on (03), tb aboute maxinum vate of J on Heea)= 10+ 6 Has) —4-[a-vhf tesa tm, [CSP YA ue = in] Yate ne 4 Hod) ATA, 2A,= 141} <9. Thas the requ ave ie 9 square units Inscibed rectangles Because fle) = 12° is not momtonic on the intaval [-2,1} we divide the region into two paris Le Ay square unite be the aren che eg Ry fo the eft of the y is bounded ly the eaves the acy and the yas, The cowed interval |-2,0] is divided into subiniervaly, staring from the origin. Thus As, Decase fs increasing on [-2,0} the absolve minimum value of fon sical He) where flag =4~ (8 4 dal? a t-(-8) AE Ami, Speoten tn, SA ste lb Es-8 F4] = ti [p-.-g.meeuee lim [5-0 +8)2+8]]= lat Ay muare units be the area ofthe rpon bounded bythe cure, the = ax they ax andthe line # = 1, ‘The clowed interval (0,1) is divided into n subintervala Thus Az = i/mand 2, ide. Because fis decreasing 01} the anaes vale of fa («8 Fe) wore Hep ‘The number of squire units inthe are ofthe region is A, +A, = $84 N= 9. ‘midpoint. La f(2) 4-22. ‘The closed Interval [-2,1] fs divided into m subintervals cach of leapt ee Bn, The ith eubisterval i [5-+2,]) where fm 1,23,0m Let the altitude of the th rectangle be fir) where m; = 2;—]ae=-2+ 81-3 fim) =4—(-2-B)aBif 24-24 3) +048) 1S So (t+ ahirclananyeaie As tip, E simgas= im, E(-8- Se4(+ Bhi S83 = Ha(C4-3) ae pint - By S = ua | - 8-2 +Be e+) efor] = 180-0 ‘Therfee, the aren ofthe region is 9 square units, 302 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION In Bxercins 27 and 2f, the region is hoonded by y= 2 the = axa, andthe lines = 1 and 2 =2- {Br inmoribed rectangles, Let fe) = 2 Hocane f(2) ronpositive on [10] art - Sonueativeon [02] we conser the two separate intervals (~1,0] and (0,2) Eat A, aqure ite he the aren of the region bounded by the cuve 9 = f(=), the Iie v= and thes aki: The close! interval [-1.0 fubintervae cach of length = f The th subintreal i PTGS The foetion f ie fnreasing on [-1,(, and in order tohave inserted vectnnlen we take ~ f(z) a8 the ntsnde ofthe th rectangle (ni? wide iia = = sla) = HA +18) lim, BS, -s0a2 A = ip WB, o-)= tp eee Lat Ay wun art the en of the aon Boal by the ere y=) te ln = = and the = Wee SS oY SUAS i eaters of kngth z= The th einral sere ee athe neon fs ncening on [0] abd in ne eh acted estar we Fa) mealies teth etn $e) = 10+ (1932) ip, Bt ~ sep lee) | 25 Then the reid aon nt snare wits 28, circumscribed rectangle. D Let fla) 2°, See the Sigurt. Because [(2) i noapostive on [2,0] and nonnegative ow [2 we these invervals separately: Let Ay aquate units be the azesof the een BR, bounded by the ee rls and the ssi, The'coved interval [1,0] i divided inte wbinterale, carting from the ‘Pour Ae fm and == aSs. ffs docreming on [1,0] and in onder to hove creumseribedrectanges take =f) ab the at < Let Ay sqaate unite be the are ofthe spion Rg handed by the curve y = 2% te Tine = = 2 and the = ‘The daecs inves [0,2] 8 divided intern subinicrvoln, Thus Az = 2/n ont 2, — las. fis increasing on [0 ‘and Sn order to lnve crcanueribed rectangles we take f(z) a» the altitude of the ith rectangle, where (ash =) 85 In Bxercies 29 and 30, the negon is bounded by ‘Greamacited eetanglee Let (2) = 2° +. Deeaase f(s noaponitive lind onnegatve on [0.1] we consider the to separate intervals [~2, and [0 ‘See te figze, Let Ay square unis be tb aren of the zen bousded by the curve jon 221 and the zante The cowed interval [-2,0] i dived "The ih vubintreal [ejay where "a i2.8,_ The faction fis increasing on [20], arin der have ‘Sreannesibcdsetaugle we take ~ f(y) athe altitude of the ith rectangle fle a)= fea li ids) = (24608) (208) AA AREA $03 (tis) in. (8 (nsw + E (o41-v)= ow (FF O44 F 3) Pos? 4, 4226 Let Ay squaze units be the dre of the region bouaded By the curve y= f(z), the line z= 1 and the = axis ‘Te chee interval [0-1] divided inte'm subinterenls ath of length Ar =h, The ith subintervals (2, 82 swhere F123. The function fie increasing on {0} and in erder wo have czeumscribed rectangles me ake f(z) the stiade of the Hh rectangle. Heh= 104330) = ok Ag = O+E Ths the require area iE squace unit, = 4m Beemae 0) ie nonpritive on [-2,0} and sonnegative on (0.11 we teva [-20) and [Set the ge above Let Ay square unio bythe ata of the eon bounded ly the cave p= Y(a), the Ine 21 and the = aus, The cowed interval (-20] {Geico iso » intervals cach of engin AB The th sublateral is =, or] where f= The fanction f is increasing on |~2.0), and ia order to have inscribed rectanghs we take ~f(#;) as the altitude of teat neange 7 = se) =-4-2 +100) = (248) (4 te ‘The thec inert (i Avid inte Wainer (2), the line 2 =1 and the = axis oflength ie = hehe dh mabiterval by 353 wher F= 1,231 The fonction fis inerssing on (01) are in erdr t have iseribed rectangles we take etet “f(aj1) asthe abide ofthe sth setae. fs, Ao tin, © steuadda= in, 5, * Pat 1,3 M024) De ae (ved) of iad PE po AED (08) hq = 643. Thus the reqited aren is 27 squate units, Be nsec oreo pres el vie uma Seen epee ne tiren Seen earn cenre| the ah rian FH, —84h- A= tip S]o)—2e,sy)se= ip Sikes hgh.2025)] | Wb, +h) 306 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION 32. "The graph of y= Ale] and the = ass from scctin to Sed to as of this Glnagle » Asketch of the regions shown at he right, We utile synmety Let Ay gaze wnita be the avea of the part f the eegion to the lft ofthe x axe ‘The dosed intereal [0] is divided into subintervals of lengta Az= 4/ starting from Om thatja,|=-4i/m. The bight of th ith seit rectangle in =[si=4—% s-tala4$ Let Ay square units be the area ofthe putt ofthe region tothe right of the = divided into n subintervals of lengh == 4/s starting form 0 so tha agin | invcrbed retange fe4[ey|=4- fant a0 Ap=Ay=8. Thetfore A= A, © Ay vad) where 1=1,2decn. Let the alade of the ith rectangle bem) Weta oP=ahis Rev) = tai = 2 IA syare uitsis the area of the reios bout by the cave y Am tip, EE flmpdem tim, SS Iy(t ais 1h tie, ( fue —a4) a) te ais and theline 23, 2 nn 192041) a7 nln) a2 = eae ate)? 1 The aes ofthe region 9 aquare unite, In Bvercies 37-42, a function f and mumbessn, a, and bare given. Approximate the area, A square units, of ‘egn bounded by the cue y = (2), the 2 axis and the ing 2 =# and # = Phy deing the following: Dive Interval c,5] nto m subintervals of eqaal lesgth Az unles and use « caleclator vo compute to four decimal pl ‘he rm ofthe ares of m iesctibed or ceeunseribed (as indicated) eetanges each having a width of Az unit 37 se) =. The interval [89] divided inte 10 abner of length AGL = 0.2. We wnh te vein i decremsingin [18 the abeoate minimum vate of on 12) AD [UL2)+ M10) + 14.8)+ 18) + 129) J2)+ 124) + $28) + 128) + 7]02 = (het thst detest dts tale tive = Lao sare)= Jp 0-1 subiaterval of length jh Beene J is deteasing on [1,2], the absolute maximum value off on fa 2]i8 Hed 1-449) = (Wf) cf +(Q) +) + CR) +40 +BY +) + (80 + + GRY + 2) + sna ches hatha hae cht ght ghee ghee ghe th} = sma =2, 222, dreunseibed rectangle, The cles terval [1,2] i divided inte 44 AREA 908 In Brecises 39-2, pu your ealedator ito radian mode f{e) = sins. Theinteral gr] divided into 8 aubitervaa of lmgth 33m -f Ihe We wi ue Grcumacribed rectangles. In [Jx,41], sin is increasing so is absolute maximum valve is at the right end of -sabinterval: in [Jr $x], sin zis deceasing oo its absilute maximum value isat the left end of a subinterval A fin jen pein prin fersin tain he +i rnin ye = 18500 fielmeons, a0, bale, a6, lseribed retanels, ‘The clad terval 0.x} it divided ino 6 -rbintcrvals of length yr. Because f is decreasing on (0, |r}, the absolute minizmam value of f on ey..