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Even before the Spanish colonization, the Filipinos has it’s own identity,

trading practices and culture. However, during the Spanish era these identity,
practices and cultures deteriorated and devolved because of the Spaniard’s
selfish policies, friar’s cruelty and crooked system of religion.

The three essays of Rizal emphasized the real causes of how Filipinos
disconnected to their past and embraced new set of foreign culture and
perspective that makes Filipinos to be degraded and insulted. In his essays,
Filipinos experienced sufferings, pain and even humiliated. It was Spanish
Colonization made the Filipinos to become uneducated, indolent, and
impoverished. They admire and praise the foreign, because of the promised
of the advancement of education and spreading of Christianity for the benefit
of the Filipinos. But what happened in the latter years the Spaniards abused
their powers they forced the Filipinos to work for them without being
compensated They made the Filipinos slaved in his own country with an
excessive taxes. These are the reason why Rizal wrote an essays to reveal
the current situation so that Filipinos open their eyes on whats the real
happening in the country.

Rizal mentioned in his essay about the Filipino women, he believes that
Filipino women has an integral part of the society. As a woman, she must be
strong willed and with high regards to herself. She must know, understand,
and take into action her rights and capabilities. As a wife and a mother, she
must be nurturing, tender and loving. She must teach her children the right
attitude, to value, protect and love his life, the lives of others and his country.
It is in home that defines a man and it is where the wives and mothers should

Native Filipinos are industrious and hardworking. Due to self-centered policies

levied by the Spaniards, the Filipinos lost their dignity, belittled themselves
and acquired destructive habits. During the colonization, Filipinos lost his self.
The poverty is increasing they don’t want to work instead they push into
gambling and believes in the miracle of God.They turned to be just individuals
and not as Filipinos, citizens of the Philippines. Indirectly and directly by force,
Spaniards instilled in their minds to be ignorant, self-doubting and weak. From
industrious and hardworking, Filipinos became puppets with no dignity.

With current state of the country and the Filipinos, Rizal remained to be
hopeful and expectant of the future. Rizal began to question Spain’s ability to
continue holding the country and controlling the Filipinos. Filipinos started to
resist and opened himself to progress. The spirit of nationalism started to
grow in every Filipino. Rizal wanted a reform because he wants fairness and
justice for every Filipinos.

These three essays of Rizal demonstrate the wrongful way of educational

system, the biased policies of the government and the improper teaching of
religion of the Spanish Colonization. Witnessing all of these, Rizal looking for
a solution to show his love for his nation for the unity of the Filipinos and
nationalism. With right education, proper implementation of the government
policies and understanding the religion and do good. In this case, Rizal
envisioned for a better country, a better Filipino. He still looking for the next
generation to grow, prosper and giving hope for the future

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