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Listen to your evaluator and answer the questions.

Future plans

 Tell me about any plans you have for the next five to ten years.
 Are you generally optimistic about the future? (Why? / Why not?)
 If you could choose, in the future, would you like to live abroad? (Why? / Why not?)
 Do you find it helps you to make plans for the future? (Why? / Why not?)
 What’s your ideal place to live in? Why?
 Is it better to live in a city or in the countryside? Why?

Sport, food and health

 How important is it for you to do regular exercise? (Why?)

 Which part of the day is best for you to exercise? (Why?)
 How exciting is watching sport on TV? (Why? / Why not?)
 Which sport would you like to be better at? (Why?)
 In what ways do you try to stay healthy? Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
 How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?

People’s characters Friends and family

 How would you describe your personality?

 What kind of person annoys you the most?
 Tell me something about a person you admire.
 Is there one person in your life who you know will always stand by you?
 Would you rather have a few good friends or many acquaintances?

Life and leisure Entertainment

 If you could change one thing about your life, what would you change?
 Many people say life is too busy these days. Why do you think they say this?
 Many people want to become famous nowadays. Why do you think this is?
 What kind of books or movies are your favorites?
 What kind of music best expresses your personality?
 How often do you watch the news on TV?

Environment, natural resources and travel

 What do you think will be the biggest problem facing the world in the next
twenty years?
 What kind of resource do people in your country waste the most?
 Do you like travelling?
 Are there any problems with the climate in your country?
 What are the main causes of these environmental problems?
 How can we teach children about the importance of protecting the environment?


 What products or technology do you think have most improved people’s lives?
 What do you mainly use a computer for?
 Do you think that technology has changed the types of leisure activities we enjoy
these days?
 What do you mainly use a computer for?
 What differences are there between the attitudes of older and younger people to
technology for communication?
 Do you think that the advance of technology has improved standards of education
in schools?


 What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of
 Describe effective methods to quit smoking and explain why smoking is reasonable or

 Social networking restrictions: explain why social networks should be available for
children or why they should be restricted to over 18.
 Is face-to-face interaction with professors more effective than online sessions and

 Companies should be required to hire 50% male and 50% female employees.
 Social networking platforms: are they an effective tool for quick and convenient
communication, or are they just a sophisticated means for stalking people.

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