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Copyright © 2019 by Living by Design Ministries.
All rights reserved.

You are welcome to print copies of this document for your personal use. Other than
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form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning,
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States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author. Requests to
the author and publisher for permission should be addressed to the following email:

To request additional copies of this free resource, visit

(one copy per e-mail address).

If you have friends who would enjoy this free resource, encourage them to sign up
at By respecting our copyright, you are giving us the
opportunity to connect your loved ones to additional free resources including our
nourishing SOULfood e-mails, Christ-centered blog posts, and free online Bible

3 4     5-6
Welcome Letter Challenge Four-Step Getting
from Sarah Koontz Overview Started Guide

WORD30 Challenge Checklist

WORD30 Challenge Contract

FREE Bible Study Tools
Resources to help you deepen your
understanding of God's Word. 

Four WORD30 Bible Reading Plans
Simple plans to help you get into God's
Word daily.

WORD30 Instagram Challenge
A fun way to share your WORD30
experience and support our online

WORD30 Memory Verses

WORD30 Pri ntable Journal
Print off as many times as you need! A
great way to keep track of your journey.

WORD30 Calendar

Meet the Contributors
Get to know the ladies who helped create
the valuable resources in this kit.

© 2019 2
We are excited you decided to join us for the WORD30 Challenge!

The Living by Design Creative team has been working on this project for
over a year, and we are excited to share our personal stories with you
throughout this journey.

While this 30-day journey will look a little different for each person—it is a
time to silence the noise and make more room for Jesus in our everyday

We speak from experience when we say that the WORD30 Challenge has
had a profound impact on each member of our team. We look forward to
supporting you with tips, tools, and testimonials throughout the next thirty

Our hope is that this free resource kit will help you consume more of
God’s Word and crave less of the world.

Our prayer for you is always that you will not “be conformed to this age,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may dis-
cern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” (Rom. 12:2

Your Bible Study Partner,

Sarah Koontz
Founder of Living by Design Ministries
© 2019 3
With so many 30-day challenges designed to improve our
physical health, it seems odd that there is is no such program
to help us cleanse our lives of habits or addictions that With Scripture giving clear
compromise our spiritual health. The WORD30 Challenge commands to guard our
was born out of the question, “What noise do we need to hearts and our minds – the
remove so we can hear God more clearly?” WORD30 Challenge was
born out of the question:
Why is this challenge called WORD30? What noise do we need to
remove so we can hear
The most tangible way we can hear God speak to us is through
God more clearly?
His written Word. The Gospel of John begins with the profound
reminder that Jesus was the very Word of God at the beginning of
time and that His very words spoke creation into existence.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was
with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, without Him nothing was made
that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in
the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” – John 1:1-5 ESV

Did you catch that? Through God’s Word, all of creation was spoken into existence.

If we truly believe that God’s Word is authoritative enough to create the entire universe, why do we
often seek everything but God’s Word in our day-to-day lives?

It’s not that our phones, Netflix, or social media are inherently evil. But if we aren’t on guard, the
noise of this world can drown out the voice of God in our lives.

It’s easy to crave the instant gratification and comfort that the things of this world promise us.

But what if we could train our spiritual taste-buds to crave something more fulfilling and life-sustain-

We like to think of the WORD30 Challenge as a 30-day cleanse of the things that distract us from
spending time with God.

It’s a sacred invitation to break away from the status quo and make room for Jesus in our everyday

This kit was designed to give you the tools and resources you need to complete this 30-day chal-
lenge successfully.

Together we will learn how to replace endless scrolling and searching with more intentional time
focused on abiding, absorbing, learning, and growing with God.

Let’s get started!

© 2019 4
First, we’d like to cover what the WORD30 Challenge is not:

• The WORD30 Challenge isn’t a legalistic challenge. If you try it and fail? You are still loved
and covered in the amazing grace of Jesus. If you crush it? You are still a sinner in need of

• The WORD30 Challenge isn’t a New Year’s resolution you try in your own strength and know
that you will fail before you begin. It’s a challenge that requires you to trust in the Lord to help
you navigate and find grace and strength in following Him.

• The WORD30 Challenge isn’t one-size fits all, because our obedience to God is never one-
size fits all. Study your heart and consider what you are holding tightly to, and how you may
release your grip in favor of following God’s instruction.

Our team has purposed to weave grace into every aspect of this challenge. Our goal is progress, not
perfection; we understand that spiritual growth comes one step at a time. Here is a simple four-step
process to help you get started:

1. Spend time in Prayer and Confession

Ask God to reveal areas of your life that may have become idols without you knowing it.

