Multimedia Video Weebly

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MultiMedia Tools

Lesson Idea Name:​ Elizabeth Dean

Content Area:​ Social Studies
Grade Level(s):​ Fourth Grade
Content Standard Addressed:​ SS4H1 Explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution

Technology Standard Addressed:​ Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express
themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media
appropriate to their goals.

Selected Technology Tool:

X ​Movie (list application):
☐​Audio (list application):
☐​Other: (list)
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐​Remembering ​☐​Understanding ​☐​Applying ​☐​Analyzing ​☐​Evaluating ​X​ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐​Level 1: Awareness ​☐​Level 2: Exploration ​☐​Level 3: Infusion Level 4: Integration
X​ Level 5: Expansion ​☐​Level 6: Refinement
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ​Students will have a choice in how they want to form groups, how long
they want to make the video (between 2 and 5 minutes), how they will create the video, and what details
they will put in the video. This means that the students have a very wide range of options when it comes to
creating this video. There are many different avenues for expression.
Lesson idea implementation​: This lesson will be a final review of the American Revolution. I will play the
video that I created in iMovie to start off the lesson. Before playing the video, I will tell students to pay
attention to the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution discussed in the video. After that, I
will seek to have a video chat with a historian from a museum or website, an expert in the field. Before the
video chat starts, I will ask students to write down any burning questions that they still have after learning all
about the American Revolution. All students should have at least one question to ask the expert. After that,
we will do a final review of the war. I will place a t-chart poster on the board with three columns: causes,
events, and results. We will discuss as a class what can go in these three columns. Students who would like to
add anything to any of the columns will come up and do so. This gives a really good overview of the
Revolution, and we will discuss the overview of terms, events, and people as we go along.

I will then give an assignment to students to create a video of their own about the American Revolution that
discusses causes, events, and results. They will be asked to use the t-chart as inspiration for ideas. Students
can act out events if they would like, or they could just present the information. They can make the video
however they want, but it must be between 2 and 5 minutes. Students can work alone or in groups up to 4.
Students are completing higher-order thinking as they think about the causes, events, and results of the
American Revolution because they can identify how the American Revolution had an impact on us today
which is analysis. They are also synthesizing all the information that they have learned about the unit. They
are also doing higher level thinking because they are creating and composing something new. A rubric will be
created to assess student work and shared with students. Students will be given time in class to work on this

Spring 2018_SJB
MultiMedia Tools
project. If I receive parent permission, I will post the videos that students create on my teacher blog for
parents and others to see.
Importance of technology: ​The project could be completed without this technology. They could simply
present what they would say in a video in front of the class. I think that the video component adds a lot,
though. Students can add special features. I also have witnessed students giggling too much if they present
something in class. This would be minimized with the creation of a video and multiple opportunities for takes.
Students can add animations, photos, transitions, and other features that can not be there if it was done in
class. Students also learn how to work with the technology, giving them extra practice in a skill that they will
likely use for the rest of their lives. Students can create movies with iMovie, Adobe Spark, or any other piece
of software that they find useful.

Inspiration (optional):​ I did not get any ideas for this lesson online.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: ​I will not post a video of any student unless all students in the group
returned a parent permission form. I will also encourage students to use photos from Creative Commons
image sites:
Reflective Practice: ​I feel good about the lesson that I created. The only thing that may be difficult to actually
enact would be the historian video that. That would definitely take a bit of time to coordinate, but I feel that
students would benefit from it. I think that this activity could impact student learning by allowing them to
take part in the construction of knowledge. They can use their creativity and imagination by creating a video
in a social setting/with a group if they choose. They can learn to work with others toward a learning goal.

Spring 2018_SJB

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