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NINE PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPH! 9.1 PARAMETRIC PQUATIONS AND PLANE CURVES. Parametie Bruations Let f and g bet selvaied factions of «rl variate ‘Then for evry number {a the domain eonzmon 1 f and phe curve C's the set ofall plat (2.9) such that () and y= at) @ Paatons (1) are cad perametic eprations ofthe curve C, and t called parameter Ii elinate for Ba (0) ne havea Cartesian aston f the cinse © (and pomely ‘addtional point). Por ths eaation we have dude Py ayes) _ afte Ba Hia i Gt0 ont 8 ME) = Sree sed dz[dt 40 at sme point on the carve C, these i a borigontal Moree, i dz/2t = 0 and dy/dt 40 ot some piston C, there laid de/dt ~0, farther investigation i nerd to cxvenmine te incnaton ofthe tangent line, ese Infection Point Where the direcion of rotation ofthe tangent ine change. ‘Simo Simple A carve i moat om [ab] /" aad” ae coulinuons and neve simutaneeuly in (8). {A eatve in closed (3), 0) = J) (8). A eure i simple doe no crositel ‘Toco ‘raced by point (9) unis om enter of ee fron @roling on = ax Brin, y= 0 —beost. Clee when coe) Nypocrdeid traced by pont (op) oa sl of vain cling inne cleo rads o > rale-beoetsben zh y afm fn swe ter te fl carve tues intel nth Qe and ham con Wate wrlovean ane Bpleydeid traced by pont (=,3) + eos tbe Breroinee 04 1 Baers 170, alec te graph of te paraettleeqeton wd Fd acres equi Lda teos Gy ain E024] coe 16 att = 10 2 sa dom ya dent,t (03) B podem y= ésin ote [ane] eerie 1 4 229008 ty Asin 1 €(029) 5 adem y= 25 sin tt€(0,24) 6 em tem y= sin tb [fade] . 9.1 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND PLANE CURVES 658 eee 4 Beaded yoda t 16 (-He) Bra dtant, y= 9 sec t,t (0,)2) Ux, 3a) 8 ea3—24 y=44! te sates yest ty aye Ba a1 ay 1 ‘ajdt a fat tate Beet ee) EO+~ ats tetas ypc yee 4.5. ae esommnrendcuen ae wes) ra f eye aint pe, Ma enya ttcost BU = Es tet St Ee eat fen ge 60 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS Hb 1 z=accety ra a + deasiht md Badenht * dy _atyniae sheen ao ae aa Tn Bxeries 17-21 forthe graph ofthe peramete equation, (3) Gad the hoszotl and verti tegen es (@ eine the cncariy and (6) seen the graph (2) Suppor out gph on Jo enelaor W pas? tt y= 1 (patel) det =~ 4 yd— Sesing ay Wie. = fa heme 9 =1 i as eqution ef the orzostaltanget lin. Seting de/at =O, wn get t= When t= ty {het 1 an utente vera tages foe : 4 é By ihn wae eH SRT aya RP a # “The graph is copcane downward af 1< J and spare if > Became dsfets 140 is decreasing a #~¢ (parabola), da eteng fat, we gs tf ener =f ean oaton of “ae/it $s aot a point of infetion “The graph Ie cncave downwndd if ¢<—} nd upward if (>—. Became 3 4S D TG acrasag at sha neon inden eh 5 10, =10, yu coil panbol) det 60 dy = “opts : 4 BGI = B= A and 50 t= gives the virial sangint == 0. a Py _ ahi yo? __ ae daar Gea ‘The raph is concave dowawat fe all ¢ m= ens ona Hoot sete Thos atu ! a-Ua-% ; Whe ¢=0, thar dy/dz =) and y=0. Ts y=0 18 an ogaton ofthe 4 ‘orteontal tangent Hae, There isn verte tanget ine. Fi Beaeer odode, en seer i 9.1 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND PLANE CURVES 661 ay _au/yiet_§ Baa ane ences" £0 and te rahi concave downward i £0 and yf 2046 ¢> 0 Spereming,¢1 0 bot a inflection pnt. The EA, Sorat amie oa ah ex ty vm es totum of Date ff ORB), Y= MOD Seige a= 827, When 50 del =3 £0 and 9 40 and y=29, Tho ae the hezental Shee er Tea ya eee vertical tangeat ne. As (50, 2-0, yo and +00, Thus ¢=0 isa vertical tangent line if we add ata coccancue eae o, SACD yy ane weal th ah in (00. = TR oe ap a 26) P zaph is concave upward if ¢< —1 of 1 gaa ones Oe Because i tei CE OM A and pate 1 219, ga tn 7 ae iden pat. Ao, 29? = PLE ay Fly, we thor St te Ee 2-11 -0 a apt Bom eg egos flows tat te ee A ea ens sea easter aca ioe tent Meo cre adept (eet on tr ines 20] Ei rrtneys fs re (eae = Os [arse drier )=ast-0 Tecan the dane nF tothe ei than th etal dane, the he diane te appranche 0. {2.The pogh be fe 216 lad ih tale, When ¢<=1, neg the pat inthe oh qudents Teed Ouiagheotiieg) Popa Teeme 28 Bt, BE, = sey. (00) isa point of thie a+ 1487 SP i48) el » eh 24 A pre ote 6o sai te cota of Tipton aay ine taney deen by the puree smusiou #610 and YEO 160” Sitch the Sir atte tl cat yee apt ov res puto ici The oth mm, a shown a hee Bare dent, ye Scout (clipe) P= IU = BARE Fant, Whee V5. The tangent tine is a a-f=— hve Vi 9-9 -o/E e415 BSE ray = 20 Soteitecone aatntsye2- fest lie) dtl Sa 8) B= §V5. The tangent line is y = (2—$V/3) + $VSle ~§) =f VEe+ (2-BVA). {Az inin 02a en € sin [02]. = Se = pst, fy _uvyit_ ~=h ade 2 ES aap tba ie lareat vse wen eos (661 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS 28, Show thatthe slope of the tangent line a ¢—t, to the ecloidhaving the given quatiens i at) then that the tangent ne is wercal when ¢ = ne, where nis ary integer + Gf tt eet) ad aay islet Boa qty Tet from igosorcty. Heace th sop of oe ange ae a = ty 0 they et) For any eager ‘lig.coe t= 21 ane jp an The, tee ote i tae f= Se a os Ceotth wrcarvara 28. A square tits ithe sea ofone ach ofthe eed «= afta), y= a(t es, [tress [rots omee made [0meore al) Poteet nea fea er fein ep 20. t nen ommt ifdef [eaten kv i =Deme £49 40002) eatee~ fo] farm feat 9 = Me HH [aac 9 42002) tee fo farm pe Be ead—bine pmambomt, [ore] Benue cons if 3650, Dyz=0-Beor 1B a—bS0 andthe ‘tocol ha no tena tagrat ine. he solid in bows «2, — the dad lise wows a= I, 3. 532A bypocye ithe carve trace By a pont Pon a cee of rus tab coling Iasi «fed ele tas oy «> 5 W ogni tthe ete ofthe fed tie A) i one othe plats at which the pct P ‘Simin cna thn ed cl, Bs te moving pit of angen f thet cc, andthe pare | {inte umber fran nthe angle ADB, derive the pate eto ofthe heey, fre AB eval the same of the . Furtermen [OQ|=a~6. Te ant ‘SQl-[QRi ya tani? —t) (en bpin bint 38. Hypayeloid,c€[-x,2) Soli ine sows 4, Hyporyelois of § cusps, Sold shows a8, 6,52 with cusps, dashed shows o—=12,4= 2 with 6 espe, Le [~Te7a dated shows o = 8, 6=3, €€[-Be,8r] {1 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND PLANE CURVES 663 egt =a cost esate ce (ma Sco 1+ at 3) = UB est + (Aeos4t-3 coe) y= Hsin sin) =01S sn (—(Gsin ¢~AsiP)) = ab Pe {Tue oll le shows «=, dashed shows a= 8. 