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Dela FRACTURE First published in 2011, and quite like The Advocate, this is a device that | never leave home without. The device itself, sits around my Advocate index until | am ready to use it. Where the Advocate gives you ANY card at a moments notice, Fracture allows you to invisibly and confidently switch in a fully stacked deck, right in front of the audience / participant with little effort. My primary use for this device was never published, nor will it ever be, but following the explanations one should be able to determine how much of a deadly device this really is. There are goals and ambitions in the card-mans mind; being able to have any freely named card hidden in a palm within seconds of being named is one, being able to control the order of a deck of cards following a participants shuffle is another. And Fracture is my solution to that ambition, The mind secretly repairs the fractures in reality, and invites you to deceive yourself. Fracture is a study on the subject of deck switching, with specific focus on the Fracture Gimmick - my modified version of an underrated device. The Fracture gimmick takes up no room and hides in the open. It is a device designed to aid the switching of one deck for another. Either in the hands or on the table, Fracture allows you to openly and confidently switch decks right in front of your spectators. At the 2012 Blackpool magic convention, Christian Engblom demonstrated The Cooler for me. Despite clearly seeing the ‘action, reality did not appear to have been disturbed and | was forced to tell myself that I had been mistaken. This psychology enraptured me indefinitely... Openly executing a bold ‘move,’ which, although with cover or misdirection would offer a perfectly imperceptible deception, even when seen, fools the witnessing eyes and psychological contractual agreement between reality and self- delusion: You are invited to lie to yourself, and for the sake of reality. you accept. This book will offer a few devices, detailed explanations, psychological theory and the encouragement to make every idea your own. lam Daniel Madison. Welcome to Fracture. MAKING THE FRACTURE DEVICE The Fracture device is a modified deck shell. it is a simple device that you will need to construct. The construction will take you no longer than 10 minutes using the following materials... Scissors. Sticky Tape. Double Sided Sticky Tape. | x Playing Card Box Image SEVEN exposes the final device. It is a Deck Shell with the left side cut away. The device is essentially a box that only has three sides... The front, the bottom and the right side. I invite you to withhold judgement on the device until you have constructed and taken time to understand the ingenuity of removing that lefts side of the standard deck shell. Simplicity will invite you to cut off the top, left and back sides of the box and hence forth, however, the life and durability of the device relies heavily on the construction instructions. ONE. Cut the back of the box, from top to bottom at the left side. TWO. Remove the excess card stuck to the back of the left side. THREE. Cut the back of the box directly across the bottom from left to right. As you reach the right side, the box will unfold Cut the back of the box off leaving approximately one centimeter attached to the right side. Cut off all of the small flaps apart from the one at the bottom of the right side. Cut the top of the left side diagonally at the top by approximately one centimeter. Cut the same from the top flap/lid of the box and then cut the lid off leaving behind approximately one centimeter. Your device should appear the same as that in image three. FOUR. Apply double-sided sticky-tape to the back of the sides and lid. and fold them in to stick to their opposite sides. FIVE. Apply double-sided tape to the face of the small flap at the bottom of the right side and apply a small strip of normal stick tape to the back of it. SIX. Stick the small flap to the back of the bottom side. ‘You now have a Fracture device. \MBOAT POKER J FRACTURE IN THE HANDS ‘The idea is simple. You will have a secret deck in your hand hidden under the shell. You will take the performance deck in your free hand. You will then transfer the shell from over the hidden deck onto and over the performance deck. Thus switching the deck. Your execution of this simple idea will require a mixture of confidence, timing, misdirection and more importantly, a relaxed natural manner. As the idea is simple, and the technique can be mastered with good practice, your successful execution of the switch relies almost entirely ‘on the psychology of your performance. No script, patter or instruction will cater entirely for your usage of this device. Every time you use this device will differ from the last. There will be a manipulated window of ‘opportunity for the switch, the details of that window are decided and controlled by your performance decisions and abilities versus the spectator rapport and environmental conditions. However, after practice and successful executions, you will