#4) 8 fe) = covs, = cod fr) (> ewe ye con ir Ho fet nie te ie tee - 98004 $e) = sin =. The itera fede] divided ito 8 suicterva of lngth fe — fe] = inverted rectangles. fs [Jz fel, an i increasing oo ie absolute minimum value i at the let end of a bine in ef] in +n decesing 0 Satter vie at terigt end ofa sutaera A> (in Be tin sin or in a in d tain an rain Bebe x ns see) bade ‘ebinterval of length dye. Because f is decreasing cn [0,4r], the absclute maximum value of f on fg F(a.) = 08 2. =e) : A. <[eoe 0c fyr co fr coe je se fy sco ye] = 1280 Wench toprove that S ire) reua= 2 a+ ¥ c(9. sow Emo s00a1= 0) 90) +04 60 +) +60) +--+) +60 By bylying the succstive ad coounutative las of ation tothe ight side of the above equation we get E Fe +600) = 18a) +10) +800) +--+ F(m} +60) + G(2) 46¢0) #1 +6(m) E roroo= ¥r0+ £ oo Prove Theorem 44.5 By Definition 4-41 ELFE-D = Mle te) 94 -F H@FA-D =F) + FPO = ERO, ireamscibedrectarges. The dowd interval (,5e] is divided into 6 F ris =Mle-dede-+hb-o+ed= Ree FO= Lew) "Thus both parts of che theorem are proved. Eiste2eet (ea ta ant Siento-n4 4241 ‘Rddieg the above equations, we obtain (osama geod (net sins arin) (m4) £06 THe DetINrTe INERGRAE AND WWreoRATION ey f ane bien) & Wewithiopme $5 a Met Nen ty) == 17941 —$ Uieg Those 4A46 (elecopig Pon teat erm and Forms ton the sca tr we E60 e Sing Bye MOE pe tne? sage ay = |nle(et—1)4.n+ 1) 4. werthtopmre Beat doe + 12(n—1) £8) = Palm ean) Beawse (¢1)¢ 42462441 [¢-- 146 —aint] Using Theorem 4 sees is elie] r= (1) 227-28 41g, ‘he fat sm, and ormulas 2 and ton suze tere we have Beeb Somer Baa Ber Sip hs Plat P-2 bain em 1s dolos 1) = bist) +n)? hola Nes etnies) dela 16ln— 192 41) + Helm 1) 10020 +1) 415) = pln + (60+ 90? +01) = han 1) + 1Y8n? «3a 1) 4STHE DEFINITE INTEGRAL. 4 Riemann sem fer the function fon the coed intereal [.] is any sue ofthe form Dae The ost A feqsprtpeatg} Is alld 8 partion of the Interval (6.8). The largest of sambes 44 Age,» Age called the norm of te partion and i epreented by 1A ‘he subintertis Bev equal length the pectiion i rela: The sit that appeaesin Det 44.8 is Riemann sum fora gular partion, Riemann sxe afproximate better when the sre chosen toe the midpoint rather than the to ight eons of the Hnervele 45.1 Definition Let fe a function whose domain includes the closed interval [eH Then fi seid to. ‘tegroe on [6,0] i Uae isa number Lsaisving the condition thay for every ¢> suis 42 Oni hat or evry partion fer wheh I< ad fc ay he Taverval fej peyh = 2 [Epteoae-tec gb Eftedde=L 45 TILE DEFINITE INTEGRAL 307 452 Definition If fs «fenction defined os the closed interval!) then the definite ategral of f(itegtend) rom a (lower lit) t9 8 (upper limit), [24(2) ds, given by [ite jin, Eres A eit Fe pion rp, have [Cresson tim, Eseae 45.3 Theorem Ifa fasction is continuous on the closed interval (8, then its iteprabe on fa ‘Thefoloring extension of Theorem 469 ia omesnes wel Theorem if non sed sod boned be Conc trv oly then ota on [8 ‘sod ony it actos tere exp for aot pits whch, fr any¢ > 0 estan in Soe ire tera of te ey of ng the ASA There Lt the fnction be conn om [8 ad f()>0 for a =i a8. Let R be the recon Sune by the curve y= fs) he satan the ines ® eae 28. Then he mate ofthe arn the ein Fes pes by Aa tin, Sviwlaz o> die, Shea Xie condn (2)20 nso sind, me eae fe) mh 7) Definition a> 4 tben [s) de Defaition If (0) exits then ["s(=) de = 0. 4.5.9 Theorem If kis any constant, then [fete = 40-0) 1 Thre If te fon f andy se inepble oo a ee 93 negate om an [ister +ateriae = [rede [ated ae lid ng i sh ae Free [ners ital oil ind nr recs 4-8, Gd the Rien su for the fnetion om the inrval, sing che patton Aad de ven rt ty Shekh ie graph and show the eiengey se tssre of whan tet ate toe ten of bens Jie) =2, 05253. 3 Soper = Ho)dret He Soe+ HoOae+ flee CN 5-0) + L255) + 10.9)228-128)+ 2819-229) Fab eI 4 181 BCT Fo), 0< 7 £8. B Hope Hm\aye HeadBaes Moder + Moe e4 Seer 5 SP (18—0) 417 (1.25 ~ 18) £1.75 (2— 1.25) 42.259 (279 —2) 4 275708 = 275) F=hi sess E epae= Mw) sede Snare Medde (1.61 =1)4 (225-167) + gh (287-295) thy x20) = 1.1 619 {THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION phy -isesti ey =~. Hy #0, Hy = 035, = © Breas = son) ye + Sea) + Hes)aae + Mug det + ea)ge + Teer + Serine + Fone phage (025 +1) phagr(0 025) + ggg 5-04 phy U28 05) + glean (225-2) + peg x (218-228) tg px(8 235) = Loss in OSaee F flue SwpOye+ foyldat aM upbase + Seder + Ma)ase sin jx (Gr 0) sn feeb Jo) tan fre |e) rain Geax Ge —Fo tate fale J) 237 © fe) Beane, cree £ fle)de= Heart feedBae + Nels + ede + Hse say 20125, afeiteonbesie oon —Be) x(x +2) + col fa) x (hr tbe) + os Dx(de the) 008 FG =13.6008, In Exercises 7-10, approximate the value ofthe definite integral two ways (a) tie a calenlatr to compate to ‘decimal paces the eonespording Riemann sur witha repslar partion of n subintervals and w, as the ‘Sapo f each subaterval (0) tr the NINT capaity of your calla 1 Ke) =p m Arabs? =}, (0) Ji Herter 41) 41+ 10 + 108) 4 10+ 108) 4 199 41 “a LBs Bet e+ hat y+ oe + Be tah 0.267% (6) 0.000, 8, [{E4s, m= 10,05 te eft endpoint of) ara Sgtaos ['Lden[bedrtaly eats ts tet drt dat talon) = om (b) Using NINT, we Hl the vale o be 0.287 EG 8 Babe) [2% seen fee) tafe ate che ect rae sie r= ta 2 ta, f(a) tan dep = 6 ute rg endplae (a) dx = EGE [recs tem tae a csc tee ten ete He + we Bebe ~ 0m 0 0.767 tp Facts 11-26, determine the xa: va ofthe ate atgtal by interpting i the meat of te st plane rein: Cock ning NINE a 1a, [e-em ac 089) — HO —2 ein the Ha end 9. (a) n=8, mete le endpint. Ae 2 Pere > aiden en ce ut hil anti 3-2) = Suerte [itetame TS 13, [2 Vi F ae = retin ondrat pact of eee centered at (0,0) fav 2) = fe C2F 16, [1 /i6=7 ae = arcafunpr half ie ered (0.0) of aud) = f(a)? = 8 445 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL 309 = de = araltiangle (0,0), (4.0) (44) ane rianle (0.0), (20) Nas to2= 2. Tren (0) =3, 1(3)=0 and $4) the integral ithe monrae ofthe aren ofthe rangle (0) (0:2), (2.0) above the = ane mitus Un meanre ofthe area ofthe tangle (3,0), (4.0), (4,1) bw the = ati, Therefore o—2) =4ays-Jay=3-]=4 (520) aatapezié (1.0 * (an 5)as = asea(teapesoid (1,0) ( 1. Hence the valee of Ta (s2)(80)) =H #192 (= 2,9) 2.0) = HS +942 (1) 2)) + areatriansle (0,0), (40), (449) = HOye-+ Ka = he = area trangl (0,0), (2,0), Piiaalae at f(@) =11~ 2h Then f(-3)= 4, {(8) =0 ane #(2)=2. Hence the vat ofthe tegral nthe measure ofthe aves of tangle (1.0), (-3,0), (~8.4) plus the ttmase ofthe aren of tingle (1.0), (0) (32) Taereore [yimzke=Hon+ 402 =10 [fte-nae (triangle (2,0), (5,0), (5,8)) ~arealiriangie (2,0), (0,9), (0,-2)) = Ha) —42)2 =} 412) f()=5-% * Ga —21-8)de = seeo(sinngle (8.0), (10), (1)2))—area(tiangle (5,0), (2.~3). (~1.0)) ane) Ye Lat fle) =6-[x~2) Then (9) 6-24, #2) =6-0=6, (8) =6-6=0. (te — 2am atearapenid (0.0), (4s (6) (2,0) +aatinee (2.6), (0) (09) =A +02) Hoe = P astesanie Let fle) = S4le al M8) m3 +1 4, A= 340 B4)=34401 Hence te vue ote atepal te mame oft are of bape (5,0), (558) (243) (210) sheet mesie ofthe arn af merida), (4 (0.7), (0,0). Therefore slot siie= y+ 3K0 ree Because y? = 22 2? = 1~(2— 2 et View weaspaleh ocelot age) =a Because 9? = 5442-27 = 9 (2? — 444) = 9-(2—2)4 (2-2) +9? * JEETE—T de = naleumicins centred st (2,0) rave 3) = Jo(3)? = fe 50 esis Sa ng Mth wos W Gab toa abe Be Paine ae Becaoae each regi above thes axis ie congruent to one below, the integral. 