2015.behavioural Hormonal and Neurobiological Mechanisms of Aggressive Behaviour in Human and Nonhuman Primates2015physiology and Behavior PDF

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Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135

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Physiology & Behavior

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Behavioural, hormonal and neurobiological mechanisms of aggressive

behaviour in human and nonhuman primates
Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida ⁎, João Carlos Centurion Cabral, Rodrigo Narvaes
Institute of Psychology, Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), 2600 Ramiro Barcelos St, Porto Alegre
90035-003, Brazil


• Sex plays an essential role in agonistic behaviours in human and nonhuman primates.
• Testosterone, progesterone, cortisol and vasopressin affect sex-specific aggression.
• Neurotransmitters, mainly GABA and 5-HT, are crucial for sex-specific aggression.
• Positive allosteric modulator of GABAA-R influences sexually dimorphic aggression.
• Neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and hormone relations are the future direction of the field.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aggression is a key component for social behaviour and can have an adaptive value or deleterious consequences.
Received 6 December 2014 Here, we review the role of sex-related differences in aggressive behaviour in both human and nonhuman pri-
Received in revised form 25 February 2015 mates. First, we address aggression in primates, which varies deeply between species, both in intensity and in dis-
Accepted 28 February 2015
play, ranging from animals that are very aggressive, such as chimpanzees, to the nonaggressive bonobos.
Available online 3 March 2015
Aggression also influences the hierarchical structure of gorillas and chimpanzees, and is used as the main tool
for dealing with other groups. With regard to human aggression, it can be considered a relevant adaptation for
Aggression survival or can have negative impacts on social interaction for both sexes. Gender plays a critical role in aggressive
Agonistic behaviour and competitive behaviours, which are determined by a cascade of physiological changes, including GABAergic
Sex steroids and serotonergic systems, and sex neurosteroids. The understanding of the neurobiological bases and behaviour-
Cortisol al determinants of different types of aggression is fundamental for minimising these negative impacts.
Serotonin neurotransmitter © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
GABA neurotransmitter


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
2. Aggression in nonhuman primates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
2.1. Species differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
2.2. Sex differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
2.3. Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
3. Human aggression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.1. Types of aggressive behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.2. Peripheral hormones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.3. Neurobiological mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
3.4. Genetic bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
3.5. Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

⁎ Corresponding author at: Institute of Psychology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 2600 Ramiro Barcelos St, Porto Alegre, 90035-003 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: rosa_almeida@yahoo.com, rosa.almeida@ufrgs.br (R.M.M. de Almeida), centurioncabral@gmail.com (J.C.C. Cabral), rodrigo.narvaes@gmail.com (R. Narvaes).

0031-9384/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
122 R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135

1. Introduction due to intergroup violence and found that it ranges from 69 to 287 per
100,000 per year, and the victims were mostly adult males (42.4%)
Aggression is an individual or collective social behaviour that has a and infants (51.5%). Watts and colleagues [19] report that, while the in-
highly adaptive value [1,2]. It may be defined in general terms as a hos- juries on the aggressors were minimal, the attacked males were report-
tile behaviour with the intention of inflicting damage or harm [3]. The ed to have broken bones, wounds covering a considerable part of the
display of agonistic behaviour has evolved in the context of defending exposed surfaces of the victim, castration and torn thoraxes, despite
or obtaining resources for almost all species of primates and other resisting intensely [20].
presocial mammals [4–7]. However, among humans, aggression and vi- More astonishingly, chimpanzees can also attack humans for various
olent crimes are considered one of the most serious urban problems reasons [21]; these attacks may be due to food deprivation or surprise
currently faced [8,9]. The remarkable sex differences in aggressive be- encounters between humans and chimpanzees in areas of common
haviour in primates may be explained by natural determinants. The use, such as paths. Most of these attacks were predatory, having chil-
knowledge on biological and behavioural aspects of this significant sex- dren as the main targets of the primates. The children were between
ual dimorphism is essential to be able to not only manage and predict 18 months and 12 years old, and 7 out of 10 attacks happened when
more accurately the social consequences of aggression, but also for the children were alone; one happened when a man was present, but
guidance of public and judicial policies. the man had a physical disability. However, once they were pursued
Hence, ethological analyses have helped to elucidate the differences by a human, the attacking chimpanzees would immediately cease the
and similarities between human and nonhuman primates, as well as the attack. While the occurrences were rare, Hockings and colleagues [21]
phylogenetic origins of social behaviours. The comparative behavioural reported that chimpanzees have demonstrated bold behaviour by mov-
sciences have indicated that primates, especially those belonging to the ing up to 182 m away from the edge of the forest to capture human
Hominidae family, present a significant sexually dimorphic pattern of prey; and, on two occasions, a baby was removed from the doorway
aggressive behaviour [10]. These data, along with physiological analy- of a house.
ses, may clarify the role of sex and gender on aggressive behaviour. Nev- Unlike chimpanzees, bonobos show extremely low levels of
ertheless, the interdisciplinary nature of the field, and the wide and intragroup aggressive behaviour. Even between groups, they rarely en-
continuous effort of the scientific community to deepen understanding gage in physical aggression, which their phenotype reflects. They have
of aggressive behaviour, make the task of synthesising these data a much smaller canines when compared to their body sizes than those
major challenge, which must constantly be overcome. Here, we propose of chimpanzees and gorillas, and they rarely obtain bone fractures
the integration of the behavioural, hormonal and neural bases of sex dif- from interspecific confrontation [13]. There are no known cases of
ferences in aggressive behaviour in both human and nonhuman pri- male–female aggression in bonobos, since females show feeding priori-
mates, along with future directions for aggression research. ty over males; contrarily from what happens with chimpanzees, the
females always occupy higher ranks in the bonobo hierarchy [22].
2. Aggression in nonhuman primates Hare and colleagues [22] proposed that this strong reduction in the ex-
pression of the aggressive behaviour in bonobos is due to a natural do-
Aggressive behaviour is well known as a key element of primate so- mestication process that occurred in the species, describing many
cial behaviour [6]. There are some main contexts in which aggression is phenotypical traits that bonobos share when compared to other domes-
important in primates, e.g. intergroup resource defence, antipredator ticated animals that have a “wild counterpart” (i.e., dogs and wolves),
behaviour, predation, and intragroup social contexts such as dominance such as reduced cranial size and diminished sexual dimorphism in the
contests (for food, mates, status etc.) and reproduction [11]. However, brains and crania when compared to chimpanzees.
primates also show pathological self-directed aggression as self- While chimpanzees and bonobos usually live in large groups, go-
injurious behaviour [11]. Displays of aggression are common in all spe- rillas' groups are much smaller (sometimes even living as lone males)
cies of primates, and male–male competition associated with physical and have periods of sub- and super-grouping. Lowland, sometimes
aggression is prevalent in all great apes [12]. called western, gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) are more frugivorous
and use larger home ranges than the closely-related mountain gorilla
2.1. Species differences (Gorilla beringei beringei) [23]. Lowland gorillas are also more tolerant
than mountain gorillas to adult males in other groups, even though it
It is important to differentiate the great apes from the other primates is unusual to have more than one silverback (adult males). In a study
due to evolutionary differences of the first that might favour aggressive on home-ranges of lowland gorillas, Bermejo [23] found that 50% of
behaviour — for example, short legs might not only be associated with the encounters between his focal group of gorillas and lone males re-
better climbing, but also with better stability and stronger impulses in sulted in avoidance, while the other 50% involved aggressive displays.
a fight [13]. Moreover, there are many different social structures However, encounters between his focal groups and other groups
among primates. For example, while chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) showed different results: 64% of the time, the focal group showed toler-
and bonobos (Pan paniscus) usually live in large groups [14], male ance, and 14% of the time, the focal group avoided the other groups. The
orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) are extremely intolerant of each other aggressive encounters corresponded to approximately 21%, with 7% in-
[15]. Similarly, most encounters involving male gorillas result in dis- volving physical aggression. Therefore, only a small portion of the en-
plays of aggression. Among the groups of chimpanzees, aggressive en- counters resulted in aggression, and the silverback gorilla of the focal
counters are frequent, but the tension inside the group is usually group sometimes tolerated other males to the point where they co-
mended by the reconciliatory behaviour these animals show [14]. nested, showing a much different behaviour than the more aggressive
Whereas intragroup aggression is stressful, intergroup aggression mountain gorilla [23]. Mountain gorillas form groups that contain one
poses a much bigger threat to chimpanzees than social stress from hier- or more silverbacks [24], and approximately 40% of the mountain gorilla
archical ranks. Chimpanzees are known to attack and kill males in other groups contain more than one male; however, one single male is likely
groups to expand their territories [16,17]. Nonlethal intergroup fights to monopolise the reproduction in his group, which is similar to what
are widespread in primates, but the pattern of killing males in other happens in the lowland gorilla. Mountain gorillas are not only much
groups is, to this point, recorded only in humans and chimpanzees less tolerant than lowland gorillas to males in other groups [23], but
[17]. These lethal attacks usually happen when the risk of physical they also perform aggressive displays to females [25]. Interestingly,
harm is minimal to the aggressors and where the balance of power the silverbacks from lowland gorilla groups also control the aggression
between the groups is extremely asymmetrical. Wrangham and col- between the younger members of the group by physically intervening
leagues [18] calculated the median risk of violent death in chimpanzees in conflicts [26], especially in captive groups, where resources, such as
R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135 123

