IJPR - Volume 18 - Issue 2 - Pages 1103-1116

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Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2019), 18 (2): 1103-1116

DOI: 10.22037/ijpr.2019.2389
Received: January 2017
Accepted: September 2017

Original Article

Supply Chain Challenges in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies:

Using Qualitative System Dynamics Methodology
Asiye Moosivanda, Ali Rajabzadeh Ghatarib* and Hamid Reza Rasekha

Department of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Management, School of


Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. bDepartment of

Industrial Management, School of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran, Iran.


In today’s competitive market environment, pharmaceutical companies have learned

that improving supply chain performance is critical to maintain competitive advantages.
Forecasting, planning, procurement, financing, stock levels, and marketing strategies are some
of the areas in which managers have to decide about them and balance their enter-related
effects simultaneously, to achieve organizational goals. This study is based on the results of
literature review, experts’ opinion acquisition, and qualitative system dynamics modeling. So,
according to method, triangular researches have been considered. The purpose of this research
is to explore pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) challenges and the dynamics behavior of
variables playing a special role in PSC. Also, it provides different policies to overcome the
challenges. For the first step to reach this goal, several semi-structured interviews with expert
supply chain managers are conducted to explore the main challenges. Inaccuracy in forecasting,
long lead times, lack of optimum target inventory, and high SC costs are the most important
PSC problems. Then, qualitative system dynamics methodology is used to demonstrate the
inter-relationship between variables that have impact on challenges. Finally, three strategic
policies are recommended including: Collaborative relationship with suppliers, Investment
in new technologies, and Information technology (IT) establishment. Consequently, the
results can give PSC managers a comprehensive view for decision making and bringing their
attention to the importance of feedback behavior of variables in long term and their effects on
organizational decisions and goals.

Keyword: Pharmaceutical supply chain; System dynamics; Performance; SCOR model;


Introduction demands, as well as increasing cost of

manufacturing and shipment (1). This condition
Recently, firms have been increasingly has led many companies to recognize the critical
interested in efficient supply chain management role of SCM to reach organizational goals via
(SCM), because they have met extreme speeding up innovations and product launching
competition. This is because of decreasing to the dynamic market, improving customer
product life cycle time, varying customer value, optimizing utilization of resources,
decreasing different types of costs such as
* Corresponding author: production, inventory, transportation, and so on,
E-mail: Alirajabzadeh@modares.ac.ir and increasing profitability (2). A supply chain
Moosivand A et al. / IJPR (2019), 18 (2): 1103-1116

as a dynamic process is usually described as a between several factors used in modeling tool.
forward flow of materials and a backward flow of In this study a wide spectrum of pharmaceutical
information and funds among multiple operating supply chain (PSC) challenges are discussed and
units both within and between chain members tried to determine the internal PSC problems and
(3). Because of rapid growth rate of technology the interrelationship between variables which
development, basic supply chain structure has affect PSC performance. The supply chain
been changed to supply chain network with operations reference (SCOR) model criteria was
more complex structure including a higher level used for classifying challenges and complicated
of interdependence and collaboration between relationships among various variables are shown
more entities. Supply chain networks can be used using qualitative SD modeling.
to highlight interactions between organizations;
they can also be used to show the flow of Literature Review
information and materials across organizations. Pharmaceutical supply chain challenges
Supply chain networks are designed with five With the increasing changes in business
key areas: inbound logistics (suppliers), internal environment, firms have to supply high quality
logistics (production), outbound logistics products, deliver fast responses, and make their
(distributors), demand sectors, and shipment dynamic competencies better. Particularly, the
assets (4). pharmaceutical industry is facing the same
In generic pharmaceutical industry, challenges that many other industries have
typical supply chains consist of the following experienced in the past. Only the firms that
components: manufacturing raw material, are eager to accept changes and improve their
manufacturing pharmaceuticals, distributing strategies will achieve long term success (9).
centers, retail pharmacies/hospitals, and The challenges that pharma companies
patients (5). Because of the economic changes, are involved in are complicated and have an
pharmaceutical industry member companies extensive range including political, economic,
have been trying to restructure their supply social, technical, and legal considerations. The
chains. The pharmaceutical business is a pharmaceutical industry is characterized as a
multipart enterprise accompanied by conflicting group of organizations, processes and actions,
purposes and several troublesome limitations. engaged in the invention, and innovation of
A highly regulated setting combined with the pharmaceuticals; furthermore PSC is made up of
life changing nature of the products describe the corporations to supply and deliver medications
pharmaceutical industry as a special challenging which have an important effect on customer
system (6). As Wang said: “the crucial aim of satisfaction (10).
SCM in pharma industry is to make the right Today, efficiency of R and D processes,
product, for the right customer, in the right products’ declining life cycle and patent life
amount, at the right time” (7). exclusivity, increasing generic competition,
Complicated activities in industrial processes production compliance, and costs, are some
are because of existing a multitude of variables of the major complications that pharmaceutical
and their non-linear dynamics. Also, developing companies encounter with them (9, 11). A
a systematic model to define such these study by Oliver Eitelwein shows that many
processes behavior is generally difficult or pharmaceutical companies have to enhance the
unfeasible (8). Several different methods have main supply chain sections including customer
been suggested for modeling supply chains. satisfaction, forecasting accuracy, inventory
Most of them are steady-state models based level, and total supply chain costs. Also, he
on constant conditions; however, static models states that the complex nature of products and
are not enough for dynamic specifications of processes are other important matters which
the supply chain due to oscillations, lead time can emerge from various number of causes: the
delays, sales forecasting, etc. Owing to this large finished good portfolio, wide variety of
reality, system dynamics (SD) method could be materials needed, distribution networks, high
a proper technique for displaying interactions investment cost and time of developing new