300 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION In Bxerises 2 and 30, aply ‘Theorem 4.59 to determine th exact vale ofthe itera mofiecenen ew [irenetaew [eat eay 38 (a) [ede me(1-sy 26 0) |? Voom Viie-Camtvs (9 [tem 1-2) =0 {In Braries 31-12, ue th rete bow 1020 fd the vl of theft. Check by NINT. Mises, [rdea} [ eeae=a, fewsae=o, [ase |p au [Peetaessyena[’ sternal” edess|" cen 2a) —aese-(-a)=6-6418 218 Ey {Oe a 0 [eee [scenes odes [ade (Phcorem 4 (Theorem: (rcotem 4.59 and giver a [*(o-se+pteee |” {Get -4e—1e e417 = -408)- 4-1-0 a. * Oat e- Dae Bo fede = [see eo | (Theorem (Theorem 4 (gives vals and a1a)-129)1=9 4pfige- nf Sffaseses [sex (2) 490) le—O ae vo [tease na[ewtetent[ (te dense [Sate te]ote ble 0 [eos v4tte= [ete rteees ites [nates Bones [fen [Laetetalcwzdenitsp-a-frss-onie {5TH DEFINITE INTEGRAL St £-2f'de =. [fists sas etoden ff ints axa" yenedes [ade] 40) 4408) =8 fe Exec 49-4, wee Theorem 45.12 prow [*j(a}ée= ['sie)de+ [lake (1 fer the sve ordering bce-ce. Pn Theorem 45.12 4 cob Prom Thewem 45.12 [oem tee |e [freee [reer fone opin De ie Apolying Deion 455; “Poroies [row free rose [ieee with is oqunaet to (1). ‘ahh ie equivallat (1 Fram Theorem 45.12 46 c ‘Because f is continsous on [—1.2), then f is: rable on {1,2 Thus, [reas [tres [neers reyes | aac (tire 4511) reece [reper (tienen 451 Hadae (Theorem 45.11) (Desnition 4.5.6) {2 "THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION 18. eause fis contianous on [= then fm Teste 4.53, fi nterable on (3 {EIT no the Definition 458. [Preies Prieee+ |" states [Maen (pears [[rtee) (J Psenes [Trere) = fi nodes [2 rote [tenes [re A. From Theorem 543, 5 kftwlaye =h 3: s(w)Ae Therefore Flyp FE feoae=t, BBE Medae Cb ). ‘by Definition 4.56, ji des) {tabby Dean 488 and Thane 652, [Has == [Fede = -Me-¥) =H) We FT pe oo (eas Rem, ewe [sles [sete=tan la t= Ete tay Heme sxttien $= feeb imme vt [fede = ti $+ (Stee Jeane Then $= Be)he=T ado = IT = (9 Sune f aod ten Thm $= fla) rT dsl + ig (7478 {6 THE MEAN-VALUS THEOREM FOR INTEGRALS A MPANawen irae ncn fan pare inp othe cna terval ol andi J) > ff 2 ila) en [jreraee [laayar 1 noi, fad fe tie a ot eta na. : oroe> row 4162 Thecem Soppore That the fan fis costnsoas on the dod Interval a Mm ont M swerve the abc cima and imal maxima fanon valu of fon thm im 2? 121 @ be the requited syzabal. Phe fllowlag inequalities are equivalent: VO—# © VE=H, 6-2 @ 2—2, $0 2,4 @ = Bees {Con the interval [45], then @ i fall = f= Finegan |) Bene = seit} then 1 ¢ fle) Breas 1—(-1) =2, by Theorem 46.2, 2-1)=-2¢ |" hyde <2-h 1, tt (0) =2E$ 14 hy Beene J deceatng om [0.1 then ‘he abate minima Sod maimem values of fo [1 ease as [3 Io. i fe) ~AeaePe Won, thn 1) = 1B cate sn + Osha 2= I2sn oer?) 2 00 fad M= JQ) Oare ie aude minim ad msm vals fom (fc Be by Peron 442 webave old) = fs [7c she 0 =0= 1, by Theorem 4.62 wehave an, [aide de > Bice si: fs an od function nd he Snteval [fees ymmtrial the vate of the itera i ‘Theorem 43.0. In Faercies 21-90, find to the sear onehundedth the vale of essing he sene-vetue theorem cg: ae MNT wo proxi vl of hse fo gis a E {#8 de-=5) By the mean-value theorem for integrals thee exits a umber ¢ in [0.2] such that [j Pereeen ga ore 2 4VE JV5 = 1.1547 = 115 isin [0,2 22, [sue =f. By the meant hore fr Intel hei amber in [24 oh at af faite mp MB eg. ah = BV SV AT #2008 806 i a 2. By the mean-alue theorem for integuals there exists a nuinter« [2] mech thot Ym 1.458 51.38 AG THE MEAN-VALUE THEOREM FOR INTEGRALS 315 fe-ve | Wea (0) = P= and fb] =|86) We wa oad munber¢ with 0g 6 < ath tha | fpe-nee=s000) [o} Beau the value ofthe deft integra in a. (1) 6 8,2. (1 i equivaleat to 2-0 Men ea §Yias ({tvseeste= 0 By eter hee rea he aera (ih at [ietesentyen ere r aye 08 8 JT; 2+ JIT ~ 25 in in [1,4 heer fringes there xine» mer in [04] sek tha (P+ 4c +5) A Hee P+ DI P= 0: pears Since 1.2 enti he interval (-2.), th ony tale alan af = [fig des o4ter By the mens-value theorem fr integra hee exists «number I ais £2,657; 2.457 inin (24) BS aval an ae 0.2027 : gs t= (mn tre = a 74; 588 = 086 setae ‘Because the value ofthe given integral is ~0.5493, we wish to find a number ¢ with 3 <.e°< , such that 0540 = Footer tine =~ gfigy = 8.719 estan"\(-8.719) 445 1744 74 ee 3240, te the mon salue there for integra to prove the inequaty Dy he eal thn er neg tre cia ume in 0. i [° Bat gh [0.2]. Therefore L pigeshick ‘By the mean-value theovein for integrals there exists « number ¢ in (0,2) suck that f. pig ayo Bat ghz St beans 20. There | bdr < a murmter ei (fe) such hat lcm see se ni oe aera because By the mean value theovm for integra ther a Jo, cones = (od pat cnet 316 (IKE: DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION x [fieyeuss © en eth nt wer yh mane a rea he iia ran sin 2 a = (6a fOr esuse Sin 1< 1 fr al fen sin $1. Theron, [ins vearee 1. By the eansave theorem frites there exits a umber cin [25] ch hat sudsabi sayy 5 {8 By the meanvralue theorem for integias there isa muruber ei [5,0] such that Sigea* =z pa os hg s gate bal Tans [ightes? 18, By the neamralue theorem foriabepala there exists a number ¢ i [,2}such shat itis in 2.5}. Thereore 0S J she Sb [famyeete= tit postin tate utah tte [on brede st og [Marcas pcan cod 2/2 cntinunon om the cloned interval. by the mene-vaae oem fortes hee amber in (-}3), such that [if coer ao tok ‘Becmuce resin the interval (-}x,fz), then 0 O18 (02) cost Ye/A = 048 tn the figure at the right we show the gap ofthe fnction J, The average vl of th fonon the J A ae a fs much thatthe area ofthe rcangle the same the ars ofthe rion Sete oe at fea e he faction fhe value at whe the average value out in thes enonnae point at wich the rectangle interact the cure 6 THE MEAN-YALUE THEOREM FOR INTEGRALS 317 J he pmitive diresion i dowaward, $F 325 [av = 12 dy w= 32¢4C 3 Became w =O when t=O, then C= 0. Ths v ad8u tet HQ =. La AN. be the average value of fo 002) Thee Av afffsteaetelt a “Obcerve from the figure that Jf ais the arn therein eclsd by the triangle. ‘Thus jee =n E2zses He) = VAG. The graph of fs the par in te firs quatant the ctcle of radius centered at 0. Therefowe [sds = eT} = 2x, the measure ofthe area of the uarercinde Mase th avenge leo 08. 7]8 phy | Vda de = bo ~ Fe Fe) = VIS=H, Te graph off 8 te upper Sec of alin and enter the igi Hence [stots isthe measure ofthe arena the cemirle. Therefore [Vie F tea ee ‘Ti te average valu of f on [ns zh [* Vig=F ae] Sopra fie on 7, eae et fk aa 4 ‘By Definition 1.6.4 we are given that Ma) d= 22. Thos, fh, fle) dz: siren find [24 f(z) de. : Xia tene> 2 Mawatha me et Tra on Hs 484 ‘eg fa rs [isex [fae Pewcfize Pe te gy fine : 2) We apply Theorem 45.2". Beeatne fix integrahin ite cat af dieantimitice i contained stall set, ocaave the dicontinnites of] fare a subeet ofS, then [fs itegrable. To prove (0) eres} a ans, omg [tes [tees qe i folowsftoen the mean-value tore san pen tat [ fede =0 Bose no Senegal iat he ea mnrcneencht [! Fes oh-ab0= flea Hc Prove the seeoad mean-valve theorem for integrals IEJ ie constant, the snl i val mune not constant. Because f Inconseuous on (a) Une ext rutabere fy atd 24 i [ad] such that Horm) 0) fey) Malipying by o2)>0 we obtain Heagike) Hebe) feyoke) Therefore by Theor 452 Hon) teite< [isentee < sew) [tei Dividing by [ace > 0 vis Sten) < [‘Hemtadte | [ewe sey) | Byte inermetitealve here, thei sumer en (,) sus tha Hom [pedtorte | [Patane rete [orowtnas =| ene | s) =, hemo oben "ede 10 | det hae 450, [én mw There continent o a8 those nub ein (8 uch tat [Ye dem eK 48 "THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND ITEGRATION In Beets 4-88, use te scend mance Ure to prove he neat 4, Let $62) = play and 2) ~ # Thin wurter ein (4) me hat [sS-sh[i-« Beenie 0< 6 ten lg <3. Tenens [5 < [Pade 8: ta fe) = ofa ae) = 9. Te i er (1) eh i Pee-vdel Beoine eh <1 el [oI en (ss [Lee |; inde s [ade » Lets