Sovgrace Academy.: Academic Year

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“Teach us to number our days so that we

may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Sovereign Grace

Our goal is to serve you, to help you So welcome to a brand new school year!
SovGRACE Academy. navigate through the questions, the ups and
This newsletter will serve as our Hand- downs and inevitable challenging times we all
book for SGA. It will contain all the informa-
tion you need to get started - or continue -
face as homeschooling mothers.
So wether we are a newbie or a veteran,
Table of Contents
with your enrollment at SGA: a Private School we all can use prayer, support, encourage-
Satellite Program. ment, tips, resources and on-going training to Parent’s Welcome 1
In this newsletter, we want to help ac- help us keep our perspective--and sanity in the
quaint you with the policies and practices of midst of a very busy but wonderfully produc- Classes 2
the school. While we’re not doing any drastic
overhauls this year, we will be making a few
tive and God- glorifying life!
The main theme for this year will be
Dates & Policies 3
changes that we trust will serve and support Teacher Support - spiritual encouragement as Academy Schedule 4
you as you teach your children at home. well as practical tips for not just SURVIVING
We personally know the challenges of the school year - but for embracing our call- Enrollment 5
being a wife and mother, managing your ing, enjoying our children, managing our lives
various roles, caring for the household, being and school and THRIVING in this wonderful Student Conduct 7
a faithful church member and topping it all off task of teaching, training and discipling our

with home schooling - sometimes several chil- children for the glory of God!
dren at once!

“In the OT, the goal of education is a godly life, one that expresses the believer’s loving fear of
Academic Year: the Lord...Thus while teaching and learning involve the word coming from outside, that word is
sharply focused on the moral life. To learn is to attain wisdom, discipline, and insight and to

acquire prudence so that one does what is right and just and fair...Because learning is viewed
as shaping values, character, and lifestyle itself, the content must be processed in a life trans-
forming way. It is not enough to gain mental mastery of biblical information. The divine word
must be taken into the heart of the learner and expressed in his every choice and act...”
-Lawrence O. Richards
Academy Day
Classes Things to Note:
Teacher Meetings

These meetings are designed for your

benefit - for encouragement, prayer,
training, announcements, accountabil-
ity, communication, transmitting values
and vision, giving and receiving tips &
resources to help you navigate suc-
cessfully through the year.

One of the biggest challenges home

schooling mommies face: discourage-
ment. We’ve designed these Teacher
Meetings to be of great value and
benefit for you - to help you guard
against common pitfalls and to help
keep you encouraged all through the

You need to be aware that being a

part of SGA includes committing to
attending these Teacher Meetings. We
Other Classes: have purposefully designed them to be
Elementary Co-Op All other classes: music, choir, P.E. vol-
leyball will be offered only if there are teach-
brief (90 minutes), relevant and bene-
ers available and willing lead and organize
This will be run like a regular co-op. If them and enough students committed to par- We will be offering a variety of topics
your student is in a class, you will be required ticipate. Please refer to the Co-op and Class this year and some fun activities as
to teach, assist, babysit - or participate in schedule on our blog. well. Occasionally the topic won’t be
some way. The classes offered will be based
relevant to you specifically and we will
on the number of volunteers to teach and
administrate each class. Parent-Participation notify you that you are released from
your commitment to attend. That’s a
great night to go out for coffee with
Here is a list of ways that you can par-
other SGA Moms and have fun!
Jr. High and High School ticipate in making the Academy a success.

Classes: Where can you serve?

* Mark off every 1st Tuesday on your
Junior High and High School classes will calendar at the beginning of Sep-
be run differently from the elementary co-op. Student Records
tember, that way the meetings won’t
Some of these classes will charge a class fee Office Helper
come as a surprise as they occur
to cover the cost of materials and a teacher Wednesday Overseer
each month.
stipend. These fees are not included in regu- Lunch Monitor
* Arrange for Daddy to care for the
lar tuition charges and will be paid to Sover- Graduation and Promotion Night
kids (and take them out to eat!)
eign Grace Academy by each family partici- Senior Night Coordinator
* Fix a quick meal so you can be out
pating. SGA will pay teachers and cover Monthly Teacher Training
the door by 6:45pm
materials with amount collected. Achievement Program Coordinator
* Don’t wait until Tuesday at 4pm to
Classes offered will be based on the Co-op Teacher
decide that you don’t feel like com-
group’s needs for specific subjects and finding Babysitter for Teachers
a suitable teacher as well as a meeting place. Jr. High and High School Teacher
* Using a schedule and planning
Students are expected to attend all the Park Day Point Person
ahead will help make your life eas-
classes, participate in class discussion and SAT Test Administrator
projects and complete all course work in or- Accountability Partner
der to receive full credit for the class. Teach- Student/Teacher ID Cards
If you are unable to attend a monthly
ers will provide grades at the end of the Field Trips
teacher meeting, you are required to
semester. PE Classes
notify the office and arrange to get the
that you missed.

