Mit Organizational Structure: Organizations Chart

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Organizations Chart

Figure 1. MIT Organizational Chart[ CITATION MIT20 \l 1033 ]

Type of Organizational Structure

MIT is a matrix type of organization with leaning towards a weak matrix

MIT's organizational structure is comprised mostly of functional managers. Deans who run the teaching for each of the
fields of study; this is an operational endeavour. It also has a large faculty staff. On the other hand, it has a relevant
"Vice President of Research" function, which I see as a Project Management Office that needs resources; professors
and students, from the Deans, and funds from the financial office. The influence of this office might be rather weak.
Nonetheless, MIT is an organization that praises itself for being innovative and research-oriented. It is one of the most
important contributors to technological advancement worldwide, which comes from their project pool. Its mission
statement refers: “The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge” [ CITATION
MIT201 \l 1033 ]. To me, “generating knowledge” means scientific project are part of their core.

MIT’s Culture
The culture at MIT is a culture of inclusion and openness, 32% of its students are from minorities, and 48% are
women. Even the president of the organization is not American, he is venezuelan.
MIT is proud of its educational system, and the results their graduates had provided to the world's advancement.
Innovation, discovery and passion for hard work are reflected in its motto "mens et manus" [ CITATION MIT201 \l
1033 ] (mind and hand), therefore creating a culture of healthy competition, and growth. Curiosity, also, seems to be
part of its culture due to the number of Nobel Laureates the organization has, 95. Finally, I believe it has an elitist
culture, based on the last admission scandal and the high tuition prices.

MIT. (2020, February 7th). About MIT. Retrieved from About MIT:

MIT. (2020, February 7th). MIT . Retrieved from MIT:

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