food and space, are not limited. In fact, conciliatory behaviour has al- tailed lemur, the top ranking females showed higher faecal glucocorti-
ready been observed in lowland gorillas [27]. coid (GC) levels than the low females in their groups, and the GC levels
Aggression is a very demanding behaviour and has great risks, both were also related to aggressive initiation — the groups and individuals
physically and socially. Therefore, the conciliatory behaviour known as with higher GC levels were also the ones that usually initiated aggression
policing is a way of “mending the damages” caused by aggressive be- [37].
haviour inside groups. By definition, policing is the impartial monitoring Testosterone is considered one of the main molecules in the regula-
and attempted control of conflict among group members that is per- tion of aggressive behaviour and dominance, and it is the final product
formed by third parties [28]. Primates show many ways to conciliate of the HPG axis [7,38]. For example, there are changes in the activity
the “brawlers” after aggressive displays or confrontations, and de of the HPG axis in olive baboons (Papio anubis) that are dominant or
Waal [14] has shown that animals that were experimentally induced subordinate males in the social hierarchy; while dominant males have
to fight, but were then allowed to reconciliate, expressed much more much higher testosterone levels, subordinate males have decreases in
tolerance to each other than animals that had been prevented from the basal levels [39]. However, these differences are not always evident;
reconciliating. Other members of the group may also intervene, with fe- they become apparent when animals are challenged with an acute
males being the most frequent “catalyst”. Something similar happens in stressor. The mating season is a particularly challenging period in
multimale mountain gorilla groups, as the females, subordinate males which males compete with each other for access to sexually receptive
and juveniles intervene in order to prevent two silverbacks from fight- females.
ing. Captive orangutans frequently engage in aggressive confrontations The “Challenge Hypothesis” proposes that testosterone is involved
and third-party interventions have also been observed [29]. Rhesus in the mediation of aggression in periods of heightened conflict be-
monkeys (Macaca mulatta) also show policing, as described by Beisner tween males [40]. To cope with the increased physical and energetic de-
and McCowan [28]. Earlier, McCowan and colleagues [30] analysed the mands, males undergo raises in both testosterone (according to the
conflict dynamics of rhesus monkeys and they observed that the behav- Challenge Hypothesis) and cortisol (the “energy mobilization hypothe-
iour of intervening in a fight is an effective way to avoid harsh conse- sis”, as proposed by Romero [41]) levels [42]. The reproductive patterns
quences to the group due to the aggression between its members; are, therefore, extremely relevant to understand how aggressive behav-
nonetheless, it also bears a great risk to the intervener. However, unlike iour works in primates. Seasonal breeders, such as the chimpanzees and
what happens with mountain gorillas, the individuals that were found the long-tailed macaques (Macaca fuscata) have to cope with one
to be the key interveners were the ones with higher social ranks, and particular period of time with higher threats and higher rewards for ag-
most of the time (75%), were males. gression [42]. On the other hand, mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta
Stress is another major factor that influences social interactions in palliata) and other nonseasonal breeders do not suffer from stress
primates. The hierarchical structure and intergroup fights of apes are spikes throughout the year; rather, their testosterone and cortisol levels
sources of stress, and there are clear differences in how stress affects an- are associated with presence of other groups or solitary males [42]. In
imals in a social hierarchy. In some species, the subordinate animals ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), the faecal testosterone levels are
show higher levels of stress; in contrast, there are others, like the chim- more closely associated with aggression during the mating season,
panzees, in which the higher ranked animals are more stressed than when social challenges are frequent, than during the most stable period
those in the lower ranks [31]. Captive rhesus monkeys and feral baboon that precedes mating; besides, faecal testosterone and aggression rate
groups also show higher stress in high-ranked individuals, but for differ- are correlated in the days of and the day after estrus, but not in the
ent reasons than chimpanzees. While chimpanzees have to assert their two days that preceded it. Along with the data from olive baboons,
dominance physically and constantly, captive rhesus macaques and these findings reinforced the importance of the “Challenge Hypothesis”
feral baboons have periods of high social instability, which threatens as a relevant phenomenon in the behaviour of nonhuman primates [43].
the dominant males. Conversely, a considerable part of these studies Mantled howler monkeys show much lower rates of aggression than
was performed with captive animals. It is worth noting that the etholo- lemurs, rhesus monkeys and chimpanzees [44], but studies with this
gy of aggression in nonhuman primates and its neuroscience are hard to species also corroborate the Challenge Hypothesis. Cristóbal-Azkarate
conciliate, since there are many behavioural differences in captive and and colleagues [44] collected faeces from free-ranging resident males
wild animals. For instance, both cortisol and testosterone not only to measure testosterone levels in relation to the number and density
show high inter-individual differences, but are also influenced by the of solitary males. Interestingly, the testosterone levels of resident
circadian rhythm and environmental factors. males were higher independently of their rank, and the levels were as-
Generally, elevated stress affects cortisol secretion, which is known to sociated with the number and density of solitary males. These findings
have an impact on aggression when associated with high levels of suggest that the appearance of new male in the group had the potential
testosterone. Cortisol and testosterone are produced by two antagonical to negatively affect the reproductive success of all males.
axes: the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) and the hypothalamic– Testosterone is rather associated with competitive behaviours and
pituitary–gonadal (HPG), respectively, which inhibit each other at dominance than aggression [7]. A study conducted by Steklis and col-
different levels creating a complex mechanism that regulates aggressive leagues [45] with vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus)
behaviour in males [32]. Cortisol in particular is associated with the du- shows that not only the dominant males with higher serum testoster-
ration of stress; while acute stress can lead to higher cortisol levels, ani- one levels were also the ones who initiated aggressive encounters, but
mals subjected to chronic stress may not show alterations in the levels of also that the number of encounters won was highly associated with
the hormone [11]. In captive chimpanzees, Yamanashi and colleagues both aggressive initiation and overall aggression. This phenomenon is
[33] found a significant and positive correlation between the number known as the “winning effect”, in which individuals experiencing a re-
of aggressions received and hair cortisol concentrations. On the other ward from its overt aggressive behaviour tend to increase their rates
hand, in females of many species of callitrichids, the cortisol levels appear of agonistic behaviour [45]. Surprisingly, this study also discussed the
not to be associated with stress; instead, the main increase might be re- idea that testosterone is not directly associated with dominance; rather,
lated to endocrine status and reproductive events [34]. Wild common it is associated with the expression of aggressive behaviour in dominant
marmosets showed elevated cortisol levels during late pregnancy [35]. males.
The rise in cortisol levels during late pregnancy was also seen in a Measures of faecal androgens levels in wild male golden lion tama-
study with captive common marmosets; however, a direct comparison rins (Leontopithecus rosalia) have shown a much different context
of mothers (who have a dominant status) and daughters (who are than in other callitrichids. Since golden lion tamarins are cooperative
subordinates) showed no difference in cortisol levels of the two different breeders, subordinate males that are related to the dominant ones do
social statuses [36]. In a study with a non-callitrichid primate, the ring- not show lower levels of faecal androgens, but the cortisol levels of
124 R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135

