Design Thinking: Key Concepts To Remember

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Design Thinking

Key concepts to remember

The Principles
Guide your day-to-day work by keeping your user in mind, collaborating
with a diverse team, and continuously trying to improve your solutions.

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A focus on user Restless Diverse
outcomes reinvention Empowered Teams
Drive business by Move faster by working
helping users achieve Stay essential by together and embracing
their goals. treating diversity
everything as a

The Loop
Understand the present and envision the future in a continuous cycle
of observing, reflecting, and making.

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Design Thinking 1
Observe Reflect Make
Immerse yourself in the Come together and Give concrete form to
real world with design look within to abstract ideas.
research. synchronize your
synthesize what you’ve
learned, and share
your “aha” moments
with each other.

The Keys
Scalable practices to help enterprise teams get and stay aligned.

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Hills Playbacks Sponsor Users
a Key of Enterprise story-based external clients, future
Design Thinking, a presentations that clients, or end users that
human-focused mission share insights, ideas, represent your target
statement that describes and updates to a user user.
a future enablement for experience.
a specific user regularly contribute
domain expertise to your

Restless reinvention


Design Thinking 2
Brainstorming: Quantity over Fail fast and cheap
quality Making can take many forms. By
Ideating is about letting go of having a bias toward action, you can
preconceived notions and judgement quickly prototype an idea, show it to a
so you can think outside the box. real user or stakeholder, process the
When brainstorming, first set aside feedback, make changes, and repeat.
time to create as many ideas as This process of learning through the
possible, and don’t worry about which Loop will allow your team to “fail”
are “good” or “bad.” early and quickly, by observing.

Design Thinking 3

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