• What do you desire most at the end of a long, stressful day?

• How do you typically fill your spare time?

• What 1-2 habits would you be willing to “curb” for 30-days to make more room for Jesus?

Remember: Jesus lived a life of perfect obedience – something we are incapable of doing! Spend some
time confessing ways that you’ve believed things of this world are better than God’s Word.

© 2019 5
2. Spend time in Community

Once you have identified a few areas that are causing unnecessary noise in your life, ask your spouse,
best friend, or someone in your Christian community for some feedback.

Here are some primer questions to help get the conversation going:

• Do you see any habits in my life that might be distracting or harmful to my relationship
with God?
• What are 1-2 things you think I could give up for 30 days to make more space for Jesus?
• If you had to give up one thing to make more room for Jesus, what would it be?

As it goes with starting a new diet, your chances of success increase dramatically when you have the
support of your friends and family. Take this opportunity to invite one or two of your closest friends or
family members to join you for this challenge.

3. Spend Time Preparing & Planning

Re-wiring our hearts to crave less of the world and more of God’s Word during these 30 days will be
a challenge (that’s why it’s called the WORD30 Challenge!). Just like you wouldn’t start a new diet or
cleanse without preparing your pantry and informing your friends and family, it is silly to begin the
WORD30 Challenge without the same preparation.

• Go through our Challenge Checklist and prayerfully consider your answers.

• Choose your start date, then print off your WORD30 Calendar and fill it out.
• Pick one of our four Scripture Reading plans to print off and place in your Bible.

4. Spend Time Determining How You Will Measure Success

This 30-day challenge forces us to step out with bold faith—believing small steps toward Jesus are
worth the sacrifice. We hope you are comforted by the knowledge that God already knows we can’t
follow Him perfectly.

For some participants, success might mean achieving a 30/30 score on the challenge. For others, you
may set your goal at 5-days a week, while giving yourself a bit more room and latitude on the week-
end. Whichever measure of success you choose, be specific and make sure it is measureable and
achievable in your current season of life. Don’t feel defeated if you have to make your goals small; you
can always repeat the challenge a second or third time with bigger goals.

Success for me is: ____________________________________________________________________________






© 2019 6
SECTION 1: What do I need to let go of?

In this section, consider what could be distracting, drowning out, or making it hard to be in God’s
Word or spend time with God. We hope you’ll spend time in prayer to consider which areas you
may need to let go of during this 30-day challenge.

Pick your Top 2-3 Areas:

Scrolling Social Newsfeeds

Checking Email (After-hours or Downtime)
Posting/Engaging on Social Media
Overindulging in Food/Sweets
TV/Netflix or Video Binging
Spending Time with Certain Friends
Watching YouTube videos Insert your Own
Reading Celebrity Gossip
Reading/Watching News
Listening to Secular Podcasts
Listening to Secular Radio
Checking Phone at Night/Morning
Playing Video/Computer Games
Online Shopping or Online Browsing
Visiting Certain Websites
Watching Sports on Tv

© 2019 7
SECTION 2: What do I need to make room for?

Now, consider what things you may need to add to your schedule to help you draw nearer to
God, His Word, and His presence during the next thirty days. Get creative.

Pick Your Top 2-3 Areas:

Reading God’s Word

Participating in a Bible Study
Bible Journaling
Spending Time in Silence and Solitude
Scripture Memorization
Spending Time in Nature Insert your Own
Studying Theology
Writing or Journaling
Listening to Christian Music
Serving Others
Observing Sabbath
Listening to Christian Podcasts
Community/Spending time with others

© 2019 8

Because of my desire to grow my faith and spend more time in God’s

Word, I am committing on this ________day of ________________________
to participate in the WORD30 Challenge.

Over the next thirty days, I will limit/remove the following distractions:

I will use the margin I’ve created to add the following activities:

I will know that I have successfully completed this challenge when ______
out of 30 days are marked green on my WORD30 Calendar.

When I successfully complete this challenge, my reward will be:


If I fail to successfully complete this challenge, my consequence will be:


Signed _________________________________________________

Date ______________________________

© 2019 9
We believe this challenge is less about what we are giving up and more about what we are creating
space for—God’s Word. We have provided four WORD30 Bible reading plans to help you grow in
your knowledge of God’s Word over the next thirty days.

Pick the reading plan that feels most relevant to you, grab your Bible, and commit to reading God’s
Word daily for the next few weeks. Our WORD30 reading plans are brief, (just 1-3 verses per day)
so you can meditate on the truths they contain.