and g be the fuesios defied ty Y{a)=sinz and ole) “Thea J and gate continuous on [0x] and gz) >0 forall «in (0x). Tos there isa murber ¢ het on) [[emecensoe|ede east in) ee I [fssazer< [eae Bt Je) eae) = Ten een mein eh a aa con ede ote "cor de pine <1 frale The |" ater [nee hr te i ben 1) ch a (igspesata [ee ‘Because isin (0,1), ther cor ¢< 1, and therefore SPE -< opt < E, Thue figtte< Joee 47TH FUNDAMENTAL ‘THEOREMS OF THE CALCULUS ‘Az Fink tot the fusclon J be iateptable on the dened interal [a] ant lt x be any camber Getzed by then I(x) lacontianouron [eb]. IEF is continuous at z, then Pi differentiable at = and Pee fe) ( (ar 2.0, the derivative in (1) may be a detivative frm the ight, and if = Mvarve i (1) may bea derivative fom the ft.) Ea. (1) ean be wetten ms Ef oes in Gon 142) ak) ie = + [10 Sr Bain 2 72 Second. Ln te fnton J be tins ea tht doe intra [8] a et be » union Fundamental Theorem that “Othe Callan a(z)= fe) fossa fal The [Pivaano-a0 (22 de (2) map 9 Siva form he i ad at ie foes iretyten tatoo [fie toes =e * (aetSe—1) de 4 Jf veesarden [cee ager age f [eweriaalfviemeanabieent [eve te = 3 f° 4 te I 47 THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF THE CALCULUS 319 devvave in (2) may bea derive fom hela.) Soles gsny be ay finlon st ian sntldetvadin off. Unuly we chow the andesite hone const tr er. We dete ite) star) by [asf or se) Furthermore if and are coatanie then [e Heal+ a xe = fre) sa] +0) sl Note the ditinetin been the indefinite inegral f(z) de, whichis defined to be a tinction p such that J(e)— (2, and he definite cara, [2J(3) ee, wich isa samber defined to be the mit of Rirmann wn. The ween fandamentaltheoren of the leas sta the! we may ue the indefinite ftexral co calelate the number repressed Any the defini nigral If we change vale in nce Integral, we mist Alo chase Ae limita, Tis, f(a) = 4, ga) =A and a8) =B, the o(s) do = de aad [frocenete) ee | soya Execses I-34, evaluate the definite integra. In Bveeses 1-6 nnd 28-04, support your maswer with NINE Pecramssatats -P 1a] =t60-940 = (72-30) ~(9-9) = 36 Jo-vsfe--3+9- Vieni ae =] Moen. 42) mf Ge] = Hea 5) = =e?) -4-v PO], 40) THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION as [ev aap feayMaran =} e+] sera) 1G n ae os voseacearaneise a aa fie seaw= [fone nats wl =jas-044-D 3 i taten entails Whe a=0s= peed jo are = mo fo tyetde o tue VETE Then Paz 2a 4 6 de = Dede When 24, 422 when 2 Sane [fot rset 260) adr aah = i a [tjenstes [eos [fe a-a¥] sye-2"] = fo-wey-0-> a fh vareen |" dar ides | yismaees | yareaee | yemeee Val? aici) + | 06e= vicar =3vF vieiee > Bovause /F+e] is an even function, then aa]? ySrirae af? Vor E awn es oA $03") w/a ay) ~ tev} 2. teu EFI Ton [ieraverta bet = E-GeD =F me ten VFA ae dentate [0 (ery Fide= [2 oP -aptoedey=2[ (neu ate-jeee}d-deiet 447 THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF THE CALCULUS 221 Hin a I aare- if" (+e dem “Vie Seve fee (AA tt Oar Be 16+ 192) G-243)— 9 ap, ye z ar ire Gi dem |) a+ = [ct eel Geu= 3h 407 = $0") i [ie sen re de= fein 20] = ph(o-0) =9 =| (in 20+ 30) de + -fesete + ina] 1-0 +Ja-9 [yO nae see) te coe Jo—eon0) = Hein Join 0) [th sete tem fon [vet het tan fete = 2 [an ftone? fat frat) = 2 tan? fer = J 0 =} afar et i471 ie ee ot ei fi ein 455. The af virta=—Z{" Vist a= vive Bf Vita 4-[" varia)= Vane fata afr a = spt [at 4" ese Beat cone 1) 4a fini Po it a [eo net Beate) = Lp[Prrinag [2 OTT aed = YEU) 30 YP TT ‘ad woe the chain cue: Than, ial “ages a letsatn nf [Mt hate ff tele be = ich =| ne ante 422 DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION eee Elite ss nr i i + wag [” te Gt = — Ly com ¢ = Lg come eee pated oats ee cto hn ergy ait 7s ws Dr nd On erage valve of ~ 4 08 [3] is gl. (9- 27h = [te] = 518-0) = and 92 = 63? =3 when 2= V0.8) See 2ijaz = fas?—ye" = lo oa) =F gente V5 4, The average value of = on [8] plg|? VF = Tete ~ Affe 19 ee) = F169 7f = 92 —0=27 fe) 2VEH Tt} Tie average valve of 2? VEG on [1] ie AV = pglog [eV B de Leta fenk 3 A 4% de=2u de. Thon, Aven Bf (oP ayia de) 3] Tot neat roti = = 86-2) +90) 490-2] sin Josie we quae rot she average vate of Ton A] (lhe RMS vetags) sag tse de ce= If ‘1 conferees Ltn ff = tf). VI a sc | ate de = Ban ef = petal neces deny Si. Take the posive diction downward The #892; [de—32 ds »=3+C. Besse =O when t= then C'=0. Therefore » =92, The average vale of «from t= 0 to ¢= |T i given by roel! = 51. The average vl of vom = fF 0 = ao AM sh AY. =: eat v= ple c= 10e 7, = fer? 419) = 20, Theetore) 4a. 82. A stone is thrown downwasd vith aa intl vetcty of oy fect yr senads Nagle ale teitance (0) ‘hat if « fet per seconds the velodty of the mone ater falling «fee, then v= y/tgl+ 29s. (b) Find feeragevelocy daring she as 100 of fall the ill velocity 60 fae. (Take'g = 32 and dowaws the positive direction.) > (a) From Bxccne 42.48 wi green tpt ah (b) With 9 = 60 ard g = 32 we have v = ¥/5600+ 6s, Thus, Aves hy], 2000-4640)" = hy Gon + 61? “The avenge whois BE fee, 5. Ayling the gute ub, A [Trout /1)=(oer)-7~ [Troae-t)/1 waite ft galt [ROT are i emayte tat w= ban d= mae, init then change the dammy back e f(kn2) a, 7 Ay ref rales [rary 7 Asi hea teen t= [SEPA Hen tem tendsot and [agate Mo (0) I fe) = sin = and b =f, then fbr =2 47 TIE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF THE CALCULUS $2 Fee) (idee ite rend Teed ae aticiatd Find tin / wt al foro oe, [2044 |= 0 and 0 Fis constant sin 2X1-+ 24) co 228) ate? tet ere ini hn clang the dy tac 3+ 1-2) = fileo-smiee [°c oorecan)= [fara munae [mc meee al ‘The slope ofthe tangent line to the graph of y = f(z) atthe point (c,f{e) ib J"(2) Because J" & continuous co [8 then the slopes integrable one, Ut A.V be the average vals of ike slope on (8). Thea aves [rear Linep te) hu, the average vale ofthe dope of the tangent ie of the graph secant line theoogh te pols (af) a84 (10) Pi fever nafes [haven ner=f2r of cit-s0 ahs (a) Given #(2) = = sin 2, Plot the graphs of fnnd NDER(NINT( (0 {hat the guaphs appea th sm. ) Repeat pr a) 0) = VE, \ F (c) What theorem do parts [a} and (5) support? q ‘The graphs for (a) and (b) appear atthe het fight. (€) ‘The graphs support the fire ‘fandamental theorem ofthe calcul 4 AREA OF A PLANE REGION ‘et Be a reyion in the 2y plans, is bounded on the lee by the Tine ‘Sounded on the right by the ite == 6 and tly ifevery line ofthe form 2 — ey with 2,6 interwcts the region K in ore of more point, ané no ether vertical line Intersects R See Fig (3). Furerteore, Ki bounded abe ty the eave y= f(2) ae Sounded below by the curve y= (2) if and only if every nonempty intenetion of and a vertical line is segment that has ts upper exdpoint en the carve y= f(z) ane les lover endpoint on the carve y= o(z), and thus f(z) > o(2) forall = i fa!) The aren of any such region = A square unis where Ue)~sadiae 0 WR isboundad now by the # axis, then g(2) =O in Perms (2) We tay inerchinge ihe sie of = and y te the above disiason. Figure (®) Ahustrates a region R that is hounded Delow by the line y=a and bounded above by the Hive y= 2. Every line of the form y = yy interacts B if a Sy) 201 and aw other fovizostal Ine intersees H. Funthermote, Ri baunded on the tight by the carve 42 = AG) and bounded ow the left hy the carve # = H(y) i and only E every nomempty Intersection of K and a horizontal line is line segment that has ie right endpoint 02 {he caren = =p) and ite Ia endpint om the conve == dy) snd thaw Mg) 6p) fr ally it [ay The aea of any Such regor is A square units, where = Paw=anier a a region sitisfen the condition for bath of thew tyes then wy may use ether Forms (1) or Fermila (2) to fin ite