Supply Chain Challenges in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies

products, capacity constraints, and regulatory and business area, was chosen as a frame work
restrictions (12). in this research to study supply chain problems
in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.
Supply Chain challenges related SCOR In the SCOR model, supply chain activities
Perspectives are a series of connected inter-organizational
Like other industries, the supply chain processes containing five echelons: plan, source,
in pharmaceutical industry initiates with the make, deliver, and return. Each supply chain
sourcing of material for production. Active echelon has individual intra-organizational
pharmaceutical ingredient (API) along with processes evaluated with five strategic
other inactive materials are planned to formulate attributes including "supply chain reliability,
in to the standard dosage forms and filled into responsiveness, flexibility, costs, and assets".
primary and secondary packages with different The first three attributes are related to customer
configurations. Finished products are transferred orientation measures (effectiveness) for example
from manufactures’ warehouses to distributors, delivery performance, while the other two are
retail/hospital pharmacies, and finally to internal efficiency measures of a company like
consumers. In contrast, the flow of data and cash-to-cash cycle time (22).
funds starts from end-users to producers through
several channels (13). As mentioned earlier, there Customer orientation perspective
are a lot of factors that can affect pharmaceutical In this perspective, supply chain capabilities
industry performance. Discussing all supply including SC reliability, SC responsiveness,
chain related variables is not the purpose of and SC flexibility are considered. Reliability is
this study. Thus, in this research, the Supply related to delivery performance when the right
Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) is used product with the right quantity, packaging, and
as a conceptual model to focus on the crucial documents is delivered to the right place and
variables. SCOR model proposed by the Supply customer, at the right time. SC responsiveness
Chain Council in makes a helpful structure for is defined as how fast the supply chain can
performance evaluation and offers standardized respond to customer demand. The flexibility
definitions for measures and metrics for all of SC is the ability to effectively increase or
members in the supply chain in various industries decrease aggregate production or switch rapidly
(2, 14) . Many analytical models in business from one product to another in response to
and engineering fields, have been suggested customer demand changes to achieve or sustain
to handle supply chain operational and design competitive advantage. This ability can reduce
matters (15). While, there are a few holistic the risk of products destocking arising from
models for strategic decisions. Based on Huan unexpected increase demands. Additionally, will
survey, “the most promising model for supply render companies needless of stocking up on
chain strategic decision making is the SCOR large quantities of inventory (23).
model developed by the supply chain council” Nowadays, the common strategy for
(16). For the assessment and improvement of maintaining competitive advantages is the time-
supply chain management and performance, the based competition strategy. Supply chain must
SCOR can creates a cross industry structure (17). compress the time required to propose, develop,
In the SCOR model, the function of SCM from manufacture, market and deliver its products
operational perspective is considered. Recently, to provide a respond to customer demands in
several studies have looked over SCOR model as short as possible delivery times. Indeed,
and have tried to measure the impact of this responsiveness to the market demand is a
model on organization performance (16, 18-20). prerequisite of reliability. Responsiveness can
In the study was conducted by Zhue, the be defined as the ability of the supply chain to
relationship between supply chain process in the respond purposefully and within an appropriate
SCOR model were proved (21). timeframe to customer requests or changes in
Therefore, this comprehensive model verified the marketplace which is also referred to as
by many academics and experts in both academic agility (24). Agility paradigm can be noteworthy