If you are looking for a more in-depth study to complete during this challenge, we have several
FREE online studies at our ministry website that might suit your needs:

1. Worthy of the Calling: A 31-day journey through the book of Ephesians. Together we will
learn about our identity in Christ and the spiritual wealth we have access to as daughters of
God. We will discover that God has provided all we need to walk worthy of the calling we have
received. Learn more at

2. Unlocking the Promises of Psalm 119: No section of Scripture is more active, more penetrat-
ing, or more thought-provoking than Psalm 119. This three-week study of Psalm 119 will change
you, captivate you, and catapult you into the arms of a loving and merciful God. Learn more at

3. Wisdom Whispers: Are you longing to hear the whispers of wisdom in your life? Hoping to
gain the insight and understanding necessary to order your life according to God’s design? This
31-day study of King Solomon will help you hear Wisdom’s call to salvation, obedience, and
humility. Learn more at

4. Before I Go: A 3-Week Study of Jesus’ Final Teaching and Prayer. The detailed account of Je-
sus’ final teaching and prayer in John 14-17 reveals the heart of the Man, the Messiah, and the
Redeemer. This is the gospel truth that brings freedom, joy, and transformation into our lives.
Learn more at

We like to think of our studies as fine dining flavors with the convenience of fast food. Each day
is jam-packed with biblical truth and practical application, yet it is easy to understand and can be
completed on your mobile device.

A perfect fit for the on-the-go lifestyle of twenty-first-century women!

Unlike many other “free” online Bible studies, you do not need to purchase a companion book or
additional resources to complete our studies. Everything you need will be delivered straight to
your inbox each day, at absolutely no cost to you.

We want Bible study to become the highlight of your day, not something you have to force yourself
to do “just to keep up with the homework.” This is why our studies can be completed in just 15-min-
utes per day and require no additional homework.

© 2019 10

Written by: JENNA PARDE W ORD30

Isaiah Reading Plan
Day 1: Isaiah 2:5
Day 2: Isaiah 6:3
Read the passage once slowly. Pray the Holy Spirit would Day 3: Isaiah 6:8
help quiet your soul to receive God’s Word. Day 4: Isaiah 8:17
Day 5: Isaiah 9:6
Draw, Color, or Paint imagery in a journal or Bible that you
want to remember from the Scripture. Day 6: Isaiah 12:2
Day 7: Isaiah 26:3
Write or Hand Letter Scripture. Consider what this truth Day 8: Isaiah 40:31
Day 9: Isaiah 41:10
means for you. Use the words of Scripture to pray or medi- Day 10: Isaiah 43:1
tate on the truth about God.
Day 11: Isaiah 43:2
Bible Journaling Prompts: Day 12: Isaiah 43:4
Day 13: Isaiah 43:5
Day 1 - a sun or sunrise +“Light of the Lord.” Day 14: Isaiah 43:19
Day 3 - a suitcase + “Here I am, send me.” Day 15: Isaiah 45:2
Day 5 - letter the four names of Jesus in this verse.
Day 16: Isaiah 46:4
Day 8 - draw, color, or paint a feather (or trace one). Day 17: Isaiah 48:17
Day 9 - a simple background + “Fear not, for I am with you.” Day 18: Isaiah 49:16
Day 11 - waves + simple prayer about help in deep waters. Day 19: Isaiah 49: 23
Day 14 - draw, color, or paint flowers on bottom of page. Day 20: Isaiah 51:3
Day 16 - letter “He will Sustain You” with a simple wreath.
Day 18 - trace your hand or leave a handprint on page. Day 21: Isaiah 52:7
Day 22: Isaiah 54:10
Day 22 - mountains + “Though the mountains crumble...”
Day 23: Isaiah 54:17
Day 25 - watering can and flowers. Day 24: Isaiah 55:6
Day 27 - clock/watch + “In His Time.” Day 25: Isaiah 58:11
Day 30 - flowers + “I will not cause pain without allowing
something new to be born.” Day 26: Isaiah 60:1
Day 27: Isaiah 60:22
Day 28: Isaiah 61:3
Day 29: Isaiah 61:10
Day 30: Isaiah 66:9
Share your Bible Journaling pages on Instagram using #WORD30 and tagging
Jenna @scribblinggrace and Living by Design Ministries @bydesignorg.

