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Writing A Research Article.
(Subject: Nursing Research And Statistics)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Sonia A Singh Jyoti sunar
Assistant professor MSc (N) 1st YEAR
Era College of Nursing Era College of Nursing
Lucknow Lucknow

Submitted on: / /

The research article provides a method for a researcher to communicate their result of their
research. A standard format is used for these articles, in which the author presents the
research in an orderly, logically manner.


Guidelines for writing research articles to publish in a professional scientific journal generally
vary from the journal to journal based on the manuscript guidelines followed by the particular

Most journals follow nearly the same format as follows:

1. Title page: Full title of the paper, which should be concise, informative, and generally not
exceeding 10-12 words. Title of the articles is followed by the name of the authors in the form
that publication should be provided. The degree of affiliation and full official address should be
on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. One of the authors should be designated to receive
correspondence, Who must take responsibility of keeping the other authors informed of the
progress of the paper.

2. Abstract: The abstract should be brief, concise, and factual, generally not exceeding 200
words in length. May be written in form of a paragraph consisting brief informations about the
introduction, objectives, basic methodology, main results, and conclusion. Otherwise concise
information may be provided under these headings keeping in mind the word limits. Abstract
must be followed by 3-5 keywords for indexing purpose.

3. Main text: Generally, a manuscript contains the 2500-3000 words, including the references.
The main text of the article should be divided into sections, with the headings as given below:

 Introduction: This section includes a brief description of background information, need of

study, and literature review.
 Objectives of the study.
 Materials and methods: This section includes a brief description of the research
methodology, which involves the research design, research setting, target population,
sampling technique, inclusion and exclusion criteria for the sample, sample size,
description of the research tools, reliability and validity of research tools, methods of data
collection, ethical consideration, and plan for data analysis.
 Results: This section includes the presentation of the analysed study results through tables,
illustrations, and brief descriptions.
 Discussion: This section presents the explanation of the results and findings, where the
researchers explain their research findings through critical analysis along with comparison
with other similar research findings.
 Conclusion and recommendations: This section of the article presents the summary of
what the researcher did and found. Also presents the recommendations based on factual
research findings.
 References: In most health science journals, the references are presented using the
Vancouver style of references.


Writing a research article accurately is important to publish our findings in a professional

scientific journal. It generally has three parts that is the title page, abstract and the main text.


The research article provides a method for a researcher to communicate their result of their
research. Although, the task of writing a scientific paper and submitting it to journal for
publication is a time consuming and often daunting task.


 Sharma. K. Suresh, “Nursing Research and Statistics”, 3 rd edition, Elsevier publications 2017,
page no. 409- 411

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