38, From the parametric equations of Buarcist 38. fo ‘Cartesian equation ofthe hypocyéola of four easps. () Ue your Cartesian equation in oaet (a) to seteh, the gah of ths bypocreloid. The equation of Bere 95 are ogcor'eand y= set Then 24 Pn Beads aM aight = eM autt sed) = a" An omation ie 2+ 9 ‘the wah fr | ach $ Jae = [Pooh 37.0) saan TYEE yaaa on tesa, seh ‘Pom Newton's method, the = inerept of te togent Be lat _(, femelle Vaya (eres chai (Ta} 9.2 LENCTH OF ARC OF A PLANE cuRVE, 2:22'Thmrem If the fintions P and G ae cntinsous on the doce interval {8} and if & i patito of Dunasnals Bloc (gb) and sad wy are any Bamber im (G.1f)o then LER VFCIF= TGP ae = [* irr +cat ane tip. Ereease= [rons rep pret itr Tein end ve sas tiene ites Che pote =) pot nn ee eT oe nce Siar ae doen we VirwoRaorae ‘We iy aap rite the frmuln of There 9.23. follows, va +2 ‘When ing the formule for length of are you must remem tht + tee A Protect Rule Deine by ce 0=0/ VIFF sn = ein b+ bean be = VF Bean be 8m br sn @) = VEEP be). Smitty, fetteon be = VET Mean be +8). Tos Jersatede = ive /VEF-+C = emlainbe-besseyle +8) +6 [etteorbe de= econts VETTE 40>: (acm be 4 bin Sa/(P 4.09) 40 (0:1 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS ving 1 e=HP 4, y=} ts fom td 0 f= o bet errata |? Yer a eam ate [! area val? Vera = VAR PFT + hie + VEIL = VIVE + floc + VBI= pV Fin +3) [vera [er eer Pee [evra Pee = 9fSa ayaa Ay = 20 PAE = 2099-2 00-2 2 £00, y= 244 fom = 000 t=. 594, y tt from b= tn t=. [f vere ace [? fers ae arma tm [2 VaP ER ew av? VT ae VA EH + Boles VETTE = VAev5 + 2+ V5))=2V 70-4 V3 Inia = V5) iy Theorem 9 M02? A =8 Sij=se gaat: “The engl of ae i given by v= |) FoR OPe= |" Jerr aearm |? anata Because 2 << 0, thn |t |= —t. This banal eerie We let w= FF Thin de = 2 te W v= 8. When f= O.u= 4 Benen, La} Pae =u? = 165-8 1 Theleagh oft 16/38 ai 8 222, y= 20) tomt= 110122. 419 = a4 vig = 68 an [feta [2 Maat eee ae a2 | Veer ac = Fan 92 P7G = ean 099°) VET Pat = |) Mra = [oo dt ok [sink 3 Pn [ara = 8S 1) e565? 1) = 190 6 cahyac stom te otont= | 22, =, fom bm Ota ln 2) = 6% 0) [vee eae ae = [8 00 a = 10 | Rectan y= tom Beco ni [sth then VE mt There = [GT le = [Vara Ra = ['Veoba =i eae VAY = / 9 z=cleos 4 y=esin & from t= Oto t= 1, 2/(f) = (cos t-sin de", y/(t): Le [VEEP | yleoP— Be ta rca HT eos coh a = [Veet maha at [Vides Viel = Ve totna, (in bos tet, Poe t dt = —Infee tot fee =tnce+ vi) [eon att = se 92 LENGTH OF ARC OF A PLANE CURVE 668 Mh. eta, y= $C 4D: fom £2910 1= 1 = v= hy b= [VER = GRC « [ame ee Mev) Be seas stigiragg im geen tek : ie era aC} = [°° Vet-nn ttn tose Foam Co aR = fea ea [OP zeus ("Prac a be 13, 22 4sin 24, y=4e0s 2 from t= Oto t= b= [verre [Visco t Coma a events ‘ 2B potucrede, b= [verre = [ree Pa pe [Viet n Pie V- 9) tn Seen 18-2 ue NNT od ta bern gt nh a ik pt eve reer yate et ion tadiota b= [VEEP a= | Patou ioe 018 16. +3 fom t= 1 =z ot fers Ql = [asa eee ‘sing NINE, we fd b= 0.21 for sia dis A, 2 Scot, y=2sin ftom (= Ota t= Ip. Lem [O(a OF (Reon Fat ma. 9664 8066, be [Vem ram Frac H%e [oe soe ty y= tnt Eom £= Oto 81 = 3.138 sn sepungyeeeen tom ie rietan ux [ramen osm oa » ena - § fi Kazy +( F en a(Det eee eS aa 2 ae fom t= tio tt k= [/RIP HTTP = 9831 9831 2 stm 1 t= [yor Fee = 0960 10m ‘23. Parametric equations of the hypocydoid of four cusps are cot and y= asin, ta [OVP aca a [Yaa int Gasca ae tO Vea oTT maT ead = 16 Min 008 dt = ‘2%, Ove ach ofthe cyl: =~ alt—sis #), 2 Weum Theorem 323, Thos, Baa-eny wad Hence, (GY +O = lela 2s eats Pik = oT Teat o eeaue ne tHe ctf tm cent) 698, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS Asie =2—2evet ® Satitatog om (2) ate (1), mob ain Keay sy om | ® Becaie one arch of te cul seid for 0 t2e, we have by (3) ve |e) +) ie fe te © Deca 08 £8 shen © SH + Th nf 20 Mee Go (4) ts ef an dt = taco E” $a = osech fom (= ato (= 20. Let = en atanh sands = ash v rom» = Io #=2 Le [O27 Oa) t= ['Yfa-aseaFoF Comer tanh [ii =stPasaecPutacPa deo |* fas (1= aku [tah w de = elcosk lf = a(t cosh 2—tn cob 1) ‘6. Using tees the ph ofthe thumb nw epi having he parts suo x = O4(t sn) an cox ty I the ye gos dntance af Sand the ceumferece ofthe tei Oe m, then the of reveutions mace ty the thumtsack m ge= O25. Hon in the datance tated by the {Bublac drng 6285 revlon, then Laeas| Vet eoat=i25) alow Pe hana = €25(04) [°° VIR Teo taal t= 25 |” Y= Feet a= 152) [" moat {tee jf" = —I00(—1~1 2G) s=asin tad y=bemt (6) + (GP =aate teats + menal2? oar rare «(7 Patan Ca way Pa a OFA te aE thre 2 Ba iin 26, (a) Uae the formula of Enardse (0) and NINT to deterine the smumfienen C ofthe spe defined by Sin ¢and y= cm (}) Plt the ellipse. support your aswer i part (a) by ind the permeter of ‘he fseribed thombos aid cheunueribed yetangle and bowing that Cis hetern thew bw permet » (fom Sec 2 wens C4 P/E“ aon P=(P-H y/o Decmae = S and 84, thea = (6? -P/9 = fond ona *Peyimparter 20.0 wing NINE, (6) From the Spore we se the part the isetibed soma in he Fi ‘quadrant bas length VAP 658 = yt] and sits perimeter 4/1 = 2.6 Mile the part ofthe eeutascibed rectangle ip te ez carl has ith 44579 and sits pettcte is 4x0 = 16, a «i between thes aloes at 2 rot-annh he [vita 200 an epee. 83 POLAR COORDINATES AND POLAR GRAPHS 667 93 POLAR COORDINATES AND POLAR GRAPUS ole, Pal aaia The pale th origin, the polar ain nthe porte = ani Polar Coordinates P(r,0) is leat rnitefrom she pele om theta” with diction ange 0. Tio & not wn pair af polar corns fr = pein. I (oi polar coordinate reprecaatien of pint Py thea we may add aty even muliple «f+ te @ and obtain another polas coordinate representation of P. That for any integer n(n) = 04 2) If we add an odd mukiple of x wo 8 and alo replace + by —r, we obtain ansther polar sourdinate representation of P. Tht infor ea integer m (r.0) =[-n10 + (2 2) IF (ef isthe Cartesian cooedinate representation of P and (79)? is & polar coorcinate smpretmtation of Fe ther Poreaidy sean gand 227447, un e=Z You should be able to identify the graph and make a quick sketch by platting only fow Doists for ary polar equation of a tape ied below. The leer and Bare nay constants, Bat ‘Tiga postin integer in each of the flowing equations ‘Special Grapts TYPE OF EQUATION SAME OF CURVE See Exerc Cirle, center at pole, rave © Y6(6) Lines of gle u wth placa 16) Spiral of Atehenedes| a ne tenth Pla and | OP Cine trough 0, eeater at (28) pmo “4 Rice Jalaweifnbeen 35 Ree nlevesifnisodd 3 imager plats to furthest point Convex 0 ‘Abi>iai> 6 With dent a i Candi 2% Weiaieis) Wit bop a Symmetry Testa Let nbn any itage. A pla rap cyte with ree (ihe ‘polar acis if an rguivaleat equation i obtained when (r@) ie ceplaced by eter (ey-8 + dn) ot (ryt 8 +202). (GY ans iP qivaent equation i obtained when (1,0) replaced by ether (rn 0-+20n) ce Cr -8 428) he pole ian evant vgsation i obiained when (7) eeplaced by ether (49+ -42nn) ee (78 420m) Itesection Often we may’ td all the points of intention of tivo graphs by solirg the equations simaltancoudy. Howeret, we must teat the pole a a special cae. We tt each equation ta sce Whether there i a eepacemen for # (pot necesaly the sme roplacement) thas gives 7 the Nalue fs, then cach graph contaas the poe and nee the intention contain the pole Because Awe or tore tint pole eqution ey eopremat the wor graphy we, mont sorentines tke aditinnal steps to Fd all pons a ntrection, the eave Cie the graph of Ge peter cqecion ve =/(0hy Ales Calor’ the guaph ef any equation af" Ue foo Pa Cipty(etes where any integer. Ths, to find all the pins of iteration of 3 ‘ieee C; anda carve Cyd tbe Sllowtoge 1 Find ail the distinct equations of exrve Cy 2 Solve the quaties of carve C,simaltaneualy with each equation of 23 Tas to ace whether the poe print of intenetia, ‘Fangs Te ep ofS sages ne tor = (a he pois (0) tam SARA ee “The angle a between the tanget line and the radius satis an = /(4r/a. Waris consat, thea r=rge'" logarithnie spiral. ie Excise ST and 8 ‘To find an equation ofa tanget line to a curve a the pote, ltr =O inthe eqeaton ad soe for 0010 —4, i 8soluten, then the ine 9, wa taagent ne tothe cave a the pole a in sldrfdB) sre (968 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPIIS ‘Parsmetic Plot ‘The polar grph of r= f(0) ved the cartesian graph = = f(t) cs &, In Exerceses 1-4, locate the iven set of polar LOE OCH LOMO ED 2 Wl OE) « WG) OF) COMOK®) OOMOREH OCW O-%) OCF) OM (0 Ge) (©) (3) ()(-%.-4x) © (4-49) 5 @) Ga) Gem nae)" 8) (VE) = (V2 conf) ne BIR VB =(-1, (© (ofa) = (4 ese Be, sin = (41-4), V9)! va" @ hfe) = Oo-de) = (oer) = VED 6 (0) (-2Je) = (be) = @ cn, 2a J" = 02)" (0) (de) = -eosde, sin Sel = (VE v9 (©) ir) = (2g) = eos fet eng)" = (2 V2 P= -VEAE (2) 30) = 0 con In 2iie = IVE II = WASP In Rae? and 8 ever om retangular to pla coorizats with r > Oand 08 <2 wth Qh Peas n/1) 428 = ee (VETS 8 OVEN 7 = 2G, P= tae N/V) + 3 = fe be) (© Gap. e=2VE.ah f= ea) = Ie OVER) (@)(-5,08. quad (6,2) =2H. (8) -2.-2V3) {P63 237 ane tas) Bese er te ee eon Ps Qin tn nh te ch eal eee eee i o Vere = VisS=2 el Shel gy eyed 28m ln Becase tan fe = Vi, then O= ¢— r= Je. ‘Th, the plat connate are (Oe) (r= VEG = Vi, Bosse 2 20, then tn $ no defied, Howeve, beast the pot ton the epivey atin then 9 = fe Thon the pat erin ar (25>) @ JE aim fistins tant Ba Vi ‘The ple ia ete ind quadvant, ant tan jr = V5, #00 = #4 Je =f The pla cooriates are (449). ‘tn Buzcses 9-12, find a Carvin equaticn ofthe grav having the gin polar equation Q rina Pn dain cond prt = Aran diecas), (2) = hay (Pace > (pole for S= fx) =} =r cost (8) = (reo #2. (st ya et 9.3 POLAR COORDINATES AND POLAR GRAPHS 62 10, () Pee 29=10 > Hoste?) 2 =bon 8 » (ete for =f) rh = tent anth, (22 1M. @remee-t Opsye sing arene +6), MPP) = (39 498 42 4 4p = OP By +88 A 12 ()ratsinits rpg (a) sin 90= 9sin 0-40 ‘This, te given equation may be written pada eS cnth ‘Because the graph of this equation contains the pole, we may multiply Both sides by r? without affecting the ode he coe (Sault = 6h yay" stage rsty? asty 2p 20 (©) Blsinating the fraevon, we have Grob coet =A (eos 42), (reen 4 2P Pepi apie eter) aed st an/f—i02—16 a Baers 18-2, ess gna equstion, line rough the pole with dinetion 60” 1 ctclecenteed a the pole of radi 1.05 line through the pole wit duction 139° > crelecncaed at the pole of adios © 2.26 line through the pole with ditction 2180/8 114.6 © crclecentre ate ple of odin? erent “esti of Type 2, The graph ie Hine through the pole tha! makes an angle of =3 radians with the pout axis. A sete the graph is shown belo. (6) This equation is of Type 1: Because we may replace r by =r and @ by 0-47, then the equation 7 the sane graph athe equation r = 2. Thus, the graph is acne with cxtr atthe pole anf radios 3. Shee i ; a t : ‘ ‘eee al 8 SE Eawenascs teas See BORAGE esate x roy stele centered at (2,3) o asian 2 670 PARAMETRIC FQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS 20. (2) rem = 5 (b) r= Seas > (Q) cause rcocd = 2, then a Cartesian equation is z= -5. Te graph isthe line shows above (@) ths isa Type § sation with a =f and 60, Tous the graph athe cele pang though the origin snd centered at (= 07 showa above. In Byers 21-80, determine the sype of limagon its symimetsy S, andthe dietion it points. Pot the Imago. BL radi -ens) Bh r=2h Fal) . Spar as pints lef 5: fais, pnts upward Pr raainet) &. risaae pgefehanied ee Jetawiod > fe fe(.ay aeniad 5 fren pots cownmard ple en plan sight—— 8 ah pat overt error) & Bo Fe (0.1), witha lop S polar as, pins let 2.5 POLAR COORDINATES AND POLAR GRAPHS 67 In Evercae 1-5), describe and plt the grap ofthe equation. BL radon 3S. rats > Sokal tse 1 ‘-efed ro rote D SB leaed re (ade ‘hate ose 2 > Slealed rose @ "a, Doce flannioae) apt of Acciondes > X; -Aeoet Year, Yindsnt Yoote oses. 35 on2§ (lenrincae) . r= 2sind tan ‘a. rated fe a ee ID conch of Nine Saint V=eor 2h 05 156.3, ‘eelicene (2)> constant (1, ne loop 672 PARAMPTRIC EQUATIONS, FLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS Pato > Xi=2eet Yiz2sne Vande oxtees M8 r=20c043 Vit conchoit of Nicomeles 48. rola 80. r= tea 81 1 leafed rose, sane ase = sin 2 to een 1 Exavdos St and 52, ccotrue plat coneinne psi aed heh Oni he graph ofthe Foneton, Bi raisin’ 32 r=2b coe? > imagen with 8 loop > conve Hao In Beers 53 ehroagh Gt, determine the Borzonial IT and yestcl tangents VT of the weap and sketch them. Sarat dnt = Sene dsm ntact) Eee “els bn8) i coe (soe 0) = (GF nha Horizont tangents, -2 es8(3sin 92) = Bb sin $) 887, 6 204 "Paee age horzetal gent ses at 95.55 pine (1 (dys A, (285. Verical tansnis. 