Moosivand A et al. / IJPR (2019), 18 (2): 1103-1116

in the pharmaceutical industry because of many dynamics using system dynamics modeling has
reasons such as reducing the product life cycle, become popular (27). As SD models are based on
increasing merge and acquisitions, changing feedback models, causal loop diagrams (CLD)
customer behaviors, and competitive actions were provided to explain intrinsic feedback of
which enforce companies to respond faster (12). activities. “The feedback loop when a change
in something ultimately comes back to cause a
Internal perspective further change in the same thing” (28).
Supply chain efficiency is important in
this perspective in terms of cost and asset Qualitative system dynamics based on causal
management. With efficient SC management, loops
cost of production as well as inventory and Many authors suggested that CLDs could be
transportation are reduced, and customer service used as a conceptual model and help to structure
levels are enhanced. All costs related to operating and solve managerial problems (29-31). With
the supply chain such as cost of processes to the progression of this concept, two parallel
plan, source, make, deliver, and return, cost methods were formed. The first concept which
of goods sold, direct costs (labor, materials), is termed "qualitative system dynamics" was
and indirect costs (overhead) are considered to intended to apply all phases of system dynamics
reach productivity. Cost of operation greatly besides quantification modeling. The idea of
affects profitability thereby affecting the whole setting up model boundaries has specified
firm performance; hence, it is one of the most responsibilities of managers to prospect how
important indicators to evaluate efficiency. The processes might be interacted. Furthermore,
more the companies optimize the costs, the it could be combined in to most simulation
higher efficiency they gain (25). Cost reduction packages (32). The second concept of CLDs
is a way in which excellent companies try to was made as an important part of organizational
create more efficient relationship with partners learning which is named "system thinking".
and other firms to reduced cost of their products, Also, this idea has made managerial perception
reduce internal lead times and work in process about the system behavior by concluding, rather
inventories, increase forecast accuracy and than calculating (28). Visualizing dynamic
repeatability, and adopt just in time delivery problems with CLDs is an ideal way to bring
strategies for their high cost raw materials. By the decision points and performance measures
doing these activities indirect costs have been to the managers’ attention (33).
significantly decreasing (26).
Supply chain assets management is evaluated System Dynamics modeling processes
by three important variables, cash to cash cycle The standard system dynamics method based
time, return on SC fixed assets, and return on Sterman definition is the sequence of activities
on working capital. Cash to cash cycle time to study a particular problem (30). These steps
is the time period between the point at which are problem definition, dynamic hypothesis,
a company pays for purchasing material and formulation, testing, policy formulation and
gains incomes from the products sale in cash. evaluation. The SD method is used here to take
This factor is used to calculate the financing into consideration all variables in terms of both
requirements for current and future operations systemic approaches to the variables interactions
(14). and flows, and managerial perspective.
This study tries to explore the pharmaceutical
Experimental manufacturing supply chain challenges in Iran
and find out the relationship between variables
System Dynamics methodology affecting these problems by the first two steps
Supply chain systems have a dynamic of SD method, problem definition, and causal
characteristic because of uncertainties in demand, loop diagram. The model provided below is a
supply, and various logistics methods. Recently, qualitative model based on extensive literature
with increasing complexity of supply chain review and semi-structured interview with

Supply Chain Challenges in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies

Table 1. The SCOR performance attributes with the associated level 1 metrics.
SC Performance SCOR Perspectives Metrics

Delivery performance
Reliability Fill rate
Perfect order fulfillment
Supply Chain Capabilities
Responsiveness Order fulfillment lead time

SC response time
Production flexibility

Total SC cost
Cost of goods sold
Value added productivity
Supply Chain Efficiency Return processing costs

Cash to cash cycle time

Asset Management Inventory day of supply
Asset turns

experts on pharmaceutical supply chain. model could be ultimately endless.