© 2019 11


Gratitude Reading Plan
Day 1: Psalm 7:17
I don’t know what thirty days can change in your life. Day 2: Psalm 9:1
Day 3: Psalm 106:1
Day 4: Psalm 107:1
Maybe it’s eating habits. Sleeping habits. Prayer hab-
Day 5: Psalm 107:15
its. Or speech habits. I don’t know if your time needs
to shift from consumerism to creativity and collabora- Day 6: Psalm 118:19
tion as mine did. Day 7: Romans 14:6
Day 8: 1 Corinthians 15:57
Whatever your life needs, my sweet one, God wants Day 9: Revelation 11:17
to move your heart away from this world and onto Day 10: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Him. He is faithful to do His part, if we’ll do our part.
Day 11: 1 Chronicles 16:41
Day 12: 2 Chronicles 5:13
To help you jumpstart 30 days of gratitude I’ve got a Day 13: 2 Chronicles 20:21
list of 30 Scriptures to start your day with in order to Day 14: Nehemiah 12:24
focus on the God we serve. Day 15: Matthew 15:36

• A God of more than enough. Day 16: Matthew 26:27

• A God of creativity and wonder. Day 17: 1 Corinthians 10:16
Day 18: 1 Corinthians 1:4
• A God who serves.
Day 19: 2 Corinthians 1:11
• A God we can give thanks for. Day 20: Psalm 136:2

Let’s open space in our lives for Him to fill. Let’s make Day 21: Jeremiah 33:11
a committment to seek after His will and not our own. Day 22: Psalm 23:1
Day 23: Psalm 50:23
Day 24: Psalm 100:1-5
Day 25: Psalm 118:28-29

Day 26: Lamentations 3:22-24

Day 27: Luke 17:11-18
Day 28: 2 Corinthians 2:14-16
Share your journey with us on social media by using the hashtag Day 29: Philippians 4:12-13
#WORD30 and tagging Natalia @NataliaDrumm and Living by Day 30: Colossians 3:15-17
Design Ministries @bydesignorg.

© 2019 12

W ORD 30
Written by: JENNIFER BRYANT Family Reading Plan

Instructions: Day 1: Psalm 84:1-7

Day 2: Psalm 46:10
Day 3: Proverbs 3:5-6
When we create new habits and repeat behaviors Day 4: Philippians 1:6
long enough and often enough, they become part Day 5: Deuteronomy 6:7
of our daily narrative. God promises to help us in our
struggle to put other things above Him. He gives us Day 6: Matthew 7:7-12
Day 7: Joshua 24:15
a choice, a way out, and a promise to sustain us! (1
Day 8: Galatians 1:10
Corinthians 10:13) Day 9: Matthew 6:26-34
Day 10: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
Journaling Prompts:
Day 11: Psalm 1:1-2
Which patterns in your family need to be altered for Day 12: 1 Corinthians 10:13
more time with God? Day 13: Romans 10:14-17
Day 14: James 1:17
Day 15: Hebrews 13:8
What do you believe about God that will motivate
you to move forward in this challenge? Day 16: 2 Corinthians 3:5-6
Day 17: 1 Corinthians 10:23
How do you see this decision impacting your family Day 18: Romans 12:2
in the future? Day 19: Proverbs 8:17
Day 20: Psalm 119:105
What are some obstacles that may come up as you
Day 21: 2 Timothy 1:7
try to implement this plan with your family? How will
Day 22: Ephesians 3:19
you respond? Day 23: Deuteronomy 7:9
Day 24: Lamentations 3:22-23
Day 25: Hebrews 11:6

Day 26: Proverbs 30:5

Day 27: John 8:31
Day 28: Matthew 4:4
Share your journey with us on social media by using the hashtag Day 29: John 10:9-10
#WORD30 and tagging Jenn @Practical_Family and Living by Day 30: John 17:25-26
Design Ministries @bydesignorg.

© 2019 13

Written by: LISA BRAZIEL Psalm Reading Plan

Instructions: Day 1: Psalm 139

Day 2: Psalm 62
Day 3: Psalm 18:30
Reading the Psalms is a great place to go in God’s Day 4: Psalm 23:1-3
Word when you are not sure where to start. Psalms Day 5: Psalm 40 1-17
are packed with real emotion and teach us what it
looks like to invite God into our daily struggles, anx- Day 6: Psalm 30
Day 7: Psalm 7:5
ieties, and feelings. They show us how to praise God
Day 8: Psalm 1
for His nearness, deliverance, and patience. Day 9: Psalm 16:1-11
Day 10: Psalm 33:6-9
Through the course of these 30-days, follow the
steps below to walk slowly and intentionally through Day 11: Psalm 33:16
the selected Psalms and pray over the truths you Day 12: Psalm 37:23
find. Day 13: Psalm 42:1
Day 14: Psalm 55
Day 15: Psalm 46:10
1. Read the Psalm slowly. Pray the Holy Spirit would
help quiet your soul to receive God’s Word. Day 16: Psalm 38:9
Day 17: Psalm 121
2. Reread the Psalm. Consider what you notice to be Day 18: Psalm 84:1
true about God in this passage. Day 19: Psalm 99
Day 20: Psalm 66:5
3. Read the Psalm a third time. Consider what this
Day 21: Psalm 118:7
truth means for you. Use the words of scripture to
Day 22: Psalm 77:11
pray or meditate on a truth about God. Day 23: Psalm 19
Day 24: Psalm 39:4
Day 25: Psalm 18:31