6 sn49 +4 nd = Yt VIET) = (42 4/2) = M24 VB) in 0468; = OAS = 045, 0 = xa 70488 = 268 in 2 LIT ne sltin. “The ae vera tangent Te athe pints (6.35146) and (535,288). ay sin sin (240s On _ cond =1-42 cond ca a SerO-an [Eom Ohno Tana Feed HT Pel 4 en 8-1 m8 cond a H-22 VB) lols VS). ond = Hel VA), 3 saan coe"HY VS 1] = 1.195 2 ~ 1196 = 6067, r = 24K /S=1) = 2.308 erica angen sin? = 0,7 = Sand 6= 3,7=1.copé=—1,0= 7, dapleate * 93 POLAR COORDINATES AND POLAR GRAPHS or singin d)41A=teondomo___ auld tem 9-200 BSG Oo tee Han O Tae cmd StS T AED Beteeitsbee? 17 2002 Ho42y9)= HIE V9. 12480 138h am wltion. ca fm = 0.84 8 ~ con} 0.68) =1.95,0 = 9 —coe( 0366) = 424 ‘Ther hess ann ne at the pnt (118) and (87.434). Vert tage coud =1) 0 ain #00, 60, ors aad cor = ‘There are veal anges nea he pots 28) and (69) $5. r= 4-200 A= 2 cin 6 He r=3—2sn8 > We hae Ga -teost ‘Thetfore i'm the elope of the angunt ine tthe nev, then ‘dn dlar/ai) breast "sin {2eo8 8) (32 sia eos = mean cor O(=Peoed)= (OP an OND Sisin Bem 9-3 cos Pein das 8 =Beceld Ssind | 2an® Ain ea Obes __condt9—Asinf) a Rian) 9 sett nin ai Ben 2 a ye eae 1s brine wet te emaatn 0 0 and se fr 8 Tas weed 0,0a3r 0 igh 32.204 ‘hacis'’ bron target Ine ane pote th pun cone (48, pes (BOMS), and (2200, ‘ecatse m isnot defined at pat where the tanget line a vertzal we st the deomlaate ef (2) o 0 and solve fr 8. Thos, teint 3 wa 0 S80 =] 4 VAT) =, no woluion oF an 0 =f — YT) = 0059, H04 VE) =185, = + $n 0.428) = 3.58, 6 = 22 sin M0.454) 5.54 ‘Therefore, the carve hana vertical tangent atthe poss with polar coordinates ( and (2.85,584)- Because o/B= 1.5 low to 2, the Lmgon i nesely coovex andthe 8 taagents near te det are bard 0 ste. cos 2 =n" =n $5 Asin 00504608 — nos 8 0% cet vin feos) (oO —sink8 jin 0 sind —Heor—es°O Fait) ~ sa B(— 678) oriental tangents: cos? = 058 aad 1—Bsia%# =0 in = & IVE 0 = iI) 042, 6 = 9 sin HVA) 356, 0 = Bo Hsia FB) BG Horizontal tangents eat (1.4), [~L.9+) 042}, G22), G56) G5.) Vert tangents sin #=0;9=0, = sod 1G eas = sd + AVE = cor tihy/8) = 1.15.0 = cos"'(-fy/t) = 189, = Be cos" Ay), 9 = 2 ~ cary) m8 eri tangent ar at (1.0) (12) (-3 1.18), ($188), 4.29 (3518) 2030.5 =m 9. i 6 con’) + (2. eon _ Brie Si 6S cos9) +218 sind 4 ines 8 Ses Ginwand “ganna Usacon cage Sta a co O2coe8~8)+(9~4 sin?) = 2sin con 8(6~ 16 sn). sin 6= 0, 0= 0, sin? fh sin @ V6, 6 sia | vB = 0880, r= 187 0 = 23 04 gett — 8) gated tat ~(aaoto—asit®) 2a a 23) aa = n= UA 6 LA = 1.286 T= CAS, 8 = 0467, 2 = 196, 0 = C467 = 2.674, 71.96 574 PAAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS 24 cin 20 = Sein 0 cos 9, 9 € (Oak $B = 8 coh —8 aint sin Ole /40)4 vo 0 sin de /i0) 5 on 8 _ sin 36 Ain 49 on) in c=) ir drja8)— Pin 8 con (A con® 4 xin" 4 8 sin) con Asim) tid coet—1= Oc = & =f he pins 0.0, (Yb). (~B. ert tangents. ot f= 0; 9 = Jr and 1408? = 0: sn = =f 6 =r. “There ae etl tangent nes at he pnts (30) 2dr), (-Vbe) 0. 2 con The graph’ lenninate, We have trfj=-19si028, Sj sin 28 It mia the slope ofthe ange ln tothe cnr then caNer/et) steed tn Sedr/d)s rece 0 SHE Fad ep Aind ‘ah tbc Have si sin Sew) =Oce Band aes ce aaa) Setting the urnrtor sal osm and beating in mid that we nee cos 220, weg enD=0,0=)p,0=yrr= Veo = mniwab eines eh/t ‘Thos, there isa Sorizoatal tangent line atthe points QV 3.32), (Hits) @V2gn) and (V3.5). Stine the denominaer equal tom, we Sain 0, perce "Theor he curve bas even ange atthe pea with polrcoceinate (2,0) ad (3,0) In Brercses 61-6f, find the Cartesian coordinates ofthe intersection graphically to two significant dig. Then nd the pas seraneelgsraealy ad spate GL. The cic r=3 and. the cartnid T= 211+ 18). Solving. the oquatons simuitaneoly, we tare Bite 0=% onda) 8a fe ‘We have the points of intersection (3,4)? = (3 V5)" = (1.8,2.6) and (3,—fe)? = (-FV9 = (2.8,-2.6). 62. The icle r=2con6 and r= 2ein 8. Dining comenooding members of the two equations, we ebiain SA! iene, # fr aad fe Setting thee valve of 9 ato eae of the (wo gen ot ner a ding vais fr We then ave he flloming poi (2, da) = 2.3) and (= bo)” = (2.2% he sare point. The pole les onthe graph of r= 2 cos because ra0 mE ‘The pole also lies cn the graph of 0 when, Thus, the oo, rat (0,0 = 0,0) (2grP = 04, r= 204m 9 andr = Bind > The praphof > ~2.cov20 isa foarleafeé rose, and the graph of» = sin 8 era dice se shown, Plt we cove the gun equation smaltancovely. Thu, Bom 22 = Deine yy-2eny) E202 2eint@ tein?—1 (omer 1je ain 8 in = Lorin = oiprect oe @ ot Omtrsred Hence (2,34) = (0.2), (Iadr)” = VGN = (087,05) and (Lf? = (EVID = (087,08) are points of intersection. Beaute Fcan bef Yn cach of the give eqeaiony, the pole Wao point of interecie, 94 LENGTH OF ARC AND AREA OF A REGION FOR POLAR GRAPHS 675, 9.4 LENGTH OF ARC AND AREA OF A REGION FOR POLAR GRAPHS ‘Are Length ‘The fort fr the mummies of site nthe length of me of curve defined by the pole ‘uation r= (8) from the poi whem 9 =a ro the pot whare 9 = 3 ix given by 1 [Giee 94. po aid he ae 3 nd a wa poe ‘uation i+ —r(@), were >is continous snd noanegaive ox the dosed interval [2,0 fa equate ones sie ana of gion thet A=\Eay EetwuPag= [ior ae ProofBcaue area has already bees defined, the lint of this sum is not the defsitons athe, kl a consaqener of the integral mula Rel to the fiure. Let m= Bu), ‘ig dysg at let 4 yz) and = a{p) be the careran eqeation of (be cute, (Gl nccduat ne divide [o,3] toto sutioervale on whic the cirve the eres raph of fanetion.) By Definition 4.4 (vertieal elements of ara), we hare ais [tape [yuan [apes sient [veeion ® By the hore of Section 48 (ovina ements of as), weave = [Pagar [pete [be Bint [eal @ Ading Es. (1) ac (2) nd iin by 2, we wet aafftvas [ea] w[[isa- [Roa] ® Now 2=rcoo8, yar sin and so a= (Hews 0~rsin 9 and dy = (Pain De 9 6) iusciaecs hese dy the ofa Amr ‘Making these replacements in (3), we obte Ani? eeeoyrhatercn) (rin oieea—+ Ie thon 9 = ad OB. oo Af? Patosmtne ah fPeae Aen Between Curves If f(0) > 9} for a <0 <8, then