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Agrofeed Ltd.




February, 2018

Export Business Division

Dr. Péter Zoltán | | +36 30 2375991
Feed mill technical conditions for homogeneous compound feed production
It is always a vital question in each feed mill, what could be the proper premix (panel, premix, concentrate)
concentration to purchase and to use, based to technical conditions in the feed mill, which allows to produce
homogenous compound feed. Usually panel, premix producer companies having very precise and sophisticated
machinery back ground which ensures to produce highly concentrated panels (0,1-0,3%), premixes (0,5-1,5%),
complete premixes (2,0-4,0%) or concentrates (5,0-30,0%). The feeding knowledge and technical level,
production capability of compound feed factories is different worldwide, according to the original production
aim, supplier of concept and equipment, age of feed mill, original investment and of course from maintenance
and reconstruction.

Each feed mill professional and management staff has to decide, based to the local circumstances, what kind of
premix concentration (panel, premix, concentrate) is the most feasible for them, and according to that they need
offer and supplier, which is able to fulfil all raw material and quality requirements and providing the best financial
solution. It is same mistake to purchase too concentrated premix, which cannot be mixed homogenously in the
feed mill’s technical condition, as to buy too diluted products which contains locally available (usually cheaper),
not quality sensitive raw materials, which are more feasible to buy locally and to mix it to the compound feed.
Of course, the technical capability of the feed mill basically determines the possible options or concentration
range of products to purchase to secure the homogeneity of produced compound feed with the lowest possible
direct cost.

Agrofeed is ready to provide technical service for its customers to find the optimal solution for their purchasing
strategy which equally provides optimal technical and financial solution for them.

Essence of homogeneity
A mixture would be “homogeneous” if all the ingredients in each sample were present in the exact proportions
specified by the recipe. However, with mixtures made up of mealy and granular ingredients such as are
encountered in the feed manufacturing industry is not possible.
Essence of homogeneity testing
Homogeneity or mixing accuracy of a mixture indicates how efficiently a single ingredient is distributed among
the totality of the other ingredients.
Just one component is identified in all samples, serving as a representative for all others. It might be already in
the mixture or can be a special indicator added for this purpose.
Mixing conditions of a two-component mixture

Catching the first optimal mixing time

An excessive mixing time causes a negative effect producing segregation. This phenomenon cannot be
adequately explained by scientific methods. The reason probably is that a circle is created between mixing and
segregation. The first optimal mixing time can only be determined on the basis of homogeneity (CV) tests.

(8,8%; 5,5 min)
CV (%)

t (min)
Principle of sequential ingredient filling into the mixer
It is desirable to achieve the implementation of mixer filling by means of “sandwich principle”, i.e. premix must
be added at about halfway of filling of all other ingredients. Otherwise, if premix addition is too early some of its
components may remain on the bottom of the mixer or if premix addition is too late some of its components
may remain in the upper area of the mixture (in both cases proper mixing may be damaged).



Beginning of
mixing time
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Premix Ingredient 5 Ingredient 6 Ingredient 7

If we add into the mixer separately premixes (twin bag concept), when a part of premix (concentrate) is produced
separately and contains the most quality sensitive, small quantity components (for example 0,5-1,25%) and the
other part containing macro elements and other ingredients are available and more feasible to produce locally
(1,0-2,0%), must be sure that the mixer is mixing evenly and able to produce homogenous compound feed.

CV values in accordance with Hungarian regulations

Names of feed groups CV% maximums
Blends and premixes 5%
Complete premixes and additives 8%
Concentrates and supplementary feeds 10%
Compound feeds 12%

Premix concentration in compound feed

Right premix concentration in compound feed can be determined by homogeneity measurement on the bases
of such an ingredient, which is found only in premix. As long as the result does not exceed 12% of the CV value
the premix concentration is interpreted as proper.

It should be noted the higher the premix percentage the lower the CV value in compound feed or in other words
higher premix ratio results better feed quality.
Though present day manufacturers guarantee a dilution of 1:100 000 (10 g per 1000 kg) for mixers this value can
only be achieved nearly in laboratory conditions. Dosing a component less than 0,5% of a mixture or 0,2% of a
single ingredient desirable to avoid even into the best mixers because of mixing accuracy influencing factors.

