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It's time for Wall Street stock analysts around the world to put
up or shut up. No more empty promises about huge stock gains
if you can't deliver. I say, if you can't make good on your
promise, you should pay for it...

As an investor, you deserve to make money in this market. And I

have a proven system that will do just that. In fact, I'm so sure
my system will double your money, I'm willing to put my money
where my mouth is.

If You Don't Double Your Money

in 6 Months Using My
Computerized Stock Picking
System... I'll PAY YOU!
You read that right.
If you follow my advice week in and week out for six months
and don't double your money, I'll pay YOU -- just for reading
this report. Simple as that. But you have to act NOW. This is
a limited-time offer. It may NEVER be repeated.

Find out why I'm so confident you will double your money in
six months or less. Take five minutes to read this FREE
report... 4/7/2005
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I Have a Secret Wall Street Doesn't Want Me to Share

With You -- But I'm Going to Anyway. It Can Turn $4,500
of Your Money Into More Than $17,000 in a Year.
Dear Reader,

Two and a half years ago, while the market

was tanking, I noticed a handful of stocks My FREE Investor's
were rising 30%, 50%, 100% and 200% in Library of Reports
just months, sometimes even weeks. Will Help You
Double Your Money
I wanted to make those kinds of gains on a in Six Months or
regular basis. And I bet you do too. But I Less -- Or I'll Pay
knew it wouldn't happen by following
conventional stock picking wisdom.
It's a bold promise for sure.
So I spent months in the office, literally day But I stand by it. You will
and night, ripping apart the balance sheets, double your money using the
studying the charts and reading the press CXS Money Multiplier
releases of all the rising companies. I System or I'll pay you. No
wanted to find the common thread. What questions asked.
made these stocks rise when everything
else on the market was falling... and falling And to help ensure you
double your money, I'll give
you a FREE report called
The Code of the Rich. In it I
After working hundreds of hours (when show you how you can turn
most people were home eating dinner and a few thousand dollars into
sleeping), I figured it out! I found out exactly millions -- step-by-step. It's
why these stocks were rising and how to easy to understand, filled
spot them. Not only that... with real-life examples and
guaranteed to get you on
I designed a computerized stock picking track to double your money. 4/7/2005
Page 3 of 13

system called the CXS Money Multiplier to But that's not the only report
find the stocks about to make a major move you'll get. Read on to learn
up. And I'm not talking about those 5% or how you can receive my
15% moves. I'm talking about 100%, 150% FREE library of special
reports that can help you
and 200% leaps -- like these...
double your money in six
months or less.
 E-Loan, Inc. rose 117% in five months
and 353% in eight months! You could have turned $1,500 into as
much as $6,795.
 Sirius Satellite Radio jumped up 117% in one month and 233% in
two months! That's good enough to multiply your $1,500 into
 Select Comfort Corp. jolted up 105% in four months and 274% in
10 months. In less than a year, your $1,500 could have grown to

With these three picks alone, you could have turned $4,500 into more
than $17,000! But that's just the beginning. My CXS System finds
winners up to 76% of the time. So far in 2003, out of 25 CXS stock
picks, 19 have been winners -- up an average of 40.02%. That's an
incredible winning percentage! And that's exactly why I'm so confident
you will double your money in the next six months. If I'm wrong, I'll pay

So what's the secret to finding these gems?

Wall Street's Secret Three-Part Formula for Triple-Digit

After putting in all those long hours of research and combing through
pages and pages of annual reports, I found there are three things
almost EVERY triple-digit winner have in common. 4/7/2005
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One, almost all are liquid small-cap stocks trading for $10 or less.
Now, I realize this is a shocker. After all, most analysts and fund
managers tell you that the real gains come from blue chip stocks. But
they're dead wrong!

All you have to do is look at the facts.

From 1926 to 2000, a $1,000 investment in blue chip stocks grew to

$1.7 million. Not bad. But a $1,000 investment in small-cap stocks (like
the ones my CXS System finds) grew to $3.96 million ! That's more
the twice the return from blue chips.

This is great news. It means you don't have to spend a lot to make a
lot. You can start with a couple hundred dollars or less and turn it into
a fortune.

But price is just the first thing the CXS System looks for.

About half of the winning small-cap stocks rise because they are
fundamentally sound. They have rising sales, booming net incomes
and are selling for much less than their competitors. In other words,
these companies are growing yet are selling for a bargain price.

And despite what the talking heads on Wall Street tell you, 85% of all
fundamentally sound stocks on the market today are small-cap stocks
with a market cap of $1.5 billion or less. But no one ever talks about
that. You only hear about the Procter and Gamble's, General Electric's
and Microsoft's of the trading world. But those companies have had
their day.