the subordinate males were not significantly different from those of the than natal females of the same age, probably because natal females will
dominant ones. Another intriguing finding regarding cortisol levels was emigrate from the group when they reach sexual maturity and, there-
that it tends to drop in individual males when another male moved out fore, are not long-term competitors to the local females.
of the natal group and into a breeding position [46]. Therefore, even Since chimpanzee females emigrate from their natal groups and are
though there is a social hierarchy in the golden lion tamarin males, it targets of physical aggression when entering new groups, it is not un-
is not particularly stressful to neither the dominant and subordinate reasonable to wonder how this particular reproductive strategy evolved
males. as the main behaviour for females. The answer to this puzzling question
Housing conditions in captive primates are also a factor that regu- lies in male protection of immigrant females. When a female reaches
lates aggressive behaviour. Animals subjected to poor conditions during sexual maturity, their genitals swell, which signals to males that they
captivity have shown abnormal aggression, including self-injuring be- are sexually available. While females from other communities are
haviour [47]. Even though pairing is a way to keep the animal healthier, often attacked by males from different communities [56], immigrant fe-
sometimes the pairing attempts of animals that were kept in single males are protected from the resident ones by males, creating a conflict
cages can result in displays of aggression that might lead to severe of interest between resident females, who suffer from increased compe-
wounds or even death of one of the animals, among other dysfunctional tition, and resident males who benefit from increased mating opportu-
behaviours [48]. The self-injurious behaviour is a signal of stress, and it nities [57].
is very hard to stop or revert once it starts [49]. However, Weed and col- Rhesus monkeys are the most despotic of the macaques, showing in-
leagues [50] used socialisation as a treatment for this dysfunctional be- teractions of highly asymmetrical dominance even in the wild, and are
haviour in a rhesus monkey, since neither environmental enrichment naturally aggressive [58], showing even higher levels of aggression in
nor changes to the physical environment proved to be effective. captivity. High-ranking females are more likely to be involved in mild
aggression to assert their dominance. However, intense aggression
2.2. Sex differences does not seem to play this role, as high-ranking females were not
more involved in cases of severe aggression than the low-ranking fe-
Aggression is a much more common phenomenon in males than it is males [58]. Interestingly, both male and female macaques showed
in females due to stronger intrasexual competition and higher payoffs of lower levels of aggression when the enclosures had grass cover instead
escalated aggression [51]. However, reproductive success is also impor- of gravel, even during the breeding season. Since rhesus macaques are
tant for females, as well as greater access to resources, and females can very aggressive in the wild, and the physical limitation of space in cap-
also show intense aggression. Female common marmosets (Callithrix tivity exacerbates this behaviour, changing the ground cover of the en-
jacchus) were reported to kill other females' infants [52], and female closure might be a simple way to reduce the potential damage caused
chimpanzees have been reported to intensely attack immigrant females by aggressive outbursts to the communities of captive rhesus.
and even steal or kill other females' babies [51]. Female chimpanzees High ranked rhesus macaques females show differences in the sero-
leave their natal groups when they reach sexual maturity, and even tonergic function when compared to low ranking females [59]. Females
though female–female aggression is a rare event, the immigrants are with higher ranks exhibited higher levels of serotonin metabolite, 5-
regularly attacked by the local females [53]. hydroxy-indoleic acid (5-HIAA), in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) than
Even though female aggression directed towards males is much less lower ranking females, and CSF baselines could be used to predict the
common in species were the higher-ranked individuals are males, there acquisition of social rank. The concentrations also demonstrated to be
are reports of such phenomenon. One particular study carried out by stable over time, even in stressful conditions. These results suggest
Setchell and colleagues [54] describes a very violent cooperative attack that adult females show a stable, individual predisposition in the re-
of the females in a semi-free ranging of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) to- sponse of CNS serotonin (5-HT) and catecholamines.
wards the alpha of the group after he was injured in a fight against an- The effects of estradiol (E2), the primary hormone related to sexual
other male. This data shows that even though males dominate the traits in females, on serum oxytocin, which largely influences pair bond-
group and assume a higher-rank position, females can still interfere on ing, maternal care and other social behaviours [60], in females are mod-
the hierarchy of the group by actively excluding, and even killing, un- ified by their social status and by polymorphisms in the serotonin
wanted males from the group. Additionally, not only the majority of transporter genes [61]. E2's role in the regulation of social behaviours
the group did not interfere in the attack, but also when one of the is, in part, likely related to its modulation of 5-HT neural system by in-
males tried to intervene, the females chased him away. creasing 5-HT synthesis and modulating 5-HT reuptake transporter
Females also have a hierarchical structure that affects their food ac- [61]. This is similar to what happens in males, where testosterone is re-
cess, and, therefore, their offspring survivability [55]. This has been re- lated to the serotonergic metabolism [62] and acts in the orbitofrontal
ported in several different research sites, such as Gombe, Kanyawara, region of the prefrontal cortex, reducing the mRNA levels of the seroto-
Mahale and Tai [55], but in each place, high-ranking females had differ- nin receptors and the serotonin turnover in the medial prefrontal cortex
ent advantages. In Tai, females associate at high levels, and high-ranking [63]. These findings regarding the role of both serotonin and estradiol
females win more contests over food items; in Kanyawara, the high- align with what is found in humans.
ranked females have access to the crowns of the trees, where the best
fruits are located. High-ranking females also have preferential access 2.3. Perspectives
to areas with higher food productivity and can inhibit their use by sub-
missive females. Finally, they are more efficient at defending high- The ethological work with aggression in nonhuman primates can
quality core areas. help us understand the behaviour of our ancestors, our neurological
Kahlenberg and colleagues [53] evaluated the hypothesis that fe- foundations to develop aggressive behaviour and the strategies that
males do not contest for access to shared food patches; rather, they the human species developed to cope with aggression in large groups.
compete to occupy the parts of the home range that facilitate long- While chimpanzees and bonobos are well studied, searching the
term access to preferred food sources. Their results showed that high- keywords “orangutan AND aggression” in three highly renowned data-
ranked females indeed occupied better neighbourhoods than lower- bases will yield thirteen results on Scopus, nine results on PubMed and
ranked females and that rank increased with age. As a result, even eleven results on Web of Science, showing the scarcity of studies in the
though females are not physically aggressive, they are very competitive, area. There are many dangers of working with apes, specifically with
and competition has a significant influence on the reproductive success highly aggressive ones such as orangutans, but it is worth noting that
of females. They will, however, use physical aggression against immi- knowledge of how orangutans behave in the wild has a major impact
grant females. Immigrant females receive significantly more aggression on how they have to be treated in captivity. Orangutans are also
R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135 125