Based on the findings, there are several Therefore, the first part of the research was
serious challenges in Iran pharmaceutical undertaken by Semi-structured face to face
industry which have an influence on the interviews with 25 expert managers from different
competitiveness, profitability, and overall supply pharmaceutical manufacturing companies who
chain performance in both external and internal have at least 5 year responsibilities in any
organizations environment. Macro environment parts of the supply chain, including marketing,
troubles include macroeconomics and political planning, commercial, manufacturing, sales, and
situation like sanctions, exchange rate fluctuation, financing for clarifying pharmaceutical supply
financing issues, lake of proper infrastructure, chain structure and model boundaries, as well as
counterfeit drugs, and lake of transparency their challenges related to SCM.
and unpredictability of shifts in government To address these goals, the interview
economic policies, and highly regulated nature questions were developed and guided by the
of this business. On the other hand, lack of wide-ranging literature review and the five
integration and collaboration between different main SCOR performance attributes and their
echelons of supply chain, lack of information associated level 1 metrics (34, 35) Table 1
visibility, transparency and sharing, high rate represents the five performance attributes used
of obsolescence machinery, costly and time within the SCOR model and the associated
consuming R and D processes, restricted pricing thirteen level one metrics.
policy affecting the competitiveness and quality The interviewees were asked to explain the
of products, uncertainty in supplying qualified supply chain structure and processes in their
raw materials in their respective required companies and specify the challenges which can
quantity and at the right time lack of effective cause difficulty in achieving supply chain goals,
supplier relationship management are just a considering SCOR performance attributes.
number of inter organization problems. In addition, the interviewees were given the
opportunity to add any other challenges that
Problem definition (Boundary Issues) they believed were relevant for their particular
The extent of the model must be defined in operation. The interviews were recorded digitally
any kind of modeling. Conscious decision must and the notes were taken during the interviews.
be made to clarify where the boundaries of The model boundaries and variables included
the model are. Otherwise, developing a system in each sector of the CLDs were based on

Moosivand A et al. / IJPR (2019), 18 (2): 1103-1116

Figure 1. General model boundaries for market oriented pharmaceutical supply chain.

the notes taken and the audio recordings of tasks for manufacturing companies, they have to
interviews. Figure 1 shows the market oriented evaluated suppliers considering both qualitative
pharmaceutical supply chain and model and quantitative factors such as quality of
boundaries. materials, delivery performance, their reputation
In brief explanation, in this industry, the and position in industry, bargaining power,
SC Processes initiate by product development production facilities and capacity, technical
and marketing activities as a strategic function. capability, geographic location, order fulfillment
This means that the sales and marketing lead time, net price, total logistics cost etc. (36).
unit try to find the market needs and change With these descriptions, the model boundaries
them to demands. They achieve their goals of this research has determined all challenges
by communicating with physicians authorized related to pharmaceutical manufacturing
to prescribe pharmaceutical products to end company processes which can affect them
users. On the other hand, sales and marketing and have ability to improve the processes by
unit interacts with distribution companies and changing the policies and decisions. All other
pharmacies to sell their products. In this way, concerns related to entities in up and down
they can monitor the market as downstream stream of manufacturer are placed beyond the
and forecast future demand. Marketing study boundaries.
department provides forecast information for
planning department to schedule all internal Dynamic hypothesis
processes including purchasing materials, Based on the interviews, the supply chain
formulation and making finished products, and challenges of pharmaceutical manufacturing
distribution in response to market demand. The companies are identified and listed in accordance
branded-generic pharmaceutical manufacturing with SCOR model attributes in Table 2.
companies also have upstream companies which The basic CLDs of market oriented PSC
may have local or international activities, to was developed based on literature review and
supply active pharmaceutical ingredients and expert opinions. Figure 2 shows the basic
other inactive materials. Therefore, the supplier relationship between variables playing a role in
selection and supplier relationship are critical the pharmaceutical supply chain.

