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NAME: Laura Lucía Tellez Rojas__________________________ GROUP: _________________________

● Write complete paragraphs.

● Use different colors for each component of the essay.
● Do not exceed the word limit 90 - 100 words each paragraph.
● Use appropriate connectors and punctuation.
● Use complex grammar and vocabulary.

Introduction Did you know that pollution is bringing out multiple negative effects not only in the
environment, also in human beings?. In 2005 the pollution killed approximately one
million of people all around the world and every single day, nowadays the water
pollution is the most advanced and there may be no going back, in addition, this
kind of pollution give raise to multiple chronic diseases caused by 1.2 trillion of
untreated sewage. The principal causes of this problem are the undrinkable water
and the pesticides undersoil. Having this in mind, this essay seeks to analyze the
consequences of pollution, particularly water pollution that affects all the living
organisms regarding to undrinkable water, the marine life dying and the use of
pesticides, that pollute water undersoil. In each case a solution will be proposed.

Body Paragraph Firstly, all over the world pollution is affecting considerably the marine life and
1 human life due to the same humans. According to Juan Martinez plastics,
Styrofoam and aluminum is producing that the 87% of marine life die, the humans
produce that materials because are cheap and efficient but another way to improve
the economy and decrease pollution is through the green economy that is clean,
sustainable, eco-friendly and promotes health, for example, Sweden and Norway
are successful countries that work completely with green economy, for that reason,
if the government promote the green economy and create awareness in the
population due to campaigns in the cities that mitigate the use of plastic and laws
that protect the environment, the pollution would certainly decrease.

Body Paragraph Secondly, a lot of health problems and diseases are caused by undrinkable water,
2 according to the newspaper “El Pais”, pesticides undersoil put in danger all of the
water of the population due to toxic components on the water, besides, the food
that people eats is full of chemicals that are causing cancer, hepatitis and even
malaria, this generates approximately 502.000 deaths per year, for example, in
Casanare, Colombia, the use of many pesticides generates a bacteria in the water,
for this reason many people became ill and forced many companies to close. The
town hall should promote the use of natural nontoxic pesticides and regulate the
use of toxic components in industries due to a better management of toxic waste,
programs to learn about this problematic and campaigns to improve alternatives of
pesticides, creating awareness in people.

Conclusion Taking everything into account, the pollution of the water due to pesticides and the
use of toxic components produce a lot of health problems in the humans and the
death of a high percentage of marine life. This worrying situation can be easily
decrease and even mitigate through the use of nontoxic pesticides, the awareness
of the population and the implementation of green economy. These actions require
the intervention of the government and the town halls. As a result, the water
pollution will be decrease and the consequences for both humans and marine life
will be mitigated

1. MARD. Minister of agriculture and rural development. (2020). Retrieved from
2. J. Martinez. Polluted water causes more deaths than any war. (2020). Retrieved from

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