Must be a member of Sov Cal School Immunization Teacher’s Contract

Registration and En- Grace Church Record & Health Exam

rollment Process: Application/Registration Course of Study Teacher Qualification

Requirements, Forms and Re-

cords Needed
HSLDA- Member Proof Authorization of Transfer Progress Reports
of School Records

Copy of Birth Certificate Attendance Records Report Cards

Sovereign Grace Academy:
The Secret to Successful
Private School Satellite Program.
Registration and Tuition
Registration: $30 - one student Home Schooling
Statement of Purpose: $50 - two or more

We recognize that it is a God-given Tuition: $20 - one student

responsibility for parents to provide for their “The duties God requires of us
$25 - two students
children’s education and to raise them in the $35 - three or more are not in proportion to the
fear of the Lord. We recognize that parents
may choose different ways to accomplish Tuition fees are due the first Tuesday of strength we possess in ourselves.
these goals: private school, parochial school, each month: September through June (10
public school, correspondence school or Rather, they are proportional to
months). You may pay at the Parent Teacher
homeschool. Parents are free to decide the Meetings or mail your checks to the church
best course of action for their individual fam- the resources available to us in
office. All checks must be processed at the
ily. office; please do not hand me your tuition on Christ. We do not have the ability in
One way Sovereign Grace Church sup- Sunday mornings.
ports families in this responsibility is offering There will be a $5 late charge for tuition ourselves to accomplish the least of
a Private School Satellite Program designed received after the deadline.
to assist parents by providing: God’s tasks. This is a law of grace.

1. Compliance with California Education When we recognize it is impossible

Code Requirements for Private Schools
2. Accountability and Structure for us to perform a duty in our own
3. Support and Encouragement
Director’s Hours
strength, we will discover the secret
4. Parent-Teacher Training I will be in the office every Wednesday
from 8a-5p and will be available for phone of its accomplishment. But alas,
calls, appointments, etc. between the hours of
Each year, we file a Private School Affi- 1-5p. this is a secret we often fail to dis-
davit with the State of California. Anyone
listed on our enrollment is exempt from com- SGA Phone: 398-2418 cover...”
pulsory attendance at the public schools. We
fulfill all the state requirements for private SGA Email: John Owen, Transforming Grace
schools which include official record keeping
and student cumulative files.
Because all records, calendars, informa-
tion and everything having to do with SGA is
at the office, please don’t call me at home
regarding school stuff.

Dates: september october november

Please keep these dates handy

as you plan out the school
2- Parent Orientation 7 - Tues. 4 - Tues.
3- Student Orientation Teacher Meeting Teacher Meeting

Teacher Meetings
Remember that Teacher Meet-
ings are a part of your respon-
sibility and commitment as a
member of the school. You will CLASSES CLASSES CLASSES
have the entire year’s calen-
dar to plan ahead for schedul-
ing and making arrangements 1 5
for husbands to care for the 10
children on these nights.
8 12
Academy Days, Field 17
Trips, Special Classes and Park
15 29
Days are all optional. Teacher
Meetings and Accountability
are not.
22 26
Park Days: TBA
Bring a lunch. There’s a play
ground, beautiful garden land-
scaping, trees to play hide and
seek in, a track for roller-
blading and bike riding; lots of
space for kids to run and
lovely shade for moms to sit in.

lunches, books, bags, purses, etc. are allowed

Academy Day: Wednesdays in the foyer, hallways, bathrooms...etc.
Here are some things that you need to
know in order to make our Academy Days run Children are not allowed to be on the
smoother. stage or play with the instruments, sound
POLICIES: equipment or be in the auditorium unless in a
class with an adult.
No children are allowed unaccompanied
in the church office or the SGA office. Children are not allowed to use the
kitchen or the coffee house or the nursery
Children are not allowed to run rampant with out adult supervision.
in the hallways or on the grounds in between
classes. And should not be on the lower floor There will be one point person to handle
as this is designated office space. all questions, requests for keys or supplies, PLEASE NOTE:
etc.- on Wednesdays.
We are not able to babysit your child in All school business will be conducted
between classes. You must appoint a respon- Children are expected to behave in a
sible adult to oversee your child if you are respectful and obedient manner and to re- at the Tuesday’s Teacher Meetings or
not there personally. spond properly to adult input and instruction.
on Wednesdays during office hours.
Personal belongings are to be stored in
the cubicles we provide for students. No Please refer to Student Code of Conduct. Tami’s e-mail for school business:

Academy Day Class Schedule

Time Jr/Sr. High 4 - 6 Grade K-3

8:20 - 8:50 Memory Class Memory Class

n9“Some of you are called

- 10:20 to some extraordinary
General Science
Science / duty and do (2-5)
Spanish not feel
strong enough. Follow that call, for surely the Lord is in that place. He
will help you.” - Spurgeon
10:30-11:50 Spanish (6-9) Science Co-Op Science Co-op

“Parents, do you wish to see your children happy? Take care then,
12 train them toLunch
- 12:30
that you obey when they are spoken to -Lunch
to do as they are Lunch
bid...Teach them to obey while they are young, or else they will be fret-
ting against God all their lives long, and wear themselves out with the
12:40 - 1:50 Writing/ Study Hall/ PE - Recess Choir (K-4)
vain idea of being independent of His control.” - J. C. Ryle

2 - 3:20 Writing/ Study Hall Choir (4-12) Art

3:30 - 4:30 Year Book Art (4-9) Recess

“Some of you are called to some extraordinary duty and do not feel strong enough. Follow that call, for
surely the Lord is in that place. He will help you.” - Spurgeon

“Parents, do you wish to see your children happy? Take care then, that you train them to obey when
they are spoken to - to do as they are bid...Teach them to obey while they are young, or else they will be
fretting against God all their lives long, and wear themselves out with the vain idea of being independent of
His control.” - J. C. Ryle


Honor the Gospel with our lives...

Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Guarding, Protecting,

Humility, Gratitude, Honor, Submission, Obedience, Purity, Modesty

Everything God requires of us is 6. I will honor and quickly sub- honestly confess my guilt in
summed up in the verse: mit to all those who are in any infraction.
Love God with your whole authority over me and do all I
heart and love your neighbor can to make their responsibil-
as yourself. ity a joy and not a burden. I 12. I will dress in an appropriate
will respectfully address them and modest way for all school
Here are a few categories of student- as Mr. or Mrs. or Miss. activities - on and off cam-
behavior that we would like to pus.
work on with our children -
especially as it relates to our 7. I will treat the school facility
Wednesday Academy Days- and grounds in a manner that
as they interact with one an- is reflective of gratitude and
other, with teachers, other respect. This means I will ACADEMY ASSEMBLY
adults and church/school keep them clean and orderly
property. and take responsibility to put We will be holding an Academy As-
away what I have used and sembly for all students in
clean what I have messed SGA on:
1. I will be truthful in all of my up.
8. I will treat any facility that I Wednesday, Sept. 3 @ 1 PM.
2. I will esteem the gospel and am using (homes in which
all those who embrace it. I classes are held) in the name
will bring no reproach against of Sovereign Grace Acad- Every student enrolled is required to
the gospel or against those emy- with the same attitude attend this meeting an sign
who embrace it. that I have at the school facil- the Student Code.
3. I will be careful with and pro- This will serve as an orientation and
tect my fellow students. I will 9. I will conduct myself at all of instructional time to make
strive to be a positive and the off campus activities as if sure that they all hear and
encouraging influence on all I were on the campus of the understand the changes and
my peers. Thus I will not school. policies and the expectations
shame my fellow students that we have for their con-
through ridicule or name 10. I will not engage in tale bear- duct.
calling. I will give special ing (gossip or tattling). I will
consideration to those be responsible to report the We understand that some of the High
weaker than I and especially misconduct of my peers for School Students have work
strive to encourage them. their protection as well as for and college schedules that
the honor of the school. I need to be considered.
4. I will not use profanity. acknowledge that by my si- Please call the church office
lence I become a partaker if you cannot make this meet-
5. I will not engage in public (partner) with them in their ing.
displays of affection between misconduct.
the sexes such as hand-
holding, kissing, etc. 11. I will be careful to conform to
the Biblical standard for god-
liness in all that I do and will
Sovereign Grace




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