Supply Chain Challenges in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies

Table 2. Supply Chain challenges in pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

SC Performance SCOR Perspectives Problems related this metrics

High backorders value (Sales loss)

Reliability Destocking episodes and inventory oscillation
Forecast inaccuracy Delay in supply orders

Supply Chain Capabilities Responsiveness High average manufacturing cycle time

Lack of on time delivery percentage

Flexibility Lack of response to unpredictable changes
Time consuming R and D process

Cost High inventory cost

Supply Chain Efficiency Long cash to cash cycle time
Asset Management
Inactive inventory percentage

In general, the most important goal of a profit- find unmet health needs and create demands
seeking companies is to maximize stockholder through promotional actions to introduce
value which can be divided into three sub- products to the health care professionals. On
objectives including profitability, survival and the other hand, the marketing units can calculate
continuous in existence, and growth. To achieve the sales forecasts by observing the market
them, companies must improve financial and providing it to planning unit to project
performance such as - revenue, return on the production schedule and finished products
investment, and cash flow - as well as non- inventory in accordance to market demands.
financial performance such as - market share, The appropriate production inventory can
customer satisfaction, number of new products increase the distributors’ warehouses inventory
development, and number of employees. and the orders will be fulfilled completely. At
In market oriented pharmaceutical this point, the actual sales can be recorded for
manufacturing companies, all processes start manufacturing companies; however, the invoices
with product development and marketing will be paid with a delay of several months.
activities via market research and analysis to Increasing actual sales leads to more revenue

Figure 2. Basic causal loops model.

Figure 2. Basic causal loops model.1109

In general, the most important goal of a profit-seeking companies is to maximize stockholder value
which can be divided into three sub-objectives including profitability, survival and continuous in
existence, and growth. To achieve them, companies must improve financial performance such as
Moosivand A et al. / IJPR (2019), 18 (2): 1103-1116

Production Tome

Production Rate

Material Inventory
Delivery Time Product Inventory
+ Distributors
warehoses Inventory
Costs - - - -
Material Delivery +
- - Order to supplier
+ Order Fulfilled
Quality and Quantity +
of Materials -

Ideal Material
Actual Sales
- Sales Loss +
+ +
Market Share Demand
Sales Forecast
+ + +
+ +
Forecasting and Activities
Planning inaccuracy

Figure 3. Internal processes: Planning,

Figure Sourcing,
3. Internal and
processes: Making.
Planning, Sourcing, and Making.

As experts asserted in Iran pharma industry, financial and political issues cause some limitations
and for
profit. On the
supplying other
APIs hand, market
especially sharematerials.
for imported will time.a lack
Also, The ofmaterial inventory
collaborative and products
be strategies
also increased.
with suppliers can create harder condition for pharmaceutical manufacturing companies on ordering
Ultimately, the marketing inventory have a moderating effect
departments can benefit from profit to increase rate (Figure 3).
such as deviation of forecasts, drastic inventory oscillations, and stock-out episodes. Therefore,
marketing promotions to boost demands. There As experts asserted in Iran pharma industry,
they buffer a large amount of materials and
is one subtractive loop to balance the two others products inventory.
and this strategyissues
political enhancescause some
reinforcing ones. If
responsiveness, the production
increases customer inventory
satisfaction,isand decreases
supplying APIsother
it can cause especially for
not problems
enough such
to meet
as the need for more warehouse space and their management, increasing inventorycollaborative
the market demands, the imported materials. Also, a lack of
distributors could not fulfill orders. By declining relationship strategies with suppliers can
costs, and the risk of material or product expiration (Figure 4).
order fulfillment rate, shortage and sales loss create harder condition for pharmaceutical
will occur; as a result, actual sales will decrease. manufacturing companies such as deviation of
Based on the SCM experts opinions supported forecasts, drastic inventory oscillations, and
by literature, Inaccuracy or anomaly in sales stock-out episodes. Therefore, they buffer a large
forecast calculating and production capacity amount of materials and products inventory.
limitations can be considered as the causes of Although, this strategy enhances responsiveness,
inadequate production inventories. increases customer satisfaction, and decreases
On the other hand, two balancing loops can sales loss, it can cause other problems such as
be added to explain the processes of creating 14 the need for more warehouse space and their
product inventory. As noted earlier, material management, increasing inventory costs, and the
purchasing plan as well as production plan will risk of material or product expiration (Figure 4).
be conducted based on sales forecasting. The The other major problem in this business is
procurement departments prepare raw materials long lead times including time for new product
needed from several supplier companies. There development, capacity acquisition, procurement,
are several factors affecting supply performance production, distribution, regulatory process,
of such supplier’s ability to cover orders in and cash to cash cycle time. The long lead
terms of quality and quantity of raw materials, times prevent PSC abilities to be reliable
cost of raw material and shipment, and delivery and responsive. This property not only can