If you're after double- and triple-digit returns, you should be looking at

companies like Orbital Sciences (up 145% in the past year), Select 4/7/2005
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Comfort (up 364%), E-Loan, Inc. (up 277%) and China Yuchai (up
327%). These are the up-and-coming powerhouses of tomorrow that
are making investors triple-digit profits today.

But to win consistently, you have to go beyond the fundamentals.

Small-cap stocks also rise double and triple digits because of behind-
the-scenes developments that lead to a huge increase in business --
sometimes it's a medical breakthrough, sometimes it's a new product
launch and sometimes it's as simple as signing a big-time contract with
a major conglomerate.

No matter what the news is, the bottom line is simple. When a stock is
cheap, fundamentally sound and increasing its business, it is ready to
rise triple digits in a very short period of time -- usually six months or

And I want to offer you the chance to pocket these types of gains.
Every month, I give people just like you the best small-cap stock
recommendations on the market. Every one of my CXS stock picks is
printed in Penny Stock Fortunes -- America's foremost small-cap
publication. And I'm inviting you to become a part of this savvy group
of investors.

Invest in the Fastest-Growing Stocks in Wall Street

History and Turn $1,000 Into $3.9 Million!
The stocks you'll find in Penny Stock Fortunes are growing because
they are increasing their net incomes... improving sales... widening
their profit margins... or signing new deals that will bring in tons more
business. 4/7/2005
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And when stocks rise on fundamentals and solid news as opposed to

some fly-by-night broker's recommendation, it's a lot easier to predict
which stocks will rise -- and when.

Think about it for a second.

If a company increases its sales... net income... plus is trading for less
than its competitors... AND it expects business to grow even faster in
the months ahead, you can feel pretty confident this stock will rise in
the near future. And that usually means within six months.

A company that is growing its bottom line is the kind of company you
want to own to grow your investment dollars. Period. It was true 80
years ago, and it's still true today.

Yet, Wall Street doesn't focus on these rising small-cap stocks. Why?

Because they aren't in most of the big mutual funds and 401(k)s. Most
people overlook small-cap stocks as real investment opportunities.

But it is precisely the smaller, fundamentally sound stocks that

returned investors over $3.9 million versus $1.7 million for large-cap
stocks from 1926 to 2000.

That means had you invested in small-cap stocks you would be more
than $2 million richer than your blue-chip-investing friends. The point
is: Small-cap stocks have always been your fastest path to true

And those are exactly the kinds of stocks the CXS System finds on a
regular basis. And with a 76% winning percentage, you can't help but
make money. In fact, let me show you exactly the kind of money you 4/7/2005
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could make following my CXS picks -- each month in Penny Stock


Bank 352% Profits in Less Than 8 Months

When my CXS Money Multiplier found an online-lending company
that increased sales by 35%, net income by 244% and was trading for
two times LESS than its competitors, I immediately went to work to
find out more. I knew this was a stock that could double your money in
six months or less.

The company was E-Loan, Inc. And its stock was on the rise.

It had just announced its third quarter earnings... and they were
excellent. Its sales jumped from $21 million to $28.4 million -- a 35%
increase from the last quarter. Its net income rose from $0.9 million to
a robust $3.1 million, good enough for a 244% gain. And at the time,
E-Loan was trading for just 10.7 times earnings -- less than half the
market average.

After I checked its balance sheet, key ratios, annual reports, news
releases and market data... I realized this was a no-brainer. E-Loan
stock was going to rise. So I immediately recommended it as a BUY.
As you can see from the chart below, that was a lucrative call. 4/7/2005
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On Nov. 4, I issued a BUY Alert to my Penny Stock Fortunes

readers. I told them to pick up shares of EELN at $1.59. And then, with
the market falling, I recommended they sell on Jan. 24 to lock in 44%
gains. But those who held on could have raked in 353% by July 15. E-
Loan stock went as high as $7.20. You could have turned a small
$1,500 investment into $6,795. That's more than four times your
money! Not a bad deal any way you look at it.

It's also why I am so confident you will double your money in six
months using the CXS Money Multiplier System.

Sounds simple, right? It is.

And with my next pick, you could have tripled your money in two

The CXS System Found a New Technology That's Hotter 4/7/2005
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Than the CD and DVD Player... And It Made My Readers

as Much as 233%!
On April 4, the CXS System alerted me that it was time to buy shares
of a company called Sirius Satellite Radio. So I did some digging.