the sven ef the region bounded by the exrves r= 8) ‘ule 9(0) snd the linae Da and ¥ = 9 gives by A=, p ZHU (ea? ~lotwa?ie =} wer -veree 676 PABAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS Beecises 84 the fat fae tite the dreurfeence ofthe ler = 5 coe, ther a ft verer ann |” fleoum ny (eth a0 |" s/o rerea0 8" easel 2 Sear reatiae: oid the are ind 70 fr 0 << rye have a= O and 9 =, That is he ‘als the ned itera 0,7) Thos, Lm [Vices a+ (enn Fae [fern We note 188 thedlamete of the dle lui, Thus thr creforente ia tea dhe daenter In Bxercies §-12, Grd the exact length of arc of the given polar gran 5. The mtirecantid r= 4coe tena erates 2" (tain Fede thier = 8] VTE TT one ear ae as | vevtonte= 16 freien = f‘cnjesr=soan pl = (6. The sasrccarigd r= 1s 6.1.22 [905 VPP erga = 2 [Teme Oa 22 iT aaa tna ITT = 27 FT oF iad pe =e"? codes ove sanie bt, ACL mal the engi of he enti er = 3 a Pw v0 the WEP arm [ten fan PP eteatfean=2 | Yad ofa Tar uo in of = ecrulien pnsiwruse (2° pi =rene [2 Frome =9 | TR =foviFF +n + VIGO = fev + nee + VTE, sien ip of integra oma. ‘& ICL units is the length of the arc of the curve r =< from # = 00 9 4 then Lm [ere r a0 = [fon ete [Vara at = V5 | es = VA 5A) wo raat ve [Va Pas [ORTOP a = [oViara = 64097 = 1. Late he engthot te ae ef the ave r= 2a fom 9 = 0 = ten ba [Syren [Gar pest tant pee 2[ ya pear Poa pee 2 Yoerm [cognate [ofan BP +P 94 LENGTH OF ARC AND AREA OF A REGION FOR POLAR GRAPHS 677 tn Beier 1.20, ue INT to sppoimatto fusca! digi the teat fac of Tine polar, oor [esaorsoserotae[ /eseortr= nar af Bees Otten 2 (°F, JT Tae 21 22S bet asi th [20 visa 2 322" seen a—S a0 7 16. The lap ofthe Hinacan v= 14.2.6 > See the gue, The seidpct of the loop bat 0= x. The lwp begins wen 602 fos eit dt 21 Vaca sits 455 (cor 27 + Gn 20) a0 = 4 798 eo n2[tt cmmaPreorf ae" ina nTT aa ya eiseae = Beare 26.2, animproper integral. wer ep aes By symmecy a Lael (BYare =o" Sore clan fan rate his inplope hal vo ge 104883 49, The maton 0= 2% Pestirsentitoeiretiy Law| VP ete In Toei 2.26, i he mal Re he gion encod by he gap the enn, SSE Ein Sos ese tls dase Ant dp, £ loom es?9¢=9 [Peace ara]? eset aa inte fe aro 2tSEt Fave tanon oh os dSer= [oar (618 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS, [oPp-tane sho -coanian= [4.1000 fea mnanetes0s0— 6 2, Tn gap f= cna te om Wea be spin ed by os ale a Ip, estes) cattan 4M entoeo=ofo-fns = at recat, Fin, we dmpiy the gven cuit, Teast om) “The graph is he cadiid shown in the figure. cause the selon Rit symmetric wih rsp to he per ach the are f the region Ry love the ‘orioatal ais eae-alf Ue ares of te eatite segion Re Decause r= 0 shen ‘0, we tae the Ine 9=0 as one of the boundaries oF Ry. Than fy it bouaded by the lice § = 0,9 = 3, and the curve r= 2(1~cos ) lence, the ara of Ris given by m3 Bled const [mena 42a sean ~ffo 25. The graph of r? = 4 sin 20 is lemniscaie, We obtain the area of one-half of ove of the two loupe if # € [0,4]. “ i Andy, B Hean 20) 98°" saat dt= tom af =a : (26. r=4 sin’? cos 6. The folium (see figure) is symmetrical with respect to the polar axis. Aff? toate an = [° 74a oon a dent aianem [6b 8220p = [tein 040 2] = ~ [faster on ee ~ 7a ton nh =[t-fen pono? =e A= hp, Ehoo'ae -}["" Ae —Lop? yb ge 2% Find the se ofthe non tcl by he seh ofr ~ and the Ham 8 0 and 83 > Theeurveis an equiangelar spiral with endpouts (1,0) and (el), The figure shows See eres ene A= jin, Bue Pas =f["2 . nena fee (2 —1) square nite 29. Toepaphofr=3eo Tied ms 30. FA —2 on in imagan with atop, A =2-3[ "(20 Pa 1 [sen 04 2+ ten 2) =P —sin 4a BE? = 8(e-FV IIIB 20 1. Thegroh of 1-4 San Oa con wth lp The pa mine wth act tthe fet heron ele by a he ny 8C [Endl aben in '=— yew b= 4/2 and b= Be Est rsamentar [tors ofern [tft rua atty = [efit erin + fome ae = ioe or 0 Guin 2p = Hato §)—eGv9)-H(-H)QV9) oN = Br — Hertha Pa co60 + 40087) 94 LENGTH OF ARC AND AREA OF A REGION FOR POLAR GRAPHS 679 singe “sa tpenteed re. We tak the fn gundiat laop. cae = 0 when 36 ine Vand Jefe boonies Sr he gue hs he nent ap pen OY Yasin ups aad af] ean tan m8 aa a0 af? ocnsous=do—diocol” 1 The sen ofthe loop ia Sr equate rite, te Been 39-96, fd there eh ecto he gn nc te pt of eS matin: $B Tke antics are ccs r' and t acon wih bent r= 22nd, Sling te as ‘elupeomy, we get Sper nocng th prow ote we) SUG gO. Wes wet SiS tthe imap adc foe teae Kaditp, Blo-toeransy ip, Eperae |= [cent imina ete wf n of Lespttanl of oan ina (te) = [Beal ohne Be Si r= teu ae congue cin yt vac nd othe Ht Bye, en oral "caro =d-fantill" =8de eae —4 $n 20 dr 3 cor2h. We stn oni of trait [B. The given equations are the furefed ree OS fife) we thet pop ut © ede x the coe sateip, E josneiae =p, Eloom'a9 auf Mineman [semana =e fF-Dener- Fab bb bbs ace ae a an inte cn cana nar wey Bera mae ae eet eee cate ee as bree peor rato cheep neers ry 1= e024, coma] 20 (74 scostah ao ce Pea pt en Be Serre rae rareac nes eee eee en Cikcep ae wh ues ca one Ae ee the chain Se 2ea0Dh, we gus Ome. Tham Hy le Sounded by Se ‘i=in, £ How teh =f [Mean ayo pant slg (bal ane oa sles om seat Am dy rhs) Agere d-Lv) = fer 8 1 The area ofthe rgion fr 42— 5 square rita (680 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS ‘Burese 37, find the are inside the graph ofthe fist equiton and ouside the gph ofthe second ‘ in Exercises Alt, (a) Sind al posts of laverseton, then (0) ind the guzel tex ST. The given uations are the cnle += 3 and the eussioid r= co 0). Each graph eymetrc with ape le We enti id oe 4 tn EJP = [0am ont Lp a afpsno~ho—fonel ent) seins tated anes = nn opto Ba piece hae acum ou af taste ‘39, The given equations ate the cle =2 sin with center at (1x) and radius 4 and the excle r= sin $4 cond wih centr at (EV/i.4r) and ratios bY ‘The two circles intersect a the pole an at P= (V2, |r). The roquzed rion {thet sncowed by the Bint cide exept for organs oor of whieh sone Inf ofthe region closed by the second circle aod the other isa segment of {he ie lve frond by the daocter ofthe ccd le from the poe oP anol aoe $—(e-Jang)= fer © Tie ge tows erg Ret hy be he Guta pc oH, Siig he ats snare ' Weeen desh oni ‘ “Tau, the segon Ry is bounded by the lines 8 = br and #— fr and by the cares r=2 ane 2.64 dad wen fx'<9 cla. Thus, te area oft etre regan is given by Ant in, E yan waa = [Fla en 97 2a often na tema = fos 2 75 = ae — GeV] = sr +45) the cs fe ogi ae h/5) une ea 44co0 (oop) andr = (a) 14:40 m1 dcr # 20,0 Se and 144 cn 01 Acard cata-b0e sh AHHH l(besend?