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Sandeep Shivkant Mishra



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This is to certify that,Mr. Sandeep Mishra have successfully carried
out a seminar entitled “Chemical Oceonography” in B.E. Chemical
and submitted In partial fulfilment for the degree of Bachelor in chemical
engineering Of University of mumbai during academic year 2019-2020.

MR. S. G. Ingle



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I have pleasure in presenting a report on Chemical

Oceanography and express my deep Regards towards all who
have helped me complete my work. I am also indebted to our
internal guide, Prof.S.G.INGLE. Department of chemical
engineering, Navi Mumbai, for his invaluable guidance and
encouragement throughout the work.

Mr. Sandeep Mishra

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2.CARBON CYCLE AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY. .. . . . . . . . . . .7


4.HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS.. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . , .. . . . .. . . .. . . .9

5. NITROGEN CYCLE.. .. . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . … . .. .. . . .10

6. CHEMICAL OCEANOGRAPHY IN INDIA.. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .12

7.GLOSSARY………………………………………………… .. .. . . 14

8.BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………… . . . . . . . .15

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Chemical oceanography is the study of ocean chemistry: the behavior of the chemical
elements within the Earth’s oceans. The ocean is unique in that it contains – in greater
or lesser quantities – nearly every naturally occurring element in the periodic table.
Tectonics and the geology of the seafloor, and the chemical and physical properties of
the ocean.Much of chemical oceanography describes the cycling of these elements
both within the ocean and with the other spheres of the Earth system (see
biogeochemical cycle). These cycles are usually characterized as quantitative fluxes
between constituent reservoirs defined within the ocean system and as residence times
within the ocean. Of particular global and climatic significance are the cycles of the
biologically active elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus as well as those
of some important trace elements such as iron.Another important area of study in
chemical oceanography is the behaviour of isotopes (see isotope geochemistry) and
how they can be used as tracers of past and present oceanographic and climatic
processes. For example, the incidence of 18O (the heavy isotope of oxygen) can be
used as an indicator of polar ice sheet extent, and boron isotopes are key indicators of
the pH and CO2 content of oceans in the geologic past.One important aspect of
chemical oceanography is the study of pollutants. This work may lead chemical
oceanographers to the deep ocean, coastal bays and estuaries, or inland rivers, streams
and lakes.Chemical Oceanography. Chemical oceanography investigates the chemical
composition of sea water. Chemical oceanographers study the interactions between
organic and inorganic substances and the biological, physical and geological
conditions of the ocean.Apr 12, 2016

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Chemical oceanography is the study of ocean chemistry: the behavior of the chemical
elements within the Earth’s oceans. The ocean is unique in that it contains – in greater
or lesser quantities – nearly every naturally occurring element in the periodic table.

Much of chemical oceanography describes the cycling of these elements both within
the ocean and with the other spheres of the Earth system (see biogeochemical cycle).
These cycles are usually characterized as quantitative fluxes between constituent
reservoirs defined within the ocean system and as residence times within the ocean.
Of particular global and climatic significance are the cycles of the biologically active
elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus as well as those of some important
trace elements such as iron.

Another important area of study in chemical oceanography is the behaviour of

isotopes (see isotope geochemistry) and how they can be used as tracers of past and
present oceanographic and climatic processes. For example, the incidence of 18O (the
heavy isotope of oxygen) can be used as an indicator of polar ice sheet extent, and
boron isotopes are key indicators of the pH and CO2 content of oceans in the geologic

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Carbon Cycle

Many of our faculty and students are researching how carbon is distributed and
exchanged between the oceans, atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere. Atmospheric
carbon dioxide levels influence Earth’s surface temperature and are an integral part of
the carbon cycle. All living things and the fossil fuels they can evolve into are
comprised of carbon. The ocean contains a large reservoir of carbon many times the
size of the atmospheric carbon.


Several of our faculty and students research Earth’s climate and how it has varied in
the recent and more distant past. Understanding the natural variability of the climate
system is essential for determining when the current climate is outside its normal
range. Since thermometers, rain gauges, weather balloons, oceanographic research
vessels, and satellites have only been used extensively for less than a century the only
way to reconstruct climate is from ocean and lake sediment cores, ice cores, tree
rings, coral and the like. Most of these techniques involve chemical analyses of one
type or another, a specialty of our department. Accurate reconstructions of the “pre-
instrumental” climate are necessary in order to test the complex mathematical models
used to predict future climate changes. Faculty members involved in paleoclimate
research include:

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Geochemistry of Rivers and Estuaries

The ultimate source of the chemical constituents of the sea is primarily from rivers
that deliver their dissolved and particulate input through estuaries.