“endangered” according to the IUCN red list on their website (www. There is also a functional categorisation, which is useful to under-
iucnredlist.org), which increases the urgency of ethological studies stand the psychopathological and neurobiological determining factors
with this species. There are many limitations to these works, but they of human aggressiveness. Therefore, the type of aggression that is com-
should not be seen as impediments; rather, they are opportunities to monly related to an excess or lack of emotional sensitivity [106,107] can
develop new methodologies that assess, both directly and indirectly, be classified as either impulsive (or reactive) or instrumental (or proac-
the levels of neurotransmitters and their influences on the mechanisms tive) aggression [108–110]. Impulsive aggression is defined as a hostile
underlying aggressive behaviour. Neurological research on primates, al- act in response to a stimuli perceived as threatening or frustrating [111].
beit hard to conduct due to behavioural and ethical reasons, is of major This type of aggression has a strong emotional component and high
importance to understanding the evolution of human aggression on a autonomic arousal [109], besides being associated with low impulse
neural basis. control [112,113] and a biased perception of hostility [114]. When im-
pulsive aggression is disproportional in relation to the triggering stimu-
3. Human aggression lus, it is considered an important psychopathological symptom and
plays a critical role in several psychiatric disorders [115], e.g. in ASPD
Human aggression is a heterogeneous behaviour, influenced by sev- and BPD [116,117]. In contrast, instrumental aggression is a deliberately
eral environmental and biological factors. These factors can have adap- planned behavioural pattern to attain a goal, and whose actions tend to
tive benefits or negative impacts as well as anti-social characteristics [2, be premeditated and controlled [118–120]. This type of agonist behav-
64,65]. Aggressive behaviours are associated with adjustment problems iour is related to the occurrence of delinquency, crime, lack of remorse
and several psychopathological symptoms such as Antisocial Personali- and dominance [87,121,122], but also associates with social compe-
ty Disorder (ASPD) [66,67], Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) tence [108,123] and leadership [106]. Psychopathy, described as a pat-
[68–70], Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [71,72], In- tern of high occurrence of violent and manipulative behaviours, is
termittent Explosive Disorder (IED) [73], Schizophrenia [74,75], and Bi- frequently considered a pathological expression of instrumental aggres-
polar Mood Disorder (BMD) [76,77]. Some of these disorders have sion [124] besides the lack of remorse and empathy [118]. In this func-
different incidences for men and women [78–80], but gender differ- tional categorisation, males once again tend to show higher levels of
ences are also observed in non-pathological manifestations of aggres- aggression in both dimensions, regardless of the age group [91]. Howev-
sive behaviours [2]. This means that gender plays an important role in er, the aggression level of females is also considered to be high, with dif-
human aggression [4,81–83], and there are several theoretical models ferences that are not always significant between genders, mainly for
that seek to explain this sexual dimorphism among such distinct cul- impulsive aggression [83,125]. Regardless of the type of aggression, bio-
tures [84–86]. Therefore, the knowledge of different types of aggression logical and environmental factors should be considered.
helps to understand the characteristics underlying gender differences
related to aggressive behaviour. 3.2. Peripheral hormones

