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~: 4 channel programmable FM remote control :~ 

Abstract:- This is programmable FM remote control can be used for some specific

applications. Phase Lock Loop (PLL) IC-567 is used in transmitter and receiver part as

oscillator and filter respectively. It can operate/control any device / application from the

distance of around 50 meter (this range can be increased up to 1-2 Km if good transmitter is


A Phase Lock Loop (PLL) IC 567 is utilized in both transmitter as well as receiver part. In the

Tx part IC-567 is configured such that it work as variable frequency oscillator. It generate

four different frequencies. Standard FM mike (cordless mike) is used as FM transmitter which

is used to modulate these 4 frequencies. At receiving side FM radio (which works as FM

demodulator) demodulates the signal. Four different IC-567 all are configured as PLL to pass

four different frequencies generated by Tx. At last signal will be given to micro-controller to

perform some specific task.

Note:- The typical design limits the number of channels to 4 only because the filters used at

receiving end cannot differentiate more frequencies. However 4 channels are enough for

some specific industrial application. Here I have developed a particular application

called "Programmable digital stop watch with remote".


4-Channel FM transmitter:-

The figure given below shows the circuit diagram of 4-channel FM transmitter.

Connections:- It is a single chip circuit built around PLL IC567 (click here for
datasheet). The chip will work as oscillator if you connect resistor between pin no.-5

& 6 and a capacitor between pin 6 & 7. Output is taken from pin no.-5. and it is

connected to input of FM Tx. Standard 9V battery supplies power to both chip and FM


Operation:-  The frequency of oscillation is given by equation

                                                    Fosc    =    1.1×R×C

So by pressing switch SW1-SW4 different resistor is selected (R1-R4) and so the

generated frequency will also be changed. The output of chip is given to FM

modulator so these four frequencies will be modulated over FM channel and


4-channel FM receiver:-

The figure given below shows block diagram of micro-controller based FM receiver.

The main components are FM Radio Receiver, IC-567, 89C51 micro-controller

(datasheet) and 7 segment LED display.

Connections:- The output of FM receiver is connected to all four inputs of PLL blocks

(1 to 4). Internal circuit diagram of each PLL block is as shown in figure given below.

The outputs of all four PLL blocks are given to port P1 of 89C51 chip. Port P0 drives

two 7 segment LED displays. Two pins of port 2 (P2.0 & P2.1) are utilized to switch

require display during operation. 

Operation:- FM receiver will demodulate the signal and gives this signal to all four PLL

blocks. As shown in figure all four IC567 are configured as phase lock loop means the

output of chip (pin no.-8) will be low at one particular frequency determine by RC

components connected to it. Again the freq. will be determine by equation

                                                        Fpll    =    1.1×R×C

You can tune PLL to a particular frequency transmitted by Tx by varying 10K pot.

Tune each PLL to a different frequency as transmitted by Tx so that it will produce

low output every time whenever it receives that frequency. Please refer the table

given below for more idea.

Switch Resistance PLL Block Pot adjustment*

SW1 2.2K PLL Block No. 1 2.24K
SW2 3.3K PLL Block No. 2 3.23K
SW3 4.7K PLL Block No. 3 4.81K
SW4 8.2K PLL Block No. 4 8.27K

*Note:- pot adjustment may differ in every case

As you can see in figure the outputs of PLL blocks are given to 89C51 chip so rests will

be handled by it. This particular application is developed as remote stop-watch. You

can start, stop and change delay of stop watch from remote place. Four different

switches performs four different tasks.

Switch Tasks
1 SW1 Starts stop watch
2 SW2 Stops stop watch
3 SW3 Sets delay of 0.1 sec
4 SW4 sets delay of 1 sec

First you have to select time delay of 0.1 sec or 1 sec by pressing switch SW3-SW4. In

both cases stop watch will count from 00-99 means in first case total time period will

be 10 sec and in second it will be 100 sec. Then press SW1 and SW2 to start and stop

the stop watch. 


