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17.2 LINE INTEGRALS In earlier chaprers we considered theee kinds af integrals in rectangular coordinates: single inegrils over intervals, double integrals over two-dimensional regions, and triple incegrats over three-dimensionat regions. In this section we will discuss integrals along curves in twa o” shree-utimensional space, Integrals along curses arise in a variety of problems, One such problem can be stated as follows: LINE INTEGRALS 172.1 AN AREAPROBLEM, Let€ bea smooth curve thal extends between two points in the ay-plane, and let f4x. ) he continuous and nonnegative on C. Find the avea of te "sheet” that is swept out by the vertical Tine segment that extends upward from the point Gx.) toa height of f(x, ») and moves along © from one endpoint to the other (Figure 17.2.1 We use the following limit pnocess to find the area of the sheet: + Divide C into # ares by inserting a succession of distinet points BP), Py... Ph be- ‘sven the initial and terminal points of € in the direetion of increasing parameter, As illustrated om the elt side of Figure 17.2.2. these points divide the surface into strips If we denote the area of the kth strip by Ay, then the total area A of the sheet can be expressed as A= AA) + Ady + +The next step is t0 approximate the area A.A, of te Kul strip, assuming that this stip is narrow. For this purpose, let Asy be the length of the are along C at the hase of the 4 + The next step is t0 approximate the area AA, of the &th strip, assuming that this str is narrow. Por this purpose, let As, be the length of the are along C at the hase of th Figure 1722 Kuh strip, and choose an arbitrary point Pf (az, yf) on this are. Since the strip is narrow and f is continuous, the value of f will not vary much along the éth are, so we can assume that f hay a constant value of (xf. yf) on this are, Thus, the area AA, of the kth strip can be closely approximated by the area of a rectangle with base As, and height f(a, yf). as shown in the right part of Figure 17.2.2; that AAL® f(xp. yO AS from which it follows that A& DY flat. As fat + Ifwe now increase 7 so that the length of each are approaches zero, then it is plausible that the error in this approximation approaches zero, and the exact surface area is A= lim fer yD Ase a note Jn deriving Formula (1) we assumed that f is continuous and nonnegative on the curve C.1T f is continuous on C and has both positive and negative values. then the limit sin Spo. does not represent the area of the surface over C; rather, it represents a difference of arcas— the area between the curve C and the graph of f(c. y) above the xy-plane minus the area between C and the graph of f(x,y) below the xy-plane. We call this the net signed area between the curve C and the graph of f(x, y). Also, we call the limitin (1) the line integral of f with respect to s along C and denote it by VAs, 5 f for.y)ds= lim 7 fof ys r = With this notation, the area of the surface in Figure 17.2.1 ean be expressed us EVALUATING LINE INTEGRALS ma Figure 17.23, A= f ponas ® IREAIARK, In Section 8.1 we observed that the area of a region in the ss-plane under a curve or between ewo curves over an interval [eb] is obtained by integrating the length Of a vertical cross section af the region from a to. (see the remark preceding Example 1 in Seetion 8.1). Similarly, Pormuta (3) states Unt the azea of a sheet along a curve C is ‘obisined by integrating the length ofa vertical eross section of the sheet along the curve C Except in simple cases, it will not be feasible wo evaluate a line integral directly from (2) However, we will now show that itis possible to express a fine integral as an ordinary definite integral, so that no special methods of evaluation are required, To ses how this can he done, suppose that the curve C is represented by the parametric equations x =at0). y@) ssh) ‘Moreover, suppose that the points Py, and P, in Figurel7.2.3 eartespond to parameter values of ry and x. respectively, and that P, (x7, v7} corresponds to the parameter value fs Ife let Ag = fe ~ 1-1, then we can approximate As, as (ae) +t) a ® As, © lax + By) from which it follows that (2) can be expressed as Any | (Ay xyds = 1 (wg). ya) +(—*)a [ fava alin SO fete sun (Se :) (#) ty which suggests that b dx} /dy¥ [tees [ reco. eon (2) { a In words, this formula states that a line integral can be evaluated by expressing the integrand in terms ofthe parameter, multiplying the integrand by an appropriate “radical,” and then (3) integrating from the initial value of the parameter to the final value of the parameter In the special case where | is an are length parameter, Say 1 = s, iL follows from Formula (20) of Section 14.3 thatthe radical in(S)reduces to I, so the integration formula simplifies to : » | Sx, yds =f feels), yo) ds (6) c Example 1 Evaluate the line integral f..(1 -+xy?) ds from (0, 0) to (1, 2) along the line segment C that is represented by the parametric equations x = 1, y = 21 (0

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