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Carmelite Monastery, Acquem, Margao 403 601


MARKS (60)
• Please answer as many as you can and submit it by 13th of December. After the due date entries will not be accepted.
• To answer the quiz, you may refer the book ‘ The Spiritual Doctrine of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity’ by M. M. Philipon O.P.
• If you want to get an e-copy of the book please WhatsApp - +918431753162. You can use the same number to send your answers. You can also
send your answers to
• Each quiz will have three winners and they will carry forward the points to the Mega Quiz. You will have a point for the participation.


1. St Elizabeth of the Trinity is the saint of
a. Mission b. Visions c. Mysticism d. Silence and Recollection

2. Love of silence leads to the silence of

a. faith b. love c. determination d. Trinity

3. What did she call as the little paradise

a. Mother’s lap b. Terrace c. Company of Sisters d. Her living room

4. Elizabeth composed a whole retreat to her sister to explain

a. the beauty of silence b. the joy of religious life c. finding her heaven on earth d. love of neighbour

5. She had a special devotion to …………………………whose teaching helped her a lot in interior silence
a. Teresa of Avila b. Joan of Arc c. Ignatius of Loyola d. Catherine of Sienna

6. My only practice is to enter………………. And to lose myself in Those who are there
a. silence b. carmel c. cell (room) d. within

7. I feel so much love upon my soul; it is like ………………into which I plunge and lose myself
a. an ocean b. a river c. water d. precious blood

8. Elizabeth lived and taught the doctrine of

a. nothingness b. love c. divine indwelling d. little way

9. Without ………………………., the soul is deserted

a. Trinity b. breath of God c. Love d. faith

10. He that cometh to God must believe that ………….

a. He is b. He can c. He will d. He might


1. She tried to escape once from the cloister.

2. One single soul raised to the state of transforming union is more useful to the church and to the world than a multitude
of others engaged in constant activity.
3. Elizabeth of the Trinity is the new woman doctor of the church. She was declared the doctor of the church by Pope
Benedict the XVI.
4. Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity is portrayed as Eager for silence under the influence of the grace received.
5. She was so beautiful and received many offers of marriage out of which two of the grooms she had liked.
6. In order to find out whether she was really advancing in the way of perfection, she kept a little notebook in which,
every evening, she marked down her victories and defects. Later, this notebook was published as the autobiography.
7. Elizabeth was very moody. It was very difficult to relate to her because of her mood fluctuations.
8. Elizabeth was forbidden to visit the Carmel for 8 years.
9. The indwelling of the Trinity is in the intellect.
10. ‘A praise of glory’ is first and foremost is an active and aggressive soul.
1. “The bell rang; gently and with a sweet smile, she resumed her silence. There was nothing stiff about her, but fidelity to
the Rule came before all else.”
2. “We do not come to Carmel to dream in the starlight! Go to God in faith.”
3. “With her temperament, Elizabeth Catez will be either a saint or a demon.”
4. “That child has a will of iron, she is determined to have what she wants.”
5. “You become holy quickly here.”
6. “Dear little sister, yes, let us be only one; Let us never be separated.”
7. “I wish a theologian would comment on her writings.”
8. “Do not forget to make your meditations on Friday, when you are ion the train it is a very good opportunity, as I
9. “Elizabeth of the Trinity knew the meaning of the Redemption.”
10. “I live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me! That is the dream of my Carmelite soul.”


1. Baptized in a. July 18, 1880 1=
2. Beatification b. April 19, 1891 2=
3. Canonization c. Retreat in January, 1899 3=
4. Died in d. August 2, 1901 4=
5. Entered Carmel e. November 21, 1904 5=
6. First communion f. Epiphany, 1903 6=
7. First mystical graces g. July 22, 1880 7=
8. She was born in Burges h. November 9, 1906 8=
9. Prayer to the Trinity i. November 24, 1984 9=
10. Profession j. October 16, 2016 10 =


1. Which Carmelite saint’s influence is dominant in the life and teaching of St Elizabeth of the Trinity?
2. How many years was she in Carmel?
3. What is the name of her sister?
4. Which two books of John of the Cross she had studied well?
5. Who was the prioress and novice mistress of Elizabeth?
6. Who was spiritual director and guide who helped her to understand the spiritual graces?
7. Who is another Dominican Priest who confirmed her spiritual graces from a theological standpoint?
8. Who was her favourite saint as mentioned in the questionnaire?
9. What is her ideal of sanctity?
10. What is the dominant trait in her character?


Admirabile commercium a. Blessed vision of pace 1=
Deus noster ignis consumens b. wonderful exchange 2=
Agendo Contra c. laudem Gloriae 3=
Elizabeth means d. the house of God 4=
Laudem Gloriae e. the great canticle 5=
Beata Pacis visio f. Without me, nothing. 6=
Canticum magnum g. The heart of Paul, the heart of Christ. 7=
Her new name in heaven h. Praise of His Glory 8=
Cor Pauli, Cor Christi i. Denying self 9=
Sine me, nihil j. Our God is a consuming fire 10 =

All The Best!

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