ata, whichever fe easier Because the aren A of a region was defined to te the limit of Riemann sume for vertical Ditiaeatating on bot sides ofthe equation me gt (=) Fos [2.8] equals the slope of the ee 2) the same window and 324 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION rectangular clement of area, we must pove that the same number A is obtained wi tre calc he Bini sf Rezrann sma for horronal rectangular clemente of arte “Pheu Let (be w emote faction wich deere (en) Lee ae cg ai abo daurhed y patsy ohee AO Se AO) IPF) cot nah ten [papers [eee sefey 73008 We eat Se edie ith be ton y= 2) Then #8) = rhe T= sted hn p02 when p= 2 0 [feoae eteee Because fhe (2) = fla) +2 £2, then = Je) [femer [2 fie near [Prerae Feo mente [serse or [free (© Me) fle). The Bosna Ss In Beecaes 1-38 nd earn of in open bounded by the carver: och eerie do he ll ia) Duo agreeing be repo anda tanga emer of ee {8} Bapren tbc aren of he eta int fa Riernn s (Fac ttt pre (0) byt cod fandamencltheop of he eeu 1. Raqure ais the es he region bonded by 23 a patito ofthe tel [0 onthe ew fim S(4——A)ee de, eae =2 [6-2 22 Asquaze anita the ato of thereon bounded by A Sie partie ofthe ltcval Sl} the = ax A square unit Uh aon of thereon bounded by 9 ‘A fea patitin ofthe iterval [1,3) onthe zai A= Bp, biter [se 2iten at bt Fw )a= wide Bio mavrgemncousan be [ene aente EP 62 (-3))— KA 9) 46 497) = BE © The area of the regan i HE square wits ASAREA OF A PLANE REGION 825 5. A sae wits the area ofthe gion bounded by y= FFI: # aa yaa 2 = 8 {3 ien pasion ofthe intern [0.8] of the =e Asylin, Svaetacs |! yertae= Het” {A square eit the aren ofthe region bounded by Aisa parton ofthe iaterva 2] of the = ass. Beas A= Bp, Ele: aes (ea ea jeter 1, Ascuare sits the ses bounded by #4 2-12; ¢ ane Set 4 2-20 2a pation ofthe interval (4.3) the > at Anyi, Bette maee [aterm mee afPeft ite $199 298 (e—1)(2—5), The region R is shown inthe Fque below. Ris bounded above by the {2 axis and bouaded below by the curve y= f(z) If f(z) ~0, then z= or 2~ 5. The elements of wen ae ‘eral retangin of width O.e and heght ~f(w,). The aren of Ris A square wits, where lip, 2y-feedae States den -jeeae-sef 415 = 1) + 3025-1) - 35-1 ‘The area of R is 3 square units. A are nie the ren of the ion Nd yi a= = : Jf g n of the nalr o ft =a - A= lip, Snwiae= [27 sine y= coal a Be ene nis a i gone yy i ola 9, A isa paition ofthe intra [0,2] of the zai 3 ; rs tp, Sweden [owed neny 1h Re oe= J i =h-0=$ BA age nl ee ea be tn ded By y= 2 Bupuignet detonator sce A tear [oF wed tne 5 axis y axis = re -0 2. yraclz;2 > Te gion Rincon tn the Qgue below. I f(=) = cw2ay then the lees of aren are vertial rectangles of width 2,2 and bight f(wy\ We ate {Bron that Ri bounded om tbe lot hy == = snd a the ight by = = de. The pa bfwier [iateanny weot je teat }e = ty341 ‘Theazen cf Ris —}Vi-41 quate unite 13. A square units & the ame bounded by 22 —my, pe—k The sexo bs Symmetric with respect to the y-axis & is » patton ofthe intersal (02) ot sling Eien 2 | oat ayes =f fesse] = 2-48) 2h Ae 896 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION 14, A square unite ia the atea bounded by #2 ‘Aiea pati 4, Bi il AS. A square anits is the area bounded by 2? +y+4=0; 9. 3 De pain of th teal 8, on te ya atte 2 varias =2[ 2 a= =-$0-07 16 F4y tia; > The tion Wi chown inthe ign alo, Be unde shone bythe cave oP 49-448 Saleing hry al obtain y = f(z) = —27 4. R is houndnd below by y= 4(2) = —8. The elements of area are vertical rectangles Stach Ssrsnd bight) ~ pon Bree, f(2)~ 92) = =a? 445 (e~ Flo?) hep Ris bounced on he et by = —-2 aon he ich by ==2 ede areact Ris A quae uti ten Av Bp, Bund -aewatsven | te sail de o [tte te af = fer ara = 8. The region is eymmetic. [Sev- a dy) = 1-9 + Thearen of eon Rin Paquae ait In Bees 17 an 1, the repo nbn by Py 415 ¢—9 41 = Se + 17. A isa partition of the interval [0.1] on the z axis. Because 2° € = on (0, 1}, Am fp, Seller (oF +01de= [2 erty (et +e = [Toe baie 18, A ina patton ofthe interval 1.2] onthe yas Bees 91 € 7m Tom [2 A=, Bp, EiveaT~ (oj wiaw= [iy-9'- (Dey =[Go- "Hof IF 18, Asgeae units the tea toundal by 2 = 2%, == 5 ja the fourth andra. Sethe fire Sle pation of he earl [20 co hey as A= tip, SYP Ao = [LYre = Vif? van VBP, = 1/F0- (91 = VAY == m0 Pati 0)9=-2 '» Ris bounded above by the curve y= 4. Solving for y we obtain y= (42)"/3. R ts bounded below by yo a) =-~2. The derens of wen scr etic voctangin of width and eight (fe) aw Tae figure shows vertical and horizontal rectangles. Substituting y——2 inte y?—4e, we gut, Aa; = 2 ‘Thor Hs bounded onthe lt by =~ =? andon tbe ight By te gia ie =0. Bene, A, ip. Sea seele =f Ge'®-Caee= hfe 4 2? = O-18)+ 20 ‘The area of region Rs square wit. acrenwate SowU20N: Because the intevecion of with any horizontal line is line segment tha has it Fight endpuint en the ine 20 and its left epoit onthe euzve y?~ 4x, then R is hounded onthe right by fee ye] ah 48 AREA OF A PLANE REGION 527 2g) =0 and bounded on the lft by 2 = 4(y) = fy Kis bounded below by y= 2 and above by y =0. ‘The sansente of aten are herzontal rectangle of length (afer) —\()} aad height Ay as ilustated the tse the area ofthe sgion hounded by = 2— 2%, y =v Set 2— 2? =n ‘(e+ 1). The two curves inteect atthe points 1,1) and, —2)- of she tera [-1p2} on the sai A=, tip, & 2—w?)—cewotase= [7 te-9-caee= J Ap let ae! ($2444 }-9=3 A square unite theaten bounded by 24, The region in gmt, ‘A isa pactition ofthe interval (0 I} an the aki. Antti, Berm aen2] te —serndy?-loh 26-b [A square units the sees bounded by y? = 2-1; ==: ‘A ins partition ofthe interval (13) om the = axis A=t ip, Eventos af Varta a2. He =§ a is-y Peet Ms ‘The rejon symmetric ‘igure below. Ri bout above by the cune y = f(z) = 18—=* and below by eof are are vertical rectangle of width 2 and height [f(0) = sto) ) st) 5234 )3—2), the Hs bounded the Jef by z= 8 andes = 1B Rim -aleiine = [a=22) dee e-feP, = 188. 49)-Za7 427) = ‘The acon of R872 square mis [A sqsare tnt the area bounded by y= /F and =? menting a(t) and. 1) 2 i paiton of the tera! othe in A= fp, UWyew se | (yes ide [A.square waite the aren bounded by x= 4—2; x= 4—Ay. Set 4—y? =4— Ay, Pig ee go, 4. ie aparidon othe tral f.4 00 the yak AS Jim, S402) tu glde= [y-ray = tv] EA svar nis the nen nde by = 22 = 34-4, When the neni, of = (By—4)%; 0 9? 99? + 2y ~ 16 =(y ~ Ila ~ By + 16) =(9- Ky 4)". “he two caves ros ot (~1n1) and are angel at 4) Se niga So part of he era [1.8 0 he x a A= tim, Son +028 ae=[* Beane 13a a B+ B-B)-G-3+D B+ fe 30" a8 ‘THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION we aay kek y= hy=4 The gus show te repon Ri Bena ere up pine of wee! Ee Treting Rico he cure and some be on the ney = whe all borizetal Tine ming Rare ai, we take hina rectangle demeni of rm , Berne Rf founded on be It bythe cave ay? yi, we alve br = A Ay eefahean fava) = Lear. Rie toande onthe righ by 2 = Xp) =H {Stounded iow by y= Land dove by y= 4. ence =| Z Az, Jig, Eaeed lds St =fice-rties [tree anced en meee 28. A square nits isthe aren bousded by x= 4? 2 = 6—sP. The rein is ymmetic, Set 9? Bee is ya a2 The wo carves inicmest at the pointe (2/2) snd (2,—2). A fea partition of interval 9,2] on they i at kp, Bw) CoP ata =2[. 6-4) oF -miey=2 [omar soy, eee ‘90. A square unite in the ares bounded by 2 = y?—o: 25 y~s7. The region is symmetric. Set, vo-weye a=) 11s pres ofthe interval fi ex they a Ant tm, Ete,-wtiag=2|,u-sev=alpe—b) 28-8 In. Le f(e)n20 ~~ Se end ge) 229224 te. Then f(0)— gs) rs toe +) ‘Is nonnegative in the interval [2,0] and nonpositive in the interval (0,3). Let Ay and Ay square units be anne gions banned by Che tro carves whee 2 i inthe itor [-2.0) and [0.3] raectvly ontogeny Mea SB i Lied se Nave + Se, 2 Ineo = [tienes iota nontreated ae io a4 8-12) + 8 Bee 32 Sy= x8 -22?