Chapter # 3 Data Collection: Research Methodology

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Chapter # 3

Data Collection
Research Methodology:
Researchers paid much attention to research methodology portion as this determines the
purpose of any kind of research (Rehman, Mohamed, & Ayoup, 2019). To achieve the
research objectives and try to solve the theoretical and practical problem, there is a need to
use suitable analysis techniques (Rehman et al., 2019). Therefore, in the current study, to see
research nature, research problem, and the research objectives, we are following a qualitative
approach and data were collected through an interview to observe and experience the
employee’s performance and efficiency in Al-Falah Bank. In this study, we chose a survey
research design because it best served to answer the questions and the purposes of the study.

Data collection method:

In this study, data were collected through semi-structured interview and it were also arranged
with the employees of bank. We used this method to observe that how change in
organizational culture increased the efficiency of employees of Al-Falah Bank. This
interview was consisting of different questions about the efficiency of employees and
organization that what organization do for their employees, what changes occurred here from
employees, co-workers benefits, management and administration, operational condition, and
task requirements.

The interview was taken with 3 employees and the work experience of these employees in the
bank from 1 to 3 years and they are relationship manager. The interview was conducted in
March, from employees in Al-Falah Bank. The duration of our interview was 2 hours. The
theoretical model of this study includes three variables. The interview consists of many
questions (Questionnaire is which includes the questions we asked is given in appendices
section). We used three variables to conduct our interview: organizational culture and
employee’s efficiency and communication to measure the profitability and productivity in Al-
Falah Bank that it is positively influence or not. The interview was taken with 3 employees
and the work experience of these employees in the bank from 1 to 3 years and they are
relationship manager.
The study is based on an organization, basically a banking sector. Banking sector of Pakistan
is playing a key role in the growth of Pakistani economy. To remain in this competition,
banks have to show high organizational performance which is unimaginable to attain without
enhanced employee performance. After conducting interview and gathering all information it
is concluded that strong relationship exists between organizational culture and employee
efficiency and the communication is the way through which the positive relation between
organizational culture and employee efficiency can be achieved.
The owners and top management of an organization generally tends to have a large impact
on establishing a culture. The Organization’s culture results from the interaction between the
top management’s assumptions and shared visions of cultural values and human behavior and
what the employees of the organization learn from their own experiences.
The previous culture was rigid, and the relations of coworkers were only sort of work-work
relation. Rigid structures, siloed working and overly complex hierarchies are things of Bank
Al-Falah. No one knew about what is happening to the person sitting next to him all they
knew was about the work they were doing but not the problem they were facing even
regarding that certain work. A lack of team spirit in the office was toxic to the productivity of
the bank. The higher ups of the company thought that it can reduce work matter conflict and
believed that businesses should only focus on profit, leaving no room for employee
engagement and relationship. The top managers thought that there would not be any grouping
around or people engaged in wasting their time on discussions and friendships.
So, working like machines for long hours sitting on same place like dummies reduced the
work efficiency of workers and fewer professional advancement opportunities caused burnout
at bank Al-Falah. The less sharing or no communication among employees made their work
nothing but load and stress and cause burnout. Communication plays an important role in the
socialization, the employees suggested their CEO to bring about change in the
organizational culture and allow communication between and relation building between
employee as the field itself is so hectic that the rigid culture of the bank is adding up in their
stress level to cope up with their tasks. The CEO looked in the matter giving leverage to his
employees to make the tough work enjoyable all they needed to have complete their tasks and
meet the timeline of certain tasks. Due to these changes the organizational culture became
friendly to the employees they started cooperating with each other and made good terms
among them. This ultimately had an effect on their behaviors and it increased their work
efficiency. They started working in teams in such a manner not letting down anyone, but they
support each other on every matter.
So this shows that relationship exists organizational culture and employee efficiency through
the mediating role of communication so the management of banks may improve culture by
manipulating the factors constituting and affecting culture in order to attain higher levels

when Bank Al-Falah pinpoints the right level of cultural change for its operations this change
produces following positive outcomes.

