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School of CPE I Faculty of Verbal Ability

Name of the faculty member: Jasmeet Kaur

Course Code: PEV 106 Course Title: Verbal Ability I

Class: B. tech CSE Term: 19202 Sections: K18RD Batch: 2018-2019

Max. Marks: 30 Date of Allotment: 4/1/2020 Date of Submission:

S. Roll No Objectives of Topic Details Evaluation Expected

No Academic Parameters outcomes
1 All odd To expose 1. Question on Picture Each student Enhanced
roll no.s students to Perception. Write a story will be comprehensio
of writing and on what you perceive evaluated n and writing
Group comprehensio from the given individually. skills
1 n of the picture./10 marks
(SET questions. 2. Question on Para
A) jumbles. Rearrange the
sentences and write the
appropriate order./ 5
3. Question on Analogy. /
5 marks.
4. Read the comprehension
passage and answer the
questions./10 marks.
2. All even To expose 1. Question on Picture Each student Enhanced
roll no.s students to Perception. Write a story will be comprehensio
of writing and on what you perceive evaluated n and writing
Group comprehensio from the given individually. skills
1 n of the picture./10 marks
(SET B) questions. 2. Question on Para
jumbles. Rearrange the
sentences and write the
appropriate order./ 5
3. Question on Analogy. /
5 marks.
4. Read the comprehension
passage and answer the
questions./10 marks
3 All odd To expose 1. Question on Picture Each student Enhanced
roll no.s students to Perception. Write a story will be comprehensio
of writing and on what you perceive evaluated n and writing
Group comprehensio from the given individually. skills
2 n of the picture./10 marks
(SET questions. 2. Question on Para
C) jumbles. Rearrange the
sentences and write the
appropriate order./ 5
3. Question on Analogy. /
5 marks.
4. Read the comprehension
passage and answer the
questions./10 marks
4 All even To expose 1. Question on Picture Each student Enhanced
roll no.s students to Perception. Write a story will be comprehensio
of writing and on what you perceive evaluated n and writing
Group comprehensio from the given individually. skills
2 n of the picture./10 marks
(SET questions. 2. Question on Para
D) jumbles. Rearrange the
sentences and write the
appropriate order./ 5
3. Question on Analogy. /
5 marks.
4. Read the comprehension
passage and answer the
questions./10 marks
Odd Roll numbers Group-1

Roll No: Registration No: Name- Section

Q1. Write a story on what you perceive from the given picture in about 100-120 words. (10

Q2. Rearrange the following Para jumble in order to frame a meaningful paragraph and give
the reason for your answer. (5 Marks)
i) A) In a bid to placate the associate members, the ICC has decided to increase the number of
participating teams to 16 in the Twenty20 World Cup, as the game's governing body feels these
countries will have a greater chance of competing on an equal footing in cricket's shortest format.
B)It is convenient just now to forget that in the last edition of the tournament, considerable criticism
was heaped on the governing body for the inordinate length of the tournament, thanks in large part to
the presence of the associates.
C)To be fair to the ICC, criticism of the move to restrict the number of teams in the next edition of the
Cup is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.
D)The ICC's decision to restrict the number of teams in the 2015 World Cup has evoked mixed
responses, with opinion divided among players of the full member teams.
E)Not surprisingly, the associate members aren't too thrilled about the idea of being kept out of cricket's
showpiece event.

A) Most ultralights are sold as kits and take about 40 hours to assemble. Flying an ultralight airplane is so
easy that a pilot with no experience can fly one.
B) An ultralight airplane is very different from a conventional airplane.
C) It looks like a lawn chair with wings, weighs no more than 254 pounds, flies up to 60 miles an hour,
and carries about 5 gallons of fuel.

D) Some models now have parachutes attached, while others have parachute packs which pilots can
wear. E) Accidents are
rarely fatal or even serious because the ultralight lands so slowly and gently and carries very little fuel.


A. However, in spite of parental efforts kids are found to fall short of their potentiality.
B. Bringing out the best of the child is a gradual process of support and encouragement on your part.
C. Parents give natural ability of children as an explanation for this.
D. These efforts pay off in peak performance – the stuff of every parent’s dream.
E. There are no shortcuts to bringing out the best of your child.

A. The knowledge so far available about the endocrine glands is very limited.
B. Nature has provided the body with proper regulations and protectors.
C. These are our endocrine glands.
D. And so, the proper functioning of these controllers of our body is very important and most vital for
E. However, all the medical sciences have accepted the fact that these glands secrets thousands of
different types of hormones directly in our blood.