— 15x y= PAs? Met ‘SA sketch of the region R is shown below, Solving the equation 3y = 2"—2:"— 152 for y. we ot y= f(z) 32 — 59 Let o{z) = 2°—4z*—112+30. An element of area is a vertical rectangle of wi ‘ap and big [fle dee) Beane ‘He)= 92) = GPF? — 52) —(P 4? 1 +) Bo sYo+te-m= ese 92485) = Hoe 5) 060 -5)] He + Ke 3KE-8) hen f(2) ala) £0 00 [8,3] 4042) ~ (2) 200 [2,5] Ts A= Bp, Lie) Be = [te aeniaes [tester = Pega sreaiees [rete pe ates ee afte + step [ yet ee teeth =o) — lar + 27) — 30) + 2008+ 991+ [Hoes — 8) + B25 ~ 27) +325 ~9)~ 3065-3) = im04 8 = 126) The avs of rpion Ris 1265 oa ait Sood ASAREA OF A PLANE REGION 329 Let f(2)= 292327422 and (2) =224442, Then fle)—s(2)= 29424 2eaa(e+2)(e~ 1) ie now negative in the interval [2,0] at noapositive in the interval [0,1] Let Ay and Ag square waits be the ares fof the repone bounded by the two enrves shen isin the intervals {-2.] aed [il] respeetives. Then ‘parber of save ai is the eed area i AyeArmy dip, 3 ede te & tat) —s00 p10, Pe ties ‘PFs mide: [is +h-2P +] = afar fn) a= bh ‘A sgaze sats the ar boundel by 9=|2~ 11+: y= 0:2 = —2, ‘ABS pantiono the intemal [onthe sone =") 2P Save t}+8) Ae =2| less] dem te +2ef = 206-§) =27 Aquat eats the sea of the region below y = cos and above y= sn 2 ina panition ofthe intersal (008 the = axis [fee nsin ads min coral = B+ hV2) = (041) = VE-1 i rerctnesen die onke ‘i auc home he region Va yb eps tn he a oy, spay ibs ona oth tos tens Uh meno By Lets (o) eon nnd Re) = Blowcns of sear vertial cal af widih'A and og (fo) te ecauan Rie bande om the Lf by == O ad om the right by = = ft hat bp, BUted=aoplae af." an ee antentp a nio—nat ruin Bi Goon ei = The regen is symmetric, wae =p A= lip, & ted te?- nla: Ste Get-ayge atv saios [i -@-}-D)+ (444+ 0-0) 98. A sure ls he eof be gin bounded By =e Ania, B twetleinpoe= [ice ives [140 Pare ne G2=-hen8 on bounded by the graphs of te given equations by doing the following. (a) Plat the graphs in 4 comvenien window and find the 7 coordinates and of the pointe of intenction to 5 signicant digits by wing the interction or trace and suomin;(b) expres the area f {he rgicn ao the limit of « Riemann sume) appronimae te ims in pat (6) to 4 by sing NIT 4 VF w £14142. The mpion ie symetreal. i a partition ofthe interval sf -ayae=2[ VIG — 2 + ope = vasa yt a yae, wvaesree ame O15 ben ci eh ig om wid = Stag once SEES REET nae ton he hat te Based) -eslae <3] eae (9) lag ye tad aa ag i ‘38 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION pee hyn a b= £1408 Tern aml apn heer fon Tha ay lp Beer -niaeee|! ae es ye =a partion ofthe interval [0,4 onthe 9475 Byes yoemse, aie Ant ip, Zien “bon. The ep Dae = 2) eon 2 2M 48, y=, y= 4-2 he yin 00,1 13H6O. A in pion ofthe terval 0H on the = ain a= ip, El-w! ) = wPIAe. fp ‘Waste = 3.75 Wynd yatneh te wie (G2) plot shen a the ight Wee that we ed a ntnae] snd 6,2}, Using 2oor-n, we find b= 1.31400. () A is parton ofan interval on te 2 ae. ie Betas, ip Sena ‘Pare [Plies 5 + (6 ing Sv, we ind th eco be 0.7485 +. 088002 = 180 wnt 48 y=Piystan's-30<2 Asch of the engi ie stown a theriaht ‘An quae of thee that contains (01 ad (3,4) a y= (2) = 21. ‘Anerson ofthe line hat entsine (54) an (2.0) 9 = 9) = 42-8 ‘An unin ofthe ln that cota (01) and (20) y= a) = fe 1 isthe mrt ofthe tian to right ofz 2 and Ry is the part to ele Ri, isbounded above by thelie 2 (2), bebw by the ney = a2} om the Ie by eds end onthe ght by 216A) unto the ava Hythe Bp, Suwa stele [ftetn-Ge-de= 3? e-a)de =f of fal) 2ya2 ABAREA OF A PLANE REGION 321, ys bode ey he ine =, ow by hin y= Me) et = 8, an on If Aa nites the aces fy then fetes -cee+niee= |? n= fim, Elttes)-s2= ASA, +A, =}43— 8. The ana ofthe tng score sit Wie werd ths res by wing forma fm asalsticprottr. the vets of «polygon tweed inthe countecockwte drectin are (4 (Pda ovy (Ha ten the area sive by A= Heya — 2209) + (eave zum) +--+ Eun “P| tn tis exercise the vere taken ounerclowite ae (01), 2,0), (4-4) Teter, (0-0=1-2) + 0-4-0:3)4 (9-1-4) =H-2+840=2 aeie 9-5 ad the exc ao of he eon Solve for 7: 2 =? + 2zy—y? =0; y?—22y pa? = 2% (ya)? =a yes toMy ed 8? A square units is the area of the region below: +257 and above y= ~ 2", ‘SE paris of testa! fl ur tes as. Then ym taniiaes [es 2 hae! Aer eye find f= 2-2 28a Soe the figure. Solving z= 2-gur ind Gren ot esa 1 Savge Say aaeanigiayaa= = [Renee fle an tae [psd yf teed - 84-8 ‘square ansis the area of the egos bounded br the thre eves canta ne) wie Ste oe 42) onnegntive in [22 Gesdy lec ayastieeen (erate cenmgnive (22-700) and fhe grap ve tangent at (24) Ay aqucg unis the es of th teow yatetit and above” y =8—e a ae OCS — te 1) = ~(e~ 8Y2 +2) in monnegatve in (25) Ay quate sits is {Gc arse af Un regi bnew = be 22 at above y =e in 6 Thon ye E Mest) —wiiaye+ Hp, F lei t12) woe (enshides [Pies ia) een [Pate ates [ort tes inne ene nig+se [freon 97)-(h48420) 882 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION 62. Find tga he ae of pi having vets at (-1,-1) (42) (2), and (=) > Thcegon horn ate fet, en meee sans rng Eh cE tapos ep sae eugene al eon new eeting Re ae, take hota nah w tanta of we. At stein ote Hoe sting te pas (LP GSS ETS Sy ad a win of ei estan 0 a Ge Sige Sey sh ime alm) —ateidr= [2 (Ho+ = nley 4 = [este eP, LS =-44-0+ Bese 4 ‘he wea ofthe taped a8 qa wl The rout in be eed a i 8,3 33. A square units is the ares of the region below and above y: * ‘ABs pustion of theater te onthe =e rs ne tp, Bo-sawgag= |" @-aasjden svean sl =(fr+0)-(0+) =f dip, Be -sawas ['e sie) af =dr+0)-O+0=f-1 A sin 2= cos when tan.2 = Ambani —eo 5A sare ni the ae fh gn nl by in hint 0 Am tp, Elanteaie [Feat de= [*"acte= née wan emo fe 18 ts fs sins patito intel ff] on th a ig 2 it ans ahew -me esa ep SM, Find th wea ofthe rion above che pauboln z= 4py and ase the rangle forme by the xi ad linesy = 8p and y= met 8p. where p20 1 The elon is shows inte fue bow. tet Ry be the part of Rin the fs quaint. By symmety, es gi tnt the aren Ry By oblong = fle) == pod tn byte y= 2/4p. The cemets of afen te verial tcangla of width Aye and weight [flw)~ ale} By ieandad ox the ah by = 8. Bocas i Sle) ala) = (2 +89) = Ue + toe te then R, is bounded on the right by. naam Suu) -suae=e[? (arse Bee ad fete BP =F emp ‘The wea of i 7? aqua uit BF A ogre ele athe ata of the region Younded by? = Ap anda py. Solving fry, wefind 28/2202 — Ae = (p29!) paitivein ty A= tin, Scot? Ludiaen [" eat yar =Be EP ate 58 From Ex. $6, A= HE? The rateo chuge ofA wih enett op atp=2i6 DAL ag abet onle-o) tL poe de = 30, Prom Bxerdse 57, A=W? The te of change of with respect to p whes 43 AREA OF A PLANE REGION 35 "Determine m 1 that the cgi above the ine y= ma and blow the puabols y=22—2* hasan wen of 34 + R's bouaded above by the cue y= /(2)= 22-2 and elo bth ine fs are veri vecange of wth 8.7 an height [7u,) aCe} Beem 1e)=s(2)=(02-2)-me=z—m-2) thes Ris badd on onesie ty ==0 and on the athe side by #=2 A €2, asso on heights of the gue Un thew of Ris en by Az, lip, Sista) atuplaie= [/"(@e-2)—mel de) stomp eden [Been dame = HO-m2—my—|a—my=}e-m? @ Because we ate gives that A = 36 ren Ha (2) we nave 38=42-mF @ xm Ga2-m mand If m>2, ax town on the left side of the figure then the mits a Be. (1) ist be revered and so A How=29. Bg (3) bcomes B=Hm-2F b= me 8 Because 2 > Oand > 0,m-—ns? =m(1~2) i postive 1) k= tp, So mu gidge = [om a) Brome m > 25-2, =p fy? HL s}esate 4] A= tpg Skemtet som [Rae del = he Eerie oan pn dom bernie radi rand h