3.1. Types of aggressive behaviour Several lines of research have sought to explain the gender differ-
ences in aggression based on hormonal physiology, which presents
Aggression can take a variety of forms; thus, several classifications markedly varied patterns for each gender [126–128,60]. Sex steroid
and dimensions have been proposed to estimate such differences hormones can play a key role in the manifestation and development
[87–90]. A classification often used for human aggression is the way in of agonist behaviours [1,129,130]. Testosterone is considered to be the
which it is expressed and can be subdivided into direct and indirect ag- main androgenic hormone, and it is consistently associated with aggres-
gressions. While the first is characterised by physical or verbal behav- sive behaviour [7,131–133], even in children and adolescents [130,134].
iour intended to cause harm to someone [83,91], the second one is Likewise, early or atypical pre-natal exposure to androgenic steroids can
characterised by a behaviour intended to harm social relations of an in- also have an impact on the development of aggressive behaviour [130,
dividual or a group [83,88,91]. A significant part of the data on gender 135–138], particularly in girls [5]. Experimental studies have shown
differences in human aggression is based on this classification of both that supraphysiological levels of testosterone increase the manifesta-
types of aggression. tion of aggression [139–142], while correlation studies associate
Many studies have found differences in aggression types in males testosterone with greater impulsiveness [143,144], greater responsive-
and females. Men tend to have a greater propensity for physical and di- ness of neural circuits related to social aggression [145] and anger
rect aggression, while women tend to use indirect and verbal aggression [146–149]. However, these results are not evenly found in all studies
[88,92–96]. Moreover, there is evidence for a greater discrepancy be- [117,150].
tween genders in school-aged children than in adults [83,93,97], though More than aggression, testosterone is strongly related to dominance
there are no differences between genders in preschool-aged children behaviour and context of victory in both men and women [5,87,131,
[98]. Male children and teenagers are more inclined to express direct ag- 149,151–153]. For men, winning in a competitive situation tends to
gressive behaviour, especially of the physical type, while girls tend to increase testosterone levels compared to defeat, but this pattern has
use indirect aggression and most frequently express social rejection not been observed in women [38,151,154,155]. These studies support
[92,95,96,99]. However, empirical studies and meta-analyses do not the idea of the winner effect in humans, i.e. there is an increase in ag-
completely sustain this hypothesis, since several results point towards gressiveness and readiness for new confrontations in men that win a
little or no difference between genders for indirect aggression [83,84, competition, and this effect is highly modulated by the testosterone re-
97,100]. Furthermore, the female indirect aggression is associated activity after a victory [38,155,156]. Therefore, it can be assumed that
with the data collection method used [101]. However, such studies testosterone is a factor associated with the escalation of aggressiveness
strongly corroborate the male effect towards direct aggression. This among men, with relevant impact in a competitive context, though this
type of aggression is associated with externalising problems, difficulties is not necessarily true for women [127].
in relationships with peers and low prosocial behaviour, on the other The role of testosterone is not fully established in human aggression,
hand, indirect aggression is associated with internalising issues and a given that several studies have found a weak or inconsistent association
high level of prosocial behaviour [95,101–103]. Moreover, research on among these variables, in addition to large individual variations for both
this approach has mainly focused on direct aggression (e.g., [104, genders [5,87,157,158]. This can be explained, in part, by the modulat-
105]), and this can bias or undervalue data on female aggression [101, ing effect of cortisol [87,159,160]. Cortisol is the main GC hormone
102], since this may have evolved to be indirect and physically less secreted by humans [161], and chronically elevated levels of this hor-
dangerous [4]. mone can suppress gonad function and synthesis of androgenic steroids
126 R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135