The source of most of the chemical changes in the sea is the flux of biologically
produced organic matter from the euphotic zone. Gas exchange at the air-water
interface is the sink for anthropogenically produced greenhouse gases. Faculty who
study chemical and isotope tracers of these biological processes are:

Sediment Geochemistry

Chemical reactions in the ocean change dramatically and are facilitated by a unique
set of microbes when the oxygen concentration is exhausted. The most widespread
example of this is in ocean sediments which become the most important sink for
nitrate after organic matter diagenesis depletes oxygen. Other examples are the
oxygen minimum zones of the ocean and anoxic basins like the Black Sea. Faculty
that study anaerobic chemical reactions and processes that control organic matter
preservation are:

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Hydrothermal Systems & Chemistry

Chemical reactions at mid-ocean ridge spreading centers that bisect all ocean basins
involve unique reactions that greatly influence ocean chemical mass balance and
provide a host for unique biological systems.

Chemical Oceanography

Chemical oceanography investigates the chemical composition of sea water. Chemical

oceanographers study the interactions between organic and inorganic substances and
the biological, physical and geological conditions of the ocean. They want to
understand how marine chemistry is influenced by physical processes and exchanges
with the atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

Processes, which introduce chemical species into the ocean and those which remove
or transform the substances are important targets of marine chemical research. We
preferentially investigate the cycling of those elements which are important for
biological processes ( eg. Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron,…). The ocean contains
each chemical element of our planet either in its pure form or in any kind of chemical
compounds either dissolved or particulate.

Besides the main components of seawater, which strongly dictate its properties, many
elements and compounds occur as trace ingredients confering great biogeochemical
interest. These constituents often exhibit important biological or chemical functions,
which stimulate the specific interests of marine chemistry and chemical
oceanography. Sea water contains many gaseous components, which are introduced
into the atmosphere or are absorbed from it.

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The origin and fate of gases, affecting the atmosphere are a very special element of
research therefore. Green house gases, contributing to atmospheric warming, trace
gases forming aerosols and those destroying ozone belong to this category.

As chemistry controls and reflects the environment of the ocean-earth-atmosphere

system, chemical oceanography has links to all the other disciplines of the GEOMAR.
We therefore work in close co-operation with the physical,

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nitrogen in various forms through nature. Nitrogen, a component of proteins and nucleic
acids, is essential to life on Earth. Although 78 percent by volume of the atmosphere is
nitrogen gas, this abundant reservoir exists in a form unusable by most organisms. Through a
series of microbial transformations, however, nitrogen is made available to plants, which in
turn ultimately sustain all animal life. The steps, which are not altogether sequential, fall into
the following classifications: nitrogen fixation, nitrogen assimilation, ammonification,
nitrification, and denitrification. gas is converted into inorganic nitrogen compounds, is mostly
(90 percent) accomplished by certain bacteria and blue-green algae. A much smaller amount
of free nitrogen is fixed by abiotic means (e.g., lightning, ultraviolet radiation, electrical
equipment) and by conversion to ammonia through the Haber-Bosch process.

Nitrates and ammonia resulting from nitrogen fixation are assimilated into the

specific tissuecompounds of algae and higher plants. Animals then ingest these algae and
plants, converting them into their own body compounds.

Nitrogen cycle

Nitrogen cycle, circulation of nitrogen in various forms through nature. Nitrogen, a

component of proteins and nucleic acids, is essential to life on Earth. Although 78
percent by volume of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas, this abundant reservoir exists in
a form unusable by most organisms. Through a series of microbial transformations,
however, nitrogen is made available to plants, which in turn ultimately sustain
all animal life. The steps, which are not altogether sequential, fall into the following
classifications: nitrogen fixation, nitrogen assimilation, ammonification, nitrification,
and denitrification.