A. He explained to the king that the gunny bag full of grains was the real gold that the earth could give,
which he had grown with lots of hard work.
B. King Aditya was growing old and decided to handover his kingdom to most deserving of his five sons.
C. He, then told them to use this land and return with gold after six months.
D. King Aditya was impressed and handed over his kingdom to Raviditya.
E. In order to test them he took them to a field and gave a piece of land to each one of them.
F. After six months, all returned empty handed except Raviditya who carried a gunny bag on his

Q3. Write the relationship that is formed by the given pair and make a new pair with same
relationship. (5 marks)

Q4. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. (10 Marks)
A sanctuary may be defined as a place where Man is passive and the rest of Nature active. Till quite
recently Nature had her own sanctuaries, where man either did not go at all or only as a tool-using
animal in comparatively small numbers. But now, in this machinery age, there is no place left where man
cannot go with overwhelming forces at his command. He can strangle to death all the nobler wild life in
the world to-day. To-morrow he certainly will have done so, unless he exercises due foresight and self-
control in the mean time.
There is not the slightest doubt that birds and mammals are now being killed off much faster than they
can breed. And it is always the largest and noblest forms of life that suffer most. The whales and
elephants, lions and eagles, go. The rats and flies, and all mean parasites, remain. This is inevitable in
certain cases. But it is wanton killing off that I am speaking of to-night. Civilized man begins by
destroying the very forms of wild life he learns to appreciate most when he becomes still more civilized.
The obvious remedy is to begin conservation at an earlier stage, when it is easier and better in every
way, by enforcing laws for close seasons, game preserves, the selective protection of certain species,
and sanctuaries.
I have just defined a sanctuary as a place where man is passive and the rest of Nature active. But this
general definition is too absolute for any special case. The mere fact that man has to protect a sanctuary
does away with his purely passive attitude. Then, he can be beneficially active by destroying pests and
parasites, like bot-flies or mosquitoes, and by finding antidotes for diseases like the epidemic which
periodically kills off the rabbits and thus starves many of the carnivora to death. But, except in cases
where experiment has proved his intervention to be beneficial, the less he upsets the balance of Nature
the better, even when he tries to be an earthly Providence.
1. How does the author implies his first definition of a sanctuary ?
2. The author’s argument that destroying bot-flies and mosquitoes would be a beneficial action is most
weakened by which factual reason given in the passage?
3. What can be inferred that the passage
4. What is the purpose of the final paragraph?
5. Answer this question based on the information in the paragraph below.
It has been suggested that long-term prisoners, on release from jail, be given a reasonable state pension
to reduce the likelihood of their resorting to crime. Most people instinctively reject the suggestion as
they feel it would be like rewarding criminal activity.
The supporters of the prisoners' pension scheme have criticized those who reject this possibility, by
claiming that for the critics...
What can be the most logical completion of the sentence above?

EVEN Roll numbers Group-1
Roll No: Registration No: Name- Section

Q1. Write a story on what you perceive from the given picture in about 100-120 words. (10

Q2. Rearrange the following Para jumble in order to frame a meaningful paragraph and give
the reason for your answer. (5 Marks)
i) Just as with adults, pessimistic ways of interpreting defeats seem to feed the sense of helplessness and
hopelessness at the heart of children's depression.
1). That people who are already depressed think in these ways has long been known.
2). What has only recently emerged, though, is that children's beliefs about their own ability to control
what happens in their lives.
3). One line of evidence comes from studies of children's belief about their own ability to control what
happens in their lives- for example, being able to change things for the better.
4). This insight suggests a window of opportunity for inoculating them against depression before it
Q). This assessed by children's rating of themselves in such term as : 'when I have problems at home I'm
better than most kids at helping to solve problems' and 'When I work hard, I get good grades'.
ii) A) When
humans learned to make fire, however, they became capable of altering their environment. 
B) To provide themselves with fuel they stripped bark from trees, causing the trees to die.
C) When early humans hunted and gathered food, they were not in control of their environment. They
could only interact with their surroundings as lower organisms did. D)
This development led to farming and the domestication of animals. E)
Clearings were burned in forests to increase the growth of grass and to provide a greater grazing area
for the wild animals that humans fed upon.

iii)There lived some mice in a certain house.