—ike=8 [owt tae [plod +1 + 002910 = fein 8+ 6+ 4 in 2, = Fe —2V5 i @ rai Fain ¢ oop) and rand 1-35840 = WF da t= 2a acne =f anea(sa—sm afer “sonnel PG-Honme=2in io ~ Hsin 28+ 1c ff =e Bint $4 BS ~2 V8) = ae —Foi19 45) 18, r= co 28 (Jena) an87 =2 (8) 6082 25con =H 20= A ey Aes? = ay afr ad Seas 26 = =2,00 24 =f 28> 2, psi anta[ aco20t oie pia af made rivipe tent 7 ‘9A LENGTH OF ARC AND AREA OF A REGION FOR POLAR GRAPHS 681 9 an the reer =? sin 28, 44, (0) ind tbe cooricates fll ints of ntsecion ofthe ce (0) Bind theses ofthe reponse the cle aad outside the rose >» (@} From theligucwe se thatthe cores nteret inte pol ae 2mo ther pins. Me uesin 2052 in 8 cs @ and selve simutaneuly. “ite @ cond =2rin@ Asin Boon ~2 sin? = 0 ‘tane(em =D =0 =A, give te pole ‘Ths, he polate of nueretion ae te pole, (V5. §x) and (v8.39) @) By emmnsry, we God a2 Hf ean? —(asnme=2 [eon ~ spin - jurteb 8 adjeo rene) The area ofthe region bY gale ‘a We comin oer of he vs of ttt ohn 0 ip By Hen 00 4 Mon 0 an of" [Tuna nso seo anes yan eatin a], cou Add bivielO- WE 6 ora [otto Gam anand iot 20? —(oPae fe a aot aim erp et grin re ie ope operas ADITER ce a Pe nin i iene te Eo iSuac cao ei wed rataon oR Te tc aaa = SE, Shera, E howy"ae= =fooh peek 18, We ae given he eatlld r= (1+) at he cick Dent af inne These oeaind he (aslo We get tap halt cabod 9 0 ad the tp al of Se Sse 8 Asp. E kereerwiias- tele [ (1+ 280s este ae— no net [e200 4h wtihe—co a Afoszes eb] oe 0. (FG) 20 FO) ana Be) ane ret oe Peat 20 F Oia co? + FU pan +0), RO) 8 em 8 +R) Pay ood soa") 4 TOP LGaFe eo = HOH FOP 5 A UNDIED TREATMENT OF CONIC SECTIONS AND POLAR FQUATIONS OF CONICS 151 Theorem A conic etn can be defined athe sto al pints Pin a pane sch tat the rato of te Glial dicance af P fm seed pint athe ended dtaaceofP fom a Ged le that dos not ena the Seed pln to pontve coast Purtbror fe = te ease ise parol £0. hina bypecbl “The potkve ostat of Theorem 9.51 sce te entry ofthe csi. (hs noting ead wat 2ftt.2) Th ned pin au fon of the cone ad the ed Tin alled = UTeecn of te cc. A parla un only one focus and or siete An ellipr aod ibaa the centred cesar have fof sd two covwpndingdreien A cele has cect 0 we? "4x0 + dat ab = Jaf tnd? 44x f = eat dang He ied reoleton that ape oe 1a 22? 0? 682 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS 95.2 Theorem ‘The cetiral cone having the equation Sea! Stee 6 an con (00), whee ereondig tsi 2 = ma anda face a (eid), whose corresponcitg divest =~ Note tht s0<.¢<1, thea,1~<>0 and the cateal conte of Theorem 95.2 isan elie. However ife> 1, thew Ie? <0, andthe conc a hyperbole If and yar interchanged the equation of Throrem 9.52, ther there wll be Toeus at (0)—ae) with coreponding Alnctny = “af ad oe (se) wih eorepondng drectrr v= 8/6 Standard Perm Foes cearal ene i standard form, ~ § an th vein i 8 = = nite om ‘Anymptotes Lincs though center in tno diretios for which ris not defined. Fer polar equations of the cance ete be the ecesccty of a conic and let d be the vpdlected distance fom «Toes to the eoresponding dzete. If te foes isa the pole ard thine b= then the vertex areat the poli inthe dicetca 0, the eqition of btn by elling te onsant ofthe denoninatr to. Wehave ih alowing four seca aes oe gale cone Diwette eae pols "ere neato poke 0 rege rmsd Toth right ofthe ple de epg raven Above tin pte ee To the the ole Below the ple od Brerins 5 1p Fsercs -5 (9) fad therein fos Fy andi ofthe rial oni. (0) Sete te ene an show fol and diets. io chowe a pit ? i cach ol tree quits sad dn the ne wepments tam fie snd enezonding dati Observe thatthe alo ofthe gt XA men te = ss te peopl as YA sane they ai athe principal an Lat eotase oF HAI. pee XA. (i= Viue=¥B, AWS. ton (V5.0) avec: = . FR= BVA Rosi (0, VAD, dieses y = +2 5 4et-tiy=100 » HE =1.typertle, XA. 0 =5,8=2, c= VEFA= VHB, Fy BV Posi V0 decors = ABV eerie 1 95 A UNIFIED TREATMENT OF CONIC SECTIONS AND FOLAR EQUATIONS OF CONICS 685 = FT = sea foe nutopene » Z festa) ane V5. = BV, a ataoe 3a Awe eoPaue » ek =1blipn YA fh = VF Pac (0, V7), dire BPonf=d > BE a1 Hypetoly XAo=3, b= es VIFT= VIR emi, 6 = Fem fav. Foe: (2 VO, dein: «= = V8 apevtaie © B-f=tnypetele, VAe= 2b tem vl daggrer (0, +23), ditectticos: y = 23V5. nen Vie8 vi Hoaye = YEA ical Dente Balin alee ene & In Bere 9 and 16 the oie basa es F atthe pole Kelly the on RG)r=qcicy teak embcln |W ragetey © c= hho rept > ee kaline (@raqpigg > eeceot radon ¢ ellie ee ee @rashsq Orsppfasy echt (= 1 Bunelas 11-22, the cnie hata fis B a the poe Find (a) the acer (0) the type of evi, (6) 2 ‘aeation ofthe dictc € oF. (8) Sketch the conic and check by pleting © cece atin § 684 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS 4.4 parabola. fis tothe right of Fs ros 0= 4 fA Aypertola. Cis to the lef f Fs ean 8 =f = pe tgy wit e= fond d= An apn. is sore Fin = Elie € below Ps ria Oo =5 yperbol. Fis abt ef Forene=2 1 r= poghgy= ehcp wth e= 2 add} Hypala Cis low Fe ros P=} Bere ysdemre epics ratte ih c= fund d=] tpn. Cabot Feo 6} gas Bete Boat 4 Ensiet 2FSh ndapoa equation of he ne ving a fou atthe ple 2. Tarabos venex ate) > emt, Cbborinaald-t4=8 was bow For Sony 2 Blips e =the oespnding verte at (2) > Ciera ff Ht A 95 A UNIFIED TREATMENT OF CONIC SECTIONS AND FOLAR EQUATIONS OF CONICS «25 25, Hyperbole; = $7 eos8 = 9's the cormaponding diet ane ees ee ie vertien 9 units ight of pote. r= =e * : 2 Tee iad Base -2bte=qenh, ‘m, Pacaols: verterat (6) © «=, is ronal 6+6~ 12 ent abow P= Tg bu (es st of he poe nd (2s) ison he prt. (0) Wate am egetn of SOR Orn poe “imac TE so. () ext, t ern 6-2 (Foden thee trong he le paral oC Tice OnE game joensen ona Bek atts & Gece dee dpe 1=6/2—an 0) and shove Ue panbola r= (+n), The owe ti the ee yf) end och pmmeti wihopc he fr nk eth ne me Ms =i nate BE teo) ledeg) pes [octet {paar tan JF vo coe = 155 and.dd = 286 Thos Jo aco Inlet 2=|y/ten «Then de = f/Seectudu, and u= fe when = 