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Language knowledge

'So, before wemoveon todiscuss
these matters, let me just summarize
the main issues. Firstly . .. secondly. ..
t!lirdly... So, I suggest we take things
in that order.. . Beforewestart, are
there allY questions you'd liketo ask?'

EEl You are going to he ar the fina l part offour different p resentations. As you
listen , decide whic h presen tati on each extract comes from, and comple te
th e table. Check your an swers in the key on page 65.

Pre sen tati on Extract

The Sales Presentation

(by a salesman to a group of prospective customers)

The Welcome Presen tation

(to a group of visitors to a plant )

The New Idea Presen tation

(to a group of m anagers)

Th e Mot ivation Prese ntation

(by a Perso nnel Director to a gro up of new employees )

Language focus Endings

Signalling the end Recom mending
That brings me to the endof my presentation. 50, 1wouldsuggest that we...
Thatcompletes my presen tation. I'dliketopropose... (m ore formal)
Before I stop/finisll. let mejustsay... In my opinion, theorlly wayforward is.. .
Tuat covers all 1 wantedtosay today.
Summarizing Thank youforyourattention.
Letmejust run overthe key pointsagain. Thank youfor listening.
I'll briefly summarize the main issues. I hope you willhavegained an insight into...
To swn up.. .
Briefly·· . Inviting questions
I'dbegladto try and answer any questions.
Concluding So. let's throw it open to questions.
As you can see. there are some verygoodreasofls.. . AllY questions?
111 conclusion ...
I'd like to leave yOll with thefollowing thought/idea.

42 UN IT SEVE:-<

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