P. The master of the house felt very muchdisturbed.

Q. There was no cat in thehouse.
R. So one day he brought a cat to killthem.
S. So the mice moved about quite freely and ate whatever they got in thekitchen.
6. But the cat was a poor hunter.
iv) One day as I was eating watermelon, I accidently swallowed its seeds
P. I cried really very hard and was frightened even when my parents told me nothing like that
would happen.
Q. It was only after they gave me a fake medicine, I stoppedcrying.
R. My sister told me that now its tree will grow inside mystomach.
S. After that I never ate a watermelon, fearing that it might happen again, until I was9.
6. This is the funniest incident of my childhood

v) It Is interesting to note that English was offered as a subject in England only In 1828.
P. The course offered was on the English language and not onliterature.
Q. Instead It was offered in the newly started University College founded In1886.
R. It was only In 1831 that English literature was offered at KingsCollege.
S. Even then It was not offered In prestigious Universities likeOxford.
6. Before that, only classics in Greek and Latin were taught at Oxford.

Q3. Write the relationship that SHOULD be formed by choosing one of the given options.
(5 marks)
1. violence : activity : : melancholy : ________
2. Ornithologist : Bird :: Archaeologist : ?
3. Conference : Chairman :: Newspaper : ?
Pun : Sarcastic
Fib : Honest
Inquiry : Discreet
Hint : Indirect

Q4. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. (10 Marks)

The first and most important rule of legitimate or popular government, that is to say, of government whose object
is the good of the people, is therefore, as I have observed, to follow in everything the general will. But to follow
this will it is necessary to know it, and above all to distinguish it from the particular will, beginning with one's self:
this distinction is always very difficult to make, and only the most sublime virtue can afford sufficient illumination
for it. As, in order to will, it is necessary to be free, a difficulty no less great than the former arises that of
preserving at once the public liberty and the authority of government. Look into the motives which have induced
men, once united by their common needs in a general society, to unite themselves still more intimately by means
of civil societies: you will find no other motive than that of assuring the property, life and liberty of each member
by the protection of all. But can men be forced to defend the liberty of any one among them, without trespassing
on that of others? And how can they provide for the public needs, without alienating the individual property of
those who are forced to contribute tothem? With whatever sophistry all this may be covered over, it is certain
that if any constraint can be laid on my will, I am no longer free, and that I am no longer master of my own
property, if any one else can lay a hand on it. This difficulty, which would have seemed insurmountable, has
been removed, like the first, by the most sublime of all human institutions, or rather by a divine inspiration,
which teaches mankind to imitate here below the unchangeable decrees of the Deity. By what inconceivable art
has a means been found of making men free by making them subject; of using in the service of the State the
properties, the persons and even the lives of all its members, without constraining and without consulting them;
of confining their will by their own admission; of overcoming their refusal by that consent, and forcing them to
punish themselves, when they act against their own will? How can it be that all should obey, yet nobody take
upon him to command, and that all should serve, and yet have no masters, but be the more free, as, in apparent
subjection, each loses no part of his liberty but what might be hurtful to that of another? These wonders are the
work of law. It is to law alone that men owe justice and liberty. It is this salutary organ of the will of all which
establishes, in civil right, the natural equality between men. It is this celestial voice which dictates to each citizen
the precepts of public reason, and teaches him to act according to the rules of his own judgment, and not to
behave inconsistently with himself. It is with this voice alone that political rulers should speak when they
command; for no sooner does one man, setting aside the law, claim to subject another to his private will, than he
departs from the state of civil society, and confronts him face to face in the pure state of nature, in which
obedience is prescribed solely by necessity.
1. The paradox in line 28 is resolved according to the author when an individual does what ?
2. How the author’s attitude to law in this passage is best conveyed?
3. What all does the author would agree with according to the passage ?

Odd Roll numbers Group-2

Roll No: Registration No: Name- Section

Q1. Write a story on what you perceive from the given picture in about 100-120 words. (10