1. Hence 112 [7° REG suet a) =24 5) > eoto tee ney [77 [spt Legian = ys |" 42 onto daifes fo} 9-46. meetne a= (Weve +6) -6— aE ie {2 Fd the see ef theron nie the pe r= 6/010 and elo the praola r= 3/(1+ 96), Th to carves nnn the ptt 0) sd (3) aa ench i aymmeie with eect to he rane The Fee cwe She sgin Het Wy tt pat he en ei the forth quadzant Then yi Younded by eclier-=U@eané) nd the ings =~ and #0, Ts, oF Nea Bective spl negra eM ef on 6= ea 2. Ts nail ee Now wee tan Yocnt= 2E ad b= By tae 1 aft dna piggy WI rend = Ae 686 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS, Weless= /Stas and de= VS! ta when 20, t= 0; wien Ayaae[ Ua inet a nays cotta aaat ye Det =2y8 7" a +e00 2) +911 em 20)at = V8" 2s 24 ee = fvie—s ” ae Vie +/6. Ths ® Thay from (2) we ae waif, ety en + the ea Because the rgiin Ris spmmetic with respect to the line NSA, +3) Sibtitating fom (1) and (3). we get he§(CaeViny sal Wie ‘Thu th a fon is YS quae ee 29. eset itd em afer geton. —& Raat rl MDa the hom ihe lr atin,» Bae eh tg Mette mmm he pr tin.» Rate fr Bh = tag 238, Show that the eeation > rephe=p ap-aen 37. The obit ofa comet is» parabola vith the the ise fom he sus makes a8 age of Jr owe doves come tothe sun? ® (a) Chome the feeus at the pole and the polar xi along the aie of the parabola, Let the anit be T St rt nad dtr ag (0) lt when coe 2-1. Then 28 Te eet comes within 20 milo ml of hes. ac? where kis a constant, i plas equation of a parabola. 1s its focus Whea the comet 80 rllon miles rom the sus, ‘ac of the obit) Finan equation ofthe eit (B) How ~ tanh zyatyaco 0 ieVise Vise ~ ye 230, The oat ofa salt eam lipae wih th contr ofthe earth a forue and e = J The wet it ge othe ath i 300i Find the fete gets es the cath Adame the eats rion 1000 From the cenier, "300.4-c000 = 400 me} +3¢-—= 1900 44900 = 8600, 600" 4000 = 4600. "The great distance rom thee 95 A UNIFIED TREATMENT OF CONIC SECTIONS AND POLAR EQUATIONS OF CONS 657 40. Show thatthe pont F mentioned inthe roof ef Theorem 9.5.1 8 one ofthe fort when the eon ster a lipeeor a hypetola. 7 sake to show that ie = 2 28, then the gin foo of =" = We ar atk sow tat i= 28a a= then te iin a fo PE Py = ‘The feu in ent rom the center (80) where € = 9 = Me 41, ind the angle between the asymttes ofa hrperbla in cms oft eget ¢ acess > rom the andar rectangle we ave tan fo == VEme _ Veleme_ Ya—y, 42, Deserve how the shape of eanie changes as the eccentricity ¢ inceases from dt. past with zczle of diameter 1 ar esp the ef edge xed. Because «= b/V1~ 2 when © =.01, the maior ‘Bis ie ots: waen c= 0.16 it 1.005; when e055 1.15, a stieable clongation; wea ¢ =.99 1s ‘Tit bse approaches | the right ge moves ofthe paper ad when «= I, here eno rgbt og: we havea Jubabala, When «= Lit we have-a hyperbola the angle beewern have anton in a Btan*YO.0201 Pegi” When = V2, 2 tas-ll = 9 and we have a rectangulac(eqisteral) ypebola. When € hatte to Zan 4/3 = 1202 Miucliansons Fzecises for Chapter 9 In Bxeries 1-4 a) sketch the parametric equations; check by pltteg (H) Fd a carian maton, Lecenyynae sna atye ato w hevycdeneynen 4 » asl yaaa Cyaiel 4. thy a4sin (+3 Oop ee yn? © Casing aie tote tt ine 16 In Execs § snd 6, Sind dy/dz and dy/de*withootelininating the parameter. “ si aS gS bat Bens otand yaater then Bo B= em hime ha 688 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS Yn Ein 8, rion an wie ag She te ah of epee ions Tear and ya mae Borat 928, Fc octa— ait = t= 2p te bernnl angen Ines 2 = 12 the vee tangent i Bp = Bie o> 0 (ecinid fie) Oita dating Hien gv aban Span sat aon BAT) i-7ep f ae Thon! aces) acer a oS Avhegh Sse died fr tbc $0, sit npet tweteny 0 eminem aia (020) Fartermee, haga ta, Bigatti eBay ey an es mera Symp rend ne then «anal sd el ‘yy. Thus, for every pat (2,9) om the eure we have the point (=, aad het the graph ix some with mapect tothe wants Were the above infermotion to seth ube apt as shows ithe gare. 4a Bering 9 aed 10, locate te int i pol onraaten Rene vic, onte wth ance wth = 8 (a) Cage) C2, a) prs Geese) 10. a) nfo). (mt) fe) 0) tf). ob. hE =heto.120 aie (0) (An) (€) (Bde) = (Bom fr -3 sn 12 (9) (Ga)= (HOF (6) (2) (©) (VRAD ~ (VB oe br Vn Fo = (V9 VF AVF = ht (€) (ifn) = (cue fin Wve In Beercios 19a 14, convert from resngule cca top oudinatn with r > and 0-< 0 Arcos Br cons) = 72 Pate ca B+ besin = 0+ = Boe fade) 16. tey wr. tay ors ty MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES FOR CHAPTER 9689 8 ta 2e-v) > PGPest) ats aete-rt = ateost,rsin'# = sFeos9 (pleat), r= 200k In Exercins 19-22 find cartesian equation ofthe graph having the given polar equation. 1. ind 4 > Benin Se ee8) = Bey hy sy =? 20, +c 0)=2 wpm Darcond ra treon SA st4y ase Padeed > Pa sind av ah taney pat 7 Fis0 (pole a 0), rr con d}t = er sn 0) (28+ sP)at = aly! In Exercises 23-26, sktch the graph of tbe equation, ne through the poe w incl centeed a the pole of radia line through the poe wth rection 3: 1807/3 Circle conte the poe of rains dretin 45° lines =3 > docle conteed (0) of radius 3 2% (o)rsing=6 Tange ()r=6aine cite centered at (3,44) of dius 3 In Beercis 27-32, determine the spe flimagon, i symmetzy S, sal the dieetin it pots Plott, Brestioné 28. r= 21cm) > $a$c(12, dened > 5: pr ain is it ery > $e (0,0), witha loop Sef ie pots upwrant CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS 690 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLAN In Bearcts 89-88, discribe and pot the gragh of the eqeation sia 22 ‘8. r= ves ol at t= sin > lemniseate 40, Show that r= 1 Fala Vandr= sine 1 have the some gra: reLbsin § r= tnin(h 42) oo rain gd Jn Precio 4-H fi he cet off te parame ple gap Vere [Ven ents [2 visatacn al? fir Pae = [FFF afer JPR -2/s 0] nes VT 0) fin = Va sda « aR) vote [vette [fonts ania [iri aa esoay Har? ° (sad) ba | Vere Pana |" Vics PIR a oes 0% Vin aaTee 10-7 meme yee ~ 10 | manda Ina = ence He), 82 th raamet fom fa 0t6 Pm & We have ie GT Fee [25 ea sc te [oe = | svecties = [°a ete ab = tan of 23 MISCELLANBOUS EXERCISES FOR CHAPTER 9 501 45, The sven Imagen has the eqation r= {+20 (2) Hf ofthe eon eco by te epi etaind when @ Gre = Lac + 2cosw,)}2a,6= +2 eo (teen: co Ants tn, Elistownitaenis), atenrPel ais, tentt