Some possible ratings of compound feed plants in terms of premix applicability

Plant capabilities Premix ratio CV value in mixer
Special 0,5% not exceeding 12%
Excellent 1,0% not exceeding 12%
Very good 1,25% not exceeding 12%
Good 2,5% not exceeding 12%

Factors influencing mixing accuracy

Accuracy of scales
of components Accuracy of dosing elements

Particle size (in a range of approx. 3 mm but 65-70% within 1 mm)

Particle shape
Bulk density (in a range of approx. 0,5 kg/dm3)

Size of In % of the total batch


Depending of mixer design

Type of mixer
Depending on mixing tools

Horizontal mixers
Mixing time
Vertical mixers

Liquid addition Lump formation

The more similar the various ingredients are regarding their bulk density, particle size and flowability the better
the mixing quality and stability of a mixture.

Example of CV calculation
To obtain a true result a minimum of 10 samples of approx. 50 g have to be taken. A sample of 10 g must contain
at least 400 particles.
In 10 samples the proportions xi of an indicator are detected in mg.
xi (mg) Δxi (mg) (Δxi) (mg2)
110 13 169
112 23 529
130 33 1089
120 23 529
80 -17 289
140 43 1849
70 -27 727
100 3 9
40 -57 3249
60 -37 1369

Σxi =970(mg) Σ(Δxi)2 =9810(mg2)

Where, n=10
Σxi 970
x= = = 97 mg
𝑛 10
Σ(Δxi)2 9810
𝑆=√ =√ mg = 33,015 mg (Standard Deviation)
(n−1) 9
𝑆×100 33,015×100
𝑉= = = 34,04 % (Coefficient of Variation)
𝑥 97
140 130
120 110 112
80 70


Sample 1 Sample 2 Samlpe 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Samlpe 7 Sample 8 Samlpe 9 Sample 10

In summary, the accuracy of this mixture with a coefficient of variation of 34,04 % would be extremely

Recommended mixing times for some types of mixers

Conical U-shaped Circular Special shape Pear-shaped

Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal

screw Single shaft ribbon Single shaft ribbon Twin shaft 28 paddles Single shaft 4-6
or paddle paddles
5-20 min 4-5 min 3-4 min 1-2 min 1,5 min

To summarize key terms of the right quality and homogenous compound feed are as follows
• Important prerequisite of homogenous compound feed production to be able to provide for every species
and age group demand is that all ingredients of required feed formula must be added to the mixer precisely
as possible. The measured raw materials must be added first into a collecting bin and from that to the mixer.
Installation of bins before and after of mixer is suggested in technology to ensure safe and continuous

• Premixes, complete premixes, medicaments, and other small quantity, but vital ingredients manually pour
directly into the bin before the mixer or into the mixer, so that these components be possible placed midway
between the other raw materials.
• Our feed mill mixer manufacturer’s recommendation will give the correct smallest quantity of ingredients
which can be homogenously mixed in our mixer. Based to this recommendation can be decided the
concentration of purchased (produced) panel, premix, complete premix, which contains all quality and
quantity sensitive ingredients, like vitamins, micro elements and other feed additives.
• It is important preparatory step in the feed mill the chopping, grinding of ingredients to have nearly identical
particle size to add to the compound feed. The larger the individual components physical property of
differences, the more difficult the homogenous feed production. Significantly different volumes, grain size
of the ingredients it is possible the danger of segregation.
• We recommend using a 3-mm sieve during the grinding, although this may depend on particular demand of
species/age group and from the compound feed processing (mash or pellet).
• The tendency of the components to ensure adequate mixing may affect even with uniform grain size the
volume and specific gravity of raw material, the form of particles, and coefficient of friction (surface
• The component’s sedimentation, classification can be caused by the mixer design, improper filling measure
in addition to features already mentioned.
• In the process of mixing technology, it is very important to follow the prescribed mixing time to the mixer
type and correction according to homogeneity test results. As less mixing time is no longer recommended.
This time cannot contain filling and emptying time of the mixer.
• Periodic laboratory control is expedient and recommended of the compound feed homogeneity. A sample
numbers of 10-12 pieces, possibly from the most divers points of the mixer or from different bags after
• The granulated (pellet) or crumbled compound feed provide good support to get the animals to feed all the
little particles of homogenously.

Győr, February, 2018

Agr o feed Lt d.

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