Q2. Rearrange the following Para jumble in order to frame a meaningful paragraph and give
the reason for your answer. (5 Marks)
Q 1) A)The US market will continue to be the dominant one in the foreseeable future. The rupee could
become even stronger.
B)A greater recourse to hedging as well as striving for multi-currency revenue streams automatically
suggests itself.
C)Already one company, TCS, by resorting to these methods extensively has turned in an above -
average performance during the first quarter.
D)Most IT companies have been grappling with more mundane problems such as a high level of attrition
amidst rising wage costs and inability to secure the right type and number of American visas.
E)The BPO industry and many medium-sized software exporters are reportedly operating on thin
Q2 The five sentences (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a
coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five
numbers as your answer.
1. While researchers have long known that dogs evolved from wolves, recent findings have
challenged established ideas about when this shift happened.
2. In contrast, previous studies had suggested that dogs had evolved much earlier—around 30,000
years ago.
3. While this might seem like a minor distinction to many of us, it is actually important for
researchers to determine in which period dogs were domesticated.
4. 3D imaging now suggests that dogs evolved about 15,000 years ago, as humans began to
transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to forming settlements.
5. By understanding the humans who domesticated wolves, we can better understand how
interaction between the two led to the species of domesticated dogs we know today.
Q3. The five sentences (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a
coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five
numbers as your answer.
1. In the 15th century, nobles in Italian Renaissance courts were known for the highly decorative
spectacles they put on, particularly for celebrations of events such as weddings.
2. The image most people hold of ballet dancers is one typical to the twentieth century: performers
3. The Italian Catherine de Medici brought her taste for ballet to France when she married King
Henry II, while King Louis XIV popularized the form later on.
4. The passion of these two people for the art form eventually led to the creation of professional
dancers, then the incorporation of ballet into operas, and finally the separation of ballet into the stage-
based art we now know.
5. This, however, was not the initial purpose of ballet dancing.
Q4. The five sentences (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a
coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five
numbers as your answer.
1. Because all plants need to water to sustain life, we did not use a control group, relying instead on
the differences in average growth among the three test groups to provide information.
2. We found that plants receiving filtered water grew more than plants in either of the other groups:
on average a difference of 1cm per week.
3. Each plant was given one fluid ounce of the selected water each day, and measured once a week.
4. During our experiment, we tested the effects of various types of water—filtered, tap, and
chemical-purified—on the growth of cholorophytumcomosum (spider plants).
5. We began with twenty seedlings in each category, each of which received the same amount of
controlled sunlight in a greenhouse laboratory setting.
Q5. A. They are the oligarchy.
B. Next are the rule takers, the companies that pay homage to the industrial “lords.”
C. IBM, CBS, United Airlines, Sears, Coca – Cola, and the like are the creators and procreators of
industrial orthodoxy.
D. First are the rule makers, the incumbents that built the industry.
E. Fujitsu, ABC, US Air, Smith Barney, J.C. Penny and numerous others are peasants.
F. Look at any industry and you will see three kinds of companies..

Q3. Write the relationship that SHOULD be formed by choosing one of the given options..
(5 marks)
1. grass : soil : : seaweed : ___________
2. baiting hook : fishing : : _______ : hunting
A)loading gun
B)firing gun
C)stalking game
D)aiming gun
3. Peace : Chaos :: Creation : ?

4.breeze : Cyclone : : drizzle: ?

Pun : Sarcastic
Fib : Honest
Inquiry : Discreet
Hint : Indirect
Q4. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. (10 Marks)
Should we really care for the greatest actors of the past could we have them before us? Should we find them too
different from our accent of thought, of feeling, of speech, in a thousand minute particulars which are of the
essence of all three? Dr. Doran's long and interesting records of the triumphs of Garrick, and other less familiar,
but in their day hardly less astonishing, players, do not relieve one of the doubt. Garrick himself, as sometimes
happens with people who have been the subject of much anecdote and other conversation, here as elsewhere,
bears no very distinct figure. One hardly sees the wood for the trees. On the other hand, the account of Betterton,
"perhaps the greatest of English actors," is delightfully fresh. That intimate friend of Dryden, Tillatson, Pope, who
executed a copy of the actor's portrait by Kneller which is still extant, was worthy of their friendship; his career
brings out the best elements in stage life. The stage in these volumes presents itself indeed not merely as a mirror
of life, but as an illustration of the utmost intensity of life, in the fortunes and characters of the players. Ups and
downs, generosity, dark fates, the most delicate goodness, have nowhere been more prominent than in the
private existence of those devoted to the public mimicry of men and women. Contact with the stage, almost
throughout its history, presents itself as a kind of touchstone, to bring out the bizarrerie, the theatrical tricks and
contrasts, of the actual world.
1. In the expression One hardly sees the wood for the trees, What does the author apparently intends the word
trees to be analogous to ?
B. details learned from oral sources
2. What does the doubt referred to in line 7 concern about?
A. the stage personalities of the past would appeal on a personal level to people like the author
3. Who did Doran think was probably the best English actor?
4. Would the author give a definite answer to the first question posed in the passage?