tins the atea below Ue ines = which s symmetrical. fsa partion of hr] on the = axis. From the Pythagorean theorem, o2 0,7] Ho ke Lye Patt 'VPaaes waa [VPP ‘Ung te first fundimental theorem of calculus and rationalizing We numerator, (Py Ait _ Ps At axh+2VF pee VER ch TPR ach Beaune A'(A)>0 if A< pT yn 0.90r— hy and AY(A)Ay, then Kah, gives the absolute macimun valteof A.) VIF VOLUMES OF SOUDS BY SLICING, DISKS, AND WASHERS ‘4911 Definition Let § be + solid such that § lie between planes drawn perpendicular tothe 2 axis ato and b ‘Of Slicing 1f the measre of the ara of the plane setinn of S arava pependivlar so the = axs at = is fiven by A(z), where A is contiuoes on [m8 theo the mleaure ofthe volume of Sis given 1 The elements of Aer a0) lps Bawa [Pace We all A(wi)dve the volume of a ace when applying Definition 4.0.1 to find the volume of ‘ould, In Exercises £3 we showed thatthe measute of the aea ofa regon ina plane isthe fatve for the tothode of vetialaxd horizental rectangles the bounding curve in aout, ‘Stall, the measur of volume of slid ie the same for slew perpendicular to any axis if ‘the boundary of the solidi rocth. 391 ‘THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION 49.2 Theorem Let the fenctios J be continwoss on the cloced interval a8), and assume that (2) > 0 for Madvol Disko = iy [est i$ 9 the sll of revelation oitained by revolving about the asic he founded bythe curve y= f(e) the z axis and the Ene 2 =2 and z~ b,and iV exbie isthe von 8, en : pip, SreoPae== [2 Vek ae We call ef the volume of on elenetay dink whee aptng Theorem 4.920 eee eee i tec or even 3 ots Dosey of the repon we have fatowing reas 4913 Toren Ist te Tetons / and g te comtouoss oo the ced itera [adh aa ame Meuind ¢ Wanben 2) 3 a) 2 fv alls [os IV cae ut nthe volume of the sl of vk Fz tinny abeesne¢sat the ragon bovaded by the cores 9 FC) we) and tel a and 253, then lp, Entoor —taeor ise = of" uer— (te ‘ro apply Theotea 4.9.3 we note that f(2) and gfe) reprevent the aistances of the faces seater boondary ftom the axis of revalion and we aze assuring thatthe axis of om not cross the bouncsry, We call x(i/(ep)P—LaCa)P)a4e the volume of an cemenany ‘Gick.If the as of revolution is an as of symimetay, we revelve only one side of the acs Beereses 49 in the Execoe, V eabic unite ls tbe required volume and ie a pasion of the spend interval 1. The wd ie «apbece of rainy Ube origin An demers of volume i = eirealar isk uns right Gen re berthoteades Vow aad are re S sip, fy rete [e-Per=fPsteT =e those nyc cone vse di perpen oh ta An hm of let Sate aaa se aca a fretats PMaatety, nee _ 3, v= de Bede 2 [peeee = RED = ot ‘3. The region is bounded by y=<*, the z axis, z=1 and r=2 An clemest of volume is a circular disk aoadin devancttdadntee Veg lig eRe aft ate = bol =e I i bad rin il i i ay wa Soc ence o TeyQiewel tie tpn tees te aoa anlage wclenafealdet Be ree, | Rioters | Vey lip, EascwPae sel. e+ uf dene [ (eta) de safle’ +30 + 2] = xil(2ts—52) + Het —8) +82 = "Br 1 The vole ofthe mali ier cab unite ‘In Bxecises 5-12, find the volume ef the solid of revlution when the given gion of ‘he fgae ie revleed about the jndegtew svi. An equation ofthe cure is = = '& The region is hounded by y? = =¥ the = as and 4 An demert of volume I ‘a cacule dak centered of the 2 axis = € fs of cain w,9- Vey kp, ero 4.9 VOLUMES OF SOLIDS BY SLICING, DISKS, AND WASHERS 395 ‘The region b bousded by y? = 24, the z axis and ¢= 4. A seinealar dit entered om 2 = 4. 6 9.4, of recive 4 — ih. oboe Pay ae] ee Peea =| 6 As eee Beg aan =r Bsa ended phn 2 he cay wie heen of Sone dirsoli Selim y 28, 2 [lh ofa 8 wd 8, Pow —w (Rees 2 [160 See Weng ip, 5 18 n(8— ude | 406-27 Ras == [158 Ph = n6- Za? —JoA] = of8B30) — 04] = 2 OAC about the yan ese the y ate th of elation, the farther toundary a = & and wp fe) —4, and the are Saoundey the curve y= 2%. Solving for 2, we Rave ey) —y'/% As element of volame is = washer centered on the y axis € (0,8), of radi ft) and ou). By Theorem 4.9.3, ve, in, Batting? —stwstiag== |. 1-6" Flay a [Paty tym ey Br =P ‘The volume of the solid of revolution is 2x eubie unite. The regon bounded by y= 2, the yas and y= 8, An leet of vole a ela sk entra on the y axis 9 6 0,8) of adiue 2, Va, tin, Gree Vay “ff wey tev Pl =n 109 = He reat of volume ie ‘The region is bounded by v" y= Bye € [tj credits 80, 1h Bree Poe [ieee Pte oft 1608 4 pte = fate Bab etl and Ba 8) =e ‘The region bounded by y?= 2%, the y axis and ets 4 ye lt ofa tad Paw tes ay a2 [* 6s? a" hay fg SOR ae =e | 64-2 Ady = | a ofs-3? 37] w 92-3108) = fhe OBC stout the zis Deesuue tes en bib ann of revatio, th farther boundary in y= f{e) ~@ and the nets boundary ie the exe y= Solving for y, we have y = p(2) =2"/* Am semen: of volume is a washer cence on the nin = € [Al of rad fm) ad s(,) ad Might Ae. Dy Theerem 40.3 Vj im Sols -steP ide = 4 [218-2 de An clement of volume i a etular disk centered on $iythe waste and y= An clement of volume sa eeu ring enteral om eye [fete de matteo = es = ‘The volume of the sold of eevlation ie 12x abi wits. 4396 THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION 1 Berdses 19-16 find he vote fhe sald revelation gente by rea ‘eeed i iabcael en repos trend bythe ave y of thas aes = TA fg thee ene shows the rit SH >= = 1h Antes ofvaom ios ese ah ented on the oe efndius tw vs. tim See—w2Pag=e[" a-sPay- af (0 bp, Srec-earaw ae [anaes «> a0 Vanden ofl Yap, Er/aioe be] ee 15 sada fhe ace gland ya 7624 ra 2. V =p, Sinto?—atetiaw =|) (6-2 de = Bef = 202-8) 16 theline y= 2. Became the asl of revohtion is the line y=2, the father boundary i the x axis, and so f(e) =2. these borndary i te curve y = o/2, how distance from y =2 ie (2) = 2— 2. An element of volume isa, Te foal, etvadi f(y) and gs, By Tixorem 4.92 bp, Eascwitstedne =r [2-0 Varide Jj tett—2) dem ge 32] = 18-110] =F «Tuvan She edo revlon Br Cab nite 11, Revolve about the = axis te fst quadcant region bounded bythe deel 22+ y# = r# and the cominate axe ‘The volume of the sphere mill be trie the slume generated. An element of volume sa erelar disk centered donhe zai, 2 € [Or of radius tafe] 2008 Je) =? 18, Revolve about che = ain cepion bounded by the line 2/h-+y/2 =} and the coordinate meen, A element of ‘olume ofthe ight neal cone ie a crear isk entered onthe as = [0H] of rads al ~ 5 S wel S(t 2 Mea ashe -2 4 ef be wiles ei hien= | Beer eae be 19.The reson is bounded by y=$—P=Se, the = ais and rh. An cement of volume i a circular die ceed om the » ais, = 0. of rats 04, gps Ebbets aemale-ta2) Bae perpendicular ages vhowe lengths are 3 i. % > Thetigue shows the tetraedro and the = axis chosen along the Sin. edge, they ads aloag the’ in. edge. A plave mation of the teteabedron draws perpendicilar to the = axie = une frm the vertx atthe lower et fot ftom the eign, = €[63) ita right tsangle of leg lengths b and c. By similar triangle, 6/4 = 2/3 aad cf = 2] Thus the eg lengths are (2/3) and 7(¢/3) andthe aea ie : ey} =H t Kdeudnia see RIOE 4 Sor Vay ip, Sates = |p Yet ee= Hef = Been =1¢ az The vole ofthe setrabelron tT exile ices, 4.9 VOLUNES OF SOLIDS BY SLICING, DISKS, AND WASHERS 337 2 The rexion is bousded by y =e the z asthe yaxis and = fy. An coment of volume i a ear disk center om the y= (Oe of rain vy 2 we wien b eese=tf 12, The region it bounded by y eae and the ¢ aig 2 €(bn dp. mele of volume is» ciclar dik, CGtteed on thes a fra cacy Bp, Sxloe wp'd.e= [7 cate de ~ncot aft = -xhVi- Vi) = Vir 23. The reslon bounded by co the =a, of rain ny = Bite Erm ene [ante Hie dem 2-0) 0-0 =e? 2. The retjon Bounded by the y ais and che cures y= sin = andy 2 ach Find the sluieof the solid of rl genate (ok: Ue the ent oh The fgice stows the spon aad a pane section ofthe sod of revautien. Berase {Geta the asa of volition, te father boundary) = te) tnd the nearer boundary fy =9(2)= in =A cert of volume fea washer ‘ocelot xan [Of Fah fu) and 9(w) By Taroren 4.9.5 vad, Syriscos? -saaPae adds =ntan sp sin zand the axis, + (07 An element of volume i circular dish, centered [fee . eal eae 2 for <2 The figureshows the region ad a plane sectien of the std of evolution. An ‘equation ofthe line containing the points (1,8) and (8,7) sta) (91), An element of volume is dak cettred fon they ans, 18.7, of radius fC) By Theorem 492, Ve fp, Selle Sa== |, BoP ey =¥] hy = hv 4-2) = The volume ofthe sll of rvlution i Bx ebie ute [5, Thetogion ie boanded by y= 2" and y= 1 +2—2%, (22—a4)—2 ~~(2st 21) ~ ~(2e 42-1) (hill. An clernt of volume i 8 crelar sing ceteed em the line y= of rad Veli, 3 dle tes—ed ed sae ae |! bse Ae ier [i let Pet tet 82416) —(et 4? egide= ef (2018644804 The at Be 44 etal y= fF 44+) -2]= 3 yt =fo(2?