gain the confidence to execute the move freely and openly without consciously awaiting that window. The devil in me makes me pull the move at it’s most dangerous moment, and | am yet to be discovered. It is that part of the witnessing mind that corrects the glitch in reality that allows me to succeed and it’s the understanding and the experience of this that will do the same for you. EXECUTION The Fracture shell will cover the cold deck, which will be in your left jacket pocket. The shell and cold deck will need to be presented, held in left hand dealing grip, therefore it must be waiting in your pocket in the most logical position that will allow for this easy presentation. Hold it this way and place it in your pocket, however naturally it lands is however naturally it will rest. Before you retrieve the cold deck. you will need to have the regular card box somewhere on show before hand to plant the psychological seed that the box is a justified visual part of your presence. You will first switch the regular box for the shell and cold deck as the spectator is preoccupied. For each deception in play you will create a different moment of cover. Here follow my suggestions... SWITCH THE BOX - ONE From the start, you will remove the cards from the box and hand them to the spectator to shuffle. As you talk. As they shuffle. You will take the empty box to your right pocket, your left hand will go to the left pocket at the same time to retrieve the shell and cold deck. After a few beats, during patter or distraction, you will remove your hands leaving the regular box and presenting the shell. This simplicity can, if need be, be distracted by you removing a pen from your right pocket. The spectator will witness the box that they are already used to, and a foreign object that they are not, and therefore their attention will be directed to the pen. The fact that the box switched hands will be blocked and the witness’ mind not process any further. SWITCH THE BOX - TWO The same box switch will apply to the same pocket with only the left hand and the same psychology applies. You may decide to use your free right hand to retrieve a pen from a pocket, however, reaching across your body to move something or to gesture to somebody will provide adequate cover from the one hand - one pocket box switch. Should this feel to risky to you, you can simply state that you will turn away as the spectator selects or signs a card SWITCH THE BOX - THREE ‘Open your mind to the thought that your hands are not the focal point of the current situation. The spectator shuffles. You are in no position to manipulate it. The regular box is openly placed in a pocket to the left other than that holding the shell and cold deck. The hand then instantly makes its way to the loaded pocket to fetch the shell and cold deck. Until you have experimented with the idea of switching these boxes whilst stood, your judgement of the idea will be off. It is a situation switch and not a structured switch. You will base the move ‘on your spectators and limitations within the environment that you are in. But think, you have so many opportunities when with ine spectator to switch the boxes, then pace the loaded Fracture shell on thesurface awaiting the effect. You do not need to attack with this device, in it's greatest form, it will box-switch and then await it’s attack. The longer it can sit in the open, the better the execution of the switch. It is in your best interest to leave it in the open for a while, then execute the deck switch in your own form, or, as follows. SWITCH THE DECK IN THE HANDS - ONE If the cold deck, covered by the Fracture shell, is on the table, as your spectator is in possession of the deck, for whatever reason you have conjured, take the cold deck from the table from above with your right hand as in image ten. Your hand should hang over and shade your right side of the deck - their left. Momentarily, your left hand will hold the box from underneath. This is a deception. Your left hand will shift the deck out of the shell by approximately one centimeter to your right as exposed in image ten. The deck will be gripped between finger4 and the thumb at the back, the left hand can now return to be free. To the spectator, this will look no different to that in image fourteen. You will now take the play deck back in your free left hand. Perhaps you have invited them to select a card, at this point they have the card so that you can invite them to sign it. Perhaps their card is being written down. This is your performance. During this deception. You will skew the deck as in image ten. You are now ready to execute the Fracture deck switch. As the play deck and the device are brought together, the skewed play deck is brought underneath the device, then brought up into the open space created between the device and the cold deck as in image eleven. The hands now separate. As they do so, the device slides off of the top of the cold deck falling directly onto the play deck. The deck’s have now switched and the box can either be placed down or taken to your pocket along with the play