Supply Chain Challenges in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies

Material +
Inventory Production
Ability to Respond
Meterial + + to Demand
Delivery Saftey Production Product
Inventory Inventory
+ -
Inactive +
Order to - Inventory Distributors
Supplier warehouses +
+ Inventory +
- Fulfilled
Desired Material + + Shortage
Inventory + +
Costs - Reveniue + customer
+ Actual Sales+ Satisfaction
+ -
+ +
+ Sales Loss
Market Share Demand
Sales +
+ Marketing
Forecast +

Figure 4. Inventories balancing loops

Figure and costs.
4. Inventories balancing loops and costs.

The other major problem in this business is long lead times including time for new product
development, capacity acquisition, procurement, production, distribution, regulatory process, and
degrade PSC agility and market share; but, may actors) of problem situation who are experts
cash to cash cycle time. The long lead times prevent PSC abilities to be reliable and responsive.
increase overall costs as well. While, to remain in their field, after developing the causal loop
This property
competitive, not only
these firmscan degrade
must PSCcosts
reduce agility and markettheshare;
diagrams but, of
validity may increase overall
relationship betweencosts
whereas continuously improve responsiveness. variables were verified by those pharmaceutical
as well. While, to remain competitive, these firms must reduce costs whereas continuously
After expressing the PSC problems, the supply chain experts who were participated in
improve hypotheses
responsiveness.are developed. Major the interviews. Then, the suggested policies to
challenges which can affect both effectiveness mitigate the SC problems were implemented in
and efficiency
After of PSCthe
expressing canPSCbe briefly summarized
problems, the dynamicmodel and confirmed
hypotheses by them (37,
are developed. 38).challenges
Major In the
as follows: inaccuracy in forecasting, long lead next step, the effects of suggested polices were
times, can ofaffect both effectiveness
optimum and efficiency
target inventory, and of PSC can be briefly summarized as follows:
high SC costs.in forecasting, long lead times, lack of optimum target inventory, and high SC costs.
With such problems, achieving profitability, Results and Discussion
customer satisfaction, as well as market share
With such problems, achieving profitability, customer satisfaction, as well as market share would
would not be possible. There are several Suggested policies to overcome obstacles
not be possible.
improving actions There
and are several improving
correcting decisions actions and correcting
Collaborative decisions
relationship that
with have already
that have already been experienced in other Supply chain collaboration has been well
been experienced in other industries and many researches have showed their effectiveness, and
industries and many researches have showed defined by Togar as “two or more chain members
their can be used toand overcome
they can these
be challenges.
used to Inworking
the following section,
together the impact
to create of some of the
a competitive
overcome these challenges. In the following advantage through sharing information, making
section, the policies
impact of willsome
be discussed on the causal
of the suggested loopdecisions,
joint model. and sharing benefits which
policies will be discussed on the causal loop result from greater profitability of satisfying end
model. customer needs than acting alone” (39). With
Since system dynamics modeling is the collaboration, the firms can manage the negative
interactive process between researchers and impact of “bullwhip effect” and become more
participants (manager, owners and associated 15 responsive to the instability of markets (40).

Moosivand A et al. / IJPR (2019), 18 (2): 1103-1116

+ Optimizing Flow
of Material
Investment in New

- + +
Rework optimized production
Process processes

- Production time +
R&D Processes
Time to Matrial and NPD
delivery - +
collaborative Lead Times
- Material +Production
relationship with
suppliers Inventory
bargaining + inactive material +
inventory Product + -
power Ability to Respond
Inventory to Demand +
+ +
- - -
- + - safety Production Quality of
Economic order Material Order inventory + Products
quantity Distribution
Inventory +
- Order Fulfilled
+ + + -
Desired Material Shortage
Inventory Costs + customer
+ satisfaction +
+ + -
Reveniue + Actual Sales
+ + Sales Loss +
Profit Market Share Demand
Sales Forecast
+ + Marketing
- Activities
Forecasting and
Planning Accuracy

Flexibility in -
responce to changes
Establishment Information Time to
Information technology Sharing respond

Figure 5. Improving policies for overcoming challenges.