[162]. Reduced levels of cortisol are related to greater aggressiveness 3.3. Neurobiological mechanisms
[163], and psychopathic behaviour is related to HPA axis dysfunction
[164–167]. Some studies suggest that testosterone elicits an increase The neural basis of aggression has consistently been established in
in aggressiveness [159,160] and competitiveness [168] when combined recent years. Cerebral regions and neurotransmitters, and their connec-
with a low level of cortisol. Indeed, the ratio of testosterone and cortisol tion with several genes, hormones, and psychiatric disorders, previously
can regulate social aggression [32,145]. Also, dehydroepiandrosterone identified in animal models or in studies of lesions, have also been in-
(DHEA), which is essentially a direct precursor of testosterone, can be vestigated in healthy people. Among cortical structures, the Prefrontal
notably relevant for the manifestation of aggressiveness [169], especial- Cortex (PFC) is the region that is most extensively associated with im-
ly when the levels of testosterone are low [129,170]. High levels of pulsive aggression in humans [195,196]. The PFC plays a central role
DHEA and/or its circulating sulphate form (DHEAS) are correlated in the control of behaviours, in driving towards a defined goal and in
with the following: severity of aggressive events [171,172], antisocial the decision-making process [197,198]. A study showed that patients
behaviour [173], increased aggression in healthy children [174], as with ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) lesions had a greater probability of
well as in boys [172] and girls [175] presenting conduct disorder. having verbal conflicts and showing aggressiveness when compared
The relationship between hormones and aggression is not fully un- to patients with lesions in other cerebral areas and a control group
derstood in women compared to men. The inconsistency in the data devoid of lesions [199]. In the same study, specific lesions on the
on the relationship between female aggression and androgenic steroids Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC), the region implicated in auto-regulation
may be explained by the major focus of research on measurement of and impulse control [200], were associated with higher aggression
physical aggression, which may underestimate female aggression. scores. Men with ASPD have shown changes in the OFC, in the Anterior
Cashdan [127] found greater probability of women with higher levels Cingulate Cortex (ACC), in the Insula and in the Amygdala [201–204].
of androstenedione, a precursor of sex hormones, to show competitive- Likewise, patients with BPD [205,206] and IED [73] also presented atyp-
ness through verbal aggression. It was also shown that there was no re- ical function characteristics in these regions. Neuroimaging studies have
lationship between androgenic steroids and physical aggression. This confirmed a dysfunction [73,119,124,207–211] and reduction of the
study also indicated that women with higher levels of estradiol had volume [201,203,204,212,213] of the OFC, ACC and vmPFC in people
less competitive interactions. Of note, the ovarian production of testos- with aggressive behaviour. In general, testosterone has been observed
terone, androstenedione and DHEAS reaches the highest levels during to alter OFC function [145,214–216], which can increase impulsive ag-
the intermediate period of the menstrual cycle, producing almost gression [207]. This is a possible explanation for the escalation of aggres-
twice the amount of androstenedione than the adrenal glands, besides sion caused by the secretion of testosterone after achieving success in a
all variations in estrogenic hormones [176]. Progesterone, on the other competition, i.e. the increase of testosterone decreases OFC activity, and
hand, can interfere with HPA axis function [177–179] and influence ag- consequently, increases the predisposition to react aggressively in fu-
gressive behaviour and emotional lability [78,180]. This may contribute ture competitions.
directly to the controversy of results regarding female aggression and There has been growing evidence supporting the amygdala function
hormonal secretion. as one of the most important regions for aggression in humans [217].
In this context, both oxytocin and vasopressin are implicated in sex- The amygdala, which is involved in the processing of biologically rele-
typical behaviour [60,181]. Studies with animal models have demon- vant stimuli and emotional reactions [218], and the PFC are reciprocally
strated the key role of vasopressin upon aggressive behaviour [182]. connected [219,220]. The OFC regulates the amygdala activity [221],
There is a positive association between vasopressin levels and rates of which is also influenced by sex steroids [126]. Testosterone increases
aggression and impulsivity, having distinct effects on males and females the neural activity in the amygdala [146,215,222] and hinders its
[183,184]. Additionally, treatment with the V1a vasopressin receptor connectivity with the OFC [214,216]. On the other hand, cortisol has
antagonist decreases aggression in a dose-dependent manner [182]. an inverse correlation with amygdala activation [223]. In other words,
On the other hand, these effects of vasopressin may depend on personal the testosterone/cortisol ratio can increase the bottom-up reaction
characteristics, such as gender, age and prior social experiences, and on (i.e., emphasising amygdala activation) and impair the top-down con-
the type of aggression [183,184]. The scarce human studies on vasopres- trol (reducing the inhibitory action of the OFC and ACC) of impulsive ag-
sin suggest social effects similar to those found in animal research. Data gression. It is important to highlight that amygdala activation can be an
from diverse populations have supported the notion that vasopressin indirect consequence of lack of inhibitory control of the OFC [214]; how-
influences the sexual dimorphism in aggression [185,186]. These stud- ever, the direct action of androgenic receptors, present in the PFC [224]
ies have also confirmed that these relations differ for specific types of and in the amygdala [225], still requires further elucidation in humans.
aggression. A non-clinical study showed that intranasally delivered Indeed, testosterone exerts its main action through intracellular andro-
vasopressin differentially affected facial motor patterns in men and genic receptors, although it can also be metabolised to androstenediol,
women [181]. In this experiment, the vasopressin enhanced agonistic which modulates the GABAA receptors [226,227] (Fig. 1).
and affiliative types of responses towards unfamiliar same-sex faces in There is a relevant sexual dimorphism in the cerebral structures pre-
men and women, respectively. A possible explanation suggests that viously mentioned [228,229]. Evidence has supported the fact that pro-
there is a sex difference in the distribution of vasopressin receptors gesterone influences amygdala reactivity, with an inverted “U” shaped
[187]. Yet, men would have higher vasopressin levels than women relation. This hormone increases the amygdala reactivity in intermedi-
[188]. It is not completely clear, however, the relationship that vaso- ate doses and decreases it in higher doses, it also emphasises the
pressin has with sex steroids on human aggressive behaviour, although amygdala–PFC connectivity; however, in this case the interconnection
it has been seen that androgenic hormones can strongly influence the with the medial PFC is more affected, which is different from the pattern
vasopressin receptor binding [187,189,190], and that the vasopressin related to testosterone [126,216]. Disruptions in the PFC–amygdala con-
induction of aggression is dependent on the presence of testosterone nections are associated with many psychiatric disorders [230–232] and
[191]. Finally, vasopressin influences the HPA axis, mediating the violent acts [73,208,233]. It is worth emphasising that progesterone also
adrenocorticotropic hormone release, acting synergistically with influences GABAA receptors through its metabolite allopregnanolone
corticotropin-releasing hormone function [192,193]; GC can inhibit [234,235]. Other structures of the limbic system, such as the hippocam-
the vasopressin synthesis and release [194], but these relationships on pus and the hypothalamus, are also highly relevant for aggressive be-
aggressiveness have been mostly neglected. Hormone–neuropeptide haviour, but causal studies in humans are still scarce.
interactions on sex differences in social behaviours have received Similar to data found in preclinical studies, human aggression is re-
more attention only recently; thus, much needs to be elucidated regard- lated to the inhibitory action of the GABA neurotransmitter. Alcohol is
ing how it influences human aggressiveness. a positive allosteric modulator of the GABAA receptor [236], and its
R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135 127

Fig. 1. Steroid hormones and the neurobiology of human aggression. Aggressive behaviour is determined by a cascade of physiological changes, which includes GABAergic and serotonergic
systems, as well as sexual neurosteroids, resulting in amygdala hyperactivation and hypofunction of prefrontal cortex structures (i.e., ventromedial prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex
and anterior cingulated cortex) responsible for impulse control. Hormones play a key role in human aggression. Intermediate levels of progesterone, high levels of testosterone and low
levels of cortisol are key factors for aggression. The effect of the positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors is associated with aggressive behaviours. Intermediate levels of
allopregnanolone and high levels of androstenediol, both endogenous positive modulators of GABAA receptors, can increase aggressiveness. Furthermore, GC can reduce the manifestation
of aggressive behaviour caused by the positive modulators of the GABAA receptor. Decreased serotonergic activity can lead to aggressive behaviour in humans. The density of 5-HT1A re-
ceptors is associated with aggression, mainly with a decrease of its density in the prefrontal cortex and an increase in the raphe nuclei.