Day 26: Psalm 127

Day 27: Psalm 138
Day 28: Psalm 63:1
Share your journey with us on social media by using the hashtag Day 29: Psalm 91
#WORD30 and tagging Lisa @graceinthegravel and Living by Day 30: Psalm 107:9
Design Ministries @bydesignorg.

© 2019 14


1: Authenticity
2: Boldness
We invite you to share your WORD30 experience 3: Compassion
on social media by participating in this fun (& totally 4: Discernment
optional) Instagram challenge. 5: Earnestness
6: Rest Day
We like to think of this list, inspired by our free Psalm
119 Bible study, as an alphabetical index of blessings 7: Freedom
that flow into our lives when we diligently study and 8: Good Judgement
apply God’s Word. 9: Hope
10: Insight
So we’d love to see you share pictures of your Bible 11: Joyfulness
Study time using the hashtag #WORD30 along with 12: Rest Day
your thoughts on how this challenge is helping you
grow in authenticity, boldness, compassion, etc. 13: Knowledge
14: Lawfulness
If you are an artist or creative, we encourage you to 15: Motivation
share digital art or Bible Journaling pages inspired 16: Nourishment
by these life-giving words. 17: Obedience
18: Rest Day
The most important thing is that you have fun and
make this challenge your own while engaging with 19: Purity
20: Quietness
and supporting our WORD30 community.
21: Reverence
22: Selflessness
23: Thankfulness
24: Rest Day

25: Understanding
26: Vision
Share your Bible study photos and art inspired by these 27: Wisdom
words on instagram using the #WORD30 and tagging Living 28: eXcellence
by Design Ministries @bydesignorg. 29: Yielded Heart
30: Zeal

© 2019 15

Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast

love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time
to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain
righteousness upon you. - Hosea 10:12 ESV

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever

is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, what-
ever is commendable, if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise, think about
these things. - Philippians 4:8 ESV

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profit-

able for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and
for training in righteousness. - 2 Timothy 3:16 ESV

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise

but as wise, making the best use of the time, be-
cause the days are evil. - Ephesians 5:15-16 ESV

© 2019 16

© 2019 17

© 2019 18

Use this calendar to track your WORD30 progress. Mark the days you complete your goals with
green, the days you only meet some of your goals with orange, your rest days with blue, and the
days you fail to meet your goals with red. Remember, our goal is progress, not perfection!

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Share your journey with us on social media by using the hashtag #WORD30 and tagging
Living by Design Ministries @bydesignorg.

© 2019 19

Lisa Braziel is the creator of the WORD30 Challenge and a working

mom of two who is in constant need of more coffee and even more
of God’s grace.  Lisa works on the Creative Team at Living by De-
sign Ministries as our Guest Blog Editor. You can follow Lisa’s writ-
ings and on Instagram at @GraceInTheGrav-
el where she shares how she’s practically learning to follow Jesus in
the messiness of her everyday life.

Natalia Drumm is a writer, speaker, and teacher with a heart for

women’s ministry. Natalia works on the Creative Team at Living by
Design Ministries as Bible Study Content Editor. She leads small
groups in her local church and began Girlfriends in the Word, a
community of women seeking to build strong relationships with
God and others through time in Scripture. Connect with Natalia at and on social media @nataliadrumm.

Jenna Parde is a U.S. Navy spouse, Living by Design Ministries

Creative Partner, and blogger at where she
teaches Bible journaling. She also runs an Etsy shop where she sells
hand-painted Bibles and Bible journaling printables. She is pas-
sionate about sharing God’s Word through art; and loves how no
matter how artistic you are, God’s light will always shine through!
Connect with Jenna on social media @scribblinggrace.

Jennifer Bryant is the wife of a good man and mother of two pre-
cious kids. Jennifer works on the Creative Team at Living by Design
Ministries as a Contributing Writer. She blogs about life and family at, and encourages others to build practical
skills for healthy communication, simple living, and discover their
awesomeness. Connect with Jenn on Instagram @Practical_Family
and on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter @PracticalFamily.

© 2019 20
© 2019 21

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