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View Media Page

Nitrogen fixation, in which nitrogen gas is converted into inorganic

nitrogen compounds, is mostly (90 percent) accomplished by
certain bacteria and blue-green algae. A much smaller amount of free nitrogen is fixed
by abiotic means (e.g., lightning, ultraviolet radiation, electrical equipment) and by
conversion to ammonia through the Haber-Bosch process.

nitrogen and phosphorus cyclesAn overview of the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in the
biosphere.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

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Nitrates and ammonia resulting from nitrogen fixation are assimilated into the
specific tissuecompounds of algae and higher plants. Animals then ingest these algae
and plants, converting them into their own body compounds.

The remains of all living things—and their waste products—are decomposed by

microorganisms in the process of ammonification, which yields ammonia (NH3) and
ammonium (NH4+). (Under anaerobic, or oxygen-free, conditions, foul-smelling
putrefactive products may appear, but they too are converted to ammonia in time.)
Ammonia can leave the soil or be converted into other nitrogen compounds,
depending in part on soil conditions.

Chemical Oceanography in India

Chemical oceanographic studies in the North Indian Ocean have revealed several
interesting and unique features. These are caused by the diverse conditions prevailing
in the area which include immense river runoff in the northeast (Bay of Bengal) and a
large excess of evaporation over precipitation and runoff in the northwest (Arabian
Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea), resulting in the formation of several low- and high-
salinity water masses. The occurrence of coastal upwelling seasonally makes the
region highly fertile, and the existence of Asian landmass, forming the northern
boundary, prevents quick renewal of subsurface layers. Consequently, dissolved
oxygen gets severely depleted below the thermocline and reducing conditions prevail
at intermediate depths (ca. 150–1200m) resulting in the reduction of nitrate
(denitrification). The North Indian Ocean may contribute up to 10% of the global
marine denitrification. The “denitrified” nitrogen, when combined with the rate of
photosynthetic production reaching below the euphotic zone, gives the average
residence time of water between 75 and 1200m as 43–51 years. The inorganic nutrient
concentrations in the subsurface layers are very high in close proximity of the
euphotic zone. The two-layered circulation leads to an active recycling of nutrients.
The presence of organic fractions of nitrogen and phosphorus in significant
concentrations in the deep water suggest that oxidation of organic matter is
incomplete even great depths. The relationships between the apparent oxygen
utilization (AOU) and nutrients and the stoichiometric composition of organic matter,
deduced from the oxidative ratios and by analysis of plankton, are not very different
from other oceanic areas.

Higher nutrients and lower oxygen concentrations occur in the bottom layer as
compared to the overlying water column in deep waters of the Bay of Bengal and
Arabian Sea, suggesting that considerable quantities of organic matter reach the deep-
sea floor, probably as fecal pellets, and get oxidized in the bottom layer. Very high
silicate concentrations occur in the bottom water, especially in the Arabian Sea,

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decreasing steadily southward, indicating the solution of diatomaceous sediments
from the sea floor. The silicate-rich waters appear to move southward over the north-
bound, silicate-poor bottom water, resulting in the occurrence of a deep silicate

The calcium: chlorinity ratio in the North Indian Ocean is appreciably higher than the
oceanic averages. This is probably due to: (1) a high rate of river runoff in relatively
small area; and (2) excessive stripping of calcium at the surface associated with a high
biological productivity and its subsequent addition and regeneration in the bottom
waters. The upward flux of calcium appears to be higher than in other oceanic areas.
Other major constituents investigated (fluoride and magnesium) do not show any

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface waters of the North Indian Ocean is
higher than that in the atmosphere which results in a net flux of carbon dioxide from
the sea to the atmosphere. Stagnation of intermediate layers, coupled with high
organic productivity at the surface, results in high total carbon dioxide content at these

An increase in carbonate ion concentration occurs with depth in deep waters

(>1000m). Calcite saturation depth varies from 1000 to 3000m, increasing
proressively southward. The lysocline lies at about 4000m depth, while the carbonate
critical depth is located at 4000–5100m. The lysocline appears to be related to the
“critical carbonate ion concentration” of 90±5 μm kg−1.


Oceanography : The scientific study of ocean

Anthropology: The study of human being especially customs, tradition and beleifs

Hydrothermal: relating to or donating to the action

Of the heated water in the earth’s crust.

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Paleoclimatology: branch of science that deals with climate prevleant of particular
location in geological past.

Salinity: chloride content measurements in the solution

Sediment : A thick substance that forms at the bottom of liquid

Geochemistry : The study of chemical composition of earth and its rock and minerals

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