~4) i postive in [-2.0) An cement of solime io cinlar dk ceteed on the = axis Fe (-20jof rate ye) voip Bowen! a0 Jie sods tof 20P tect ate i 4.9 YOLUMES OF SOLIDS BY SLICING, DISKS, AND WASHERS 329 5 = 2224-2 pata nd i nif ld op eh Raced REN Lh ics in means ins Fink atin Ys)? onthe mn ve Pods mite #fé 2a go fet noe wef fos toe 96 tf aafi-9-4 2048) ($410.40 36 Ao ol anh inthe shape of » mplne has a dmc of (91 Row ruch il Aten an contain te ep th 29 82 We aply Delon 48.1. The flare ows the tak: Breas the radi of tee ate oy te Pubgeens ote simi poe acto {Be tank oft low fs ene, Fe [6.00 wa ce ora VSOE= 2M Set men 2000-28) 8 Ts Ve ytin, Satoaaye [* x(a) de= fae ff = ¥{900(30 ~ 5) ~ (27,000 ~ 125)] = “fs ws o2,542.4 ‘+ The amount of olin the tank is approximately 42,512 £9 or 318,239 gal (2 [31.The segion is baunded by centered on the 2 xn = vate dee mt seni 2. The pon abode by yee, hey ain dy =2 A dame of a eae Hg ented ov i eho ll le re ve, fp, Bae mache )aye =r [8 msectaye = afte tan af!" = 22 VI) 38. The vein is banded by y= YEEFT, the # ag the ya and #6. An ent of ve eat Gk carl onthe rani € De) of adios 2 FL ile Ste 4 08e~2 [tes otras ach =e 449 Thetfte eee) w tes Pe 12 = Os 4 OHO ecient a, he Tin y= ad eve p= Frege Bote he Peak Rs te vohe afte od geeated The Agee shor he lon aa pane rn of dL T tose sie Whee aysece Dh casts stconcets au cared ws is ot wa ys cube: Veli, Eeeleg?ave=e[ eR ae Bs of ft aes [Beate ad [ees [eaten] of eft 4 [Mensa =lfe-crle feted} 1 The volume ofthe soli of rvolution is x eubic units see 922) 2m Ht and sf An cement of voli cet ng “eof rai 2 and cw, [eo esctnde = ste ot Rife = oP — V8—Fr- VD 0, Because €> 0, 00 2. 34) THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL AND INTEGRATION In Beeries 41-60, wee NINT 10 find the volume, V cubic anita, to four significant dig, ofthe void generated by revolving the region about the ineated axis Ai. The vegion bounded by y = Y20+ 4 the = acs, the y aca, and x =2 abeut the 2 axis Valip, Eevlodaien [Sev riaem than anis 42. Thevegion hoded by y= YZTT5, the win, 22 and 2 = 8 abot the = asin Veglip, Sottepaes [inte -57Pee = maei2 3596 48. Theepon badd Wy 9 = YET G they min ad y= abet te ya = Vv=vtim Dest wldyy = [ipxto'- 4 691 = 99.69 lip, Ere coda = [rte a? 44. Therepio bounded by th gah of y= YEE, the ea he yaad he Tey Baoan yan Sec the ae athe Reh An clement of emetic nthe ya L = [LVF Fier a s2smi0 e089 +The volo often of eolton 52.59 bi nite 48, The ion bose by = in 2 they nig and y= 1, x € [0/575] about the ci veydp, Bee -weanaes [Yatton aes 44: Therapion bounded by 9 = toa, the ya an y= #8, YFP hot y= Ie SE —viewgnasee [Vit (an Pee = 1.608 = 1.600 AT. The region bounded by y= sin 2%, they axis, and y =1, 2 € 0, YF72] about y= 2. lip, Ser -Mea? a1) = [YF sins)? — I}de = 6.0230 ae ‘erin bey hg oy ithe y axis, and the | E072) sont the line cele gure a tbe right An cement of vole a washer ested om be ie yee eee Bm, Sa0?-a+ tne Fiaze [": ‘(4 —(1 +0an 22 = 6.208 + Taehahume othe slid of eroltion i 629 abi units 4. ‘The roles hounded by the graph of y= ve lip, a[(sin w, +2) = nw le 50 The rein boride bythe Smelt soll tisyeae | =A lity Sete? 1 -costiw 2+ 2)a2 yai(a? = 1)? ~cest(x? +2)lde = 1.908 eae pak pe nih sheet ected Wy he lip S21 6. Let f(z)= “is Sel Vail We gata evi tein Kyl Auaemets ee sos: nh einer of tad A,= unite and bac are fo). alts v=2,t8, £ erteliae=s| 8 -sehie =dee—ly* ¥ = M63 2y9) = 23 +429 = tan 9 and they aia abut dhe # aie Jo" in +2) tants = 20.28 w 2028 = eos(2242) and 1 ans about the # axis. The eegion is 1.9 VOLUMES OF SOLIDS BY SLICING, DISKS, AND WASHERS M42 a Foes 52 an 5 the bas a is the ein encom by the hyperbola 25e2— 42 = 100 at he Kine {gr A Pid he ome of the al i al plane wetness: squares > "The Sigate shows the bas ofthe soli Set 4 beans plane etn of per eularo they as atm and let A(2) unr una be the are of Wee ies ae Sage non the herr, ey = Weft) = hyena pam 2/(u) te meware othe Doe it sure A(z) = 24(e,) 71 V cubic unite the volume of the ss, then V= lip, Eatwoae= [ova = 95 (Payee = 2]e3 te =259 58-9)" + The veut of the lids MP cate aita ‘A egllatal tangle, Bese the sea of equate tingle ese» i 1/3 tines the ate of asquse of {hes the vlue of the soba is py"? V3 cae wa 2 Tae the ay plan in the aon of slit athe gin the cantor ofthe hesag bse “Tesefoethe ae" the region endow’ by the cle Paha to Lt fee) my = YAO =P, 2 [977], Wot all he wkd i isin (07 An cert of vollme i ight eginder of alttede yr en and thor tate ea eqilataal tangle of sie 2ftw) cm. Beco a eciteral ‘angle of sde = unit hme wen /3)s* sua unis then the seueat a volume has bse wea 4/2 /(0 0) dip, AVN aNPave = AV] 49— ede = AV Reee— PF = 2VSI09 2) = BPVS 35, Refer tothe tlution of Breese 53. An cement of valume sa right eyinde of alltude 42 em whe Base is ‘ns ocles tangle of base 2) ane eight, em, and bene of ea $27, om [Fie 2 Parco) duet a 5 wteiae=2[" eowae aos 56. The base of a sold is the rision enclowed by a cele vith a radice of r wns, and all plane sections erpendiulat to fixed diameser ofthe hase are inoclo ight tangles having tke hypotenuse fa the plaze of the base. Find the volume of the sb > lake the zy plane inthe base of the solid and the origin at the center af the cltcalar base. ‘Therefore the base in the rgion enclved by the ekele 2g? = 12. Let f(x) =y = Ve¥— #4, = [-r7]- We obtain hal the lid ifs inin [0]. An element of volume is « right cylinder of altitude Az'unts ant whose basis aa isoseles right triangle having one leg, of length 2/(w,) units in the zy plane Becaise as isosceles right tangle of Inypotenuse s units has areas" square tits then the base of the cement of Volume Ras area |[2/(u)” square ants. V=2, tip, 2 tease 2 fea ide = Bete feD 48 yas The volume ofthe sod $7 cable ait. 15 Docoue the aon fw anomie sight sang with log of length » is (ver the aren of oe with hyputonane of leagth 4, the volun of the sob is §°, |S. The base of «old in the region enclowed by a cince having a radius of in, asd each plane section pezpene cular to a xed diameter of te tase isan incl triangle having an alteude of 10 in. ane 2 choed of the tecle asa Bae, Find the vole ofthe sold 1» The figure store a section of tbe sold, where th origin has been chosen at the coaer of the cece andthe = auis as the fed camer A section of the sold ppeniralar to the grax ot = i a teangle of bse ia Because the radius is 4 ins by the Pythagorean theorem we have {b= VA? 24, Beene the alizue is 10, the measure of the ates ofthe seca ke

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