EVEN Roll numbers Group-2
Roll No: Registration No: Name- Section

Q1. Write a story on what you perceive from the given picture in about 100-120 words. (10
Q2. Rearrange the following Para jumble in order to frame a meaningful paragraph and give
the reason for your answer. (5 Marks)
Q 1) Most investors feel they lose out when the market rallies.
1). There are times when one is not sure of the direction in which a sector will move.
2). Everytime such a thing happens you wish to include in your portfolio some of the stocks scaling the
new highs every day.
3). While the index and several scripts may be running with each passing day, the investor may find that
the specific shares in his portfolio are hardly moving.
4). All this can lead to rash decisions.
Q). Picking a winner even within a booming sector is tough.
Q2). One hot day a crow became very thirsty and was going to die for want of water.
P.The water was so low that the crow could not drinkit.
Q.The water reached the neck of thepitcher.
R.He saw a pitcher and at once flew to it with great delight but there was very little water at the bottom
of the pitcher.
S.He looked around and saw some pebbles lying nearby so e took the pebbles one by one and dropped
them into the pitcher.
6. The crow drank water to his heart’s content and flew away.
Q3) Brainstorming requires a focus question that is clear and unambiguous.
P.One strategy to implement a brain-storm would be to write down thequestion.
Q.In fact, participants must be encouraged to suggest any response howeverstrange.
R.It Is Important that no value be attached to the responses at thisstage.
S.Participants can then document near the question the responses from thegroup.
6. The aim would be to allow individual Ideas to spark off each other.
Q4. I was in engineering first semester and we used to have language classes in the first year.
P.When my turn came, I picked up a chit and the topic was Surya (Sun) , I thought for a while and could
not come up with proper sentences tospeak.
Q.I just turned to him and asked if I could sing a song about Sun(I had learnt a new kannada song
R.WehadKannadaclassinthatsemesterandtheKannadasirdecidedto haveanactivityforus-PickandSpeak!
S. We had to pick up a chit and talk about the topic in kannada for 2 to 3minutes.
6. The whole class started laughing.
Q5. There lived some mice in a certain house.
P. The master of the house felt very muchdisturbed.
Q. There was no cat in thehouse.
R. So one day he brought a cat to killthem.
S. So the mice moved about quite freely and ate whatever they got in thekitchen.
6. But the cat was a poor hunter.

Q3. Write the relationship that is formed by the given pair and make a new pair with same
relationship. (5 marks)
2. census : population
3. constellation: star
4. anticipation : reminiscence
5. Pun : Sarcastic

Q4. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. (10 Marks)
For more than forty years, a controlling insight in my educational philosophy has been the recognition that no one
has ever been—no one can ever be—educated in school or college. That would be the case if our schools and
colleges were at their very best, which they certainly are not, and even if the students were among the best and
the brightest, as well as conscientious in the application of their powers. The reason is simply that youth itself—
immaturity—is an insuperable obstacle to becoming educated. Schooling is for the young. Education comes later,
usually much later. The very best thing for our schools to do is to prepare the young for continued learning in later
life by giving them the skills of learning and the love of it. To speak of an educated young person or of a wise young
person, rich in the understanding of basic ideas and issues, is as much a contradiction in terms as to speak of a
round square. The young can be prepared for education in the years to come, but only mature men and women
can become educated, beginning the process in their forties and fifties and reaching some modicum of genuine
insight, sound judgment and practical wisdom after they have turned sixty. Those who take this prescription
seriously would, of course, be better off if their schooling had given them the intellectual discipline and skill they
need to carry it out, and if it also had introduced them to the world of learning with some appreciation of its basic
ideas and issues. But even the individual who is fortunate enough to leave school or college with a mind so
disciplined, and with an abiding love of learning, would still have a long road to travel before he or she became an
educated person. If our schools and colleges were doing their part and adults were doing theirs, all would be well.
However, our schools and colleges are not doing their part because they are trying to do everything else. And
adults are not doing their part because most are under the illusion that they had completed their education when
they finished their schooling. Only the person who realizes that mature life is the time to get the education that no
young person can ever acquire is at last on the high road to learning. The road is steep and rocky, but it is the high
road, open to anyone who has skill in learning and the ultimate goal of all learning in view—understanding the
ature of things and man’s place in the total scheme. An educated person is one who through the travail of his own
life has assimilated the ideas that make him representative of his culture, that make him a bearer of its traditions
and enable him to contribute to its improvement. The above passage was written by Mortimer J. Adler, author and
former chairman of the board of directors of Encyclopedia Britannica and co-founder of The Center for the Study
of The Great Ideas.
1. What is the author’s primary purpose in writing this passage ?
D) Suggest that youth stands in the way of one becoming educated.
2. According to the passage, what is the best thing that our schools can do ?
E) Help students acquire the skills for learning.
3. What can be inferred about the educated person from the passage ?
B) Not be less than 40 years of age.
4. What pairs of words most closely describe the author’s attitude toward
adults as mentioned in the passage?
A) Uninformed participants
5. How is the previous passage organized?
C) A thesis is presented and support given for it.

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