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PAPER III (Indian History and Indian Geography)

Paper Set – A

Question Number—39

Arrange the following events in chronological order.

1.Bombing on Lord Hardinge

2.Transfer of Capital

3.Outbreak of First World War

4.Gandhiji’s arrival in India

Ans Expected by candidate- D

Answer Given by PSC A

(Explanation -World War I began on July 28, 1914 whereas Gandhiji returned to India in 1915.
As per PSC keys, Gandhiji’s arrival in India preceded outbreak of First World War)
Question Number 44.

Who is regarded as “The Mother of Indian Revolution”?

Ans Expected by Candidate - D

Ans Given by PSC- C

[Explanation : As per sources, like Wikipedia, Mother of Indian Revolution is Madam Bhikaji
Rustomji Cama, whereas, as per PSC answer keys Mother of Indian Revolution is Sarojini

Question Number 67.

Lord Mountbatten’s Declaration on the Freedom of India and its partition is known as?

Ans Expected by Candidate- B

Ans Given by PSC-A

[Explanation : Mountbatten’s Plan is known as known as 3rd June Plan as per sources and
standard books, as per PSC answer keys it is August Plan]

Question Number 100.

The Congress decided to raise a Swaraj Fund of one crore rupees for:

Ans Expected by Candidate: A

Ans Given by PSC: B


Source -

Question Number 51

The issue of discussion and stalemate at the Second Round Table Conference related to

Ans Expected by Candidate –C

Ans Given by PSC- D

[Explanation -

Paper IV – Science Technology and Gk

Paper Set – A

Question Number 60

What is the capital of Bulgaria?

Ans Expected : A

Ans by PSC : B

Explanation : As per Wikipedia and other sources, Capital of Bulgaria is Sofia and as per PSC keys, Capital
is Bangui

Paper V – Polity and Indian Economy

Paper Set A

Question Number 102

_____ is the regulator of Mutual funds in India

Ans Expected by Candidate – B

Ans Given by PSC -C

Source- Investopedia

Note—Short Term Mutual Funds(lesser than 1 year) are regulated by RBI whereas long term(More than
1 year) Mutual funds are regulated by SEBI.

Question Number 116

The Green Revolution in agriculture has made the Indian farmers dependent on

Ans expected- B

Ans given by PSC – C

Explanation -

Source – Wikipedia

Paper VI – Arithmetic and Reasoning

Paper Set -A

Question number 60-

If a sum of money doubles itself at fixed rate of compound interest per annum in
n years,find in how many years it will become 4 times.

Ans-- Expected ----Option C --> 2n years

As per PSC----Option A---> 3n years

Question number 2-

When price of rice increases by 12.5 %....find the present cose of rice.

Ans--Expected------Option A ---> rs.8

As per PSC----Option C--->Rs.9

[explanation---- Question has asked for present price which is Rs.8 whereas Rs.9
is the price after increase of 12.5% ]

Question 164-
Ans Expected- D

Ans Given- C

Explanation – If Population after n years is P , so present population will be P(1+r/100)^-n , whereas

population n years before from now , will be P(1+r/100)^-2n

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