I discovered that Sirius is one of only two satellite radio companies in

the entire United States. In other words, it has a virtual lock on about
half of a multibillion-dollar industry. And satellite radio is HOT right
now. It has taken off faster than any audio product in the past 20 years
-- including the CD and DVD players!

In fact, satellite radio is widely regarded like cable television was in the
1970s. It is literally revolutionizing the way we listen to radio...

Gone are the days of AM and FM stations that fade in and out from
town to town. With satellite radio, you have access to over 100
channels -- broadcasting everything from sports radio to country music
to talk shows. And the best part is, you can listen to them anywhere in
the continental United States for about $10 a month.

But that wasn't even the best reason to own shares of Sirius.

Based on my extensive research, I found out Sirius was signing major

contracts with auto giants like Ford Motor Company, DaimlerChrysler
Corp., BMW of North America, Nissan North America and Volkswagen
of North America.

Those companies alone sold more than 8 million cars in 2002. And
they all wanted Sirius' business.

Coupled with the fact that Sirius expected to grow its subscriber base 4/7/2005
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between 50% and 67% in the first quarter 2003 -- it was obvious this
stock would take off. So I issued a BUY recommendation on April 4. At
the time shares of Sirius were selling for 65 cents. But they didn't sit
there long.

Look at its chart below.

Almost two months to the day after I recommended Sirius as a buy, I

wrote my readers again. Only this time it was an Alert to sell half their
shares for a 233% gain! Forget doubling your money in less than six
months. My readers could have TRIPLED their money in less than
eight weeks! This was a blockbuster trade. A $1,500 investment was
now worth $4,995!

Here's what some readers had to say about the Sirius trade:

"I am very excited about SIRI, which I bought upon your suggestion 4/7/2005
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in the email -- at $0.65. What a thrill. I'm hanging on. I can't tell you
how good it is to be on the winning side of the market for a change
and how I really can use the money." --B.W., Subscriber

"I just got on board with Penny Stock Fortunes May 20th, I jumped
right in with SIRI at 1.15, I'm smiling every day." -- J.W., Subscriber

"I certainly appreciate receiving your alerts and took advantage of

picking up Sirius and making a tidy profit! Would not have had a clue
about it without your help. Many thanks!" -- K.C., Subscriber

"I just have to compliment you on the quality of the Penny Stock
Fortunes system. As a subscriber for over a year, I've been
impressed by the results of the system and have reaped many
rewards. (DSCM, SIRI and BNBN were recent trades I capitalized
on.)" -- T.K., Subscriber

And just to prove E-Loan and Sirius weren't flukes, here's another
triple-digit winner my CXS System found...

Another Triple-Digit Winner Courtesy of the CXS Money

Multiplier System

At 11:47 a.m. on Sept. 16, 2002, the CXS Alert went off. This time it
said to buy shares of bed manufacturer Select Comfort Corp. Once
again, I stopped everything I was doing and went to work on the

What I found was overwhelming.

Select Comfort's sales were up 24% from the previous quarter. Its 4/7/2005
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main cash cow, the Sleep Number beds, which retail from $475 to
over $2,800 a pop, were selling like crazy.

A little more digging and I found out that Select's stock was trading for
just 17 times earnings, 0.42 times sales and a price-to-cash flow ratio
of 7.29. Those numbers are important. They told me that Select
Comfort stock was between 42% and 61% UNDERVALUED
compared to its peers. And it was just a matter of time before the
vultures on Wall Street figured this out too -- and recommended Select
to everyone and their uncle. I knew I had to act fast to make my
readers a profit.

So I immediately wrote an alert saying to buy shares of Select Comfort

at $5.61. Here's a piece of that alert word for word...

Select Comfort is selling for less than half its fair value. That
means you have an opportunity to buy low and sell high. It has
generated a profit in every quarter since June 2001. And its stock
price has skyrocketed. So there's no reason this stock couldn't
rise another 100%, 200% even 500% between now and May

SCSS stock took off after my recommendation. It rose to $9.76 and

kept going to over $20. Investors had the chance to rake in between
74% and 274% profits. Not bad for a couple months' work. And it
shows you how easy it really is to double your money when you invest
in the right stocks.

I'm not normally one to toot my own horn, but you have to admit, the
results from the Select Comfort recommendation are amazing.

I could show you example after example of stocks the CXS System 4/7/2005
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finds on a weekly basis. But I think you get the picture. My CXS
System finds winners up to 76% of the time. In fact, you can make so
much money following my CXS recommendations you could double
your money in six months or less.

How does the CXS System continually find these winning small-cap

read on 4/7/2005

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