This circuit uses a TUNED CIRCUIT or TANK CIRCUIT to create the

operating frequency. For best performance the circuit should be built on a
PC board with all components fitted close to each other. The photo below
shows the components on a PC board: 

  to Index

This design uses a "slug tuned coil" to set the frequency. This means the slug can be screwed in
and out of the coil. This type of circuit does not offer any improvement in stability over the previous
circuit. (In later circuits we will show how to improve stability. The main way to improve stability is to
add a "buffer" stage. This separates the oscillator stage from the output.)  
The antenna is connected to the collector of the transistor and this "loads" the circuit and will
cause drift if the bug is touched. The range of this circuit is about 200 metres and current
consumption is about 7mA. The microphone has been separated from the oscillator and this allows
the gain of the microphone to be set via the 22k resistor. Lowering the resistor will make the
microphone more sensitive. This circuit is the best you can get with one transistor.

  to Index


If you want more stability, the antenna can be tapped off the top of the tank circuit. This actually
does two things. It keeps the antenna away from the highly active collector and turns the coil into an
auto-transformer where the energy from the 8 turns is passed to a single turn. This effectively
increases the current into the antenna. And that is exactly what we want.
The range is not as far but the stability is better. The frequency will not drift as much when the bug is
held. As the tap is taken towards the collector, the output increase but the stability deceases.

  to Index
The next progressive step is to add a transistor to give the electret microphone more sensitivity. The
electret microphone contains a Field Effect Transistor and you can consider it to be a stage of
amplification. That's why the electret microphone has a very good output. 
A further stage of amplification will give the bug extremely good sensitivity and you will be able to
pick up the sound of a pin dropping on a wooden floor. 
Many of the 1 transistor circuits over-drive the microphone and this will create a noise like bacon and
eggs frying. The microphone's used by Talking Electronics require a load resistor of 47k for a 6v
supply and 22k for a 3v supply. The voltage across the microphone is about 300mV to 600mV. 
Only a very simple self-biasing common-emitter stage is needed. This will give a gain of approx 70
for a 3v supply. The circuit below shows this audio amplifier, added to the previous transmitter circuit.
This circuit is the best design using 2 transistors on a 3v supply. The circuit takes about 7mA and
produces a range of about 200 - 400metres. 

Five points to note in the circuit above:

1. The tank circuit has a fixed 39p and is adjusted by a 2-10p trimmer. The coil is stretched to get the
desired position on the band and the trimmer fine tunes the location. 
2. The microphone coupling is a 22n ceramic. This value is sufficient as its capacitive reactance at 3-
4kHz is about 4k and the input to the audio stage is fairly high, as noted by the 1M on the base. 
3. The 1u between the audio stage and oscillator is needed as the base has a lower impedance as
noted by the 47k base-bias resistor. 
4. The 22n across the power rails is needed to keep the rails "tight." Its impedance at 100MHz is
much less than one ohm and it improves the performance of the oscillator enormously.  
5. The coil in the tank circuit is 5 turns of enameled wire with air core. The secret to long range is
high activity in the oscillator stage. The tank circuit (made up of the coil and capacitors across it) will
produce a voltage higher than the supply voltage due to the effect known as "collapsing magnetic
field"  and this occurs when the coil collapses and passes its reverse voltage to the capacitor. The
antenna is also connected to this point and it receives this high waveform and passes the energy to
the atmosphere as electromagnetic radiation. 
When the circuit is tightly constructed on a PC board, the frequency will not drift very much if the
antenna is touched.   

  to Index
The only way to get a higher output from two transistors is to increase the
supply voltage. 
The following circuit is available from Talking Electronics as a surface-mount
kit, with some  components through-hole. The project is called THE

All the elements of good design have been

achieved in this project. The circuit has a
slightly higher output than the 3v circuit above,
but most of the voltage is lost across the
emitter resistor and not converted to RF. The
main advantage of this design is being able to
connect to a 9v battery. In a technical sense,
about half the energy is wasted as the stages
actually require about 4v - 5v for maximum

  to Index

This circuit is suitable for a hand-held microphone. It does not have an
audio stage but that makes it ideal as a microphone, to prevent feedback.
The output has a buffer stage to keep the oscillator away from the
antenna. This gives the project the greatest amount of stability -rather
than the highest sensitivity.

  to Index


To increase the range, the output must be increased. This can be done
by using an RF transistor and adding an inductor. This effectively
converts more of the current taken by the circuit (from the battery) into
RF output. The output is classified as an untuned circuit. A BC547
transistor is not suitable in this location as it does not amplify successfully
at 100MHz. It is best to use an RF transistor such as 2N3563.
  to Index

More output can be obtained by increasing the supply voltage and adding
a capacitor across the inductor in the output stage to create a tuned
The 5-30p must be adjusted each time the frequency of the bug is
changed. This is best done with a field strength meter. See Talking
Electronics Field Strength Meterproject.