recreational intake or abuse often increases the occurrence of aggressive differences in aggression; however, these results still need to be demon-
behaviours [237–239]. This also occurs with most benzodiazepines strated in humans.
when not administered in high doses [240,241]. However, benzodiaze- Stress can be another decisive factor for the sensitivity of the GABAA
pines are also an important class of drugs known for their sedative and receptor to the effects of positive modulators. It has been demonstrated
tranquillizer properties [242,243], and are extensively used to restrain in animal models that corticosterone (the main GC secreted by rodents
violent patients [244,245]. Bond and colleagues [246] showed that, [161]) reduces the manifestation of aggressive behaviour caused by the
even among patients that reported a perceptual decrease in hostility positive modulators of the GABAA receptor, including the benzodiaze-
after eight weeks of treatment with alprazolam, there was an increase pines and allopregnanolone [255]. In fact, there is evidence associating
in aggressive responses during a behavioural task. These apparently the luteal phase in patients with PMDD with deregulation of the HPA
controversial results are explained by a dose-dependent action of axis [178,249]. In a study performed by Kirschbaum and colleagues
these substances on the GABAA receptor, with moderate levels being re- [177], it was observed that, during the luteal phase, women presented
lated to aggression [247,248]. The paradoxical effect of the endogenous similar secretion levels of cortisol compared to men in response to a
positive modulators of GABAA receptor has been studied recently, and stressful event. These levels were different from those of women in
several hypotheses have been raised to explain these findings. the follicular phase and women using oral contraceptives. Moreover,
Allopregnanolone is the most abundant and efficient endogenous stressful events increase the levels of allopregnanolone [234]. These
positive modulator of the GABAA receptor [234,235] and women with findings might help to elucidate the modulation action of cortisol in tes-
premenstrual dysphoria, besides having low levels of allopregnanolone tosterone associated-aggression [159,160,207], given the fact that tes-
during the luteal phase [249–251], still exhibit decreased GABAA recep- tosterone can modulate the GABAA receptor [226]. These results lead
tor sensitivity [252,253]. The order of magnitude for severe or moderate to a hypothesis regarding the role of GC in inhibitory feedback for the
symptoms in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), generally asso- escalation of aggressive behaviour. This means that the GC levels rise
ciated with irritability and emotional instability [251], is proportional to after a conflict and can interfere with the endogenous positive modula-
that observed in people who are also severely or moderately susceptible tors of the GABAA receptors, and consequently, reduce impulsive ag-
to the paradoxical effects of positive modulators of the GABAA receptor gression. In addition, this hypothesis can explain the violent behaviour
[254]. This effect suggests an inverted “U” shaped relation [248], as well of psychopathic individuals because the HPA axis is dysfunctional in
as the amygdala reactivity pattern seen for progesterone [126]. More- these persons, and it can escalate aggression because of a failure in
over, the serum concentration of allopregnanolone and the administra- this inhibitory feedback mechanism.
tion of medroxyprogesterone and natural progesterone follow this The serotonergic system is the focus of many lines of research on
same biphasic pattern for the manifestation of negative moods in aggression and is certainly one of the most important neurotransmitters
women [254]. In rodents, the mRNA expression of 5α-reductase(I), an in the manifestation of this type of behaviour. Traditionally, dysfunction
enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of allopregnanolone, is of 5-HT activity is related to increased levels of impulsiveness [71,
negatively regulated by the chronic administration of testosterone pro- 256–258] and aggressiveness [259,260]. It has been shown that the
pionate in several corticolimbic structures, especially the amygdala use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) has a significant
[247]. This data suggests that testosterone reduces the biosynthesis of clinical effect in reducing violent behaviour [261–263], and psychiatric
allopregnanolone, and it could be a determining factor in gender patients with a history of aggression usually have changes in serotonergic
128 R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135