Moreover, the positive impact of collaboration hand, supply chain collaboration with strategic
has been proved by several cross sectional suppliers empower firms to be more responsive
studies (41-43). to market fluctuations as a result enhanced
When improvement of firm performance is capability and the high level of knowledge
targeted through more effective management sharing and communication (55, 56). Strategic
of the supply chain, the suppliers’ role partnership helps pull production companies to
becomes important to coordinate supply and be more flexible and utilizes lean manufacturing
demand properly (44). Several researches methods needed for pull production by reducing
have been conducted to assess the supplier the cycle times (57).
and manufacturing company relationship and As Figure 5 shows, in this study, the effect
its effects on manufacturing performance. The of collaborative relationship with suppliers
topics include: supplier selection, supplier on supply lead time, bargaining power and
alliances and strategic supplier alliances, as well order quantity has been evaluated. Strategic
as-supplier management orientation (45-50). partnership or trust reduces lead times, safety
Long term relationship between manufacturer stocks, economic order quantity, and costs;
and its supplier is termed strategic supplier while, increases ability to respond to demand,
relationship. It is used to help firms reach major customer satisfaction, market share, and
benefits. Also, it makes companies more capable profitability. These results are supported by
of working with a limited number of important several former studies in other fields. Firm
suppliers efficiently. Strategically aligning firms performance is positively linked with activities,
will save time and effort (51-54). On the other in which suppliers are involved in organization

Supply Chain Challenges in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies

operations (58). Also, in different studies the changes. Thus, the costs would be increased
effect of collaboration on resource management, (67). Establishment of information technology
information accuracy, and cost reduction have to make visibility or information sharing among
been proved (59, 60). In addition, assessment supply chain entities, is one of the critical
and prioritizing of suppliers is the main factor for elements for having an effective SC (68, 69).
agility of SC in pharmaceutical companies based By using IT, sales forecasting can be accurate,
on result of the study conducted by Rajabzadeh so need for safety or inactive inventory as well
et al. (61). as inventory costs will be decreased. Visibility
causes less bullwhip effects and increases
Investment in new technologies reliability (70).
The other improving policy is applying new On the other hand, collaborative behaviors
technology to enhance R and D processes and have many advantages for all SC partners such
quality of products, optimize current production as a clear understanding of future demands
processes, decrease rework and wasted and realistic plans to respond to demand (71).
material. In one study the author asserted that Researchers have recommended the IT system
production technologies can notably improve establishment for information sharing and in this
competitiveness (62). Furthermore, other studies way, enabling collaboration in the supply chain
have shown flexibility enhancement by using (72, 73). According to the result of Mehralian
innovative manufacturing technologies (63, 64). study, IT is one of the most important factors
Then, as flexibility is a necessary attribute of pull that can affect coordination in supply chain (58).
production businesses, advanced manufacturing In addition, using IT for improving information
technology can improve efficiency and sharing, has positive impact on SC performance
effectiveness of pull production. (74).
Also, product innovation especially in
complex products with unpredictable demand Conclusion
can be increased by new manufacturing
technology (65). To obtaining value for consumers and supply
With investment in new and advanced chain network which is the final purpose of
technologies in pharmaceutical companies, supply chain management, supply chain entities
flexibility, quality of products, and customer must integrate inter and intra organizational
satisfaction are increased. Moreover, by reducing processes. A firm’s competitiveness is
production lead time, responsiveness can be extremely related to integrated management.
improved. All these behaviors lead to increase Process integration refers to coordination,
actual sale as well as market share. Researches and resources and information sharing to
have stated that the environmental uncertainties manage the process cooperatively (70). Chopra
relate with need for faster adoption new and Mendhl enumerated the benefits of SC
technology to be more flexible and responsive. integration including safety stock and costs
Logistics executives rank technology as the most reduction, flexibility, responsiveness and quality
important factor in improving SC capabilities enhancement, optimum resource utilization (15).
(66). However, process integration may have very
difficulties in terms of organizational culture,
Information technology (IT) establishment infrastructure and facilities, willing to learn and
Information is varying between upstream prepare for changes. Therefore, this model could
and downstream of supply chain companies. be a basis for configuration of supply chain
Every entities in SC have to calculate their system.
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SC components. Therefore, all partners keep chain to be more integrated. The collaborative
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stock-out and preserve responsiveness to market is suggested to implement in pharmaceutical

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