deck. Hidden in gestures, this can be executed openly and even whilst your hands are being burnt. As you talk, you will use many gestures, side to side, back and forth with your hands. You will know from trying this when to execute the switch. You may simply execute the switch as you begin to pass the box to your left hand to take to your pocket; in one action, the box will merely appear to travel from the hand to the pocket. The deck will still be there and will not be suspected of deception. In the style of a Top-Change, you will be able to execute the switch but for your safety you will find that the switch can take place as soon as all eyes are elsewhere. However, that psychological glitch will even fix itself for you in the mirror and you will fool yourself, let alone the suckers that you will perform for. At the most, it will simply appear as though the box and deck have switched hands, but as this is a non-action, or an unimportant action, it will not register. Ga SWITCH THE DECK IN THE HANDS - TWO. the cold deck, covered by the Fracture device, held in left hand dealing grip, finger one adds a little pressure to the end as the thumb pushes up at the left side of the device. This causes the device to be lifted at the back as in image twelve. When you take the play deck back with your right hand, you will grip the deck as in image twelve. The grip on the deck is between the thumb at the back and finger three at the very top right corner. Fingers one, two and four are able to move freely. As before, your switch will be executed with the help of a chosen gesture and good timing. As the decks are brought together, the play deck enters the open gap between the cold deck and the device at the back right corner as in image twelve. With fingers one and two out of the way, as the device slides over the play deck where fingers one and two press down on top of the device causing it to lift from the cold deck and secure itself on top of the play deck as in image thirteen. The device will not fully cover the play deck, it will be slightly exposed at the right side, however, your right hand offers sufficient shade as in images ten and fourteen. Fingers two and three grip the device at the top end, fingers one and four then move either side of the device and play deck and square them together. The deck switch is now complete. SWITCH THE DECK ON THE TABLE If the cold deck, covered by the Fracture shell, is on the table as in image seventeen. As you take the deck back it is placed to your left of the deck fairly close and at a similar angle. As the spectator is preoccupied by the distraction of your chosen performance, with your right hand you will slide the box off of the cold deck and tilt it up at the left as in image eighteen. You will take it to the left placing it directly over the play deck as in image nineteen. As both decks are momentarily exposed, your right arm will shade the cold deck. You will then pick up the play deck, now hidden in the device and either move the deck to the side of the table out of the way, or take it to your pocket. You have now switched the deck. This is not executed at great speed, as with every switch you attempt with the Fracture device, it is all about timing supported by your directional deceptions. AAC rei NIN ac) aaa A FEW THOUGHTS ON FRACTURE (Off the ten plus switches | have mastered with this device, | end my offerings here as these are by far the greatest and only practical switches that one would need to execute the move. However, we shall continue with Fracture as the subject and deal with every aspect of the device and switching decks. As your Fracture device is made from a card box, it will weaken. | recommend that you add support to the inside of the box in the form of a simple cutoff card folded and stuck to the inside sides as in image nine. Itis important that the box matches the device in quality and wear; if you present a used box and then a clean and new device, you risk unnecessary and unwanted attention. When it’s not in use, you can keep your cold deck in a regular box. The device will then sit over the box perfectly thus protecting it from bending As a card is freely selected and then the deck is switched, you will be presented with a duplicate card which can be taken advantage of at your own discretion. To offer a few ideas to the unassuming, you can present the deck in order after it has been shuffled by the spectator. Perhaps you can switch the deck for one of a different design, the top card of which matches the play deck, the selection is placed under the tilted top card and the two are held as one and presented as the only card of that design from a fully different deck. | am confident that you will find your own usage for the device. To aid your new Fracture device, | offer a study on deck switching for performances. Once you grow confident with the device, it will occur to you that switching the deck is not as hard as it may at first seem, and at times, you realize that the deck deck can be switched much easier without the device.

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