                       A tuned output stage delivers more output

The 2N3563 is capable of passing 15mA in the buffer stage and about
30% is delivered as RF. This makes the transmitter capable of delivering
about 22mW.
  to Index

The following circuit taps the emitter of the oscillator stage. The collector
or the emitter can be tapped to produce about the same results, however
tapping the emitter "loads" the oscillator less. The 47p capacitor is
adjusted to "pick-off" the desired amount of energy from the oscillator
stage. It can be reduced to 22p or 10p.

Tapping the emitter of the oscillator transistor

  to Index

The next stage to improve the output, matches the impedance of
the output stage to the impedance of the antenna. 
The impedance of the output stage is about 1k to 5k, and the
impedance of the antenna is about 50 ohms. 
This creates an enormous matching problem but one effective way
is with an RF transformer. 
An RF transformer is simply a transformer that operates at high
frequency. It can be air cored or ferrite cored. The type of ferrite
needed for 100MHz is F28. The circuit above uses a small ferrite
slug 2.6mm dia x 6mm long, F28 material. 
To create an output transformer for the circuit above, wind 11 turns
onto the slug and 4 turns over the 11 turns. The ferrite core will do
two things. Firstly it will pass a high amount of energy from the primary winding to the antenna and
secondly it will
     THE RF TRANSFORMER               prevent harmonics passing to the antenna.  The transformer
                                                         approximately doubles the output power of the transmitter. 

To combine two channels to a mono output, the following circuit can be used:
This is a pocket sized receiver I built in 1994. The idea was to make a simple but
useable receiver running off 3V. My previous 6 transistor receiver was more bulky,
requiring 12V. This meant 10 x AA cells. I designed and made a PCB, and
constructed a small aluminium case to keep the receiver as comact as possible.
There is nothing unusual with this design. The detector uses a simple Colpitts
oscillator and is of a type commonly used in other super regen receivers. Of course
it is self quenched. Sensitivity with this type of detector is relatively low, but it's
simple and easy to get working. As always, I provided a regeneration control to set
the optimum operating point; ie. max sensitivity and minimum SCA/stereo
subcarrier beat.
  Parts:   Technical Specifications:
1x TDA7000 IC - FM Receiver 1x 22nF Capacitor   Supply Voltage: 2 - 10V
1x 3.5 Turns Variable Coil (L1) 1x 10nF Capacitor Transmission Frequency: 70 - 120MHz 
1x MV2105 - Varicap Diode 2x 3.3nF Capacitor  Power Consumption: 8mA
ANT - Telescopic Antenna or a piece of wire
1x 2.2nF Capacitor  AF Audio Output: 75mV
1x 100K Potentiometer 1x 1nF Capacitor
1x 100K Resistor 2x 330pF Capacitor
1 x 22K Resistor 2x 220pF Capacitor
3x 100nF Capacitor 2x 180pF Capacitor
1x 150pF Capacitor

About TDA7000 FM Receiver / TV Tuner

This simple one chip FM receiver / TV tuner will allow you to receive frequencies from
70 up to 120MHz. With this small receiver it is possible to pickup TV stations, entire
88 - 108MHz FM band, aircraft conversation and many other private transmissions. It
is a perfect companion to any FM Transmitter especially if FM band in your area is
very crowded. TDA7000 receiver offers very good sensitivity therefore it will even
allow you to pickup weaker signals that cannot be heard on conventional FM receivers.

A neat feature of presented TDA7000 FM receiver is a voltage controlled oscillator

similar to TV tuners that are used in television sets. Frequency is tuned by varying the
input voltage to the oscillator. The advantage of this type of oscillator is that you can
use regular 100K potentiometer to precisely tune to a given broadcast. Tuning can be
performed much quicker and precisely than by using a trimmer (variable capacitor).
Trimmers will also shift the frequency as you touch them where potentiometer will
not. Trimmer also needs to be placed on receiver's PCB to minimize the stray
capacitance where potentiometer can be conveniently placed anywhere you want
because it will not be affected by any external capacitance.

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