sath aepalt Hm 8+ 2014018240 16], (9-4 +2 co 28) = tds sin 0 nm [= Ide = 4 2/5 JV = toe 26/5 (0 Oe ha ie ei end ute of linn a ha #0) Anal, isa e2eeway=i6["? csrcerras = tas ain o4-sin to PO? = (20 +2V/4-hy/) = 206 4243 1M See Bere 94.17 1. Tag goon eqeainos or r= tein and r= The point of rercon the wo gap ae (af ed (age. The requted region is symmetric with respect to the 1x axis, Ths, if we take 6¢ [J], we obtain sthivtsieeateones There = Ant) Bim, 3 dtesn uP Hag =o? [°% (4einte—1)ed= [" -2e0 2 20 = ante WV) =e v9) 48, Pod She ae ofthe son inde te lelcae 7? = ln 2 and outa the cle "The igre shows the region. Solving the equations sinultamotsly, we get Bain 20 1 By symmety, the region Bouse by the ines = lemabeate and the cis is onefourth the entre aes. Therefore, A= 4,5 Hsin, 188 22 iain a9 = Hon 26 A f= Je) = (IVE f= VE ‘Phoe the aa io /5— Jo oqure ita 19. na ytip, EMeFaw =) [Meta = howls at 50, r= acos0 (circle center (Jat), r= o(l —c08 6 (canisid pointing lei) a coe # = all ex), tacos =a, abe adil et -con fered] coh] =e] en +H +s 200 + [4+ cos 0 vw affo—nain dein, +f fun 2 =e Ve 4V3) + eV = eA —V) gy Ts, ‘SL We apply the law of ccines to the langle with sid r ry and a where the angle oppeite Pare bean cond 9) sod the 692 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS. Fad the ara ached yon io of the cate r= fh. > The gap a Slne tse! neve ces an mls row if nis and pater than We teu tt hop, Beemer 0s nh =o cuvaipe = we kee ee 99 ad 1 = fe as boundacien. Tous, the area of 0p is given by [ssn aran =| sion! dee im ial no ln Bectcins 58-56 the equation is of conic having fro at the pole. (8) Find the ecentcity (6) identify ‘the cone; (¢) wile an equation ofthe dreceix conmspondng to the foes atthe pole; (6 sketch the curve ie thf r= ry with) =f < (8) the one an ips. =a i}and 2 and the dieitis is below the focus atthe pole ois equation i 15) the coke is parabola S5 tegcscesppptipitolite omer pty wih (a) e= $5 1 () theconiis «pel. (6) d= ant the direct in othe ight of the focus is equation is eos #= 4 SH. r= zahy > (4) Dividing the numerator and desomiaator by 3, we abain r= —S Thus ¢= 9.1 asd so (b) the cone ban alin. () We we equation of tbe diretre by setting the 2 (€) A sketh is town below right. Beereae 59 Execs ot aerelne $5, acres 56 In Exerciner 31°, find par equation of fr conic sntsing he covstions and skeicl dhe pape ‘5. The dvectric coreponding tothe fore a the pole ie 9 the lft ofthe ews. Thus an equation ofthe conics tthe tom r= 7S eae tie rigetn2aze Beco a vertex a (4 oF equally (0) he oda ttee Solving simultaneously, we gote = Sand ef =. The cool hyperblis an equation is = pg 158, A focus atthe pole, a vetex at (6.32) and e= 3, 1 There te tno elipeee pesible. Besnare the focal tthe pal and» vein ieabove the pole, one polar ak “ied satin om. = arg = AL Wee) =e ein = hy set seed =H Tin aoa er = fg Actes yo extn of te em = Gy We 6 wham sot coed Than atin nem MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES FOR CHAPTER 9 598 59. Beco = he coi a pra, Ean fost he ea the verter (eee te bbw he fc Than eqn af tepals fhe for = pry Bae ds he wndeed dhtace beeen he cs and he dct 4 = 23) = 6, Hee an auton ofthe arb ier = ry 60. Te ne rand = 6 tdi comnding te a the ee nd Dividing mean and denomianor by, meget the form r= Thentore$ Botner = p55 Bg A teh appans bel vit I ct Reger Insert 64 we NIV to apprendre prema o polar cave th, 2th, recat [’vPrrtee [ory Perm [Viera wanes te Para ih 8 Pe a2 Pre 4 nla al he meer ea, ors ‘coe 9 =0,20= tbr, O= the fe oe i arti wes na lg an a2 manta (econ = 8" oat eet = 8910 The length of is 9910 site (5, The distance om the center to the foras fe oF =34(0206) =T-4 Thus Meseary ts © near oo 360-7.4= 264 and a8 far as 9604 74> 484 milion miles fom these. 66, From the cenier, 00+.000=4210 = a—e=2e—e=e. ate =3e= 12600, 126014000 = 8600, The _qestese tanes fom the surface 8600 mies. 5% Chom te coo rst wth the pola te fs, The cone palo = 1 ad an eatin = tg Ia (189) a (6,04) be the given points Then 15 = = figy, = Won = Tenia VS=TRTBe = sr 2678 The lone stances of the tno ite} = (6238) iin mi 634 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, PLANE CURVES, AND POLAR GRAPHS. (68. If the distance between the twa directrices of an ellipse ie three tines the dislarics beLween the ford, find the eccenticity <. 1 The distance from the ceater to the focus is ac, and to the directrix is a/es Bole) =3-2oc, P=}, =a 69. Because the conic is a parabole. ¢ Because the directrix is to the left of the focus, an equation of the parabola is of the form r An equation ofthe pazabola is ae? dé a), Piro op jon? os an yh? = In Exercises 71 and 72, a focal en of a conic is & segment through & focus with endpoints on the conic. © A focal chord of a conic is divided by the focus into two segments whose directions differ by 7. = cor 70. A= 1. Show: the sur of the reciprocals of che lengths of perpendicular foeal chords of parabola i «constant bce dh age ee 4) = Tread TET Teal ant HO OH tT od TH Show thet the sum of the reciprocals of theie length is the sarne far any ehord. & An equation of the comic is 0) = Teor Because ae (—to8 @, the sum of the reciprocals of the lengths is 1 ss Leecoso 2 aint ebay epee te TR, Derive the formula for An peycloid. (Section 9.1) Let the centers of the fixed and moving cizeles be the origin and C. Let A(a.0) and B be the original and moving points of contact. ¢ iy the 1a(ZAOB). Let a= m(ZBCP). ‘Then a+¢ is the angle between ‘CP and the horizontal. Let a vertical line through C mot a hosisoatal line theaugh Pl2,y) in D and the 2 aris in E, Rolling means are BP = ate BA, ba = al, a= fl, 0 + #=| (f+) a. = (as beos tb cosas () = (a+b }eos 8—8 eae FA (a+ bin t+ sin(ot f= (a4 djein =a, then £m = af? 006 ¢— (coe 21+ 1}] = of? cox t = 2 e084) = 2a.os #1 —c0% t) y 42 sin {sin 24) = afZsin (—2 sin teas t)=2asin {1 = cos ¢) which is the cardioid r = 2a(1 — cos t). Similarly, a hypacyeloid with ba ina Kimason with a loop, TA. Plot ons skoich the epleyeloids. (e)am4, 062, 66 [n,] solid {b) a=24,6=3, re [-x,x} long dashes (e=8, 6=3, 1 [-30,3x] abort daches

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