neurotransmission [117,257,258,264]. A meta-analysis performed by of the amygdala and hippocampus. An impairment of the amygdala–OFC
Moore and colleagues [265] concluded that the 5-HT metabolite (5- connectivity, which occurred only in men with low MAOA expression,
HIAA) level in the cerebrospinal fluid was consistently low in people was also observed. Experimental studies have confirmed that low
with antisocial behaviour, regardless of psychiatric disorder or gender. MAOA activity can predict the occurrence of impulsive aggression as a re-
However, recent studies support the idea that the serotonergic action action to a provocation [291], which can be explained by hypersensitivity
can also be positively associated with aggressiveness [266,267]. to negative social experiences [292]. Transversal and prospective results
The activation and distribution of different serotonergic receptors corroborate the deleterious effects of low MAOA activity in males, espe-
are relevant for their effect on aggressiveness [268]. The presynaptic cially when it co-occurs with stressful events in childhood [287,289,
somatodendritic 5-HT1A receptors are located in the 5-HT neurones of 293–296]. The MAOA gene is located on the X chromosome [297], causing
the raphe nuclei and postsynaptically in several brain regions, such as a male hemizygous for this gene. Then, the sexual differences in the man-
the PFC, amygdala and hippocampus [267,269]. This receptor inhibits ifestation of agonist behaviour related to low MAOA activity could be
the activity of target neurones and is abundantly expressed in the PFC explained by the X chromosome inactivation in women, a characteristic
[269]. In people with a high level of aggression, there is a greater density that can exacerbate sexual dimorphism [298]. Research on the influence
of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in the PFC, including OFC, vmPFC, and of MAOA has been particularly relevant for the understanding of gene–
ACC [270], regions related with impulse control. Several studies have environment interaction, since the role of this enzyme is linked to emo-
corroborated that the density of the 5-HT transporter (5HTT), as well tional processing, and occurrence of early exposure to stress leads to an
as induction of serotonergic stimulation, are associated with changes unfavourable prognosis associated with violence in MAOAL allele carriers
in the OFC, vmPFC and ACC in aggressive patients [271–274]. In general, [287,294].
the cingulated cortex is the cerebral region with the highest density of Similar findings have been reported when investigating the role of
serotonergic receptors [275]. the functional polymorphism related to the 5-HT transporter. The 5-
There is not much evidence supporting the direct role of 5-HT in HT transporter gene (5HTTLPR), which is responsible for low transcrip-
gender differences regarding manifestation of aggression in humans tional activity, and consequently, decreased 5-HT reuptake, has been as-
[265]. However, the serotonergic action in aggressive behaviour can sociated with the occurrence of violent acts [296,299,300]. Other studies
be regulated by the concentration of sex steroids [270,276]. It is impor- have observed that HTTLPR carriers have decreased ACC and amygdala
tant to highlight that the use of an SSRI can increase the levels of volumes, in addition to connectivity impairment among these struc-
allopregnanolone and attenuate aggression induced by testosterone tures [301], as well as higher amygdala activity in response to emotional
propionate, even with the use of doses incapable of inhibiting the stimuli [302]. Furthermore, it has been shown that violent individuals
reuptake of 5-HT [247,277]. Variation in the levels of sex hormones have a lower availability of 5HTT in the ACC region [274]. However,
during the menstrual cycle is followed by changes in the distribution these results are still incipient and inconclusive for humans. The same
of 5-HT1A receptors [270]. In addition, the use of an SSRI induces an is true for the polymorphism effects of the tryptophan hydroxylase en-
increase of cortisol in people with high levels of aggression [278]. Also, zyme, which has also inconsistently been associated with human ag-
5-HT precursors stimulate the secretion of cortisol, as well as several gression, and more empiric evidence is required [303].
drugs, including the 5-HT1A receptor agonists [279–281]. On the other
hand, a high secretion of cortisol can interfere with the serotonergic sys- 3.5. Perspectives
tem, reducing tryptophan through its interaction with tryptophan
pyrrolase, the main enzyme that metabolises tryptophan [282]. In fact, Gender is a factor that plays a key role in human aggression. Crimes
low levels of 5-HT, when associated with a high testosterone/cortisol and violent acts have a high prevalence in males [303]. However, social
ratio, can predict the manifestation of aggressive behaviour [32]. Like- and cultural aspects may significantly interfere with the distinct expres-
wise, pharmacological and neurobiological findings suggest an interac- sion of aggressiveness [86]. For example, a high population density,
tion between 5-HT and vasopressin in control of aggression [182,283]. when associated with a decrease of available resources, might be a sig-
An increase in 5-HT yields a fall in vasopressin levels in the anterior nificant intervening variable for the occurrence of violent acts [304].
and ventrolateral hypothalamus, along with aggression [185,284]. In Moreover, physical punishment, maladaptive parenting and social isola-
animal models, many brain regions associated with aggressiveness are tion can negatively influence the development of aggressive behaviour
known to contain 5-HT and vasopressin activities, like the hypothala- in children [287,305]. Gene–environment interactions are critical for
mus [284], amygdala, PFC and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis the establishment of pathological aggressiveness [306]. There are
(BNST) [283], which has a role in gender and sex-typical behaviour: other factors that can also influence human aggressive behaviour and
human BNST has a clear sex dimorphism [285]. However, these findings hinder the comprehension of mechanisms underlying gender differ-
are incipient to humans, and further studies in this area are definitely ences. The role of the dopaminergic system, which interacts with 5-HT
warranted. [115] and can be modulated directly or indirectly by steroid hormones
[307–309], needs to be properly tested in humans. Similarly, the aroma-
3.4. Genetic bases tase activity in the conversion of testosterone into estradiol requires
empiric evidence to corroborate its function in human aggression.
Many studies approach the genetic influences related to the seroto- In summary, human aggression can be considered a relevant
nergic system, as well as the other monoamines, on impulsive aggres- evolutionary adaptation for survival and social interaction for both gen-
sion and emotional regulation. Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) is an ders, though, when the reaction is disproportionate to the triggering
enzyme involved in the degradation of monoamines, especially 5-HT stimulus, it can be considered antisocial and maladaptive. Aggressive
[286]. The allele responsible for low expression of MAOA (MAOAL) is behaviour is determined by a cascade of physiological changes, which
epidemiologically correlated with a higher probability of the occurrence includes serotonergic, GABAergic, and dopaminergic systems, as well
of aggression and impulsive behaviour [287–289]. A magnetic resonance as several neurosteroids, resulting in amygdala hyperactivation and
neuroimaging study showed structural and functional corticolimbic hypofunction of PFC structures responsible for impulse control. The un-
alterations related to the MAOAL genotype [290]. Meyer-Lindenberg derstanding of the physiological basis and behavioural determinants of
and colleagues [290] showed a decrease in the cingulate cortex, insula different types of aggression is fundamental for the establishment of
and hypothalamus volumes, a hyperactivation of the amygdala and a procedures that could minimise the personal and social harm caused
hypoactivation of the cingulate cortex and OFC in MAOAL allele carriers by violent acts. However, findings based on gender patterns and mani-
for both genders. Moreover, this study provided evidence for an impor- festations of human aggression are still emerging and require further
tant gender effect, i.e. an increase in the OFC volume and hyperactivation research.
R.M.M. de Almeida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 143 (2015) 121–135 129

4. Conclusions behaviours. The comprehension of the different mechanisms underly-

ing aggression in each gender has grown substantially in the last de-
This review aimed to provide an overview of behavioural, neurobio- cades, and it is a matter of both clinical and ecological importance.
logical and hormonal bases of sex-related differences in aggressive be- Clinically, the elucidation of the physiological pathways associated
haviour (a brief summary is provided in Table 1). Converging evidence with aggression in men and women might allow for differential drug
has identified a key role for the interactions of neurotransmitters, treatments for each case, targeting specific molecules and receptors to
neuromodulators and hormonal systems in aggression and violent maximise efficiency. The knowledge from behavioural and molecular
research has been proven to be significant for improving the under-
Table 1 standing of the origins and determinants of aggression. Thus, here, we
A summary of the main effects of steroid hormones, neuromodulators and neurotransmit- highlighted the major contributions of sex neurosteroids to manifesta-
ters on sexually dimorphic aggressive behaviour. tions of sexual dimorphism of aggression in human and nonhuman pri-
Testosterone (androgenic hormone) mates, alongside with serotonin and GABA neurotransmissions and
genetic factors. However, more data on how these factors can affect
↑ Aggression (in high levels)
↑ Impulsivity and anger early in brain development, both directly or through their interactions
↑ Dominance and competitivity is warranted. Furthermore, the role of dopamine, vasopressin and
↑ Winner effect and readiness for confrontations oxytocin in this interaction issue, as well as the environmental contin-
↓ OFC activity gencies, may help to enhance understanding and expand their applica-
↑ Amygdala activity
↓ OFC–amygdala connectivity
tions for managing and more efficiently avoiding the social costs of
Can be metabolised to androstenediol aggression and violent acts.
↓ Biosynthesis of allopregnanolone

Progesterone (progestogenic hormone) References

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