 Transparency:
The shift from rigid organizational culture to flexible and friendly
culture at Bank Alfalah motivate employee to feel free to talk to one another and their
managers. Employees who feel they can talk to one another and to their managers without
fear of reprisal are more likely to be proactive in identifying potential problems and solving
them before any negative effects can manifest and rigid culture caused opacity in bank.
Employees who are kept informed about obstacles in the company’s future and are generating
innovative ideas for solving those problems can perform in a better way.
 Low turnover:
The shift from rigid organizational culture to flexible and friendly
organizational culture results in low turnover rate in Bank Alfalah.
 Employee Efficiency:
The organization culture had great impact on employee’s
efficiency. The shift from rigid organizational culture to flexible and friendly organization
motivate employee toward their duty so that they can perform their job efficiently. The
efficiency of employees improved the rank of their branch that much like its work output
raised from 0 to 200 point.
 Information-processing ability:
New and emerging systems constantly aggregate vast
amounts of customer data and information on performance of bank. Rigid culture
simply can't respond effectively to such information in a timely manner. Open
communication system between employees enhanced the information-processing ability of
Bank Alfalah.
 Increased morale:
Flexible and friendly organizational cultures also
give employees opportunities to grow. Offering promotions, career development programs or
extra training can keep employees motivated which in turn, improves employee performance
of Bank Alfalah.
 Organizational citizen Behavior:
There is a strong positive association between
organizational culture and organizational citizenship behaviours. The organizational culture
within certain framework can potentially shape the citizenship behaviours of the employees.
When the culture of Bank Alfalah shifts from rigid culture to flexible culture employees are
not critical to the job but benefit the team and encourage even greater organizational
functioning and efficiency.

 Error mitigation:
In flexible and friendly organizational culture, the employee started
covering up one’s mistakes and motivate them to do better which ultimately. When
employees get support from one another their performance enhance and chances of error
decreases. This have an impact of their performance and work efficiency .

 Conflict resolution:
Conflict among individuals who work together is unavoidable,
but constructive conflict resolution takes effort.  Open communication lines engender
the kind of trust and comfort that employees need to resolve conflicts among
themselves at Bank Alfalah.  They also make it easier for management to step in when
a conflict is too big for workers to solve on their own.

Comparison Between Rigid Culture and Flexible Culture

After the higher authorities of Bank AL-Falah has implemented right cultural change
and that huge change dramatically impacted the corporate culture so, here we are
going to compare the culture of bank before and after cultural change has been

Rigid Culture Flexible Culture

Opacity Transparency
High turnover Low turnover
Low Employee Productivity High Employee Productivity
Delayed Information Processing Timely Information Processing
Low Employee Morale High Employee Morale
Counterproductive work Behavior Organizational citizen Behavior
Conflict Provocation Conflict Resolution

Relevant Theory:
We use as an overarching framework of social information
processing (SIP) theory (Salancik & Pfeffer, 1978; Thomas & Griffin,
1983), which proposes that employees’ attitudes and behaviors are the outcomes of
receiving and evaluating information in their social context. Leaders play an
important role in providing social cues and influencing follower’s environment.
The basic premise of SIP theory is that, as social animals, people adjust their
opinions, actions, and emotions in accordance with their environment and their own
previous and current behaviors, experiences, and contexts. Social Information
Processing Theory (SIP) is an interpersonal communication theory explaining how
people get to know one anothe, without nonverbal cues, and how they develop and
manage internet relationships at the workplace.
Based on SIP theory (Salancik & Pfeffer, 1978), we contend that, since friendly
leaders tend to interpret themselves and others objectively (Owens et al., 2013),
employees are likely to follow suit in viewing themselves and others fairly and
objectively. And when manager try to promote friendly cooperative culture in the
organization employees will be more satisfied and this will enhance their productivity
and efficiency.
Motivation-Hygiene theory of Herzberg and Mausner (1959), can be related to our
study according to which employees’ feelings toward their job are affected by two
factors, motivators and hygiene issues. In particular, motivators are able to create
satisfaction by fulfilling the individual’s needs for meaning and personal growth.
They include the work itself, personal achievement, responsibility, recognition and
advancement. Those factors satisfy a person’s need for self-actualization, thus lead
the employee to develop positive job attitudes. Hygiene factors, on the other hand, do
not actually motivate employees, but –if they are properly handled- can minimize the
feeling of dissatisfaction.
They include physical working conditions, job security, supervision, salary, institution
policy and administration, interpersonal relations and benefits. If the hygiene factors
are addressed, the motivators will promote the employee’s job satisfaction and
encourage production (Herzberg, Maunser, & Snyderman, 1959)
So the Hygiene factors can be related to our study that if the organizational culture
helps to develop interpersonal relation between employees, the employees will feel
that they are not being treated as machine but the leaders and manager care about their
wellbeing this will enhance their loyalty and satisfaction. When employees are
satisfied it will enhance their productivity.

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