Goals Written Assignment

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University of the People


Goals play an intricate part of our lives, whether they are big or small. It starts as early as

childhood with learning to read or write and continues to adulthood. I recall a time that I had

planned to obtain my Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) Certification. Unfortunately,

I never saw this goal through to its end. I attended the courses and did exceptionally well, yet

never took the tests. I was distracted and ultimately not intrinsically motivated, giving up on

what I thought was a neat idea. Fortunately, giving up on one goal does not mean that others

cannot be seen through to success. One of these times came about when I set out to open a

professional networking company. I was excited and motivated to set out on this adventure. My

company did networking, training, built computers, and sold phones. I felt pride and a deep inner

sense of accomplishment in the project and never gave up.

To achieve a goal first, one must set a goal. Obtainable and effective goals have a base

set of characteristics that are quite simple; these include being realistic, specific, time-oriented,

and appeal to intrinsic motivations. An essential aspect of achieving goals is to be able to

implement time management that works, which means prioritizing these goals within a set

rational schedule. Furthermore, intrinsically motivated goals can drive someone to see them

through. When they are something you do not want to be doing, it will be easy to cast them

aside. Sacrificing for what you know you can achieve because you have a realistic idea, time

centered, and planned can provide a great sense of accomplishment when you get to the goal


Three goals that I have set include going to the gym four times a week- a short-term goal,

losing twenty pounds by July- a mid-term goal, and obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Business

management in five years- a long-term goal. To ensure these intentions are attainable, I look at

the first characteristic, are they realistic for me? Yes, I feel all three of them align with my

strengths. Secondly, the objectives are not broad; they are specific and meet the criteria for the

second attribute. Looking at the third trait of time, I understand it is not only about setting a

schedule but ensuring the timetable is realistic as I integrate them into my already busy life.

Lastly, are the goals all something that I have a deep inner longing to achieve? The answer, for

me, is simple, yes. As I am already working on some of these goals, I already do set them as a

priority over easy distractions or as other events surface because they are genuinely something

that I look forward to achieving.

Word Count 475


College success. (2015). Retrieved from http://open.lib.umn.edu/collegesuccess/

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